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Released 8 May 2001 (Update)
Also called Craft
Members No
Type Production
Players with
as of 1 March 2025 - update
Players with
200M XP
as of 28 February 2025 - update

Crafting is a skill that allows players to create items such as jewellery, pottery, and armour for use or for trade.

The Crafting Guild is located north-west of Rimmington and can be entered at level 40 Crafting while wearing a brown apron.

Crafting level up - normal
The music that plays when levelling up.
Crafting level up - with unlocks
The music that plays when levelling up and unlocking new content.

Spinning[edit | edit source]

Spinning is the process of turning raw materials such as wool into balls of wool, or flax into bow strings, by using a spinning wheel. A popular and convenient spinning wheel is located below the bank in Lumbridge Castle.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
1 Wool 2.5 0
10 Flax 15 1
10 Sinew or Roots 15 1
19 Magic roots 30 1
30 Hair 25 1

Weaving[edit | edit source]

Weaving is a similar process to spinning, taking various raw materials and making a finished, usable product. Instead of a spinning wheel, weaving uses a loom to process the materials.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
10 Ball of wool x4 12 1
21 Jute fibre x4 38 1
26 Jute fibre x2 55 1
36 Willow branch x6 56 1

Pottery[edit | edit source]

Pottery is the art of turning soft clay into various objects using a potter's wheel, followed by using the shaped clay with a pottery oven. Soft clay is obtained by mining clay, then using it with an object containing water, such as a bucket of water or a jug of water.

Crafting Level Item Shaping Firing Total XP Members
Material XP Material XP
1 Soft clay 6.3 Unfired pot 6.3 12.6 0
3 Soft clay 8.5 Unfired cup[1] 8.5 17 1
7 Soft clay 15 Unfired pie dish 10 25 0
8 Soft clay 18 Unfired bowl 15 33 0
19 Soft clay 20 Unfired plant pot 17.5 37.5 1
25 Soft clay 20 Unfired pot lid 20 40 1
  1. ^ Four unfired cups are turned out of one soft clay.
  2. ^ Pot lids require partial completion of One Small Favour to be able to craft.

Armour[edit | edit source]

Leather[edit | edit source]

A player crafts leather into a piece of leather armour.

To begin leather crafting, players need a needle and thread, normally purchased from the Al Kharid or Rimmington Crafting shops, and some cowhide tanned into leather. In a free-to-play world, this means visiting the tanner in Al Kharid until players are able to enter the guild. Tanning costs 1 coin per ordinary leather, 3 coins for hard leather, and 20 coins for dragonhide. There is also a more expensive tannery available to Members in Canifis.

The cattle field east of Lumbridge is a convenient spot for leather crafters and is easy to get to, but it is normally largely populated. Another convenient location to obtain cowhide in a free-to-play world is to the west of the Crafting Guild, where there are many more cows together in a smaller place, allowing faster kills. For Members, there is a field of cows north of Ardougne and west of the Legends' Guild, which is fairly close to a bank and very rarely occupied by players.

Note: 1 spool of thread can make up to 5 pieces of leather armour.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
1 Leather 13.8 0
7 Leather 16.3 0
9 Leather 18.5 0
11 Leather 22 0
14 Leather 25 0
18 Leather 27 0
28 Hard leather 35 0
32 Leather or Dragon leather
Kebbit claws
5.5 1
38 Leather 37 1
41 Hard leather x2
Oak shield
Bronze nails x15
70 1
41 Leather body
Steel studs
40 1
44 Leather chaps
Steel studs
42 1
  1. ^ Spiky vambraces includes the leather and dragonhide versions.

Dragonhides[edit | edit source]

This Members-only part of the Crafting skill is extremely similar to normal leather crafting, except that:

