Mordida Cruzada
Mordida Cruzada
Mordida Cruzada
Pioli D, Fardin JG, Cunha TCR da. Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks. Ortop Rev Int Ortop Func 2005; 1(4):p.
A nfase da Odontologia Peditrica est mudando para uma maior conscientizao em preveno em diversos nveis. O objetivo deste trabalho mostrar como medidas simples e de baixo custo podem evitar problemas severos de msocluses. O restabelecimento das funes oclusais normais, to logo seja diagnosticada uma disfuno, fundamental na preveno de ms-ocluses severas. A mordida cruzada posterior unilateral funcional (MCPUF) uma disfuno com alta prevalncia na dentadura decdua e mista precoce, e o uso das pistas diretas planas como recurso teraputico mostrou-se eficaz nos casos clnicos apresentados. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pistas diretas planas; Mordidas cruzadas posteriores; Tratamento precoce; Dentadura decdua.
Pediatric dentistry is shifting its emphasis towards a greater awareness of prevention at several levels. The objective of this work is to show how simple and low-cost measures can avert severe malocclusion problems. The reestablishment of normal occlusal functions, as soon as a disorder is diagnosed, is fundamental in the treatment of severe malocclusions. A Functional Posterior Unilateral Crossbite (FPUXB) is a highly prevalent disorder of the deciduous and early mixed dentition, and the use of Planas Direct Tracks as a therapeutic resource was effective in the clinical cases presented. KEYWORDS: Planas Direct Tracks; Posterior Crossbites; Early Treatment; Deciduous Dentition.
A freqncia de ms-ocluses na dentadura decdua preocupante, principalmente as Mordidas Cruzadas Posteriores Unilaterais Funcionais (MCPUF), devido sua prevalncia e pela baixa porcentagem de autocorreo. Chiavaro1 (1915), foi o primeiro a relatar msocluses em dentadura decdua, mostrando preocupao com um problema que ainda nos aflige. Silva Filho et al.2 (2003) relatou que a presena de desvio funcional mandibular na dentadura decdua com MCPUF foi de 91,91% e dos 20,81% da sua amostra apresentavam problemas transversais. Em 1981, o Ministrio da Sade do Japo em um estudo com indivduos jovens do pas, concluiu que 11,4% das ms-ocluses deveriam ser tratadas aos trs anos de idade. Se estas anomalias no forem tratadas adequadamente durante o curso do desenvolvimento dentomaxilofacial, podem resultar em tratamentos por
The frequency of malocclusions in the deciduous dentition is a reason for concern, particularly Functional Posterior Unilateral Crossbite (FPUXB), due to their prevalence and low rate of auto correction. Chiavaro1 (1915), was the first to report malocclusions of deciduous dentitions, demonstrating concern with a problem that still troubles us. Silva Filho et al.2 2003, reported that the presence of functional mandibular deviations in the deciduous dentitions with FPUXB was 91,91%, out of the 20.81% of his sample that presented transversal problems. In 1981, the Health Ministry of Japan, in a study with young nationals, concluded that 11.4% of malocclusions should be treated by the age of three. If these anomalies are not adequately treated during dento-maxilo-facial development, they may result in longer treatments than otherwise would
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E Especialista em Ortopedia Funcional dos Maxilares; Especialista em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial Mestre em Ortodontia; Doutora em Radiologia Pediatric Dentistry Specialist; Jaw Functional Orthopedics Specialist; Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Specialist Jaw Functional Orthopedics Specialist; Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Specialist MSc., Orthodontics; PhD., Radiology
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
mais longos perodos do que estritamente necessrio. Portanto, o monitoramento cuidadoso do crescimento e desenvolvimento dos indivduos em idade precoce e a interveno, quando se faz necessria, reduzem o grau de severidade de ms-ocluses3. Tendo como objetivo empregar alguma tcnica que fosse de fcil aceitao pelos pacientes e eficiente para a correo precoce das ms-ocluses, encontrou-se nas pistas diretas planas (PDP), idealizadas por Pedro Planas, um aliado de grande valia no tratamento de algumas delas. Em nossa experincia clnica, os melhores resultados foram encontrados no tratamento de MCPUF, com desvio mandibular e pequena atresia maxilar. Planas4 (1994) afirmou que a mordida cruzada uma atrofia das mais fceis de se tratar, quando diagnosticada precocemente. Se, pelo contrrio, no forem tratadas, sero as que maiores dificuldades podero nos trazer, pelos riscos de distrofias sseas de base que tendem a ser irreversveis. O objetivo do artigo mostrar que a MCPUF, freqentemente presente, pode ser diagnosticada e tratada precocemente, por meio das PDP de maneira rpida, fcil, confortvel para o paciente e com baixo custo. No presente trabalho, descrever-se- o uso das PDP no tratamento de distrofias maxilares transversais, especificamente seu uso nas MCPUF.
