Wizards' Tower

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Wizards' Tower
Released4 January 2001 (Update)
League regionMisthalin Misthalin
Teleports Fairy ring DIS
East portal of the Wizards' Guild (requires level 66 Magic)
Necklace of passage
Advanced data
Location on World Map
Draynor Village
Port Sarim Wizards' Tower Lumbridge Swamp
Tutorial Island

The Wizards' Tower is located south of Draynor Village, over a bridge. The tower plays a part in many quests.

Getting there[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

The Wizards' Tower was created at the same time as the founding of the Order of Wizards at the start of the Fifth Age, following the rediscovery of runecrafting.[1] Initially, the Order was welcoming of all researching wizards, regardless of their religion or race,[2] though it has been claimed that Zamorakian wizards were barred from certain research topics.[3]

Sometime one hundred years ago, the Tower was burned down, with decades of research lost, including an incantation that teleports one to the rune essence mine.[4] However, the basement survived its destruction.[5]

The Tower's destruction was blamed on the Zamorakian wizards of the Order, who the Order believed to have burnt down the tower in revenge for failing to steal Saradominist research.[6] As a result, the Zamorakian wizards were expelled from the Order after the Tower was rebuilt, and they formed the Zamorak Magical Institute.[7] However, it is claimed that the destruction of the first Tower was the result of a ritual gone wrong,[8] as the Saradominists who performed it stole the research from a Zamorakian wizard, who made the breakthrough in teleportation magic the ritual was based on.[9]

Inside the tower[edit | edit source]

Inside the tower is a multiple number of floors, and a few notable non-player characters. The whole tower, except for the basement, is a multi-combat zone.

Basement[edit | edit source]

The basement is one of two entrances to the rune essence available to free-players, and one of four for members. In addition, after the completion of Temple of the Eye, the basement serves as the entrance for Guardians of the Rift minigame.

The basement also plays a role in The Restless Ghost quest. It can be accessed via a ladder on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] of the Wizards' Tower.

The basement is where players can find Archmage Sedridor. He plays a major role in the Rune Mysteries quest. He can also teleport players to the Rune essence mine after completing this quest.

There is an altar, but it cannot be used to recharge Prayer points. It is used during the Restless Ghost quest.

Ground floor[edit | edit source]

On the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US], there are two rooms with many wizards. They are level 9 and quite popular for free-to-play players as not many monsters drop runes and these are the only ones that drop wizard robes (one of the only free-to-play magic armours). There is also a leather boot spawn on the table in the library. At the staircases, there are three log spawns. There are also bookcases in the library, and players may find the following books while searching them:

  • The Life & Times of a Thingummywut by Traiborn the Wizard
  • Wind Strike for Beginners
  • Life With a Wizard Husband ~ a Housewife's Story
  • The Dark Arts of Magical Wands
  • So You Think You're a Mage? Volume 28
  • Fire, Earth and Water ~ What's it all About?
  • How to become the Ultimate Wizard of the Universe
  • 101 Ways to Impress Your Mates with Magic

Middle floor[edit | edit source]

Here resides the loony Traiborn, and Wizard Jalarast who can make Splitbark armour on members' servers, with the proper supplies. Rick, a young student, can also be found here selling the elusive escape crystals for 75,000 coins. There is one or two level 9 wizards, and also a couple of useless rooms. Traiborn helps you out when making the Cake of guidance for the Lumbridge Guide in the quest, Recipe for Disaster.

Top floor[edit | edit source]

On the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] in the tower, there is a caged level 82 lesser demon free for players to battle with. Because it is caged, it cannot attack any players or do damage to them, but only long-ranged attacks or magic can harm it. If you wish to obtain the drops from the lesser demon, you must use Telekinetic Grab (33 Magic required). Also, there is Wizard Grayzag, who used to be an attackable level 41 NPC, who summoned imps to fight against players who attacked him. He plays a role in the Imp Catcher quest.

After completing the Imp Catcher quest the Wizard Mizgog will exchange an amulet of accuracy for the four different coloured beads.

Quests[edit | edit source]

The following quests can be started in the Wizards' Tower:

Treasure Trails[edit | edit source]

  • Searching the bookcase in the basement of the tower is the solution to a hard cryptic clue, stating: Probably filled with books on magic.
  • Killing a wizard for the key in order to search the drawers in the basement is the solution to a medium cryptic clue, stating: Probably filled with wizards socks.

Personalities[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • According to the map of DeviousMUD, the forerunner to RuneScape, the Wizards' Tower was originally to be called "Warlocks Tower".
  • The wizards in front of the Tower appear to be wearing a cape of legends.
  • The eye on the front of the Wizards' Tower is an Eye of Horus.
  • Before March 2006, the bridge that leads to the Wizards' Tower was not straight and had two turns.
  • A book on the ground floor bookshelves titled "Fire, Earth and Water ~ What's it all About?" is a reference to the Earth, Wind & Fire song It's All About Love.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Archmage Sedridor in Rune Mysteries. Old School RuneScape. "The rediscovery of runecrafting had such a large impact on the world, that it marked the dawn of the Fifth Age. It also resulted in the birth of our order, and the construction of the first Wizards' Tower."
  2. ^ Archmage Sedridor. Old School RuneScape. "For years, the tower was a hub of magical research. Wizards of all races and religions were welcomed into our order."
  3. ^ Archmage Sedridor. Old School RuneScape. "They banned Zamorakian wizards from certain areas of study, claiming them to be too dangerous. In reality, they [Saradominists] just wanted that knowledge for themselves."
  4. ^ Archmage Sedridor in Rune Mysteries. Old School RuneScape. "When the tower burnt down, much was lost, including an important incantation. A spell that could be used to teleport to a hidden essence mine."
  5. ^ Archmage Sedridor. Old School RuneScape. "This basement is all that is left of the old tower, and I believe there are still some secrets to discover here."
  6. ^ Archmage Sedridor. Old School RuneScape. "The wizards who served Zamorak, the evil god of chaos, tried to claim our magical discoveries in his name. They failed, but in retaliation, they burnt the entire tower to the ground."
  7. ^ Mage of Zamorak. Old School RuneScape. "Naturally, they blamed the Zamorakians. Claimed we intentionally burnt the tower down. After the tower was rebuilt, we were banished from the Order of Wizards and forced underground."
  8. ^ Mage of Zamorak. Old School RuneScape. "They used it to perform a ritual, but their lack of understanding caused it to go wrong. The entire Wizards' Tower burnt down. Many were killed, and years of research was destroyed."
  9. ^ Mage of Zamorak. Old School RuneScape. "A Zamorakian wizard made a great breakthrough in teleportation magic, but the Saradominists stole his research."