Orland Park|Neighbor News|
Orland Fire District Swears In 9 New Firefighter Paramedics
The Orland Fire Protection District Held A Ceremony To Swear In 9 New Firefighter Paramedics At The Civic Center On Tuesday Night.

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The Orland Fire Protection District Held A Ceremony To Swear In 9 New Firefighter Paramedics At The Civic Center On Tuesday Night.
Timothy J. Baker is running for his second term on the Palos Dist. 118 Board of Education in the April 1 election.
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Kevin Quinn is running for his first term on the Palos Dist. 118 school board in the April 1 election.
Sgts. William Sanchez and Ken Kovac have filed separate suits after previous individual wins against several of the same parties.
The March 20 event is held in partnership with the Orland Women's Networking Committee.
The consolidated election is April 1. Early voting is underway.
The consolidated election is April 1. Early voting is underway.
The consolidated election is April 1. Early voting is underway.
The consolidated election is April 1. Early voting is underway.