Monkey Madness II

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Monkey Madness II (#128)
Released 6 May 2016 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Gnome, #5
Lead developer(s) Mod Jed, Ian Gower, Mod Ash, Mod Maz, Mod Bond, Mod Ian

Monkey Madness II: The Renegade Returns is the sequel to Monkey Madness I, and was the first quest to be created after the release of Old School RuneScape. Following the events of Monkey Madness I, Glough has vanished, prompting King Narnode Shareen to enlist the player's help once more in tracking down the war criminal and uncovering his next evil plan.

Details[edit | edit source]

Start pointMap icon Talk to King Narnode Shareen in the Grand Tree. (You must have all the requirements to start the quest). Show on map
Official difficultyGrandmaster
Official lengthVery Long
DescriptionGlough, the war criminal set on eradicating humans and overthrowing Gielinor, has escaped the watch of the Grand Tree gnomes. With a history of leaving large-scale conflicts and warfare in his wake, Glough must be tracked down and stopped. King Narnode Shareen needs your help.
Requirements It is beneficial to have a high Combat and Agility level.
Items required
Enemies to defeat
Ironman concerns
The player briefly visits Entrana.
League notes

Unlocking Kandarin Kandarin will auto-complete the quest

Chapter I[edit | edit source]

Warning: Ape Atoll and its underground dungeons are very dangerous. Always be sure to have food, anti-poison or superantipoison potions, and an emergency teleport when travelling through the island and be prepared to use protection prayers.

Items needed: 3 inventory spaces, a lemon, grapes, pestle and mortar, translation book (Monkey Madness I or obtained from King Narnode), no weapons or armour.
Items recommended: Magic logs, normal logs (for flying to Entrana and back). Note: You need to have opened the Balloon Transport to Gnome Stronghold before you can start.
The locations of Glough and Anita's houses.

To start the quest, speak to King Narnode Shareen. He will tell you that Glough has escaped, and you will be instructed to search for clues of his whereabouts, starting with his house. Glough's house is located just south-east of the Grand Tree. Climb up the ladder and then climb up the tree on the other side of the house. Now, right click the tree branch, and select 'Investigate'. You will receive a handkerchief that has the initials 'A.A.' embroidered on it.

You will then need to speak to his girlfriend Anita, located in her house up the most north-western staircase in the Gnome Stronghold. She will be in tears. Ask her what's wrong, and she will begin telling you that she is worried Glough may be seeing another woman. Tell her that Glough might be in trouble, and that you may be able to help her. She tells you that she heard whispering upstairs in his house but couldn't reach the higher level.

The player in Glough's house.

Return to Glough's house, and climb up the tree twice to reach the additional level of his house. Investigate the gnome statue to activate a hidden switch. Now, search the cupboard to receive a book of spyology. Read through it — the book mentions a method to reveal text on a document encrypted with spycraft. Search the crates to the north-west to receive a brush, and investigate the fire remains to receive a mysterious note. Follow these steps in order to decrypt the note:

  1. Use your pestle and mortar on the lemon to apply it to the note. Caution, left clicking the lemon first will consume it.
  2. Use the note on the nearby candles (or a lit candle).
  3. Use your pestle and mortar on the grapes to apply it to the brush.
  4. Finally, use the juice-coated brush on the mysterious note to receive a scrawled note, which is written in Ancient Gnomish. Read the note.

If you don't already have the translation book, return to King Narnode, and talk to him to obtain the book. Use the book on the note before speaking to the king again. (You may already have this book in your bank from The Grand Tree quest.) He will suggest you speak to the book's author, who is Anita. Go back to her, and ask her to translate it for you. She will give you a translated note. Read it, and return to King Narnode, who discovers it was Assistant Le Smith who helped Glough escape.

Talk to Assistant Lori south of Glough's tree and ask who he is. He will tell you that he is Le Smith's replacement, and that he does not know what happened to him, and recommends that you ask Auguste about it. Fly to Entrana using the balloon. This requires one regular log. You must bank all of your weapons and armour at this point, as you cannot bring them to Entrana. If you wish to save time getting back to the Gnome Stronghold, bring one magic log with you as well so that you can return quickly via balloon. Talk to Auguste who will explain that Le Smith was lost while attempting to travel to Ape Atoll via air balloon.

Return to King Narnode, who will tell you to travel to Ape Atoll, to speak with Garkor.

Chapter II[edit | edit source]

Items needed: M'speak amulet, monkey talisman, ninja monkey greegree or ancient gorilla greegree, light source. Tanking route only: Pickaxe and slash weapon.
Items recommended: Food, antipoison, one-click teleport, combat equipment, super combat, stamina, and prayer potions.

Tip: A monkey talisman can be re-obtained from the monkey child for free or bought from Tutab's Magical Market.

Where to find Garkor.

