Ranged combat tutor

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Ranged combat tutor
Released27 September 2006 (Update)
League regionMisthalin Misthalin
OptionsTalk-to, Claim
ExamineNemarti looks ready to teach you about ranged combat.
Advanced data
NPC ID3217

Nemarti is one of the three combat tutors, known to be the instructor for both Ranged and Fletching. She is located on a small hill north of Lumbridge Castle, alongside Harlan, the melee combat tutor and Mikasi, the magic combat tutor.

Players can toggle ammunition auto-equipping or going to their inventory by talking to her.

Every 30 minutes, players can claim a training bow and 25 training arrows for free, regardless of their Ranged level, as long as there are none in their bank or inventory. Players also need to not have claimed the air and mind runes from the Magic combat tutor in the last 30 minutes either.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.

Changes[edit | edit source]

Date Changes
11 January 2023

The Ranged tutor now lets players automatically equip arrows. This setting can be toggled in the Settings menu.

17 August 2017
(update | poll)

Players can now talk to the Ranged tutor in Lumbridge in order to toggle the ability to have ammunition returned to their worn inventory, bolt pouch, or blowpipe when picking it up.