MIL 174 2002-2025 free printable template
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Hey guys down here welcome to a very special video because we did it we finally did it we have 13 million subscribers which is absolutely crazy but um yeah as always thank you guys so so so much for this it's 13 million that's that's bigger than some countries which is really crazy so of course I didn't have anything planned, and then I thought you know what you know I'll be perfect I'm going to get you guys to control what goes into this video by using a certain hashtag called TDM 13 million so here is my Twitter account as you guys know if you don't go ahead and follow it that would be awesome and in amongst the picture of LE snoozing I posted these just under a day ago I posted four pictures that I wanted you guys to use to edit me in any kind of way you wanted, so I chose this one which is personally my favorite we've got this one as well a little of a Superman pose there we've got by the way this one's my favorite, and we've also got this one as well where I could hold whatever you want here I said do your worst edit me and post them using TDM 13,000,000 and yeah we're going to go through them right now let's do this wait a second we're also in Christmas fiend it's a video I didn't expect that to be a video let's have a look haha no way was that Kelly enjoy Horace oh my goodness the snazziest elves in the land look at this she's a beautiful oh man haha yes haha that's amazing yes hahaha I have a diamond I have a mine cart ah the diamond mine cart hahaha that's great bugs the part I like that I like that a lot Hey look there's another one I have a pen I have an apple Oh Apple Bend oh gee you guys what did you do to Kanye is perfectly beautiful by himself he doesn't need he definitely doesn't need me half covering his ear um yeah yes haha this one's good I like it, I've always wanted to go to a quartz, and I've always wanted to join The Incredible oh yeah haha oh this is great imagine that'd be awesome if I was in I was an animatronic in five nights at Freddy that would be really cool um uh I don't even know what to say apart from I make a pretty good-looking unicorn okay there's way too many of these well um what can I say when someone says Dante is trash I blatantly am haha I was there I was there about a week ago ah man I wasn't that's, although I was there too, but I didn't do any of these things what I've just noticed look at my hand why is my hand so big and what happened to my chin oh that's creepy haha when I did this pose and uploaded I knew it wouldn't be long until the poop came oh, oh my goodness that's so weird so very, very weird I mean I don't know where this came from but this one's goods do you need some milk well do you why right a gym why would I poop in a gym whoa, whoa that's cool that's really cool ice-t DM sneaking up to fire TDM I like that I wish I could do that in real life just like spontaneously combust don't be amazing nice me and undertake Dan TM attack ten defense three on those really low stats this monster...
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