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Community Corner

Library Trustees Sworn In

Reelected incumbents Nancy Wendt Healy and Dan McMillan and newly elected trustee Kristine Fassler sworn in as library trustees.

Reelected incumbents Nancy Wendt Healy and Dan McMillan and newly elected trustee Kristine Fassler on Monday, May 15 at Orland Park Public Library, 14921 S. Ravinia Avenue, Orland Park.
Reelected incumbents Nancy Wendt Healy and Dan McMillan and newly elected trustee Kristine Fassler on Monday, May 15 at Orland Park Public Library, 14921 S. Ravinia Avenue, Orland Park. (Image credit: Orland Park Public Library)

Village of Orland Park residents recently elected three library board trustees. Incumbents Dan McMillan and Nancy Wendt Healy were reelected, and Kristine Fassler was newly elected.

On Monday, May 15, trustees took the oath of office at the Village of Orland Park from Mayor Keith Pekau. The regular Library Board of Trustees meeting followed at Orland Park Public Library, 14921 S. Ravinia Avenue, where the board held an election to determine the officers of the board. Joanna Liotine Leafblad was chosen to be the President of the Board. Christian Barcelona was chosen to be the Vice-President of the Board. Dan McMillan was chosen to be the Treasurer. Charles McShane was chosen to be the Secretary of the Board. New Trustee Kristine Fassler chose to join the library board’s law committee and by-law committee.

For more information, visit or call (708) 428-5100. The Orland Park Public Library is located at 14921 Ravinia Avenue in Orland Park, Illinois. Hours are Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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