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Oak Lawn Community High School Media Center Announces Book Winners in Live Broadcast

Media Center Announces Book Winners

April 10, 2015

Media Center Announces Book Winners in Live Broadcast

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The announcement of the Illinois School Library Media Association’s 2015 book award winners was broadcasted live from the Oak Lawn Community High School Media Center on March 20, 2015 This highly-anticipated event revealed the winners of the Monarch (grades K-3), Bluestem (grades 3-5), and Abe Lincoln (grades 9-12) book awards.

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Congratulations to Drew Daywit’s The Day the Crayons Quit, illustrated by Oliver Jeffers, which won the Monarch Award, Katherine Applegate’s The One and Only Ivan, which won the Bluestem Award, and Rainbow Rowell’s Eleanor and Park, which won the Abe Lincoln Award.

Numerous Spartans participated in the fun event: sophomore Stephanie Fetzer read the winning names, sophomore Clover Malone gave a dramatic drum roll, and Sparty the mascot danced as envelopes were opened. Even President Abe Lincoln, played by junior Carl Seibel, made an appearance!

Special thanks to Kevin Walery’s English III Honors class, instructional technology coach Janet Meyers, and media specialists Eileen Jones & Jennifer Sidlow.

Photo: (L-R) Clover Malone, Stephanie Fetzer, Sparty, Kaeley Clark, Isabella Welsh, and Carl Seibel

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