Make your way to Ape Atoll (Fairy ring CLR). Equip your M'speak amulet and ninja monkey greegree or ancient gorilla greegree and head to Garkor on the eastern side of the island. Speak to Garkor who will tell you to speak to King Awowogei. Talk with Awowogei, and ask him about military plans. He will explain that he will not speak to anyone other than Kruk. Report back to Garkor. You will need to find and kill Kruk to create a greegree from his remains to disguise yourself as him.

Head onto the hill west of the main gate to where the monkey archers are; one of them should have a talk option. Talk to the monkey, and ask him where Kruk is. He will tell you that he has been disappearing from his post a lot lately, and that he would start tracking him from the bottom of the hill. Head back down the hill, and you should see some footprints. Follow them to a trapdoor hidden in long grass, just south of the northern transport icon on the minimap.

Open the trapdoor and enter Kruk's Dungeon. The greegree will lose its effectiveness when you enter the cave and "wrench itself from your hands." If your inventory is full, the greegree will drop to the ground when you enter. Kruk is located beyond the monkeybars north of the entrance, but as the player cannot use them yet they will have to traverse one of two lengthy routes to Kruk.

Location of the trapdoor.

Below is a map of Kruk's Dungeon:

The Agility Route[edit | edit source]

Players with around level 70 Agility or higher are recommended to take this route, as it is less dangerous. However, players must be ready to activate the correct protection prayer quickly whenever they fail an obstacle, as they will fall to the lower floor filled with many hard-hitting monkeys - either maniacal monkeys or maniacal monkey archers, depending on where the player falls. Make sure to bring a light source, as the lower floor is dark.

This section of the dungeon will consist of many agility obstacles. The overall layout is predetermined but there is only one correct path to take, which is randomized for each player. You will often have to find the correct route by trial and error. If, when failing an obstacle, the message Something about this route feels wrong... appears in the chatbox, then that path has a 100% fail rate for you. Whenever this occurs, remember which obstacle it occurred on and try another one next time. If "Tile highlighting" is enabled in the settings, you can mark tiles to indicate the correct path by using shift and right click.

There are five holes (labelled 1-5 on the map) to the lower level. When players fall and climb back up from the lower level, they will reappear at the last hole they passed, so they act similarly to checkpoints.

Follow this path:

  • To start the route, head south and then east from the entrance. If you fall to the lower level, use Protect from Melee immediately.
  • You will come across Dodgy ground. All you have to do is to follow the flat-looking parts of the ground, and avoid the parts with an "X" pattern, which the player will fall through.
  • Continue eastwards past the obstacles (towards Hole 2 on the map), using trial and error to determine the right path to take.
  • You will reach a huge room filled with dodgy ground. Carefully navigate to the crevice on the east side and enter it to find a chest. Unlock it (right-click) and search the chest to obtain the bronze key. Now navigate back over the dodgy ground to the north side of the room and unlock the door with the key (if you die or teleport out past this point, the door will not remain open so you will have to reobtain the key). You will arrive at Hole 3.
  • In the section after the door, use Protect from Missiles if you fall. The lower floor in this area also contains many dead ends, so it can be helpful to consult the map to avoid getting lost in it. Additionally, you will continue taking damage for a few ticks after exiting the lower floor if not praying. To progress, head northwards through the maze of obstacles. Note that the correct route through this area may be very long and circuitous, so it is important to remember exactly which obstacles you have failed on.
  • You will emerge at a corridor at the north end of the dungeon. Head west to Hole 5. If you fall here, use Protect from Melee. Note that there are falling rocks that deal damage, and some melee-using maniacal monkeys here, so pray melee until you pass them.
  • Navigate one last set of obstacles to the south-west. Near the end of this section, before the final dodgy ground, there is a strange wall (marked 'Shortcuts' on the map). Make sure to investigate this wall to open a shortcut to the entrance! Otherwise you may have to traverse the entire dungeon again. Past the final dodgy floor is Kruk's room.
The location of the chest that possesses the bronze key

The Tanking Route[edit | edit source]

Items needed: A slash weapon to break webs and a pickaxe to clear rocks.
Items recommended: Good tanking equipment
A player navigating through obstacles in Kruk's dungeon.

The dungeon is in an oval sort of shape, so it is pretty straightforward to navigate your way through it. The tunnels are all multi-combat. There are many aggressive monkeys, in addition to the odd scorpion or snake.

  • The monkeys can deal very high damage quickly, even with good tanking equipment. It is recommended to use Protect from Missiles as the monkey archers have a much longer range and deal just as much damage as the melee ones.
  • For your consumables if taking the tanking route, it is best to bring Saradomin brews to get as much healing as possible. Super restores are not needed unless you are planning to kill Kruk on the same run.
  • Runes for Blood Burst or Barrage are useful to heal off the maniacal monkeys if you need to.

Make your way east through the dungeon slashing webs and mining rocks. After a while, you will be at a crossroads, one route heading north and another heading south-east. It is recommended players try the south-eastern route first. If you cannot slash this web, skip the next paragraph.

If you are able to slash through this web, search the two chests in this room that must be unlocked through their right-click option. Only one of the two chests will open, the other one will give a message indicating it can't be opened. Search this chest to receive a combat scratched key. Continue further east and then north until the path meets up with the alternate route. Continue reading after the next paragraph, where the two routes meet back up.

If you were unable to slash through the webs in the southern room, head into the northern (inner) route. This will lead you to a room containing two chests, of which only one can be unlocked using its right-click option; the other one will indicate it can't be opened through a message in the chat box. Search the opened chest to receive a combat damaged key. Slash the web to the east and meet up with the other route.

After meeting back up with the other route, continue north and pass through another big room. The route for the next section will be entirely determined by the key you obtained earlier. If you obtained a "combat scratched key", take the eastern route. If you obtained a "combat damaged key", take the western route.

There are some traps in this section that can be completely ignored if taking the correct route based on the key, by quickly running past them on the route. These traps are present in this section:

  • The dart traps can be disarmed for 28 Thieving experience, but do not seem to shoot players on the correct route unless the player stands still in their line of sight for multiple seconds. If shot, the darts will deal fairly rapid damage and may inflict poison starting at 8 damage.
  • The floor blade traps will occasionally raise up, dealing fairly low damage and pushing the player out. These deal less damage than the maniacal monkeys around it, so it is highly recommended to just run past them instead of waiting for the right timing.
  • The spinning blade trap can also be disarmed for 28 Thieving experience. Disarm the trap, or run past it to take a small amount of damage (up to 6, based on current hitpoints).

After this section, open the door with your key. It is also possible (but highly discouraged) to pick the lock on the door to get 50 Thieving experience, however this has a chance of inflicting poison dealing 6 damage. After the door, there will be several more of the same traps. Simply keep running north and then west until you meet up with the agility route from here.

Warning! There is currently a glitch that makes it possible to get stuck between the spinning blade trap and the eastern (combat scratched) door, without the ability to go back past the spinning blade trap, if attempting to take the north-easternmost route despite not having the proper key for that route. Players who have the Combat damaged key should make sure to take the western route. If you happen to get stuck, you cannot progress and need to teleport out and reset. The lock on the door can be picked to find a safespot if needed for a home teleport.

Reaching Kruk[edit | edit source]

The two paths converge at the north end of the dungeon. Continue west, where there is another vine serving as the final "checkpoint". There are three maniacal monkeys near it, so pray melee until they cannot reach you. The path will then divide into a western and eastern route which both end in a separate final wave of dodgy ground. After the last obstacle (vine or wall support) and before stepping onto the dodgy ground before Kruk's lair, investigate the nearby wall as indicated on the map to unlock a shortcut back to the entrance.

After searching the wall, move on past the dodgy ground, or go to the bank to re-stock for the battle against Kruk. Use the shortcut when you return to skip to the end of the cave. The cavern entrance just south of the dodgy ground will lead to Kruk's chamber.

Killing Kruk[edit | edit source]

Items needed: Combat equipment to kill Kruk.
Items recommended: Food, prayer potions, and an emergency teleport.

Warning: Kruk can be very difficult to kill, even for the well-prepared.

When you enter the room with Kruk, there will be some short dialogue, after which Kruk will attack. Kruk uses a combination of melee and ranged attacks. His ranged attack is stronger, with a max hit of 37, so turn on Protect from Missiles when you attack him. Keep your health above 40 at all times, as Kruk can still hit up to 33 with melee. Kruk has no particular weakness to any attack style. When attacking Kruk, the best method is to attack with range using stamina potions. This is similar to fighting Commander Zilyana. Attack and run away, staying out of melee range. This method reduces the amount of high hits from Kruk. Keep in mind you will still be hit by certain ranged attacks. It may be optimal to pray Eagle Eye and Steel Skin, or Rigour, in addition to Protect from Missiles. Given high enough combat, Kruk can be easily meleed without flinching with Protect from Melee and Piety, while only using a few sharks to be safe. However, lower levelled players are recommended to flinch Kruk. To trap him, stand next to a cave wall in such a manner that there is a cave wall directly north or south of you, with Kruk standing diagonally from you. Attack Kruk everytime his health bar disappears and directly step back to the original square, in order to prevent him from damaging you back.

Kruk Flinching Location
Sample location to flinch Kruk
The player faces Kruk.

After killing Kruk, take his paw and exit the dungeon through the rope west of the chamber. This rope will lead you back up in the ruined building where you hid from the monkey's aunt during Monkey Madness I. You now need to make a Kruk monkey greegree with his paw and a monkey talisman. You must navigate through the tunnel you originally trekked through during the original Monkey Madness I. The fastest way to reach the tunnel is via the Arceuus Spellbook's Ape Atoll teleport; if you are unable to cast the teleport, an Ape Atoll teleport tablet can be purchased from the Grand Exchange.

Note: Wearing a greegree will prevent you from being attacked by the undead monkeys and spiders inside (an anti-poison or similar will make you immune to spike damage), but falling rocks will still damage you. It is highly advised to bring a stamina potion, super energy potions and food when going to Zooknock.

Speak to Zooknock, and talk to him about the quest you are on - he will create the Kruk monkey greegree for you. He will warn you that he cannot be certain how taking his form will affect you, as Kruk was quite powerful before his death. Teleport out of the dungeon once you get the greegree, equip it, and return to Awowogei. He will reveal that the monkeys are planning another attack with the help of the Gu'Tanoth ogres and the generals of the Troll Stronghold. With this information, talk with Garkor to finish Chapter II.

Chapter III[edit | edit source]

Defeating Kob and Keef[edit | edit source]

Items needed: Weapon, armour to kill Kob and Keef, and 20 coins (unless the player has 71 Agility).
Items recommended: Trollheim teleport or stony basalt, ring of dueling, Yanille or Castle Wars teleports for fast access to Gu'Tanoth, some food.

Kob[edit | edit source]

The player challenges Kob to a deathmatch.

Head to the Troll Stronghold. Run to the south-westernmost room on the main level and challenge Kob to a deathmatch. It is highly recommended to use the Protect from Melee prayer before speaking to him and accepting his challenge, as he can hit up to 57. However, Kob can still hit through Protect from Melee with a max hit of 28. Players should either pray melee or safespot Kob by running out to the door and using Ranged, Magic, or a halberd, as he will not be able to reach you. When he is defeated, Kob will beg for mercy and agree to not help the monkeys.

The player and Keef fight to the death.

Keef[edit | edit source]

You will need to go to Gu'Tanoth and find Keef, who can be found near the other city guards past all the bridges (where you solved the riddle a guard gave you in the Watchtower Quest). Bring 20 coins to pass the bridges again. Players with level 71 Agility can use the shortcut near Keef to save time.

Challenge Keef to a deathmatch; Keef has a high max hit of 47 and can hit through protection prayers, albeit at a reduced output. As Keef is a large NPC, you can use the nearby tree as a safespot by positioning Keef north of the tree (west of the shortcut) and yourself south-west of the tree. Be sure to activate Protect from Melee before you enter the dialogue with him. When Keef nears death, he will beg for mercy and agree not to help the monkeys.

Back in Ape Atoll[edit | edit source]

Assistant Le Smith[edit | edit source]

Return to Garkor to tell him that the ogres and trolls have agreed not to help the monkeys.

A possible location of Assistant Le Smith.

He will tell you to go and look for Assistant Le Smith, who can be found somewhere on Ape Atoll on the rooftops or other high places within the city. There are four possible locations:

  • On top of the bridge that connects the two watchtowers of the main gate.
  • Top floor (up two ladders) of the broken building next to the Monkey Child and The Monkey's Aunt.
  • Top floor of the jail. To access the top floor, climb the ladder by Solihib's Food Stall, then walk northwards and climb the ladder on the back of the wall of the room with the bamboo bed (this ladder is not marked on the mini map).
  • Top floor of the building west of the Magic Stall. To reach him here, first make your way towards the building marked with a bank icon (($)) on the map. Climb up two ladders to the top floor, pick-lock the jail door, and then simply run southwest across the bamboo bridges.

Speak with Le Smith by telling him that you were going to ask him the same question followed by asking him why and about the ships, and he will inform you that the monkeys are constructing a fleet of ships on the west coast of Ape Atoll.

Talk to Garkor before heading west to the north-western coast of Ape Atoll. While wielding Kruk's greegree, speak with the monkey by the rowboat located on the north-western corner of Ape Atoll. He will take you to the platform.

Monkey Gear Solid[edit | edit source]

A labelled map of the airship platform.
The airship platform.

Now, on the platform, you will be transformed back into human form. You will have to collect six satchels, fill them with explosives, and then place the charges around the platform.

Guards are all over the platform, and if you get caught by one, you will be thrown out of the platform. Each guard's line of sight is 2-4 squares in front of them, including the square they stand on. Corner tricking the guards are highly advised as it can save time. You may want to memorise the patrol patterns of the guards so you do not accidentally bump into one.

Begin by following the main path, skipping the first ladder to the north. Continue until there is a ladder at a dead end. Go up the ladder (note that there is another ladder to go up to the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US]; ignore it for now), and continue south until you reach another ladder. Climb down this ladder and follow the path to find a crate filled with satchels. Make sure to collect six satchels before going back up the ladder you just climbed down, around the corner, and back down to the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US].

Return to the first ladder you encountered, climb up, and follow the path around until you reach another ladder. Climb down this ladder and follow the path north, and you will eventually reach a barrel with the explosives. Fill up all of your satchels before making your way to each of the locations where charges must be placed.

A player stealthily navigating through the airship platform.
Warning: If you are caught by the guards, the explosives will be soaked and become useless, forcing you to get more explosives again. However, you will keep the empty satchels and any charges you've already planted will stay on the rig, even if you log out. When you finish planting all the charges, DO NOT teleport out; leave via the same ladder you came in. Leaving at any point in this way will not reset the explosives.
Corner tricking a guard

Charges must be placed on two pillars on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US], two floorboards on the middle floor, and two gas cylinders on the top floor. One of the floorboards is immediately south of the ladder when you climb back up. One of the pillars is back towards the start. Planting a satchel on a pillar along the way, go back to the dead end ladder on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] and climb up. Up again is to the two gas canisters (in each direction), while the last floorboard is to the west across a vine swing and to the north. Once you plant the last explosive, your character should acknowledge this. Leave the platform via the ladder by which you arrived (to speed up this part, you can let a guard find and throw you out of the platform).

The player sat atop a mutated gorilla, discussing plans with Glough.
Glough's device, using charged onyx gems to infuse power for his mutagens.

Back to Kruk's dungeon[edit | edit source]

Report back to Garkor and then head to Kruk's Dungeon where you defeated Kruk in the maze. You can skip traversing the maze by heading north and using the monkey bars with Kruk's greegree equipped. With Kruk's greegree still equipped, enter the passage to the north (don't head back to Kruk's room or go up the vine). Walk through the big doors straight ahead, climb onto the stunted demonic gorilla, and climb down the stairs where three tortured gorillas roam. If you did not bring a hammer and chisel, you can search the crates downstairs until you find one of each.

Glough will be in a cage, and orders you to send the three tormented gorillas back into their cage. Riding on your stunted demonic gorilla, attack all three tormented gorillas one at a time. Use Protect from Melee to negate the damage they deal to you. When they reach low health, the gorillas will go back into the cage.

Glough will now speak to you, claiming the last strain of mutagen was too unstable. You ask how large is this army of creatures he has prepared, and he tells you that he is currently only using the test subjects, but once he perfects the mutagen into an airborne form, he'll be able to unleash it across Ape Atoll. He then pulls a lever, activating a device that uses charged onyx gems to infuse power for his mutagens. He will then teleport out to find Le Smith.

Now that he's gone, go onto the nearby holding area to dismount from the demonic gorilla. Climb back up the stairs, unequip the greegree, and take the charged onyx out of the device at the north end of the room. Use the chisel and hammer to invert the flow of energy, creating a deconstructed onyx. Place it back in the device; then, investigate any one of the incubation chambers to confirm that energy has been drained from the incubator, successfully corrupting it.

Report back to Garkor; you can exit the caves quickly by using the vine just outside the dungeon doors. He will tell you to report to Awowogei that the trolls and ogres have backed out of the alliance, and that the secret weapon has had some complications and is too unstable to use on the battlefield. Frustrated, he cancels the assault on the mainland and strips Kruk of his rank and duties. Return to Garkor and inform him Awowogei has called off the attack. Suddenly, the screen will shake and a cutscene will play, showing Glough has proceeded with his attack plans anyway on his airship.

Chapter IV[edit | edit source]

Items needed: Weapon and armour in two combat styles to defeat tortured and demonic gorillas.
Items recommended: Food, prayer potions, and an emergency teleport.
Glough's airship hovering directly above the Gnome Stronghold.

Report to King Narnode Shareen that the Gnome Stronghold will be attacked by the airship. He will recommend that you recruit Nieve, the highest-skilled warrior they have. Nieve can be found by the entrance to the Stronghold Slayer Cave. Ask for her help in defending the Stronghold, and she will agree, having her cousin Steve take her place.

By simply walking around the Stronghold with Nieve, tortured gorillas will appear. (Re-logging and standing in the west/south-west area to the entrance to the grand tree seems to encourage their spawns) They will only use melee attacks, so they can be safespotted using various trees and scenery in the Stronghold. Kill them until Nieve recommends you return to the King, restocking at the bank if necessary. If Nieve disappears at any time, she will be outside the Grand Tree. If you cannot find her there, logging out and then logging back in will return her. You can also hit the "Call follower" button in the bottom of the Worn Equipment interface.

The remains of Glough's airship after it crash lands just north of the stronghold.

Go back and talk to the King. He will have the 10th Squad take care of the rest while you and Nieve head to the crash site and confront Glough should he still be alive. Head north-west of the Grand Tree, and talk to Garkor. He is located by the swamp toad and king worm swamp and the tortoise enclosure. Go through the crash site and enter the Crash Site Cavern. There are four more tortured gorillas outside which can attack with Magic and Ranged. It is not necessary to kill them, so Protect from Magic or Ranged and run past them.

Prepare to fight two tortured and two demonic gorillas. After walking through the cavern you will see Glough has survived the crash, and has brought his best experiments with him.

The player and Nieve fight side by side against Glough's experiments.

After the cutscene ends, the two tortured gorillas will move in and attack; these are stronger than the ones you fought outside and can use multiple combat styles. When you kill one of the tortured gorillas, a demonic gorilla will jump down into the fight. The demonic gorillas are far stronger, boasting more health and damage. Most notable is their ability to use protection prayers, which they will change after taking a certain amount of damage in that combat style. Their prayers completely block damage in that style, so you must bring two forms of combat to kill them normally.

The demonic gorillas have all three attack styles. Their white 'throwing' attack is Ranged, green is Magic, and a swipe with their claws is Melee. They will change combat styles after missing three hits in that attack style. Protect accordingly! They will also beat their chest, causing a boulder to fall on your position from the ceiling; this should be avoided by moving away. A good strategy is to kill the first demonic gorilla that jumps down before killing the second tortured gorilla, so that you don't have to fight two demonic gorillas at once. Try to keep up the correct prayers and focus down one demonic gorilla as quickly as possible, as the fight gets much easier when there is only one left.

It is also possible to let Nieve kill all four gorillas for you. Wait for her to start attacking one of the gorillas; then, run out of the room and hide behind the pile of rocks. For the demonic gorillas, ensure that they are not using Protect from Melee; if they are, keep attacking them with magic or ranged until they change prayers so Nieve can hit them. In order to do so you must attack the gorilla within the original room and then leave to the safespot, repeating the process for each gorilla.

If you die or leave the caverns before killing all four gorillas, you will have to start over and kill all four gorillas from the beginning. Nieve will be waiting outside the Grand Tree upon your return to the Stronghold. Your gravestone will appear outside of the instanced area next to Garkor.

Note: Nieve will not attack the gorillas if you use "Call follower"; additionally, it may take Nieve some time to aggress the gorillas if you end the cutscene early. Additionally, she will not attack gorillas if they are not in the room they jumped down into. She will however follow and continue to attack gorillas outside of the room if she is already in combat with them.

If you are on a black demon Slayer task, the demonic gorillas count as on task kills, and a Slayer helmet may be used.

An easy place you can hide whilst allowing Nieve to defeat the gorillas for you

For Struggling Players: If you are having difficulty killing all the gorillas, simply kill both the tortured gorillas that appear; then, leave the room and hide in such a way that the demonic gorillas get stuck behind the wall. You MUST tank a few hits from a gorilla in order for Nieve to attack as she will only attack the last monster you were in combat with. For example, after you've killed one or both of the tortured gorillas, tank a few hits from Demonic Gorilla 1 so that Nieve knows which one to attack; then, hide and let her finish off that specific gorilla. Repeat these exact steps for the second demonic gorilla. If they are praying Protect from Melee, use ranged or magical attacks until they switch to Protect from Missiles or Magic, and then hide again.

Chapter V[edit | edit source]

Items needed: Weapon and armour to fight Glough, food and prayer potions.
Items recommended: An emergency teleport.
Nieve is killed by a collapsing boulder after Glough's transformation.

After defeating the demonic gorillas Glough will drink his own mutagen, transforming himself into an abomination and then retreating. Nieve will attempt to stop him, but gets knocked back to the wall, causing a boulder to fall and crush her, killing her instantly. She will drop her Elysian spirit shield, but players will find it is not much use to them. Players will now have to defeat Glough; it is recommended to return to a bank and restock on supplies, as the fight will prove to be challenging even to the most experienced player.

The player will need to fight Glough in three separate chambers, which he goes to when his health falls.

Note: If the player leaves the chamber through teleportation, death or through the exit at any point during the fight with Glough, all progress is reset back to the first phase. For this reason, it is suggested to read this entire section before proceeding.

Phase 1[edit | edit source]

A safespot available to use in the first phase.

In the first room, Glough attacks using Melee and can be attacked safely from the hallway using Ranged or Magic. Once Glough falls to 75% health, he goes into the second room.

Phase 2[edit | edit source]

The safespot for Glough's second phase. The player here is standing in the centre of the room where they fight Glough in Phase 1.

In the second room, Glough uses ranged attacks as well as melee, stomping the ground and dealing up to 30+ damage. It is possible, but difficult, to safespot him by using a weapon that has an attack range of 10 squares (in order of preference as they may be available: twisted bow, bow of faerdhinen, dark bow, hunters' sunlight crossbow, crystal bow, magic comp bow, or magic longbow. Notably, the magic comp bow still has an attack range of 10 squares on 'Rapid' and can double-hit Glough on his third phase if you are attempting to safespot him).

To do this, you will have to lure him to one square east of the first black rock on the southern wall and when you have done that, then stand exactly one square out of his attack range, which is about halfway through the room where he went for the first phase. It is suggested to activate Protect from Missiles as this reduces his damage a bit; but he can still hit up to 21 damage with each attack. Lure Glough out of the second room and back into the first, hugging the northern parts of the wall. When you lure Glough far enough, he will not do anything, allowing you to easily hit him. Once he falls to 50% health, he will walk into the final room.

Phase 3 Strategy #1[edit | edit source]

Glough drags the player towards him during the final phase of the fight.

In the third and final room, Glough will now be able to attack the player using both melee and magic attacks. Glough's melee attack can send you flying backwards and dealing up to 66 damage as a result. For this reason, it is recommended that players keep their health at 80+ to avoid dying as a result of this attack. Protect from Melee is highly suggested if using melee equipment to attack him. Glough will only teleport you after he is damaged, or if the player is not directly adjacent to him. Rings of recoil are suggested, especially if attempting to partially safespot him as detailed below. Therefore, it is recommended to keep Auto-Retaliate disabled and only attack Glough when the player is not in danger of dying as you are unable to eat during, and shortly after being teleported.

Glough's magic attack drags the player within distance of his melee attack and deals a large amount of damage. However, it may be exploited to only allow for damage from his magic attack. To do this, use a strong ranged weapon such as the toxic blowpipe, stand one square west of Glough, and attack. Whenever he teleports you to him using his magic attack, quickly return to the square just west of him and continue attacking him. Protect from Magic is highly recommended if using ranged or magic to kill Glough, as his teleport deals very high magic-based damage. His damage seems to be roughly halved using the correct prayer. If using this strategy, it is advisable to bring combo foods (e.g. a 'main' food, sharks or tuna potatoes, with pineapple pizzas and/or brews/restores and/or karambwans) more one-click foods (e.g. tuna potatoes) over a brew/restore method, as the tick for you to move one square away and use your potions is not enough to counteract his damage. It is also possible, albeit difficult, to eat a karambwan, a high healing food and a potion all in one tick.

Another technique to use is when Glough teleports you to him, Protect from Melee and use melee attacks. When Glough pushes you away, Protect from Magic and use ranged attacks. The toxic blowpipe and whip are great weapon choices. Also a dragon or crystal halberd works wonderfully to chunk Glough's health.

Phase 3 Strategy #2[edit | edit source]

It is possible, but requires skill, timing and a good connection to kill him in his third phase without taking any damage at all with a 10 square-range weapon.

It is possible to partially safespot Glough on his final form, preferably with a dark bow because of its double attack. Interestingly, the bow of faerdhinen, crystal bow, magic comp bow and magic long bow will also shoot twice if using this method (#1 below); the second time immediately after being teleported, even while spam clicking away from Glough. Safespotting him, especially with method #2, requires great timing and experience with RuneScape's .6 tick system. Glough has an attack range of 11 squares and an aggression range seemingly between 14-18 squares (it is difficult to tell). There are two ways to go about doing this. Either way, set up quick prayers for Protect from Magic and Eagle Eye or Rigour. Stamina potions will help with this phase as using this strategy will drain run energy quickly.

A player demonstrates the safespot technique for Glough's third phase, attacking once to be dragged in, and another attack before running back quickly.
  1. Turn on quick prayers and then attack him. He will teleport you to him. If you want or need to conserve Prayer, switch it off mid-'flight.' After (or during, it doesn't make a difference) being teleported, very quickly (spam click on the minimap) run back at least 11 squares (1 square north of the small black boulder).
  2. Similar to flinching, you can continuously run between the previous chamber and the hallway to cancel Glough's aggression. You will have to RUN from the square just north of the rocks, as shown on the animation. The first few times you do this before 'getting the hang of it,' you should use the quick prayer set up just in case he teleports you, or he could hit upwards of 60 damage. He can be killed very slowly but relatively safely using this method.
  3. Running or walking back has little impact on this method. Using a blowpipe, you can land two hits on Glough and eat before he draws you back in with his magic attack. This allows you to do a constant barrage of attacks without having to worry about your health. Although it is recommended to use a blowpipe, a crossbow will work as well, only you will be able to: A) land one hit with a healing method, or B) land two hits without a healing method. If you are already at your maximum Hitpoints, you can revert to more damage dealing methods such as a dark bow in place of eating as well.

Phase 3 Strategy #3[edit | edit source]

Similar to Phase 3 Strategy #2, it is much easier to complete however takes much longer to kill Glough. It is recommended to use this strategy if you are running very low on supplies, health, or prayer, and do not wish to restart at the beginning of the fight.

If you struggle to kill Glough in his final phase, you can utilise a slower version of the Phase 3 Strategy #2 with the benefit of potentially not taking any damage if done correctly. This is also done in a similar manner to safespotting Kruk earlier. By staying out of range of all attacks and only attacking Glough when his health bar disappears, long range attacks can be made followed by an immediate retreat, repeating each time his health bar disappears. At this time, you can quick pray with Protect from Magic and either Eagle Eye or Rigour in the event that you make a mistake. If done correctly, Glough will not attack with any of his attack styles. This method seems to only work on the accurate attack style when using a magic longbow.

A player demonstrates a slower but safer safespot technique which waits for the health bar to disappear before re-engaging.

An example:

  1. Utilise a long range weapon, such as the Magic longbow with its special attack that guarantees a hit at the cost of 35% of your special attack energy, saving time in this strategy if you notice your attacks are rarely hitting as a lower level player. A Lightbearer ring can speed the process of regaining special attack energy up if you have access to one, making this strategy twice as fast.
  2. Stand one tile in front of the rock archway (one tile before the lighter coloured rocks in the east wall). Activate your quick prayer as discussed prior and attack Glough and watch as you run towards him. The exact tick your long range weapon attacks and launches its projectile (or as soon as possible for the best chance of Glough to not attack) click to run back to your starting tile. This minimises the time spent in the area Note: Stand an even amount of tiles away from where you fire the bow, else you will walk 1 tile too far and get hit.
  3. Once at a safe distance, you can disable your prayers and pause to recharge special attack energy and/or run energy as required.
  4. Wait until Glough's health bar has disappeared. At this point it is safe to repeat.