  • 20 are paid to tan one piece of hide.
  • Only vambraces, chaps, shields, and bodies can be made.
  • High Level Alchemy is better cast on dragonhide bodies or vambraces rather than chaps, for their difference in coins received.
  • Killing dragons for their hides is slow but profitable. Buying dragonhides is faster, though price is far higher than the high-alchemy value.
  • Players may attach kebbit claws to any vambraces to make spiked vambraces, giving them a +2 Strength bonus and granting 6 Crafting experience.
Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
57 Green dragon leather 62 1
60 Green dragon leather x2 124 1
62 Green dragon leather x2
Maple shield
Steel nails x15
124 1
63 Green dragon leather x3 186 1
66 Blue dragon leather 70 1
68 Blue dragon leather x2 140 1
69 Blue dragon leather x2
Yew shield
Mithril nails x15
140 1
71 Blue dragon leather x3 210 1
73 Red dragon leather 78 1
75 Red dragon leather x2 156 1
76 Red dragon leather x2
Magic shield
Adamant nails x15
156 1
77 Red dragon leather x3 234 1
79 Black dragon leather 86 1
82 Black dragon leather x2 172 1
83 Black dragon leather x2
Redwood shield
Rune nails x15
172 1
84 Black dragon leather x3 258 1

Snakeskin[edit | edit source]

Snakeskins are made by tanning Snake hides, which can be found by killing bush snakes (on Mos Le'Harmless), Hoop Snakes (in the Tar Swamp), or on Karamja (during the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup activity) or swamp snakes (during the Temple Trekking activity). They can be tanned for 15 each, and then crafted using a needle and thread.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Experience/snakeskin Members
35 Snakeskin x2
Tribal mask
Nails x8
100 50 1
45 Snakeskin x6 30 5 1
47 Snakeskin x8 35 4.375 1
48 Snakeskin x5 45 9 1
51 Snakeskin x12 50 4.167 1
53 Snakeskin x15 55 3.667 1
56 Snakeskin x2
Willow shield
Iron nails x15
100 50 1

Yak hide[edit | edit source]

After starting The Fremennik Isles quest, players can kill yaks to obtain yak-hides and make them into Fremennik armour pieces. The yak hides need to be cured for 5 to become craftable. It is not advised to make bodies for experience because it costs an extra hide for the same return.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
43 Cured yak-hide 32 1
46 Cured yak-hide x2 32 1

Snelms[edit | edit source]

In the Mort Myre swamp, there are snails that drop shells when killed. Using a chisel with these shells will create snelms. Snelms come in two varieties: pointed and rounded.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1
15 32.5 1

Crab armour[edit | edit source]

After beginning the portion of Recipe for Disaster quest to free Pirate Pete, players can craft crab armour. The materials are dropped by the giant crabs encountered during the quest. They can be crafted using a chisel.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
15 Fresh crab shell 32.5 1
15 Fresh crab claw 32.5 1

Xerician robes[edit | edit source]

Xerician robes is a set of magic robes obtainable by crafting Xerician fabric, which can be obtained as a drop from Lizardmen or loot from Stone chests.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
14 Xerician fabric x3 66 1
17 Xerician fabric x4 88 1
22 Xerician fabric x5 110 1

Splitbark armour[edit | edit source]

Splitbark armour is a set of magic armour obtainable by crafting bark and fine cloth. Player can obtain bark from chopping a hollow tree and fine cloth from the Shades of Mort'ton minigame.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
60 Bark
Fine cloth
62 1
60 Bark
Fine cloth
62 1
61 Bark x2
Fine cloth x2
124 1
62 Bark x3
Fine cloth x3
186 1
62 Bark x4
Fine cloth x4
248 1

Mixed hide armour[edit | edit source]

Mixed hide armour is a set of ranged armour obtainable by crafting with various furs. The furs can be attained through Hunter or purchased from a shop.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
68 Mixed hide base
Jaguar fur
62 1
69 Mixed hide base
Sunlight antelope fur
75 1
71 Mixed hide base
Fox fur x3
210 1
72 Mixed hide base
Sunlight antelope fur x2
150 1

Hueycoatl Hide Armour[edit | edit source]

Hueycoatl Hide Armour is a set of ranged armour obtainable by crafting each piece with Hueycoatl hide which can be obtained as a drop from The Hueycoatl boss in Varlamore.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
86 Hueycoatl hide x1 95 1
86 Hueycoatl hide x2 190 1
87 Hueycoatl hide x2 190 1
88 Hueycoatl hide x3 285 1

Glass[edit | edit source]

Glass making will require the following items:

With all of the ingredients in the inventory, use a bucket of sand and soda ash in a furnace to create molten glass.

