Across California, CA|News|
New Fire Maps Put Nearly 4 Million Californians In Hazardous Zones
CalFire released its fourth and final round of color-coded hazard maps. Different colors come with different rules.

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CalFire released its fourth and final round of color-coded hazard maps. Different colors come with different rules.
The quickest way to get caught up on the most important things happening in Benicia.
Don’t miss Counting Crows at the legendary Greek Theatre in Berkeley!
The California Highway Patrol Solano Area announced it will hold a sobriety and driver's license checkpoint Friday night.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do next.”
The closures are part of a series of cost-cutting moves by the company in a challenging economic climate for brick and mortar retailers.
The quickest way to get caught up on the most important things happening in Benicia.
Local leaders from PG&E's North Coast region will answer questions and share updates on wildfire safety and customer resources.
The quickest way to get caught up on the most important things happening in Benicia.
The quickest way to get caught up on the most important things happening in Benicia.