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Grants:PEG/MrjohnCummings/UNESCO Wikimedian in Residence

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UNESCO Wikimedian in Residence
This grant will fund me to work as Wikimedian in Residence for The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to achieve the following aims:

1. Train UNESCO and its partner organisations to contribute to Wikimedia projects: The project will create and improve content receiving 100,000,000 views per year on Wikimedia projects, educate 1000 people in over 200 organisations to learn more about Wikimedia projects. This will include 200 newly registered users trained to contribute to Wikimedia projects and 500 articles formally reviewed by experts.

2. Make content from the archives of UNESCO and its partners available on Wikimedia projects: This project will facilitate the upload of 30,000 images, audio files, videos, data and other content to Wikimedia projects from UNESCO archives (24,000 images), UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and other sources including 10 organisations changing their content license to be Wikimedia compatible, a completed pilot project is outlined in the Goal section.

3. Create a model and resources to encourage other UN organisations and their partner organisations to engage with Wikimedia: We will contribute to the process of creating comprehensive resources (documentation and a tool chain) which will be an amalgam of existing resources and new resources created by myself and the wider Wikimedia community. This project will act as a model that can be followed by other UN agencies and their partners to open up their content and engage with Wikimedia and the wider open education movement.

4. Disseminate and promote information on the project and its outcomes, open licensing and engaging with Wikimedia: To disseminate information about and produced by the project as widely as possible with the aim of moving further towards making open licensing the standard for scientific, cultural and educational organisations and engagement with Wikimedia common practice.
targetWikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikibooks, all languages.
strategic priorityImproving Quality (better quality and quantity of content on Wikimedia projects), Increasing Participation (larger and more diverse groups of people are contributing to Wikimedia projects)
start dateflexible, March or April
1 May 20 August
start year2015
end dateflexible, March or April (1 year in total)
1 Oct (6 months) 1 March 1 September
end year2016
budget (local currency)Amount requested = €38669.36 (74.67% of total project cost)
Total project cost = €51784.41
budget (USD)Amount requested = $44303.49 (74.67% of total project cost)

Total project cost = $59323.43

Approved amount = $23,282.18
grant typeIndividual
non-profit statusNo
contact(s)• John.Cummings@Wikimedia.org.uk

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Community members
The Wikimedia community is central to the success of this project, there are a number of ways you can contribute including:
  • Mentoring the newly trained users who will often be experts in their field.
  • Creating country, language and topic specific messaging for UNESCO partners to help them to understand ways they can be involved with Wikimedia projects and specific opportunities for their organisations.
  • Categorisation of images from collections uploaded as part of the project.
  • Using of images on Wikimedia projects that are uploaded as part of the project.
  • Writing and improving articles identified by the project as missing or in need of improvement.
  • Running in person training sessions with UNESCO and its partners organisations in your area.

Please add how you would like to contribute in your endorsement at the bottom of the page.

Wikimedia Chapters and Community Groups
There are many ways Wikimedia Chapters and community groups can be involved including:
  • Matching UNESCO partner organisation based in your country who want to engage with Wikimedia with skilled volunteers.
  • Creating country, language and topic specific messaging for UNESCO partners to help them to understand ways they can be involved with Wikimedia projects and specific opportunities for their organisations.
  • Providing volunteer expenses for those volunteers to run training sessions with staff from UNESCO and its partners.
  • Introductions to community members and people from other chapters and community groups.
  • Sharing of information about the project
  • Advice on overcoming specific issues that the chapter has experience with.

If you are able to contribute to the project please email john.cummings at wikimedia.org.uk



The goal of the project is for UNESCO to have the knowledge, skills, policies and relationship to be able to make their unique contribution to Wikimedia projects and to influence their partners to do the same. Additionally for organisations working in all UNESCO's fields of competence - education, culture, natural, social and human sciences, communication and information - to more easily, frequently and successfully share their knowledge, content and data with the world through Wikimedia projects, to understand the possibilities and impact of doing so, and to encourage other organisations working in these fields to do the same. This will be achieved through providing education, tools, resources, skills and building relationships between these organisations, Wikimedia organisations and local and online Wikimedia communities and creating and sharing resources and the project's outcomes to the wider world.

Train UNESCO and partner organisations to contribute to Wikimedia projects


Provide UNESCO and its partners with the skills, tools, resources and connections to contribute to Wikimedia projects in a meaningful, measurable and sustainable way. To integrate into the Wikimedia community both online and by matching them with local Wikimedia organisations and volunteers for in person support and collaboration.

  • For 1000 people from UNESCO and 200 of its partner organisations to understand the potential of contributing to Wikimedia projects including serving underserved communities through Wikipedia Zero, Kiwix, OLPC and other projects.
  • For organisations involved in the project to have the skills to be able to contribute to Wikimedia projects in a sustainable way and integrate themselves into the Wikimedia community. This will include 200 newly registered users trained to contribute to Wikimedia projects achieved by connecting Wikimedia organisations and volunteers with UNESCO and it's partners for sustainable engagement, knowledge sharing and increasing the diversity of contributors. We aim to have 100,000,000 page views per year (measured starting from the end of the residency for two months and projected for the remaining 10 months) of information and content added to Wikimedia projects and 500 articles formally reviewed.

Make content available on Wikimedia projects from the archives of UNESCO and their partners

  • The upload of 30,000 files from UNESCO and 10 UNESCO partners incluing the UNESCO archives (24,000 images) and UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) to Wikimedia projects with at least 10,000 being used on another Wikimedia project and an understanding of the benefit of doing this for UNESCO, the Wikimedia movement and others. A high percentage of the images released is expected to be used on other Wikimedia projects because of:
  • Many near unique images, often from difficult to access locations and situations e.g refuge camps and remote areas.
  • Useful and notable images of important subjects.
  • A low level of near duplicate images.
  • A wide range of subjects covered of interest to many Wikiprojects.
  • The notability of the organisation releasing them and the awareness around the release.
  • People from organisations involved in the project to have an understanding of the Wikimedia metrics tools to quantify audience size, release media content and measure the impact of work done, target: 100.
  • Organisations involved to change their content license to be Wikimedia compatible, target: 10.

Create models and resources to encourage other UN organisations and their partner organisations to engage with Wikimedia


I will work to understand ways in which UNESCO, its partner organisations and the Wikimedia movement’s many shared goals (outlined in the Impact section) can be furthered through contributing to Wikimedia projects.

  • UN organisations and UN partner organisations have understanding of the benefits of open licensing and will understand the benefits of releasing their content under Wikimedia compatible licenses. The Flickr accounts and UN photo library of the United Nations offer a way to quantify the potential additional benefit to Wikimedia of open licensing of content across the rest of the United Nations, the accounts hold over 234,000 images. In addition the United Nations photo library holds 800,000 images.
  • We will contribute to the process of creating comprehensive resources (documentation and a tool chain) to allow organisations working in all UNESCO's fields of competence to more easily and successfully share their knowledge and large volumes of content and data with the world through Wikimedia projects and to understand the possibilities and impact of doing so. The resources will integrate information from a number of sources including Wikimedia, Creative Commons and Open Knowledge.
  • Improved documentation will allow organisations and other departments of the United Nations to be much more independent and autonomous in their contributions to Wikimedia projects enabling a much larger group of organisations to contribute to Wikimedia sites especially in areas where Wikimedia chapters, user groups and individuals have limited resources.
  • Organisations involved in the project have become part of the Wikimedia community through interactions with a wide range of Wikimedia organisations to reflect the diversity of knowledge, languages and locations of the organisations involved in the project. These organisations will include Wikimedia Chapters, other Wikimedia organisations (e.g Wikimedia Iberocoop), Wikiprojects and mailing lists (e.g Cultural Partners) to reflect the diversity of knowledge, languages and locations of the organisations involved in the project.
  • Wikimedia volunteers and staff having a better understanding of challenges faced by these organisations and the tools and support they need to become members of the Wikimedia community.

Disseminate and promote information on the project and its outcomes, open licensing and engaging with Wikimedia

  • A wide dissemination of information about and produced by the project through blog posts, social media and other means with the aim of moving further towards making open licensing the standard for scientific, cultural and educational organisations and engagement with Wikimedia projects common practice.
  • Act as an example and model for organisations interested in online education and provide further evidence that open licensing and engaging with the Wikimedia movement is beneficial to many organisations' goals.

Pilot project


A pilot project was run in December 2014 to upload around 50 images from UNESCO archives to Wikimedia projects, the UNESCO photobank holds more than 24,000 described and categorised images with metadata covering a range of subjects from all continents. I worked with Wikimedians to make the images available on Wikipedia articles in many languages. The images are currently available on 35 articles in 13 languages and the articles they appear on are viewed over 2,100,000 times a year, more information in the Images use section, real time information can be seen using this link to the GLAMorous statistics tool. I wrote a blog post about this pilot for the Wikimedia UK blog which can be found here

Images from the archive of UNESCO


These images can be found on Wikimedia Commons under the category: Images from the archive of UNESCO

Image use


An up to date breakdown of image usage and views can be found here, they receive between 200,000 and 250,000 page views per month.

Image Included on Wikimedia project articles Page views per year over all Wikimedia projects
(collected using stats.grok.se)
Usage on ar.wikipedia.org
التعليم في الأردن

Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Demographics of Jordan
Education in Jordan
Women in Jordan

Usage on es.wikipedia.org
Demografía de Jordania

Usage on pt.wikipedia.org
Demografia da Jordânia

Usage on ru.wikipedia.org
Население Иордании
20000 + 12000 + 38800 + 26000 + 20000 + 1500 + 700 + 4000
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Gokarna, India

Usage on hi.wikipedia.org
गोकर्ण, भारत

Usage on no.wikipedia.org

Usage on uk.wikipedia.org
Гокарна (Індія)

Usage on vi.wikipedia.org
Gokarn, Kumta
112000 + 3800 + 380 + 400 + 200
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Education in Haiti

Usage on fr.wikipedia.org
Système éducatif d'Haïti

Usage on pt.wikipedia.org
Educação no Haiti
40000 + 7500 + 24000 + 2400
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Education in Bangladesh
Women in Bangladesh
68000 + 14000
Usage on de.wikipedia.org

Usage on simple.wikipedia.org
2000 + 600
Usage on ro.wikipedia.org
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Water Tribunal of the plain of Valencia
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Karamojong people
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Clarendon Parish, Jamaica
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Aral Sea
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Mega, Ethiopia
Usage on de.wikipedia.org
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Tibetan Buddhism
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Stéphane Hessel
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Education in South Sudan
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Wadi Rum
Usage on en.wikipedia.org
Education in the Republic of the Congo
Number of files used: 19 (35%) Number of pages files are used on: 35 Number of page views per year of all images used: 2,133,880





I will work with the UNESCO Publications Unit, Sector for External Relations and Public Information under the supervision and assistance of Ian Denison, Chief of the UNESCO Publications Unit. UNESCO is able to offer the following support:

  • Access to all amenities
  • Introductions
  • Office space and equipment
  • Staff time for training to contribute to Wikimedia projects

The residency will include attending and presenting at the World Education Forum which will inform the UN education agenda from 2015 - 2030. It will be attended by UN departments and offices, Governments and UN partners, it will be an invaluable opportunity to present the project to delegates, educate them about Wikimedia projects, network, create partnerships with interested parties from across the world.

Prioritising involvement and activities


It is expected that there will be more interest in involvement in the project than the capacity of the position this means there will need to be prioritisation of involvement of different groups and their activities, this will be based on a number of factors.

Prioritising involvement
  • Capacity of local Wikimedia organisation and volunteers
  • Skills of local Wikimedia volunteers
  • Potential impact of the project both for Wikimedia and for UNESCO
  • Projected time scale and ability to offer long term support
  • Interested UNESCO office with specific goals

Local user groups will be identified in a number of different ways including:

Prioritising activities

The activities will be prioritised to match the interests, abilities and time restraints of both the volunteers and the UNESCO office or partner organisation. Mapping the interests of the Wikimedia community and UNESCO and working working on collaboration in the overlap. It will be important to match the activities run with the goals of the organisations worked with and the best ways to achieve these on Wikimedia projects within rules, guidelines and norms and the expectations and capacity of the parties involved. This could be through open licencing content, expert review, editing Wikipedia, contributing to Wikibooks etc. Prioritisation of UNESCO goals will most likely be based around country specific topics and their different strands:

  • Global priorities: Africa, Gender equality
  • Overarching objectives: Culture of Peace, Sustainable Development
  • Priority Groups: Youth, Small Island States, Least Developed Countries
  • Thematic Issues: HIV & AIDS, Re-thinking the Development Agenda
  • Themes: Education for the 21st Century, Foster Freedom of Expression, Protecting our Heritage and Fostering Creativity, Learning to Live Together, Building Knowledge Societies, One Planet One Ocean, Science for a Sustainable Future.

Plan of activities in the first six months of the project


This table shows the expected activities of the first six months of the project, after 6 months a review will take place to identify successes, failures and opportunities, a change in strategy may take place at this point, not every activity is included in this graph.

Activities Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6
Set up project pages including opportunities to be involved . .
Indentify UNESCO and partner staff to work with . . . . .
Mapping the interests of the Wikimedia community and UNESCO . . .
Provide presentations and information . . . . . .
Work with Wikimedia volunteers to define their activities . . . . . .
Train UNESCO and partner organisations to
contribute to Wikimedia projects
Identify Wikimedia chapters and user groups interests and capacities . . .
Run training sessions with UNESCO staff in UNESCO headquarters . . . . . .
Partners to run training with UNESCO staff in other countries . . .
Set up standardised metrics tools for collecting data from trainees . . .
Make content available on Wikimedia projects
from the archives of UNESCO and their partners
Planning methods for mass upload of content . .
Assisting with content upload (dependent on organisation timeline for release) . . .
Working with Wikimedia Community to get the content reused . . .
Create models and resources to encourage other UN organisations
and their partner organisations to engage with Wikimedia
Coordinate with others working to improve resources . . . . . .
Improving existing Wikimedia resources for external organisations . . . . . .
Disseminate and promote information on the project and it's
outcomes, open licensing and engaging with Wikimedia
Plan with partners how to desceminate information about the project . . .
Promote content releases to improve reuse . . .
Attend and present at the World Education Forum .

Train UNESCO and partner organisations to contribute to Wikimedia projects

  • Provide presentations and information about Wikimedia projects, how the organisations can contribute to them, their ability to reach underserved communities (including Wikipedia Zero), especially Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikimedia Commons and the opportunity to freely reuse content from Wikimedia projects with proper attribution. I will work with Wikimedia chapters, community groups and individuals to create country, language and topic specific messaging for UNESCO partners to help them to understand ways they can be involved and specific opportunities for their organisations. Building relationships with UNESCO partners will take time, however I have already started working with Amnesty International and Medicine sans Frontier (Doctors Without Borders) in conjunction with Wikimedia UK.
  • Provide training to UNESCO and partner organisation staff to contribute to Wikimedia projects including Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons with continued support from myself and volunteers from the Wikimedia community. I will run in person training workshops locally and work with Wikimedia chapters and user groups to match skilled volunteers with organisations for in person training workshops to create sustainable relationships with long term support. Online workshops will have sessions on specific subjects tailored to the needs of the participants possibly using a version of the Wikipedia School of Open Course with the aim of creating a learning community with shared interests that can work collaboratively. Training of users will be based of focussing on a smaller number of new users offered a higher level of support rather than a model of running short term editathons which has an anecdotal retention rate of around 1%-2% however no data is available to confirm this. This is based on the work done by Pat Hadley and Ally Crockford, Wikimedians at the National Library of Scotland and York Museums Trust respectively. Their creation of the Edinburgh Archaeology Wiki Club which shows a much higher new editor retention rate than one time editathons which is especially important when working with experts. I aim to replicate this model by pairing UNESCO offices and their partner organisations with local Wikimedia contributors through their local chapter or user group. They will work with the new users a over a longer period of time on a specific topic they are knowledgeable in, offering the regular support and workshops keeps them engaged. The retention rate target is between 5 to 10 times higher than the anecdotal retention rate of the editathon model and takes in to account the capacity of users working with UNESCO and it's partner organisations in countries with less capacity and support.
  • Provide training on Wikimedia project metrics tools listed on Wikimedia Outreach to provide people with an understanding of:
    • Methods for measuring the impacts of contributing to Wikimedia projects.
    • Methods for understanding of audience size for information to help plan the most impactful contributions.
  • Facilitating joint events with Wikimedia organisations based on existing Wikimedia events and internationally recognised days. Below is a complete list of of UNESCO International observances, with an incomplete list of related Wikimedia projects and UNESCO partner organisations who work in the areas. Scope of events will be based on the interests and capacity of the organisations and individuals involved, some ideas for events have been included that are not simply an editathon about the subject.
Information about observances is taken from the UNESCO website here and here, list of organisations is taken from the UNESCO partner database available here.

Make content available on Wikimedia projects from the archives of UNESCO and their partners

  • Facilitate the upload of images, audio files, videos, data and other content to Wikimedia projects, files will be added to a set of categories on Wikimedia Commons for easy measurement, target: 30,000. These images will be basis of some workshops with UNESCO offices and partner organisation to improve articles by adding images, commonsathons.
  • Work with UNESCO staff to explore sharing existing educational resources through Wikimedia projects including Wikibooks and Wikimedia Commons especially those of benefit to people in countries that have Wikipedia Zero. Wikipedia Zero provides 400 million people in 35 countries have access Wikipedia free of data charges on their mobile phones.
"For many readers in the Global South, the primary (and often only) access to the internet is via mobile. However, mobile data costs are a significant barrier to internet usage. We created Wikipedia Zero so that everyone can access all the free knowledge on Wikipedia, even if they can't afford the mobile data charges."