be necessary. Thus, careful monitoring of growth and development of individuals at an early age, and intervention, whenever needed, reduce the degree of severity of malocclusions3. With the objective of employing a technique that would be easily accepted by patients and effective to correct malocclusions, a valuable ally in the treatment of some of them was found to be the Planas Direct Tracks (PDT), idealized by Pedro Planas. In our clinical experience, the best results were found in the treatment of FPUXB, with mandibular deviation and slight maxillary atresia. Planas 4 (1994) affirmed that crossbites are among the more easily treated atrophies, provided they are precociously diagnosed. On the other hand, if not treated, they can result in great difficulties, due to the risk of basic bone dystrophies that tend to be irreversible. The objective of this article is to show that FPUXB, frequently present, can be precociously diagnosed and treated with PDT in a rapid, easy and comfortable manner for the patient, at a low cost. In this work, we will describe the use of PDT in the treatment of transversal jaw dystrophies, specifically their use associated with FPUXB.
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional (MCPUF) A prevalncia de mordidas cruzadas posteriores (Figura 1) foi de 9,5%5; 12,48%6; 10,23%7. Assumpo Junior & Bastos8 (1999) estudaram uma amostra de 254 crianas e encontraram a prevalncia de 17% de mordida cruzada posterior, sendo que 15,4% unilateral e 1,6% bilateral.
Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbites, FPUXB The prevalence of posterior crossbites (Figure 1) was 9.5%5; 12.48%6; 10.23%7. Assumpo Junior & Bastos8 (1999) studied a sample of 254 children and found a prevalence of 17% of posterior crossbites, being 15.4% unilateral and 1.6% bilateral.
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
Ao nascimento, os componentes temporais da ATM so planos facilitando as excurses mandibulares horizontais. Com a erupo dos dentes decduos, a ATM comea a apresentar a forma adulta, e aos trs anos de idade, o tubrculo j adquiriu 50% de sua morfologia9. A maioria das MCPUF em dentadura decdua atribuda a contatos prematuros na rea de caninos originando as chamadas mordidas cruzadas funcionais10,11,12,13. Uma das causas da MCPUF pode ser a alterao na seqncia de erupo. A erupo dos caninos antes dos primeiros molares decduos poderia levar a uma MCPUF . Este fato relaciona-se com a falta de estabilizao posterior vertical e tambm com a imaturidade morfolgica e funcional das ATMs14. Cerca de 61,7% das dimenses sagitais da mandbula de um adulto j esto presente no primeiro ano de vida15 e cerca de 80% aos seis anos de idade16. Portanto, o tratamento tardio aumenta a dificuldade de execuo e aumentaria o risco de insucesso17. De acordo com OByrn et al. (1995), nas MCPUF observa-se a combinao de Classe II (lado cruzado) e Classe I de Angle no lado no cruzado ou Classe III no lado no cruzado e Classe I do lado cruzado como resultado da excitao muscular inadequada. Pinto et al.19 (2001) mostraram que a mandbula significativamente maior do lado no cruzado que do lado cruzado e que assimetria mais evidente para o ramo e envolve processos condilar e coronide. A preocupao com o desenvolvimento das ms-ocluses e a necessidade de tratamento precoce leva a considerar os achados de Vadiakas, Viazis20 (1992), onde ressalta que existe sempre um componente esqueltico forte nas mordidas cruzadas e a vasta maioria dos pacientes aos dez anos de idade, que apresentam Classe III, evoluram com o tempo, a partir de pseudo-classes III aos trs anos de idade. O deslocamento funcional da mandbula, quando h MCPUF, pode provocar uma alterao na relao geomtrica da cabea da mandbula com a fossa mandibular e, dependendo da magnitude do desvio, pode determinar uma assimetria facial frontal, com deslocamento lateral do mento para o lado do cruzamento dentrio21. Nas MCPUF22,23,24 encontraram uma posio condilar assimtrica, porm, um trabalho realizado por Santos-Pinto, Monnerat25 (1992) revelou que os cndilos esto centrados na fossa mandibular. A explicao para esta centralizao condilar estaria no crescimento adaptativo a esta nova posio. A ATM se adapta ao deslocamento mandibular por crescimento condilar ou
At birth, the temporal components of the TMJ are flat to facilitate horizontal mandibular excursions. With the eruption of the deciduous teeth, the TMJ starts to show its adult form, and by the age of three, the tubercle has acquired 50% of its morphology9. The majority of FPUXB in the deciduous dentitions is attributed to premature contacts in the area of the canines, originating the so-called functional crossbites10,11,12,13. One of the causes of FPUXC may be the change in the eruption sequence. The eruption of the canines before the first deciduous molars could lead to a FPUXB. This is related to the lack of vertical posterior stabilization and also with the functional and morphological immaturity of the TMJs14 . About 61.7% of the sagittal dimensions of the jaw of an adult are already present during the first year14, and approximately 80% by the age of six15. For this reason, a delayed treatment increases the difficulty of execution and could reduce the chance of success16. According to OByrn et al17 (1995), in FPUXB we can observe a combination of Angles Class II (crossbite side) and Class I on the noncrossbite side, or Class III on the noncrossbite side and Class I on the crossbite side due to inadequate muscular excitation. Pinto et al18 (2001) showed that the mandible is significantly larger in the noncrossbite side as opposed to the crossbite side, and that the asymmetry is more evident for the ramus and involves the condylar and coronoid processes. The concern with the development of malocclusions and the need for early treatment, leads us to consider the findings of Vadiakas e Viazis19 (1992), who stressed that there is always a strong skeletal component in crossbites, and that the vast majority of patients that presented Class III at the age of 10 evolved from pseudo-class III at the age of three. The functional displacement of the mandible when FPUXC is present can cause an alteration of the geometric relationship between the head of the mandible and the fossa mandibularis and, depending on the magnitude of the deviation, may determine a frontal facial asymmetry, with lateral displacement of the mentum towards the side of dental crossing20. An asymmetric condylar position was found in FPUXC21,22,23, although a work by Santos-Pinto & Monnerat24 (1992), revealed that the condyles are centered on the fossa mandibularis. The explanation for this condylar centering could be the adaptive growth on this new position. The TMJ adapts itself
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
por remodelao da fossa articular26. Pullinger et al.27 (1988), McNamara et al.28 (1995) e Malandris, Mahoney29 (2004), comprovaram que mordidas cruzadas posteriores esto entre os fatores de risco para futuras disfunes temporomandibulares (DTM). A severidade da mordidas cruzadas posteriores em adultos, como maior risco de disfuno temporomandibular (DTM), leva a pensar com seriedade na necessidade de seu tratamento cada vez mais precoce. Pistas Diretas Planas (PDP) O sistema estomatogntico desempenha bem suas funes quando h ocluso equilibrada, sem interferncia durante os movimentos. Ao entrarem em contato, os dentes apresentam um padro de atrio que se repete numa mesma ordem at a senilidade. O processo de atrio comea na dentadura decdua (3-5 anos), quando j existem movimentos de lateralidade30,31. O mais importante saber o que normal, a diferena entre o crescimento harmonioso e fsico relativo a cada dente, e observar cada tipo individual32. Somente partir do conhecimento do normal que se pode diagnosticar e tratar as disgnatias32. Na dentadura decdua, pode-se conseguir bons resultados com aes preventivas ou interceptadoras de ms-ocluses, por meio de desgaste seletivo, preferencialmente eliminando apenas as interferncias durante os movimentos de