Main Group
NVDA Screen Reader Group
NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) is screen reader software. The central purpose of this group is discussing *how to use NVDA*. This includes configuring NVDA's settings or familiarizing oneself with its modes and commands. Discussions about which programs are accessible using NVDA, NVDA add-ons, NVDA tutorials and documentation, and configuring synthesizers or Braille displays for use with NVDA are also permitted.
1,618 Members, 16,207 Topics, Archive is visible to anyone, Last Post:
Subgroups You Can Join
NVDA Chat Subgroup
The Chat Subgroup is dedicated to the discussion of anything its members want to discuss. There are no topic restrictions, within the bounds of civil discourse. Many discussions have a primary focus on configuring or controlling specific programs, not using NVDA itself. Others are purely social in nature. The Chat Subgroup allows those members of the NVDA community who wish to engage in discussions about things other than NVDA to do so, and to keep those conversations separate from the main NVDA group. You must be a member of the NVDA Group before you can join the Chat Subgroup.Created:250 Members, 1,668 Topics, Archive is visible to anyone, Last Post: -
Dev Learning with NVDA
This group is for the learning of development with the use of the NVDA screen reader.Created:96 Members, 118 Topics, Archive is visible to members only, Last Post: