Making marrentill potions

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Making marrentill potions
Herblore 5
100,000+ recommended
Druidic Ritual
ProfitExperience gained
−448,000, after tax None
Inputs (1,496,000)Outputs (1,048,000, after tax)
4,000 × Marrentill (1,480,000)4,000 × Vial of water (16,000)4,000 × Marrentill potion (unf) (1,048,000)

Marrentill potions are used to create antipoisons. Because these are often used to train Herblore, and adding clean marrentill to a vial of water gives no experience, many players avoid the tedium of making unfinished potions and buy them directly from the Grand Exchange. This opens up an opportunity to make unfinished marrentill potions for profit. Like all methods involving large amounts of buying and selling, which require a relatively high capital to start, it is recommended to test the market by making one unfinished potion first to make sure they are profitable.

Withdraw 14 marrentill and 14 vials of water, and use one on the other. A menu will open, and click to Make-all. After the inventory is complete, you should be left with 14 unfinished marrentill potions. Deposit your inventory, withdraw 14 herbs and 14 vials of water, and repeat. Each inventory should take about 13 seconds with banking, which means you can make around 4,100 potions per hour.

Once you've finished making your potions, sell them on the Grand Exchange. Maximise your profit by buying one unfinished potion instantly, and selling all of yours for slightly less than that.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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