lateralidade, obedecendo ao padro de atrio fisiolgico. O desgaste seletivo feito de acordo com os limites de tolerncia biolgica. Nos casos que se torna necessrio um desgaste seletivo muito extenso, usamos as PDP4,32,33,34,35. As pistas diretas planas PDP so planos de resina, adaptados diretamente sobre as faces oclusais de dentes decduos, com inclinaes peculiares a cada mal-ocluso em questo4. As PDP podem ser usadas em ms-ocluses verticais, horizontais e transversais4. Inicialmente, relaxa-se o paciente e manipula-se a mandbula, tentando obter a relao cntrica (RC) (Figura 2). Nos pacientes com MCPUF, ela no coincide com a mxima intercuspidao habitual (MIH), pois as interferncias levam a mandbula a desviar-se para uma posio mais confortvel, cruzando a mordida. Este lado o da mnima dimenso vertical e passa a ser o lado de trabalho, desencadeando um desequilbrio muscular4. Desgasta-se estas interferncias localizadas, geralmente na regio anterior, nas cspides de caninos decduos. Na regio posterior, os desgastes so feitos nas cspides palatinas dos molares superiores e vestibulares dos molares inferiores do lado cruzado, para permitir a
to the mandibular displacement by condylar growth or by remodeling of the articular fossa25. Pullinger et al26 (1988), McNamara et al27 (1995) and Malandris, Mahoney28 (2004), proved that posterior crossbites are among the risk factors for future Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD). The severity of posterior crossbites in adults, as well as the greater risk of TMD, leads us to seriously consider the need of its treatment as early as possible. Planas Direct Tracks (PDT) The stomatognathic system performs well its functions when there is balanced occlusion, without interference during movements. When contact is established, the teeth present a pattern of attrition that repeats itself in the same order until senility. The attrition process starts with the deciduous dentition (3 to 5 years) when already there are lateral movements29,30. Of fundamental importance is to know what is normal, the difference between phasic and harmonious growth of each tooth, and to observe each individual type31. Only after knowing what is normal is it possible to diagnose and treat the dysgnathias31. Preventive or interceptive actions of malocclusions in the deciduous dentitions can yield good results through the use of selective grinding, preferably eliminating only the interferences during lateral movements, following the physiological attrition pattern. The selective grinding is done according to the limits of biological tolerance. In cases that require extensive selective grinding, PDT is used4,31,32,33,34. The Planas Direct Tracks PDT are planes made of resin, adapted directly on the occlusal faces of deciduous teeth, with specific inclinations according to the malocclusion in question4. PDT can be used in vertical, horizontal and transversal malocclusions4. Initially, the patient is placed in a relaxed condition and the jaw is manipulated, trying to obtain the Centric Relation (CR) (Figure 2). In FPUXC patients, the CR does not coincide with the Maximum Habitual Intercuspation (MHI), due to the fact that the interferences cause the mandible to shift into a more comfortable position, crossing the bite. This is the side of minimum vertical dimension and becomes the working side, causing a muscular unbalance4. These localized interferences are grinded, generally in the anterior region on the cuspids of the deciduous canines. In the posterior region, the grinding is
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
acomodao das PDP . Esse procedimento s deve ser feito se o espao a ser reabilitado no for o suficiente para a correta inclinao das PDP (Figura 3).
done on the palatal cuspids of the upper molars and vestibular side of the lower molars on the crossbite side, to allow the settling of the PDT. This procedure should only be done if the space to be rehabilitated is not large enough for the correct inclination of the PDT (Figure 3).
