Hey, you can call me Mindset, or Butterfly. I like: Comics, ASOIAF, music, art, books, sf & fantasy, butterflies, birds, pretty rocks, and many other things. See my sidebar tags and links for more details. I help mod: ASOIAF University and A Song of Theories. Note to ASOIAF fandom followers: I've read all the books, and rarely if ever cut for spoilers, sorry. Please check my FAQ and the other links on my sidebar for more info.
“Kill your darlings” means “if something is holding you back, get rid of it, even if it sounds pretty.”
That’s it! That’s all it means! It means if you’re stuck and stalled out on your story and you could fix the whole block by removing something but you’re avoiding removing that thing because it’s good, you remove that thing. That’s the darling.
It does NOT mean
That you have to get rid of your self-indulgent writing
That you should delete something just because you like it (?wtf?)
That you need to kill off characters (??? what)
That you have to pare your story down to the absolute bare bones
That you have to delete anything whatsoever if you don’t want to
The POINT is that you STOP FEELING GUILTY for throwing out good writing that isn’t SERVING THE STORY.
The POINT is that you don’t get so HUNG UP on the details that you lose sight of the BIG PICTURE.
Good grief….
Also, you don’t have to like, delete it from existence. Keep a second document full of the Darlings. You never know when you’ll need it later.
one of the more upsetting things you notice if you look back at older european weapons is that nobody fucking named any of the types of flail so you’ve gotta describe them by appearance every single time
me: this is so clearly a distinctive and recurring type of flail that would have to be used in an entirely different way than a normal flail. people fought with and against this hundreds of times. people died to this. they had to have a name for this. it CANNOT just be called a flail again
the real villain of asoiaf is the 500 middle-aged men in positions of power whose egos you must appease in order to accomplish anything at all lest they side against you. and euron greyjoy
So, for now, I recommend if you have an ASOIAF meta-question, please read my Frequently Asked Questions and search my blog / check my tags to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. (If I'm feeling upto it, I might answer anyway, but I'm afraid I probably won't. But hey, I've got some good posts I think, please check 'em out.) And as always,
If you have a question about Game of Thrones, please note I am no longer in that fandom and do not watch the show anymore. If you send a GOT question anyway, I will not answer and may delete it without even reading, depending. For any questions on how the show relates to the books, you can read this post.
Thanks so much, hopefully I'll reopen properly soon.