Note: The Lunar spell Superglass Make also can be used to convert soda ashes/seaweeds and buckets of sand into molten glass. Buckets will not be returned, as the spell destroys them completely. Using this spell yields 10 Crafting experience for each bucket of sand used, rather than the 20 normally obtained by using a furnace. However, this will also make between one and ten extra molten glass.

Use the glassblowing pipe with the molten glass to blow various items.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
1 Molten glass 17.5 1
4 Molten glass 19 1
12 Molten glass 25 1
26 Empty oil lamp
Oil lantern frame
50 1
33 Molten glass 35 1
42 Molten glass 42.5 1
46 Molten glass 52.5 1
49 Molten glass 55 1
87 Molten glass 70 1
87 Empty light orb
Cave goblin wire
104 1

Locations[edit | edit source]

Entrana is a good place to blow glass, as it has respawns for glassblowing pipes and seaweed and has a sand pit, a range and a furnace.

Dorgesh-Kaan also has a sandpit next to a furnace. Molanisks, which can be found just south of the city, drop swamp weed, a suitable substitute for seaweed. There is also a range just to the east of the furnace, making Dorgesh-Kaan an effective place to blow glass. For further Crafting experience one can add a cave goblin wire to a light orb. Cave goblin wire can be stolen from a machine next to the furnace in Dorgesh-Kaan (level 44 Thieving required and 22 Thieving experience gained). Adding the wire gives 104 Crafting experience (level 87 Crafting required).

For those who already have their raw materials in the bank, Neitiznot has both a clay oven (for burning seaweed) and a clay forge for glassmaking within one click of a bank chest. Note that Neitiznot is only accessible to those who have completed The Fremennik Trials. Other suitable locations to glassblow include Falador and Al Kharid both of which have banks, ranges and furnaces in close proximity to each other.

Stills and oil lamps[edit | edit source]

In order to fill oil lamps with lamp oil, use a piece of swamp tar on a lamp oil still with an empty oil lamp in the inventory. There are 2 stills in Gielinor: the scientists house in Rimmington and the lamp stall in Dorgesh-Kaan.

Jewellery[edit | edit source]

Gems[edit | edit source]

Gems can be cut with a chisel. Cutting semiprecious gems (opal, jade and red topaz) will sometimes fail and the player will receive a crushed gem instead. Uncut sapphire or rarer gems cannot fail to be cut and will always result in a cut gem.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Crush Experience Members
1 Uncut opal 15 3.8 1
13 Uncut jade 20 5 1
16 Uncut red topaz 25 6.3 1
20 Uncut sapphire 50 N/A 0
27 Uncut emerald 67.5 N/A 0
34 Uncut ruby 85 N/A 0
43 Uncut diamond 107.5 N/A 0
55 Uncut dragonstone 137.5 N/A 1
67 Uncut onyx 167.5 N/A 1
89 Uncut zenyte 50 N/A 1

Silver jewellery[edit | edit source]

Crafting silver jewellery is done by using cut semiprecious gems, the mould of the jewellery item, and a silver bar into a furnace.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members GE Price GP/XP Profit (HA) Profit (HA)/XP
Buy Sell Diff
1 Opal
Silver bar
10 1
471 898 427 42.70 382 38.20
16 Opal
Silver bar
35 1
471 1,046 575 16.43 382 10.91
22 Opal
Silver bar
45 1
471 860 389 8.64 442 9.82
27 Opal
Silver bar
55 1
471 536 65 1.18 292 5.31
13 Jade
Silver bar
32 1
352 728 376 11.75 517 16.16
25 Jade
Silver bar
54 1
352 765 413 7.65 517 9.57
29 Jade
Silver bar
60 1
352 658 306 5.10 532 8.87
34 Jade
Silver bar
70 1
352 823 471 6.73 382 5.46
16 Red topaz
Silver bar
35 1
2,042 2,449 407 11.63 607 17.34
32 Red topaz
Silver bar
70 1
2,042 1,325 −717 -10.24 607 8.67
38 Red topaz
Silver bar
75 1
2,042 2,406 364 4.85 652 8.69
45 Red topaz
Silver bar
80 1
2,042 2,856 814 10.18 517 6.46

Gold jewellery[edit | edit source]

Crafting gold jewellery is done by using cut gems, the mould of the jewellery item, and a gold bar into a furnace.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members GE Price GP/XP Profit (HA) Profit (HA)/XP
Buy Sell Diff
5 Gold bar 15 0
119 154 35 2.33 −22 -1.47
6 Gold bar 20 0
119 175 56 2.80 38 1.90
7 Gold bar 25 1
119 269 150 6.00 98 3.92
8 Gold bar 30 0
119 160 41 1.37 −22 -0.73
20 Sapphire
Gold bar
40 0
390 494 104 2.60 37 0.93
22 Sapphire
Gold bar
55 0
390 484 94 1.71 127 2.31
23 Sapphire
Gold bar
60 1
390 580 190 3.17 187 3.12
24 Sapphire
Gold bar
65 0
390 431 41 0.63 37 0.57
27 Emerald
Gold bar
55 0
553 667 114 2.07 99 1.80
29 Emerald
Gold bar
60 0
553 675 122 2.03 189 3.15
30 Emerald
Gold bar
65 1
553 800 247 3.80 249 3.83
31 Emerald
Gold bar
70 0
553 658 105 1.50 99 1.41
34 Ruby
Gold bar
70 0
952 1,051 99 1.41 150 2.14
40 Ruby
Gold bar
75 0
952 1,117 165 2.20 240 3.20
42 Ruby
Gold bar
80 1
952 1,196 244 3.05 330 4.13
42 Gold bar 35 1
119 40 −79 -2.26 −172 -4.91
50 Ruby
Gold bar
85 0
952 1,093 141 1.66 150 1.76
43 Diamond
Gold bar
85 0
1,926 1,927 1 0.01 76 0.89
56 Diamond
Gold bar
90 0
1,926 2,016 90 1.00 166 1.84
58 Diamond
Gold bar
95 1
1,926 2,085 159 1.67 256 2.69
70 Diamond
Gold bar
100 0
1,926 1,927 1 0.01 76 0.76
55 Dragonstone
Gold bar
100 1
11,892 12,067 175 1.75 −1,430 -14.30
72 Dragonstone
Gold bar
105 1
11,892 11,779 −113 -1.08 −980 -9.33
74 Dragonstone
Gold bar
110 1
11,892 11,990 98 0.89 −530 -4.82
80 Dragonstone
Gold bar
150 1
11,892 11,434 −458 -3.05 −1,430 -9.53
75 Enchanted gem
Gold bar
15 1
- - - - - -
75 Eternal gem
Gold bar
15 1
- - - - - -
67 Onyx
Gold bar
115 1
2,766,630 2,094,396 −672,234 −5,845.51 −2,646,143 −23,009.94
82 Onyx
Gold bar
120 1
2,766,630 2,409,717 −356,913 −2,974.27 −2,646,143 −22,051.19
84 Onyx
Gold bar
125 1
2,766,630 2,451,115 −315,515 −2,524.12 −2,646,143 −21,169.14
90 Onyx
Gold bar
165 1
2,766,630 2,306,622 −460,008 −2,787.93 −2,646,143 −16,037.23
89 Zenyte
Gold bar
150 1
14,929,217 20,714,914 5,785,697 38,571.31 −14,808,730 −98,724.87
92 Zenyte
Gold bar
165 1
14,929,217 20,891,062 5,961,845 36,132.39 −14,808,130 −89,746.24
95 Zenyte
Gold bar
180 1
14,929,217 20,420,313 5,491,096 30,506.09 −14,808,730 −82,270.72
98 Zenyte
Gold bar
200 1
14,929,217 14,601,928 −327,289 −1,636.44 −14,884,330 −74,421.65
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Slayer ring crafting requires the purchase of Ring Bling for 300 slayer reward points.

Weaponry[edit | edit source]

Battlestaves and silver bolts[edit | edit source]

Crafting weaponry is done by combining battlestaves with charged orbs or by creating Silver bolts (unf) in a furnace with a bolt mould.