Create models and resources to encourage other UN organisations and their partner organisations to engage with Wikimedia


UNESCO has a worldwide group of over 380 existing partnerships covering:

Which cover a wide range of topics which include:

Organisations include:

  • UN agencies
  • Category 2 institutes and Centres
  • UNESCO associated schools
  • Unesco chairs
  • Clubs for UNESCO
  • Multilateral organisations and Development Banks
  • Civil society Organizations and media corporation
  • Africa Network Campaign on Education for All
  • Amnesty International
  • Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS)
  • CODE
  • Education International (EI)
  • Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification (ETI BioInformatics)
  • Green Cross International
  • International Association of Academies of Sciences
  • International Association of Universities (IAU)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (IFTC)
  • International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS) which publishes Diogenes
  • International Council for Science (ICSU)
  • International Council of Museums (ICOM)
  • International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)
  • International Council on Archives (ICA)
  • International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
  • International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
  • International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
  • International Federation of Poetry Associations (IFPA)
  • International Music Council (IMC)
  • International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists
  • International Ocean Institute
  • International PEN
  • International Police Association (IPA)
  • International Scientific Council for Island Development (INSULA)
  • International Social Science Council (ISSC)
  • International Solar Energy Society
  • International Theatre Institute (ITI)
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
  • International Union of Technical Associations and Organizations
  • Internet Society
  • One Laptop Per Child
  • Reporters Without Borders
  • Union of International Associations (UIA)
  • World Association for Educational Research
  • World Association of Newspapers (WAN)
  • World Energy Council
  • World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
  • World Federation of Scientific Workers
  • World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA)
  • World Federation of United Nations Organisations
  • World Water Council
  • Create and manage pages on Wikimedia projects to be a central place for both the Wikimedia community and UNESCO and partner staff to engage. The Wikimedia community can be involved in the project in a number of ways, these include but are not limited to:
    • Mentoring the newly trained users who will often be experts in their field.
    • Categorisation of images from collections uploaded as part of the project.
    • Using of images on Wikimedia projects that are uploaded as part of the project.
    • Writing and improving articles identified by the project as missing or in need of improvement.
    • Running in person training sessions with UNESCO and its partner organisations in thier area.
  • We will contribute to the process of creating comprehensive resources (documentation and a tool chain) which will be an amalgam of existing resources and new resources created by myself and the wider Wikimedia community. The process of creating these resources will include user testing and feedback from the organisations of the current documentation and the release of content by these organisations to practically test the tools and resources currently available and to understand how they are used in isolation and in combination with other resources and what additional functionality is needed from tools.
  • Make connections between people working to address gender issues at UNESCO and their partners with people working to do the same on Wikimedia projects with the aim of sharing knowledge, resources and approaches. UNESCO has a robust track record and a mandate to address gender equality and female education.
  • Connecting UNESCO partners with Wikimedian groups working in the same area e.g putting local Wiki Loves Monuments groups in touch with their respective heritage organisations.
  • An exploration of the possibility of including other open knowledge projects including Openstreetmap, P2PU, Creative Commons and Open Knowledge to fulfil needs of UNESCO and its partners, to expand evidence for benefit of releasing content under an open license and as a recognition that Wikimedia is part of a wider ecosystem of open knowledge and can play a leadership role in creating connections.

Disseminate and promote information on the project and its outcomes, open licensing and engaging with Wikimedia

  • Disseminate widely information about and produced by the project achieved through blog posts, social media and other means over as many languages as possible. Much of the benefit to Wikimedia projects will be independent of language e.g content files on Wikimedia Commons. Promtion will be done with partner orgaisations including:
    • UNESCO
    • UNESCO partners
    • Wikimedia chapters, usergroups and the Wikimedia Foundation
    • Wikimedia volunteers
    • Other open knowledge organisations
  • Engage with the Wikimedia movement to encourage Wikimedia organisations and individuals to participate in the project. I have submitted proposals to the following conferences to share information about the project and to attract contributors and partners:
  • Integration of new resources created into existing Wikimedia resources.



Target readership


This project has a very wide potential involvement from Wikimedia projects and organisations due to the broad remit of UNESCO, especially their focus on education could reflect the aim of the entire Wikimedia movement.

For this reason the involvement from Wikiprojects will at least in part be driven by their interest and the interest and involvement of UNESCO’s partner organisations although some Wikiprojects are natural partners e.g Education for Sustainable Development and World Heritage Sites. It is foreseeable the main Wikimedia projects focussed on will be:

  • Wikipedia
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Wikidata
  • Wikibooks

Opportunities will be taken where available to improve projects in any language, effort may be focussed on those languages that are used in countries with Wikipedia Zero. I am working with members of the Wolfram community to calculate the most spoken languages of the total population of countries with Wikipedia Zero, a breakdown will be posted on the talk page for this grant request once it has been completed. Much of the project's outcomes will be beneficial to all language projects e.g images and improvement of Wikidata. There is an opportunity to explore providing existing educational material through Wikimedia projects UNESCO and its partners identify as important for people living in countries where Wikipedia Zero is available. There are UNESCO offices that cover all countries where Wikipedia Zero is available.

Fit with strategy

Increasing participation
  1. Improving editor diversity by training UNESCO staff and its partner organisations to contribute to Wikimedia projects.
  2. Helping to integrate these new editor with follow-up and mentorship making the participation sustainable and expandable.
  3. Contribute to the process of creating comprehensive resources (documentation and a tool chain) to allow organisations working in all UNESCO's fields of competence to more easily and successfully share their knowledge and large volumes of content and data with the world through Wikimedia projects and to understand the potetial and impact of doing so.
  4. Educating people about Wikimedia projects with the aim of motivating people to contribute to them.
  5. Expert review of Wikimedia content, especially Wikipedia articles.
  6. Educating people on the use of Wikimedia metrics tools with the aim of motivating people to contribute to Wikimedia projects.
  7. Dissemination of information about the project to show the possibilities and encourage others to engage with the Wikimedia movement.
Increasing quality
  1. The facilitation of mass uploads of content from UNESCO’s archives and other archives where available through automated tools and the curation and reuse of this content on Wikimedia projects.
  2. Increasing participation by subject matter experts to perform surface and in-depth reviews to improve accuracy, readability, level of detail and neutrality.
  3. Active interest-group collaboration from UNESCO and its partners on identifying articles and other content for improvement.
UNESCO and the Wikimedia Movement's shared goals

UNESCO has many shared goals with the Wikimedia movement and uses the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Intergovernmental Organisation license for much of its published material:

Wikimedia Movement Strategic Plan Summary: What We Believe

  • Knowledge should be free: Access to information empowers people to make rational decisions about their lives. We believe the ability to access information freely and without restrictions is a basic human right. Our vision requires that the educational materials we collect and create together be free for others to use and reuse. Our work also depends on free and open formats and technologies.
  • Share with every human being: The Wikimedia movement strives to include every single human being in our work by making our knowledge resources available and providing the venue for all people to share their knowledge. We prioritize efforts that empower disadvantaged and underrepresented communities, and that help overcome barriers to participation.

UNESCO: Themes

  • Education for sustainable development: Education for Sustainable Development allows every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future. Education for Sustainable Development means including key sustainable development issues into teaching and learning; for example, climate change, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, poverty reduction, and sustainable consumption. It also requires participatory teaching and learning methods that motivate and empower learners to change their behaviour and take action for sustainable development. Education for Sustainable Development consequently promotes competencies like critical thinking, imagining future scenarios and making decisions in a collaborative way.
  • Education for the 21st Century: Since its creation in 1945, UNESCO’s mission has been to contribute to the building of peace, poverty eradication, lasting development and intercultural dialogue, with education as one of its principal activities to achieve this aim. The Organization is committed to a holistic and humanistic vision of quality education worldwide, the realization of everyone’s right to education, and the belief that education plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development.
  • Fostering Freedom of Expression: As the United Nations agency with a specific mandate to promote “the free flow of ideas by word and image”, UNESCO works to foster free, independent and pluralistic media in print, broadcast and online. Media development in this mode enhances freedom of expression, and it contributes to peace, sustainability, poverty eradication and human rights.
  • Protecting our Heritage and Fostering Creativity: In today’s interconnected world, culture's power to transform societies is clear. Its diverse manifestations – from our cherished historic monuments and museums to traditional practices and contemporary art forms – enrich our everyday lives in countless ways. Heritage constitutes a source of identity and cohesion for communities disrupted by bewildering change and economic instability. Creativity contributes to building open, inclusive and pluralistic societies. Both heritage and creativity lay the foundations for vibrant, innovative and prosperous knowledge societies.
  • Learning to Live Together: In today’s increasingly diverse societies, UNESCO continues to accomplish every day its fundamental humanist mission to support people in understanding each other and working together to build lasting peace.
  • Building Knowledge Societies: Knowledge and information have significant impact on people’s lives. The sharing of knowledge and information, particularly through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has the power to transform economies and societies. UNESCO works to create inclusive knowledge societies and empower local communities by increasing access to and preservation and sharing of information and knowledge in all of UNESCO’s domains. Knowledge societies must build on four pillars: freedom of expression; universal access to information and knowledge; respect for cultural and linguistic diversity; and quality education for all.
  • One Planet, One Ocean: Conserving the diversity of life on Earth and ocean health is critical to global human welfare, yet essential resources are at risk from the direct results of unsustainable practices. Sustainable development cannot be achieved by technological solutions, political regulation or financial instruments alone. We need to change the way we think and act.
  • Science for a Sustainable Future: Creating knowledge and understanding through science equips us to find solutions to today’s acute economic, social and environmental challenges and to achieving sustainable development and greener societies. As no one country can achieve sustainable development alone, international scientific cooperation contributes, not only to scientific knowledge but also to building peace.

Measures of success


Measures of success will be collected, collated and analysed using:

Train UNESCO and partner organisations to contribute to Wikimedia projects
Goal 12 month target Prerequisite work to achieve target 6 month target
Number of people engaged who are not currently involved with Wikimedia projects 1000 Time taken to develop the resources to engage people
Referrals from UNESCO staff members
Finding the appropriate people in each organisation
Presentations and providing people with information on the benefits of working with Wikimedia
Number of organisations engaged to contribute to the project at a lower level, general education for a larger group including information about open licencing 200 Centrally contacting all UNESCO partners
Referrals to the right people in the organisations
Number of organisations engaged to contribute to the project to a high level including after the project's completion date through partnering them with local Wikimedia organisations to run educational and training workshops, editathons and other activities. 15 Centrally contacting all UNESCO partners
Referrals to the right people in the organisations
Number of organisations who have changed their content licenses to be Wikipedia compatible 10 Find and develop a relationship with the right people in the organisations
Show benefit of open licensing to their organisation
Training people to use the tools to measure impact for their organisations
Time taken for the organisation to make decisions and put those decisions into action
Number of existing active editors involved in the project 200 Active editors involved in the project will be linked to:
Release of content from UNESCO and partner archives
Opportunities to mentor new editors
An understanding of the motivations of project participants through questionnaires and discussions. Developing questionnaires
Number of new contributors who understand how to use at least 2 of the Wikimedia metrics tools available 100 Finding the people in the organisations who want to learn how to use the tools
Potentially improving tool documentation
Number of new users who use the tools to make decisions on if to and how to engage with Wikimedia projects 50 25
The number and quality of recommendations to improve tools available by organisations using them 20 Developing feedback methods that encourage usable feedback 10
Number of page views per year of information and content added to Wikimedia projects as part of the project. The pilot project has produced content that is available on pages with a readership of over 2 million page views per year. For the 6th month target this will be measured in the 6th month as 2,500,000 views or more and for the 12 month target measured using the 12th month of the project and the 60 days afterwards as 25,000,000 or more for that 3 month period. 100,000,000 Time taken for content released to be widely used
Number of people trained as part of the project
Number of new users who continue to contribute to Wikimedia projects
Number of existing active editors involved
Number of newly registered users trained how to contribute to Wikimedia projects, measured using Wikimetrics 200 Identifying local Wikimedia trainers 80
Number of newly registered users who are female, increasing gender diversity within Wikimedia projects. 50% 50%
Percentage of new users continuing to contribute to Wikimedia projects once trained 10% Long term support from existing Wikimedia contributors 10%
Number of Wikimedia articles that have been formally reviewed by experts at the organisations 500 Identifying and engaging experts in the organisations worked with 200
Number of different language projects contributed to by new and existing users as part of the project 50 30
Number of trained attendees that report in post training surveys that they:
Feel confident in contributing to Wikimedia projects
Understand where to get additional support from
Intend to contribute to Wikimedia projects
90% Collating training and after training materials
Organising and running training sessions
Refining sessions, especially if there is more need for online training than assumed
Make content available on Wikimedia projects from the archives of UNESCO and their partners
Goal 12 month target Prerequisite work to achieve target 6 month target
Number of images, audio files, videos and other content uploaded to Wikimedia projects, files will be added to a set of categories on Wikimedia Commons for easy measurement. 30,000 Organisations changing their licences
Organising system to mass upload the images that is sustainable after the end of the residency
Agreeing content licences
Percentage of content released that is reused on a Wikimedia project other than Commons 10,000 Uploading content
Categorisation of content
Creating project pages
Notifying relevant Wikiprojects that the files are available
Organising Commonsathons, both personally and through other Wikimedia chapters and user groups
Number of languages that the files are used on 100 Engaging active editors
Training new editors
Release of content
Building project pages to collate information on content available
Number of statements imported into Wikidata.
Create models and resources to encourage other UN organisations and their partner organisations to engage with Wikimedia
Goal 12 month target Prerequisite work to achieve target 6 month target
Contributions to creating comprehensive resources 95% of people surveyed say they find the documentation useful Wikimedia Community engagement
Feedback from UNESCO and partner organisations
65% of people surveyed say they find the documentation useful
Improved documentation for the tools available to release and measure impact of content e.g GLAMwiki toolset, Flickr2Commons and Commonist, BaGLAMa, Treeviews and GLAMorous. Feedback from UNESCO and partner organisations
Usage and number of views for the project pages. Creation of project pages
Encouraging existing editors be involved in the project
Training new editors
Number of connections made between Wikimedia volunteers and UNESCO and partner organisations.
Promotion and dissemination of information on open licensing and engaging with Wikimedia
Goal 12 month target Preliminary work to achieve target 6 month target
Number of blog posts about the project and its outcomes 50 Release of content
Training of staff from UNESCO and partner organisations
Partnerships between Wikimedia organisations and UNESCO and partner organisations
Number of views of the blog posts produced. 50,000 Training of staff from UNESCO and partner organisations
Partnerships between Wikimedia organisations and UNESCO and partner organisations
Blog posts written
Blog posts written
Media coverage pieces relating to the project and its outcomes 50 Release of content
Training of staff from UNESCO and partner organisations
Partnerships between Wikimedia organisations and UNESCO and partner organisations
Blog posts written
Numbers of organisations who make contact with Wikimedia chapters and individuals because of the outcomes of this project. 50 Release of content
Training of staff from UNESCO and partner organisations
Partnerships between Wikimedia organisations and UNESCO and partner organisations
Blog posts written
Media coverage pieces relating to the project and its outcomes
Translation of instructional resources into other languages The 6 UN languages Collation of existing resources
Improved documentation for the tools available to release and measure impact of content e.g GLAMwiki toolset, Flickr2Commons and Commonist, BaGLAMa, Treeviews and GLAMorous.
Translation of existing resources into the 6 UN languages
Usage of the instructional resources collated. The collation of comprehensive instructional resources
Translation of the comprehensive resources into other languages

Resources and risks




Please see the discussion section at the bottom of this page for links to discussions about this project and community support and endorsement.

Team members


I have a great deal of experience in working with organisations to contribute to Wikimedia projects and am a Wikimedia UK accredited trainer for communities and organisations.

I was Wikimedian in Residence at the Natural History Museum and Science Museum in London where I trained over 200 people to contribute to Wikimedia projects and was an advocate for open licensing of content. The Natural History Museum will digitise 20 million of its specimens in the next 5 years and have chosen to make these available under an open license (see page 5 on Nov 2013 report). I also created the prototype for the world's first freely editable multilingual virtual museum using QRpedia .

I created the Atlas of Abyssal Megafauna Morphotypes of the Clipperton-Clarion Zone, a joint project between The UN International Seabed Authority and the INDEEP project. I worked with scientists in research centres across the world to provide a consistent approach to the identification of megafaunal morphotypes that have been imaged as part of environmental assessments of various areas across the CCFZ.

I created MonmouthpediA, the world's first Wikipedia town which created over 550 new articles (in 29 languages) and improved 145 existing articles. The project was reported on in over 250 newspapers in 30 countries, including this video.

"Bringing a whole town to life on Wikipedia is something new and is a testament to the forward-thinking people of Monmouth, all of the volunteers and the Wikimedia UK team. I’m looking forward to seeing other towns and cities doing the same thing." Jimmy Wales

I have run Wikipedia editing training with many other organisations including:

  • British Computer Society, BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT
  • Imperial College
  • Medical Research Council
  • Monmouthshire County Council and many community groups as part of the MonmouthpediA project.
  • Office for National Statistics
  • Zoological Society of London

I have advised many organisations on how they can benefit from working with the Wikimedia movement including:

  • Amnesty International
  • Breast Cancer Care
  • British Broadcasting Corporation
  • British Film Institute
  • Department for Culture, Media and Sport
  • Fauna and Flora International
  • Marine Conservation Society
  • Médecins Sans Frontières
  • Royal Society
  • Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Royal Veterinary College
  • Statisticians from UK government departments
  • UK Cabinet Office
  • Wellcome Collection

I have helped a number of organisations and individuals share their content on Wikimedia Commons including:

I have a wide social network within the Wikimedia movement and have worked with a variety of Wikimedia chapters, the Wikimedia Foundation and other open knowledge organisations in a voluntary capacity and as a staff member as part of the Wikimedia UK Wikimania 2014 team where I was responsible for the community village and conference collateral.

I am a trainer, online course developer and leadership council member for WYSE International, an international charity providing education and training to emerging leaders, supporting them to make the world a better place.

Ian Denison

Ian Denison is the Chief of the UNESCO Publications Unit in the Sector for External Relations and Public Information

UNESCO are able to offer the following resources to the project (also outlined in the budget section):

  • Access to all amenities
  • Introductions
  • Office space and equipment
  • Staff time for training to contribute to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia UK

Wikimedia UK, which was involved in setting up the project, would like to continue its support in the following ways:

  • Introductions to community members and relevant staff from other chapters that would enhance the project
  • Matching UK based UNESCO partner organisation who want to engage with Wikimedia with skilled UK volunteers
  • Advice on overcoming specific issues that the chapter has experience with
  • Advice on promotion of the project
  • Sharing of information about the project
  • Low cost promotional items like Wikipedia badges and stickers
  • Support with evaluation for the project
Other Wikimedia groups

A further list of interested chapter and user group contacts is being compiled and is available to WMF grants staff. If you would like to be involved in the project please email john.cummings at Wikimedia.org.uk


Risk Likelihood Potential impact Mitigation Contingency
Unforeseen technical issues transfering UNESCO archive content to Wikimedia Commons using automated tools. Low
The Wikimedia movement has a great deal of expertise in moving content to Wikimedia Commons and there are a number of existing tools available including Commonist and the Mass Upload Tool.
Image upload would be done more manually, it would be slower and more people would be needed to help. Work with the Wikimedia community on uploading the images. An intermediary site could be used e.g Flickr which can then be copied from using Flickr2Commons.
Lack of interest in the project from the community. Low
UNESCO is a world renowned organisation that has a great deal of influence and expertise and an archive of over 24,000 of excellent quality images covering a wide range of subjects.
Content released is not reused as quickly or as fully, less people are trained in person and less people have mentors from the existing Wikimedia community. We will put a great deal of effort into advertising opportunities to involve the Wikimedia Community in the project and have centralised project pages to collate project information, Wikimedia UK have agreed to help involve volunteers (see Wikimedia Chapter Involvement section). Work more with UNESCO and its partners to reuse the content made available.
Lack of interest in engagement from UNESCO partners Low
UNESCO has a very large number of partner organisations which share UNESCO’s aims, Wikipedia is the most used educational resource in the world and has unique abilities to reach people through projects like Wikipedia Zero.
Less people trained to contribute to Wikimedia projects, less content released, more time spent on other areas. The risk of lack of interest in engagement will be minimised by highlighting common goals, Wikimedia project’s audience and using shared language, UNESCO staff have offered their time to encourage their partners to engage with the project. Focus more time and resources on the organisations who are interested in engaging.
Lack of interest by organisations in promoting the project Low
The project will work to improve and make available Interesting and important content which is of benefit to many parties
Fewer people and organisations are aware of the project and the resources that it provides however they may still benefit from the outcomes e.g improved Wikipedia articles. Create a press pack with the help of Wiimedia UK.

Create clear requests to Wikimedia organisations when asking them to promote the outcomes of the project.

Ask for more hours from supporting organisations to promote the project

Seek to involve a wider group of organisations

Time needed to complete the goals of the project Low
A full time position for 1 year should provide time to fulfil the goals of the project, UNESCO and WMUK have committed time resources to the project which will improve the rate of progress.
Not all goals are reached. Focus on getting more people involved, focus on fewer areas to achieve goals in those areas, extension of the project deadlines, extension of project funding. Look to involve more people in the project in completing the parts of the project that ae planned.
Wikimedia metrics tools are unable to give the organisations involved in the project the information they need to measure impact in a user friendly and convenient way. Medium
Whilst most useful metrics are measurable using the currently available tools often it takes a lot of work to calculate the metrics needed. E.g it is possible to calculate where content is used on Wikimedia projects using GLAMorous and it is possible to calculate the page views for these articles but only by manually requesting page views for each article using stats.grok.se or by adding them to a list of articles that is calculated every month by Magnus Manske on BaGLAMa. Organisations cannot currently independently analyse the impacts of their contributions to Wikimedia projects without considerable effort or arranging at least 4 weeks in advance to add their orgaisation to BaGLAMA. However the community and WMF are working to address these issues and this is a common enough issue that it seems reasonable that a solution will be created and a large project like this will add extra impetus to make this happen.
A longer and more complicated process to gain metrics on impact of content contributions. Work with WMF and community programmers to improve statistics tools, train organisations to use existing tools. Look for funding to pay someone to improve the tools available
It may be difficult to find local volunteers to carry out in person training for UNESCO and partner staff in some of the countries with Wikipedia Zero. High

Of the 48 countries which have Wikipedia Zero available only 6 Wikimedia Chapters (India, Indonesia, South Africa, Russia, Philippines and Ukraine) and 6 user groups (Botswana, Ghana, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand and Tunisia) exist.

The potential for less sustainable engagement with UNESCO and its partners due to lack of local support and activity. Put resources into finding experienced Wikimedia project contributors in those countries. This would include working with other chapters, user groups and Wikiprojects especially those who work in the same language as the countries where volunteers are needed.

Give extra support to the new learning community that is created and put extra time into making connections between them and the wider Wikimedia community.
UNESCO offices can be both regional and national, where no support is available within the country the regional office would be engaged in addition, these offices tend to be in larger countries where more experienced Wikimedians live.

Focus on online support from people in those language Wikimedia sites and subject Wikiprojects



Budget narrative


UNESCO is committed to offering significant in-kind contributions to the project costs. This includes office space and staff time to support the work of the post. They are unable to offer direct financial assistance due to the 22% post 2011 reduction in their funding caused by the US cutting all funding in response to UNESCO granting Palestine full membership. This has led to reduced project budgets and reduction in global staff levels. The estimated value of this programme support cost is calculated as 13% of the total spend on the project delivery - please see explanatory note here

"We are coping in very difficult circumstances. We're fundraising this year, but it's not sustainable on a long-term basis. We're not closing UNESCO, but member states will have to rethink the way forward. UNESCO will be crippled."
Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General

Wikimedia UK as a chapter is committed to delivering its strategic goals even in light of a reduction in direct grant from the Funds Dissemination Committee for the 2015 - 2016 financial year. As a long standing volunteer for the Chapter they have agreed to support the project with targeted in-kind support, including staff time and promotional resources.

Wikimedia training for UNESCO and partner staff will be run locally where possible using experienced Wikimedia project editors, we expect the recipient organisations to provide venues and equipment, volunteer costs may be met by either local Wikimedia chapters or organisations trained. Travel costs will be spent on attending meetings, training sessions and the World Education Forum to both engage organisations and share project outcomes with open knowledge communities.

Travel costs to UNESCO partners will mainly be covered by the organisations involved, local travel costs within central Paris will be absorbed into the salary and international travel insurance is in place.

The remaining costs unmet are:

  • Remuneration and local taxation for the staff time taken to deliver the project
  • A supportive travel budget which will be a key factor to ensuring impact in a relatively short timescale of 12 months.
  • Overhead costs
  • Contingency cover

The budget includes attending the World Education Forum which will inform the UN education agenda from 2015 - 2030 which will be an invaluable opportunity to further the aims of the project fully described in the Activities section.No per diem is included as I will already be receiving a wage and am able to budget accurately for local travel costs. Funding for attending additional conferences (e.g Wikimania, Open Knowledge Festival, Mozfest) will be sought independently from external funders at a later date. Funding was provided by Wikimedia Nederland to attend GLAMwiki 2015.

Contingency amounts have been included to cover emergency eventualities or unanticipated opportunities which would hamper the delivery of the project as described if not pursued. Amounts have been calculated by likelihood of risk and cost impact - guided by http://www.precursive.co.uk/how-to-estimate-project-contingency. Per best practice these funds ideally remain unspent and are not intended to pay for major changes in scope or remunerative or project support costs. The inclusion of a contingency might normally be a provision of general overhead costs, but in this application these have been substantively provided by UNESCO’s contribution in kind.

A budget for the first 6 months of the project has been included as separate columns.

Project budget table

Item number Category Item description Unit Number of units for first 6 months Number of units for 12 months Cost per unit Total cost for first 6 months in Euros Total cost for first 6 months in US Dollars Total cost for 12 months in Euros Total cost for 12 months in US Dollars Notes
1 Venue Office space at UNESCO office (World Heritage Centre, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France) 1 desk, managed reception, access to meeting rooms, landline 1 1 See notes $ $ Both office space and staff support for externally projects are calculated by the standard UNESCO percentage of programme support costs at 13% of the total project expenditure.
2 Project management UNESCO staff time and expertise 1 hour Equivalent to 127 hours Equivalent to 254 hours See notes $ $ See below
3 Project management UNESCO Wikimedian in Residence salary and taxation 1 hour 975 hours 1950 hours €18.81 €18348 $20792.87 €36696 $41585.74 The salary is calculated as the lowest point of the salary bracket of Wikimedia UK funded Wikimedian in residence positions in London (£25,000 - £30,000) and adjusted for the difference in living costs in Paris of -7%,

The hourly rate equivalent (based on 1950 hours) of €18.81 including taxes ($21.56) is 13% less than the previously funded $25/hr rate of the Institutional Growth and Community Fellow.

4 Project management Wikimedia UK staff time, all services are laid out in the Chapter Involvement section 1 day 2.5 5 €156.47 €391.18 $433.30 €782.35 $886.60 Details of all services are laid out in the Chapter Involvement section, 5 days staff time at £120 per day
5 Travel World Education Forum 2015, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, South Korea. 19-22 May 2015 1 return flight from Paris to Incheon, South Korea 1 1 €998 €998 $1143.41 €998 $$1143.41 Conference takes place in first 6 months of the project

Presentation about the project to delegates

Travel to conference was canceled due to late start of grant.

6 Travel As above Accommodation - Hotel in Incheon 5 days 5 days $150 €647.36 $750 €647.36 $750 Costed using Expedia.comTravel to conference was canceled due to late start of grant.
7 Travel Local travel expenses 3 day Seoul travel pass 2 2 €22.50 €55 $62.33 €55 $62.33 3 day adult travel pass in Seoul is 35,000 wonTravel to conference was canceled due to late start of grant.
8 Travel Local travel expenses Travel to and from Incheon airport 2 2 €11.50 €23 $26.06 €23 $26.06 train fare, 14,500 won singleTravel to conference was canceled due to late start of grant.
Travel Wikipedia Science Conference Sept 2-3 in London Train and conference fee 1 $300 $45.50 conference ticket plus Paris to London train, approved here.
Travel Mozfest November 5-8 in London Train and conference fee 1 $300 $70 conference ticket plus Paris to London train, approved here
Travel Meeting with WMUK on training and faciliatation Train 1 $200 Paris to London train, approved here.
9 Travel International travel insurance Annual policy for WIR 1 1 €171.67 €171.67 $194.55 €171.67 $194.55 Applicant has a policy in place through Countrywide, £131.53
10 Travel Local training events Travel for local training events 0.5 1 €250 €125 $143.21 €250 $286.43
11 Travel Travel to UNESCO partner organisations Budget for travel to UNESCO partners 0.5 1 €1500 €750 $849.94 €1500 $1699.87 Estimated travel budget to UNESCO partners funded by them.
12 Equipment Canon 6D camera 1 1 1 €3704.82 €3704.82 $4198.49 €3704.82 $4198.49 Canon 6D camera and lens which will be used to document the residency (e.g in person training sessions and conferences) to enhance reporting and storytelling.
13 Merchandise Printed booklets 1 190 190 €1.38 €262.20 $300.40 €262.20 $300.40 Provided by Wikimedia UK, £200
14 Merchandise Metal Wikipedia globe badges 1 200 200 €0.63 €126 $142.79 €126 $142.79 Merchandise provided by Wikimedia UK, £100
15 Merchandise Assorted Wikimedia stickers 1 275 275 €0.47 €130.51 $147.90 €130.51 $147.90 Merchandise provided by Wikimedia UK, £100
16 Bank fees $
17 Contingency Equipment N/A N/A N/A N/A €75 $85 €150 $169.99 Included to cover eventuality of equipment hire or purchase of small items e.g. cables, adaptors for presentations and training sessions

Risk probability: 35%
Cost impact: €200 (Contingency halved for the 6 month budget)

18 Contingency Venue space and volunteer expenses N/A N/A N/A N/A €75 $85 €150 $169.99 Given that a key focus of the role is increasing awareness with appropriate regional partners, there is a possibility of conducting training or meetings outside of UNESCO’s main offices

Risk probability: 25%
Cost impact: €600 (Contingency halved for the 6 month budget)

19 Contingency Unanticipated local travel expenses N/A N/A N/A N/A €90 $101.99 €180 $203.98 Should there be in-country opportunities of key meetings or conferences this contingency would allow me to attend

Risk probability: 45%
Cost impact: €400 (Contingency halved for the 6 month budget)

Project support obtained €8929.09 $10230.06 €12635.05 $14475.98 30.28% of total project cost for the first 6 months
24.4% of total project cost for 12 months
Project funding requested €20321.36 $23282.18 €38669.36 $44303.49 68.91% of total project cost for the first 6 months
74.67% of total project cost for 12 months
Contingency funding requested €240 $274.97 €480 $543.96 0.81% of total project cost for the first 6 months
0.93% of total project cost for 12 months

Total project cost €29490.45 $33787.21 €51784.41 $59323.43

Total cost of project


First 6 months: €29490.45 / $33787.21
12 months: €51784.41 / $59323.43

Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants program


First 6 months: €20321.36 / $23282.18
12 months: €38669.36 / $44303.49

Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded

Name of organisation Support offered Total amount for first 6 months in Euros Total amount for first 6 months in US Dollars Total amount for 12 months in Euros Total amount for 12 months in US Dollars
  • Access to all amenities
  • Introductions
  • Office space and equipment
  • Staff time for training to contribute to Wikimedia projects
€3392.71 $3887.03 €5957.50 $6825.51
John Cummings
  • Canon 6D camera
  • Travel insurance policy
€3876.49 $4,393.04 €3876.49 $4,393.04
UNESCO partners
  • Travel costs for travel to meetings and training events
€750 $852.25 €1500 $1704.51
Wikimedia UK
  • Staff time of 2.5 days per 6 months (5 days for 12 month project):
    • Introductions to community members and relevant staff from other chapters that would enhance the project
    • Matching UK based UNESCO partner organisation who want to engage with Wikimedia with skilled UK volunteers
    • Advice on overcoming specific issues that the chapter has experience with
    • Advice on promotion of the project
    • Sharing of information about the project
    • Support with evaluation for the project
  • Low cost promotional items like Wikipedia badges and stickers
€909.89 $1042.46 €1301.06 $1478.45

Non-financial requirements


See a description of non-financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requests for non-financial assistance now.

I would very much appreciate the following assistance from Wikimedia Foundation staff, these are not essential requirements and the project can run without them:

  • Discussions with WMF learning and evaluation team to improve learning outcomes and understand metrics for use of documentation produced by the project.
  • A discussion about Wikipedia Zero with WMF staff (already arranged).
  • A discussion with fundraising staff about finding additional external funding for extending the project.
  • To work with WMF communications team to promote the outcomes of the project including the possibility of having blog posts on the Wikimedia blog.
  • The use of Wikimedia's marks if wanting to use it outside the Wikimedia trademark policy.
  • Access to Qualtrics.



Community notification


Wikimedia UK
Wikimedia Belgium, 2
Wikimedia Canada, 2, 3
Wikimedia Argentina, 2
Wikimedia Botswana 1,2
Wikimedia France (email)
Wikimedia India (and email)
Wikimedia Chile, 2
Wikimedia Spain (and email)
Wikimedia Ghana, 2

Wikimedia Nepal (and email)
Wikimedia South Africa, 2
Wikimedia Indonesia, 2
Wikimedia Pakistan
Wikimedia DC
Wikimedia Bangladesh
Wikimedia Hong Kong
Wikimedia Italia
Wikimedia Norway
Wikimedia Mexico

Wikimedia Bolivia
Wikimedia Portugal
Wikimedia Denmark
Wikimedia Taiwan
Wikimedia Czech Republic
Wikimedia Tunisia
Wikimedia Sweden
Amical Wikimedia
Wikimedia Venezuela
Wikimedia Australia

Wikimedia Israel
Wikimedia Hungary
Wikimedia Russia
New England Wikimedians
Wikimedia Uruguay
Wikimedia Cambodia
Wikimedia Ukraine
Wikimedia Phillipines
Wikimedia Ireland
Wikimedia Finland

Wikimedia Armenia
Wikimedia Macedonia
Wikimedia Iberocoop
Wikimedia Brazil
Asturian Wikimedia Community
Wikimedia Algeria
Wikimedia Poland
Wikimedia Austria
Wikimedia Macau
Wikimedia Morocco

Wikimedia Costa Rica
Wikimedia Panama
Wikimedia Commons Facebook group
Wikimedia Pakistan, 2
Wikipedia Club Pune
Poska Wikipedia
Wikipedia Kolkata Chapter
Wikipedia for World Heritage
Wikipedia Indonesia
Wikimedia Mumbai

Wikipedians Without Borders
Wikipedia Bulgaria
Wikimedia Asia Pacific Forum
Wikimedia Deutschland
Wikimedia Mexico
Wikimedia Community of Cambodia
Wikimedia Bangladesh
Wikimedia New York
Wikimedia Ukraine
Wikimedia Ibercoop
WikiWomen's Collaborative

Simple English




Discussion about metrics and targets

Wikimedia Commons Village Pump 1
Wikimedia Commons Village Pump 2

Wikibooks Reading Room



Wikiproject World Heritage Sites
Wikiproject United Nations
Wikiproject Echo
Wikiproject Education
Wikiproject International Relations
Wikiproject Medicine

Cultural Partners
African Wikimedians

Wiki Loves Earth
Wiki Loves Monuments
Open Knowledge: Education

24 retweets including:

Wikimedia UK
Open Coalition
Wikimedia CH
Wici Cymru



Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal. Note: When adding your name using the Endorse button it will appear at the bottom of the list.
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click here to endorse the project

If you are using a mobile phone or tablet please click here first before clicking endorse to switch to desktop view (the button is broken in mobile view)

  1. NavinoEvans (talk) 12:36, 23 January 2015 (UTC) - This project will be of great value to the Wikimedia community. There is a huge potential for improvements to many different language Wikipedias, as well as Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. It also opens the door to partnering with other UN and affiliated organisations.
  2. Strong support. Netha Hussain (talk) 20:49, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
  3. UNESCO are the sort of organisation that the Wikimedia movement should be working with. If the WMF are to ever fund any Wikimedian in Residence Programme, this is the one they should fund. Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry (talk) 21:35, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
  4. Fantastic project, that is exceptionally well thought through. Good luck! Smirkybec (talk) 23:05, 23 January 2015 (UTC)
  5. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - main goal is to educate. And wikipedia is almost best for it. Dominikmatus (talk) 00:12, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  6. I believe this will benefit UN organisations as their content is often locked within the confines of their own sites and the wider community could benefit from access to it. Herahussain (talk) 00:42, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  7. Strong support. This is a well-structured project with a high probability of successful outcomes based on the experience and prior successes of the submitter. - PKM (talk) 03:17, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  8. Wonderful initiative. Happy to support. Andy Mabbett (Pigsonthewing); Talk to Andy; Andy's edits 09:57, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  9. Support. AbhiSuryawanshi (talk) 10:30, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  10. Expanding the reach of of UNESCO via widely availably content, and encouraging growth of UNESCO and Wikimedia relations Tigerlilygirl (talk) 17:16, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  11. John is a very experienced and high quality Wikimedian in Residence with a good track record across a whole range of institutions - I am sure this project will be a success Chris Keating (The Land) (talk) 18:42, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  12. I assisted John with some elements of this application, namely advice on budgeting process, but I would like to explicitly add my endorsement as a volunteer. This is a fantastic way to work with an internationally renowned institution to ensure the preservation and access of international culturally significant assets, as well as potentially expanding our community with expert contributors in several languages. It is a highly meritorious application and one I hope WMF and the community recognises it as being worthy of movement funds! Leela0808 (talk) 20:02, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  13. Liberating information is a greater good. 20:08, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  14. If GLAMwiki can get to the world's top cultural heritage organisation, it'll all get easier from here! PatHadley (talk) 21:18, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  15. This project brings great documents to Wikimedia. Yann (talk) 22:15, 24 January 2015 (UTC)
  16. I'm hugely excited by the potential of this project - not least for coverage of UNESCO World Heritage sites and Memory of the World objects on Wikimedia projects. Engagement between Wikimedia and UNESCO has the potential to foster greater openness from these heritage sites and collections globally - in addition to all the other benefits. --Mr impossible (talk) 14:34, 25 January 2015 (UTC)
  17. It will add a huge amount of information to Wikipedia and increase its users knowledge of UNESCO worldwide. John's experience and dedication make him the perfect person to take this project forward. 18:43, 25 January 2015 (UTC)
  18. Well-designed project that would bring a lot of quality, educational content to Wikimedia - I support it fully. ~SuperHamster Talk Contribs 20:53, 25 January 2015 (UTC)
  19. Wonderful project with high quality pictures full of educational value! Einstein2 (talk) 21:14, 25 January 2015 (UTC)
  20. UNESCO is a natural organization for Wikipedia to work with, and it'd be great to get some traction within the UN. I don't know if a year-long project makes sense, but spending some money to build these contacts -- and to bring the UNESCO Archive to the Commons -- is *definitely* a great idea! Gaurav (talk) 23:52, 25 January 2015 (UTC)
  21. I think it is very important that we get UNESCO info available. Great idea, hope this helps UNESCO and other UN organisations to get involve with wikimedia. 06:22, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
  22. Great WiR track-record. Mbrinkerink (talk) 07:15, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
  23. Strong support too. Like tears in rain (talk) 09:00, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
  24. Excellent potential; high profile world-wide body. Brilliant! Llywelyn2000 (talk) 09:42, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
  25. The potential for improvement of the Wikimedia projects resulting from this project is vast. John is an experienced Wikimedian and knows how to build long lasting partnerships that deliver significant impact. Stevie Benton (WMUK) (talk) 10:46, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
  26. Excellent initiative. KTC (talk) 11:42, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
  27. Wikimedian in Residence program is very usefull to create quality links between wikimedians and intitutions. Lionel Allorge (talk) 17:05, 26 January 2015 (UTC)
  28. Very small investment for potentially large return; well defined proposal, safe pair of hands. Tagishsimon (talk) 01:54, 27 January 2015 (UTC)
  29. Work on Gibraltarpedia and other projects (including wikimania) has been a real asset to the community. HolidayInGibraltar (talk) 03:46, 27 January 2015 (UTC)
  30. I know Jon will pull off something great EdSaperia (talk) 10:56, 27 January 2015 (UTC)
  31. UNESCO is one of the few organizations in the world aimed at making the world better and safer. A Wikipedian in residence will contribute to that goal by extending understanding. Kmccook (talk) 00:18, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  32. Huge potential here, and John has tons of experience, which I am sure he will need in such an organization. An exciting prospect. The reach is global, so it is appropriate that WMF should fund it. For those unclear, the position will be full time for 1 year (see talk). Johnbod (talk) 00:49, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  33. Open Knowledge (where I am based) are really keen to support open licensing of content. I think that it is great that John is supporting UNESCO to do this and act as a model for other UN organisations. Mariekeguy (talk) 08:38, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  34. Perfect combination of project and WiR and makes a huge amount of sense. A very clearly defined and considered project. Pchlondon (talk) 10:29, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  35. I believe this project if approved would provide the framework for further engagement with UN and other international organisations. Strong support.Masssly 11:00, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  36. I believe it's a great chance for EDU projects to become grater and more visible - round the globe. Upotrebi klikere (talk) 13:15, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  37. +1 15:17, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  38. Because of the potential for this project to produce long-standing collaborations of exceptional value as well as to make its unique content openly accessible. It also offers an exciting model for Wikimedians in Residence to be based at international organisations, facilitating cooperation across different Wikimedia chapters as well as locally. Sounds brilliant to me! ACrockford (talk) 15:19, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  39. This is an excellent project, well thought out, which could provide a model for other initiatives. Leutha (talk) 16:39, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  40. Amazing project. Wikimedia and UNESCO should absolutely work together. ZoeTropesaurus (talk) 18:17, 28 January 2015 (UTC)
  41. This is a fantastic project - not just because of the work that will be done during the duration of the Residency, but because it is a springboard for the Wikimedian in Residence programme to a global scale. I wholeheartedly endorse it. BekkaKahn (talk) 05:36, 29 January 2015 (UTC)
  42. I fully endorse this project. UNESCO have done some great work in the open access area and this will be fantastic way to further their work. Best regards Yves Zieba Yveszieba (talk) 06:54, 29 January 2015 (UTC)
  43. Important cause and a really good approach Cvillum (talk) 09:47, 29 January 2015 (UTC)
  44. Excellent potential! OlafJanssen (talk) 10:05, 29 January 2015 (UTC)
  45. The value of a partnership between the Wikimedia community and UNESCO is obvious - UNESCO has high quality content and the Wikimedia community can deliver it to a large audience which would not see it otherwise. However, what most interests me in this project is the intention that UNESCO has to work with MrjohnCummings to create and present metrics on the reach of this content. Everyone is happy to have their content disseminated, but I really appreciate UNESCO's interest in quantifying the extent to which their content is shared, as this kind of data is evidence that can help other organizations decide the circumstances under which they would like to follow this model. Blue Rasberry (talk) 14:05, 29 January 2015 (UTC)
  46. There are many good photos that could be used to help illustrate Wikipedia articles. Axl (talk) 18:14, 29 January 2015 (UTC)
  47. Finally! A real grants project! WMF should spend money on this good grant proposal, I fully endorse this grants.--AldNonUcallin?☎ 05:55, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
  48. Totally support! Bonaditya (talk) 06:08, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
