Cape of legends

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Cape of legends
Released20 August 2003 (Update)
Quest itemNo
League regionFremennik Fremennik
OptionsWear, Drop
ExamineThe cape worn by members of the Legends Guild.
Value450 coins
High alch270 coins
Low alch180 coins
Weight1.814 kg
Advanced data
Item ID1052

The cape of legends is a cape that can be bought for 675 coins from Siegfried Erkle on the western portion of the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] of the Legends' Guild upon completion of the Legends' Quest. They can also purchase it from Perdu for 1,900 coins should they lose it after purchasing it at least once.

Like the obsidian cape, it has balanced defence bonuses, but has 2 less in each. It is therefore sometimes seen as a status symbol, as a series of challenging quests must be completed to equip it, although it is far cheaper than the obsidian cape. As a result, it is a popular choice when PKing or taking part in dangerous activities.

There are various NPCs who appear to be wearing the cape or some variation thereof.

The cape may be mounted in the Quest Hall of a player-owned house in the Guild trophy space. This requires 3 teak planks and grants 300 Construction experience. This has little purpose other than showing guests that the host has completed the Legends' Quest.

This item can be stored in the cape rack of a costume room.

Combat stats[edit | edit source]

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerCape slot table

NPCs with the cape of legends[edit | edit source]

Products[edit | edit source]

Cape of legends (mounted)
  • Construction 47
  • Construction 300

Treasure Trails[edit | edit source]

Tier Emotes STASH location Items Cost
Elite Bow Outside the Legends' Guild building 131,966
Master Flap North-east corner of the Death Altar 19,703
Master Angry Behind Miss Schism in Draynor Village 1,713,245

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

in stock
sold at
bought at
MembersLeague region
Legends Guild Shop of Useful Items.2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] of Legends' Guild (west side)35m 675N/A2.0%MembersKandarin&Fremennik
Lost Property shop (1)LumbridgeN/A 1,900N/A0.0%MembersMisthalin
Lost Property shop (2)CatherbyN/A 1,900N/A0.0%MembersKandarin
Lost Property shop (3)EdgevilleN/A 1,900N/A0.0%MembersMisthalin
Lost Property shop (4)FaladorN/A 1,900N/A0.0%MembersAsgarnia
Lost Property shop (5)Ferox EnclaveN/A 1,900N/A0.0%MembersWilderness
Lost Property shop (6)Emir's ArenaN/A 1,900N/A0.0%MembersDesert
Lost Property shop (7)Daimon's CraterN/A 1,900N/A0.0%MembersN/A

Used in recommended equipment[edit | edit source]

2Abyss/Strategies (Defence)
4Barbarian Assault/Strategies (Melee (mid level))
4Krystilia/Strategies (Magic)
3Pay-to-play Prayer training (Dinh's bulwark)
3Pay-to-play Prayer training (High Magic defence)
4Revenants/Strategies (Melee)
4Scurrius/Strategies (Magic (mid level))
3Scurrius/Strategies (Melee (mid level))
5Scurrius/Strategies (Range (mid level))
5Spindel/Strategies (Melee)
5Venenatis/Strategies (Melee)

Changes[edit | edit source]

Gallery (historical)[edit | edit source]

RuneScape 2
29 March 2004 –

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]