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
18 Silver bar 50 1
21 Silver bar 50 1
54 Battlestaff
Water orb
100 1
58 Battlestaff
Earth orb
112.5 1
62 Battlestaff
Fire orb
125 1
66 Battlestaff
Air orb
137.5 1

Amethyst[edit | edit source]

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
83 Amethyst 60 1
85 Amethyst 60 1
87 Amethyst 60 1
89 Amethyst 60 1

Silver[edit | edit source]

A silver bar and the appropriate mould is required to craft one of these items:

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience Members
16 Silver bar 50 0
17 Silver bar 50 1
23 Silver bar 52.5 0

Birdhouses[edit | edit source]

A clockwork and the appropriate logs with a chisel and hammer are required to craft these items:

Crafting Level Item Materials Experience
5 Logs
15 Oak logs
25 Willow logs
35 Teak logs
45 Maple logs
50 Mahogany logs
60 Yew logs
75 Magic logs
90 Redwood logs

Crystal singing[edit | edit source]

Temporary boosts[edit | edit source]

Boost Level
Visibility Other info
1 Visible The Crafting cape provides unlimited teleports to the Crafting Guild.
0-1 Visible Has a variety of beneficial and harmful effects. See poison chalice for details.
4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 8 per bite.
±0-5 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 11
Depending on type of stew, any skill except Hitpoints can be boosted or reduced by 0 to 5 levels randomly.

Quests[edit | edit source]

Quests requiring Crafting[edit | edit source]

Quests rewarding Crafting experience[edit | edit source]

Skill choice[edit | edit source]

Upon completing any of the following quests, players may choose to allocate experience to Crafting. These rewards usually come in the form of items, such as lamps or books, and are independent of any experience rewards directly received for completing the quest.

Skills availableSkill requirements
X Marks the Spot300AnyNone
Client of Kourend500 twiceAnyNone
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen2,500Any skill above 30Farming 49 , Herblore 57
A Tail of Two Cats2,500 twiceAny skill above 30None
The Great Brain Robbery5,000Any skill above 30Crafting 16 , Construction 30 , Prayer 50
King's Ransom5,000Any skill above 50Defence 65
Darkness of Hallowvale2,000 three timesAny skill above 30Construction 5 , Mining 20 , Thieving 22 , Crafting 32 , Magic 33 , Strength 40
A Taste of Hope2,500 three timesAny skill above 35Crafting 48 , Herblore 40 , Attack 40 , Agility 45 , Slayer 38
A Kingdom Divided10,000 twiceAny skill above 40Agility 54 , Thieving 52 , Woodcutting 52 , Herblore 50 , Mining 42 ,
Crafting 38 , Magic 35
In Search of Knowledge
10,000Any skill above 40None
Curse of the Empty Lord
10,000Any skill above 50Some players will need Prayer 31
One Small Favour10,000 twiceAny skill above 30Agility 36 , Crafting 25 , Herblore 18 , Smithing 30
Recipe for Disaster
(The final battle)
20,000Any skill above 50Quest points 175 , Cooking 70 , Agility 48 , Mining 50 , Fishing 53 ,
Thieving 53 , Herblore 25 , Magic 59 , Smithing 40 , Firemaking 50 ,
Ranged 40 , Crafting 40 , Fletching 10 , Slayer 10 , Woodcutting 36
Legends' Quest30,000 four timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Hitpoints Prayer
Woodcutting Crafting Smithing Herblore Agility Thieving
Quest points 107 , Agility 50 , Crafting 50 , Herblore 45 , Magic 56 , Mining 52 ,
Prayer 42 , Smithing 50 , Strength 50 , Thieving 50 , Woodcutting 50
Sins of the Father15,000 six timesAny skill above 60Woodcutting 62 , Fletching 60 , Crafting 56 , Agility 52 , Slayer 50 , Attack 50 , Magic 49

Level up messages[edit | edit source]

This article on a skill has an associated transcript page for level up messages.
Click here for the transcript.

Changes[edit | edit source]

Date Changes
18 May 2022
(update | poll)

The jewellery Crafting interface now remembers the last item crafted, outlined with a highlight, and can be selected with space bar if all the required materials are currently held. Without the correct items, crafting via spacebar will be disabled and the highlight will be removed.

13 January 2021

When crafting leather items requiring more than one bit of leather, the animation will no longer continue to play after you run out.

7 November 2013

Various gem-crafting animations no longer interfere with your walk animation.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In RuneScape Classic, there was briefly a skill that had very little use called Tailoring, which was trained by crafting and tanning leather. It was removed and re-added as an addition to the skill today of Crafting.

See also[edit | edit source]