Sharks Esports

From Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
[e][h]Sharks Esports
Team Information
Approx. Total Winnings:
: 2017-07-10
VALORANT: 2021-03-06

Sharks Esports is a Portuguese esports organization founded in July 2017. In March 2021, they entered VALORANT by signing Squad5.



Player Roster[edit]


Former Squad
IDNameJoin DateInactive DateLeave DateNew Team
Brazil prozin
(Wallacy Sales)
Wallacy Sales
Join Date: 
2021-03-06 [1]
Inactive Date: 
2022-04-21 [14]
Leave Date: 
2022-12-22 [19]
(João Ferreira)
João Ferreira
Join Date: 
2022-01-04 [10]
Inactive Date: 
2022-04-21 [14]
Leave Date: 
2022-12-16 [18]
FalconsFalcons Falcons
Portugal Addicted 
(Eduardo Torres)
Eduardo Torres
Join Date: 
2022-01-05 [11]
Inactive Date: 
2022-04-21 [14]
Leave Date: 
2022-07-29 [17]
Rebels GamingRebels Gaming Rebels Gaming
Brazil frz
(Leandro Gomes)
Leandro Gomes
Join Date: 
2021-12-25 [9]
Inactive Date: 
2022-04-21 [14]
Leave Date: 
2022-05-03 [15]
Brazil gaabxx
(Gabriel Carli)
Gabriel Carli
Join Date: 
2021-03-06 [1]
Inactive Date: 
2022-04-21 [14]
Leave Date: 
2022-06-07 [16]
RED CanidsRED Canids RED Canids
Brazil DeNaro
(Matheus Hipólito)
Matheus Hipólito
Join Date: 
2021-03-06 [1]
Inactive Date: 
Leave Date: 
2021-12-16 [8]
Brazil fra
(Matheus Fragozo)
Matheus Fragozo
Join Date: 
2021-03-06 [1]
Inactive Date: 
2021-10-23 [5]
Leave Date: 
2021-11-01 [7]
Brazil light
(Winicius Alves César)
Winicius Alves César
Join Date: 
2021-03-06 [1]
Inactive Date: 
2021-10-23 [4]
Leave Date: 
2021-11-01 [7]



Former Organization
IDNameJoin DateLeave DateNew Team
Portugal mowzassa
(Tiago Rodrigues)
Tiago Rodrigues
Join Date: 
2022-01-06 [12]
Leave Date: 
2022-07-29 [17]
Brazil fx
(Fabricio Yokoyama)
Fabricio Yokoyama
Join Date: 
2021-03-27 [2]
Leave Date: 
2021-10-23 [6]
Brazil Geto
(Augusto Nobre)
Augusto Nobre
Join Date: 
2019-06-30 [3]
Leave Date: 
2022-02-10 [13]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Sharks Esports (2021-03-06). "Agora o #SharkAttack também será nos mares de VALORANT, o FPS da Riot Games.".
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sharks Esports (2021-03-27). "Welcome, @fxfps1, the new coach of #SharksVALORANT!".
  3. 3.0 3.1 [Inside source]
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sharks Esports (2021-10-23). "A partir de hoje, o jogador @lightrs_ será movido para o banco de reservas. " [As of today, the player @lightrs_ will be moved to the reserve bank.] (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Sharks Esports (2021-10-23). "O @frafps também foi movido para o banco de reservas da nossa equipe. " [O @frafps has also been moved to our team's reserve bank.] (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  6. 6.0 6.1 Sharks Esports (2021-10-23). "Para finalizar, anunciamos o desligamento do Head Coach @fxfps1. " [Finally, we announce the termination of the Head Coach @fxfps1.] (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Sharks Esports (2021-11-01). [ "Com a janela de transferências se aproximando, gostaríamos de informar que os jogadores @frafps e @lightrs_ foram liberados."] (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  8. 8.0 8.1 DeNaro (2021-12-16). "Free Agent" (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Sharks Esports (2021-12-25). "FELIZ NATAL, TUBARÕES" (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  10. 10.0 10.1 Sharks Esports (2021-01-04). "O segundo reforço para a nova temporada é a chegada do português, @killdreamst_." (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  11. 11.0 11.1 Sharks Esports (2021-01-05). "O terceiro reforço para a nova temporada é a chegada do nosso novo capitão, @AddictedFPS." (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  12. 12.0 12.1 Sharks Esports (2021-01-06). "O sexto reforço para a nova temporada é a chegada do comandante dos tubarões, @mowzassa." (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  13. 13.0 13.1 [Inside source]
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Sharks Esports (2021-01-06). "Comunicado sobre o futuro da line-Up Valorant." (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  15. 15.0 15.1 MIBR (2022-05-03). "O frz agora é MIBR!" (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  16. 16.0 16.1 Sharks Esports (2021-01-05). "ATÉ LOGO!" (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Sharks Esports (2022-07-29). "Damos adeus para o nosso Coach @mowzassa e nosso player @AddictedFPS, agradecemos a ambos por todos os momentos juntos e por todas as vitórias. Desejamos sucesso na nova caminhada! " [We say goodbye to our Coach @mowzassa and our player @AddictedFPS, we thank them both for all the moments together and for all the victories. We wish you success on your new journey!] (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  18. 18.0 18.1 Sharks Esports (2022-12-16). "Em comum acordo, hoje nos despedimos do nosso Shark @KILLDREAMST_. " [In common agreement, today we say goodbye to our Shark @KILLDREAMST_.] (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).
  19. 19.0 19.1 Sharks Esports (2022-12-22). "Hoje nos despedimos do nosso Shark @prozin_sales, desejamos toda sorte e sucesso na nova jornada e agradecemos por todos os momentos juntos! " [Today we say goodbye to our Shark @prozin_sales, we wish you all the luck and success on your new journey and we thank you for all the moments together!] (in Portuguese Speaking Portuguese).