  49. Excellent initiative. Fully support. Maragm (talk) 06:13, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
  50. It is a good project. Nikesh balami (talk) 08:45, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
  51. UNESCO's range of activity and global scope make it a crucial potential partner, sharing free knowledge in areas that have most potential to change the world. As shown by the work that has gone into this proposal, John Cummings has an excellent record on reaching out to valuable partners to create valuable and innovative projects. I've trained with him multiple times and he is always an ideal ambassador for the Wikimedia movement. MartinPoulter (talk) 11:25, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
  52. This will generate a lot of high quality reliable content. Fauzan✆ talk ✉ email 15:07, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
  53. Strong support. This is about getting major cultural institutions to start thinking of open licensing as default. This is a great place to push that cause and John has a record of success in doing this with other institutions so is a great person to support in doing this.--StuartPrior (talk) 17:29, 30 January 2015 (UTC)
  54. give it a chance Andy king50 (talk) 21:30, 31 January 2015 (UTC)
  55. Innovative and Inspiring. Its worth having when it concerns UNESCO and other affiliated organisations. We must put our weight behind it to ensure success. AminouT (talk) 09:42, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  56. I fell that it is really important for us (WM that is) to have Wikimedians in Residence in different UN associated institutions. These organizations are active the world over, and will allow us to reach out to many active volunteers. I might add that as a school teacher, I feel that UNESCO is an especially important one. GastelEtzwane (talk) 10:13, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  57. Parce qu'il peut permettre le développement de projets comme wikivoyage. Tybo2 (talk) 12:48, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  58. Great opportunity for cooperation that will be of benefit to all involved; wonderful new content and exposure for Wikimedia projects, excellent way to gain more visibility for the important and clearly beautiful work Unesco does. JuliasTravels (talk) 13:04, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  59. Nice project. Inkey (talk) 13:15, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  60. Nice project. Doostdar (talk) 13:19, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  61. Nice project. for why not --Florence (talk) 15:54, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  62. Really good idea and very impressive preparation! AlessioMela (talk) 16:10, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  63. we strongly need to enforce our relationships with international organisations with compatible or complementary scopes. I believe it is in our mission to establish solid contacts with whom is working on the field and could evaluate, criticize and eventually use our contents, helping us to improve them and how.
    I would find it really interesting if only a fifth of the outlined targets (in terms of numbers) would be obtained :-) so, let this challenge start with the best support :-) g (talk) 16:31, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  64. Good idea, very usefull Digr (talk) 19:01, 1 February 2015 (UTC)
  65. Very good idea. In Africa today, many people exploit the various projects but do not know they have to participate.Geugeor (talk) 14:40, 2 February 2015 (UTC) Geugeor (talk) 13:42, 2 February 2015 (UTC)
  66. duh, no brainer yes. we need to support those wikimedians who have aproven track record of getting things done. Slowking4 (talk) 14:09, 2 February 2015 (UTC)
  67. Great initiative, will be glad to give in my support if need be Flixtey (talk) 17:38, 2 February 2015 (UTC)
  68. The potential for unlocking new sources of content for Wikimedia projects seems vast. UNESCO has a treasure trove of pictures, text and other types of data Wikipedia and its sister projects would love. Leptictidium (talk) 18:38, 3 February 2015 (UTC)
  69. Would provide worthwhile coverage for under-covered subjects and places. Ranveig (talk) 05:59, 4 February 2015 (UTC)
  70. Very good idea. Л.П. Джепко (talk) 14:03, 4 February 2015 (UTC)
  71. We lack quality photos of heritage monuments Alexander (talk) 14:40, 4 February 2015 (UTC)
  72. Sounds like a great project with much world wide potential. As board member of Wikimedia Belgium I like to support this project. Romaine (talk) 21:55, 4 February 2015 (UTC)
  73. Sounds great. Lspiste (talk) 22:10, 4 February 2015 (UTC)
  74. i want to work as a volunteer for this project 06:41, 5 February 2015 (UTC)
  75. Le projet parait bien préparé et promet une productivité significative. Le sourcier de la colline (talk) 10:33, 5 February 2015 (UTC)
  76. Very good idea!! Strong support. Dyolf77 (talk) 10:36, 5 February 2015 (UTC)
  77. Excellente idée. J'ai hâte d'avoir des nouvelles de ce projet (qui en terme de nombre de fichiers va dépasser mon cyclisme 2015). Ce serait intéressant une petite traduction rapide en français, je comprends l'anglais, mais j'ai du mal sur du très précis. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (talk) 16:45, 5 February 2015 (UTC)
  78. Wikimedia Russia supports this project as believes that it would have great potential and impact for us. rubin16 (talk) 19:46, 5 February 2015 (UTC)
  79. It's a great initiative and needs to be supported Rberchie (talk) 09:28, 6 February 2015 (UTC)
  80. This seems like a pretty stupendous project. Providing all this content to Wikimedia sites will greatly enhance the quality and quantity of documentation like photographs, with a likelihood of greatly improved coverage of currently under-covered areas of the world. Ikan Kekek (talk) 10:24, 6 February 2015 (UTC)
  81. I like its photos. علیرضا (talk) 22:02, 6 February 2015 (UTC)
  82. UNESCO and Wikipedia should be working hand in hand in as many countries as possible, in order to raise the general level of education and to strengthen the awareness of these two unities. Rsteen (talk) 10:39, 12 February 2015 (UTC)
  83. It's a fantastic opportunity to make good use of a valuable resource. And as a global organisation UNESCO are going to have material which compliments areas Wikimedia doesn't cover particularly well. Nev1 (talk) 17:17, 12 February 2015 (UTC)
  84. It would be silly not to support projects like this. Palnatoke (talk) 21:16, 12 February 2015 (UTC)
  85. A very challenging but utterly worthwhile project. Mary Mark Ockerbloom (talk) 19:38, 13 February 2015 (UTC)
  86. John Cummings work is excellent and if he wins this grant, he will be able to deliver quality work. Ramyakr (talk) 05:07, 15 February 2015 (UTC)
  87. UNESCO has a great deal to contribute - not least an amazing storehouse of experience, sources, and images - to some of wikipedia's worthiest articles. This proposal would open that storehouse to a global audience. I cannot endorse this proposal strongly enough. bobrayner (talk) 01:03, 16 February 2015 (UTC)
  88. UNESCO is a clear strategic partner. Great potential. Alexmar983 (talk) 02:36, 16 February 2015 (UTC)
  89. The proposal is exhaustive and backed by an excellent track record of the applicant. Wikimedia India has a Special Interest Working Group for GLAM which would make use of the opportunities available through this work. Ravidreams (WMIN) (talk) 06:34, 16 February 2015 (UTC)
  90. On behalf of Wikimédia France board of trustees: We believe, that partnering with UNESCO is a great opportunity for the Wikimedia movement. After discussing with John, as his residency will take place in Paris, we think we can provide him some logistic support in Paris if needed (do not hesitate to come to our facilities, you are welcome), and we can help John reaching out to French volunteers if needed. -- PierreSelim (talk) 07:06, 19 February 2015 (UTC)
  91. From Wikimedians of Nepal we will support the efforts.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 05:44, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
  92. From Wikimedia Bangladesh we will support this project. --Hasivetalk • 11:48, 3 March 2015 (UTC)
  93. There is a wealth of information with UNESCO and a Wikipedian in Residence with UNESCO would benefit not just the English language Wikipedia pages, but those of other official UN languages as well. Rselby1 (talk) 05:35, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
  94. This sounds like a great idea, and I look forward to learning how other organizations (such as my own) can benefit from the models you develop. Jonny - OSCE Editor (talk) 14:28, 13 March 2015 (UTC)
  95. Important project. Godzzzilica (talk) 15:50, 28 March 2015 (UTC)
  96. Definitely! For a long time we need to start working with international organizations and this looks like extremely well elaborated project! Millosh (talk) 16:18, 28 March 2015 (UTC)
  97. A WiR at Unesco with this promising project seems a logical ultimate step in the international collaborations of Wikimedia. Hansmuller (talk) 08:04, 14 April 2015 (UTC)
  98. Darrennorthfield (talk) 21:09, 16 April 2015 (UTC)
  99. A thoroughly worthy cause. Bazonka (talk) 21:48, 16 April 2015 (UTC)
  100. Because this is exactly the kind of work Wikimedia should be promoting (collaboration on an institutional level), and with the right type of person (experienced, capable, dedicated). Battleofalma (talk) 21:57, 16 April 2015 (UTC)
  101. Excellent project and initiative! Dou aqui o meu endosso à proposta! Saudações do Brasil! Rodrigo Padula (talk) 23:20, 18 April 2015 (UTC)
  102. Support : perfect fit. Kikuyu3 (talk) 19:27, 27 April 2015 (UTC)
For grantees

If you are the grantee or representative that wrote this grant submission, you may request changes by using these links:

  • UNESCO images are great Victorgrigas (talk) 00:25, 1 May 2015 (UTC)
  • fhqiughreog 13:17, 16 July 2015 (UTC)
  • 13:18, 16 July 2015 (UTC)
  • Very good idea to get other countries involved. Oaktree b (talk) 04:09, 17 August 2015 (UTC)
  • It would bring much professional content and enrich wikipedia and its sister projects Balajijagadesh (talk) 16:39, 30 November 2015 (UTC)
  • support Balajijagadesh (talk) 16:40, 30 November 2015 (UTC)
  • i support. Balajijagadesh (talk) 16:45, 30 November 2015 (UTC)
  • SABERELFAIDY@GMAIL.COM 07:15, 21 January 2016 (UTC)
  • world round time from home spiritual make powers on women brakeilf miibeaer
                       ohio sea came she briged them all life yahoo 11:04, 11 September 2016 (UTC)
  • More support! Mahdimoqri (talk) 00:54, 20 March 2018 (UTC)
  • world class WiR for international institution Slowking4 (talk) 02:12, 28 January 2020 (UTC)