Note: If you and Glough die at the same time, you will have to repeat the entire fight again.

Finishing up[edit | edit source]

Meeting with Awowogei and Narnode to negotiate peace.

Once Glough is defeated, the cavern will begin to collapse. You will automatically be teleported outside the cavern in the nick of time by Zooknock, who decided to pull you out after detecting a very powerful presence within the cavern, but couldn't get a lock on Nieve. You will explain that Glough has been defeated and that Nieve perished in the battle. You will then be instructed to report back to King Narnode, and he will offer to teleport you directly to the King.

Report to King Narnode, telling him that Glough has been defeated and that his demonic creations have been trapped deep within the caverns. He will then tell the player that he received a message that Awowogei himself wishes to visit the Stronghold and set up a peace treaty between Ape Atoll and the mainland. He decides to accept this offer, and a cutscene will ensue where Awowogei will negotiate a peace treaty with King Narnode Shareen with you as witness to this moment of historic importance, opening up the gates to Marim to the mainland for all.

Congratulations, quest complete!

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.

Music unlocked[edit | edit source]

Name Unlock details Music track
Monkey Trouble Unlocked in Kruk's Dungeon
Monkey Business Unlocked during the fight with Kruk
Monkey Sadness Unlocked in Glough's Lab
Monkey Badness Unlocked in the Crash Site Cavern

Changes[edit | edit source]

Date Changes
30 November 2022
(update | poll)

The following skill experience rewards have increased:

17 January 2019

An audio issue encountered when crossing a log in Kruk's Dungeon has been fixed.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This quest is the first quest to be classified as a Grandmaster quest in Old School RuneScape, as well as being the first Old School-exclusive quest.
  • The quest was planned to be released to Old School RuneScape on the 5th of May, but was delayed by a day after deciding that further testing was needed.
Quest complete!
The sound that plays upon completion of the quest.
  • Monkey Madness II is one of five quests not to play the standard quest completion music, instead playing the sound of monkey chattering. Mountain Daughter plays Asleif's singing, Sins of the Father plays a melancholic tune, while Regicide and Recruitment Drive play nothing.
  • During the cutscene in which the player (disguised as Kruk) meets Glough, he teleports out of the cage using the incantation "Umesc pro ta lauf!", which is translated as "Soul to the eye!", suggesting the spell teleports the caster to where their eyes are focused upon.
    • When he leaves to search for Assistant Le Smith, he uses the incantation "Umesc pro ta andra!", which is translated as "Soul to the city!", suggesting the spell teleported him to Marim, where Le Smith is found.
  • When telling Juna a story about the quest, the player says "... so I defeated Glough in his mutant form and prevented a war. King Narnode Shareen & King Awowogei signed a peace treaty." to which she responds "Glough's evil plans always threaten to upset the balance of our world. I am pleased you were able to stop him."
  • After the quest, most monkey NPCs on Ape Atoll will still speak to the player as if they were an ordinary monkey. Exceptions include Duke, the Monkey child (as he is normally spoken to in human form), the Monkey archer when entering or exiting the gate of Marim (he will say "an ally wishes to pass"), and Awowogei.
  • A log in screen competition was held the week before release to use a player-made log in screen for the Main Menu in order to commemorate the first quest to be released on Old School RuneScape. The winner of the competition, Golden Pleb, was given a 3D printed model of a demonic gorilla and a t-shirt signed by the Old School RuneScape team.
  • When you inform Awowogei that the trolls and ogres have backed out of the alliance, that the airships have been destroyed, and that the secret weapon is unstable, Awowogei says "You've failed me for the last time, Kruk." This is likely a reference to Darth Vader's line, "You have failed me for the last time, Admiral," in The Empire Strikes Back.
  • If you finish Keef with a multi-hit attack (e.g. the dragon dagger or dragon halberd specials), he will forfeit once for each finishing hit, with the same dialogue each time.
  • When confronting Glough in the Crash Site Cavern and Nieve says "I swear by my shiny blue shield that I will end you right here.", it may be a reference to the line from the TV show Firefly "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet that I will end you."
  • When spotted by the guard monkeys on the airship platform, they will display "!" above their heads. This is a reference to the reaction enemies have when one is spotted while sneaking around in the Metal Gear Solid series.
  • In the lower level of Kruk's dungeon, the word "Maniacal" can partially be seen spelled out in the north-west corner of the map by zooming the camera out. Using an Oculus orb, the full text can be seen.
  • During the airship platform stealth portion of the quest, examining a piece of an iron barred gate laying against a crate gives the message "They're trying to build a prison for you and me to live in." This is a reference to the chorus of the 2001 track Prison Song by System of a Down.

Gallery[edit | edit source]