Posicionando sempre a mandbula em relao cntrica, os espaos que continuam existindo entre os maxilares devem ser preenchidos com resina. A reabilitao neuroclusal feita do lado cruzado nos caninos, primeiros e segundos molares decduos superiores e inferiores, porm, se o espao a ser reabilitado for reduzido, as PDP so adaptadas somente a um dos arcos dentrios. comum o lado no cruzado necessitar de algum incremento de resina, para restabelecer o contato total entre os maxilares4,31,32,33,34. A inclinao das PDP deve ser feita de forma que a maxila absorva todo potencial fisiolgico do ato mastigatrio que serve para o seu desenvolvimento, ao mesmo tempo que controla o crescimento mandibular. No sentido vestbulo-lingual, mais alta na vestibular dos molares superiores e mais alta na lingual dos molares inferiores conforme figura 4. Desta maneira, a mandbula no consegue mais escorregar para o antigo lado cruzado. As pistas devem ser colocadas individualmente em cada dente, respeitando-se os espaos interproximais, mas devem agir em conjunto, ou seja, as suas faces oclusais devem se tocar tanto na ocluso cntrica como nos movimentos de lateralidade. No sentido nteroposterior, o novo plano oclusal, dever ser paralelo ao Plano de Camper4,31,32,33.
By always positioning de mandible in Centric Relationship, the spaces that continue to exist between the maxillae must be filled with resin. The Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation is done on the crossbite side of the canines and first and second upper and lower deciduous molars. However, if the space to be rehabilitated is small, the PDTs should be adapted only on one of the dental arches. Frequently, the noncrossbite side requires an increment of resin to reestablish total contact between maxillae4,30,31,32,33. The inclination of the PDT should be done in such a way that the maxilla absorbs the totality of the physiological potential of the masticatory act, which serves in its development, and at the same time controls mandibular growth in the vestibular-lingual direction, higher on the vestibular side of the upper molars and on the lingual side of the lower molars, according to figure 4. This way, the mandible can no longer slip towards the former crossbite side. The tracks must be placed individually on each tooth, respecting the interproximal spaces, but should act together, i.e., the occlusal faces must touch during centric occlusion as well as during lateral movements. In the anteroposterior direction, the new occlusal plane must be parallel to the Camper Plane4,30,31,32.
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
Os ajustes nas PDP terminam quando a MIH, coincidir com a RC. As pistas no sero removidas e ficaro at a esfoliao dos dentes decduos4,33,34,36.
The adjustments on the PDT are completed when the MHI coincides with the CR. The tracks are not removed, and stay in place until the exfoliation of the deciduous teeth4,32,33,35.
Foram selecionados dois pacientes com MCPUF, no incio da dentadura mista. De acordo com as fotos iniciais, os dois apresentavam caractersticas de relao maxilar diferentes. O caso clnico 1, apresenta-se com caractersticas de desenvolvimento de Classe II e o caso clnico 2 caractersticas de Classe III de Angle. Ambos apresentavam desvio mandibular durante movimento de abertura e fechamento, avaliado no exame clnico. Os dois casos foram tratados com o uso de PDP , dentro dos conceitos da reabilitao neuro-oclusal, procedimento que se mostrou eficiente no tratamento dos dois casos. Caso clnico 1 J.M.C: cinco anos e cinco meses, sexo feminino MCPUF Esquerda
Two FPUXB patients at the start of mixed dentition were selected. According to the initial photos, the two presented different characteristics of maxillary relationship. Clinical case #1 shows Class II developmental characteristics, and clinical case #2 shows Angles Class III characteristics. Both presented mandibular deviation during opening and closing movements, as evaluated during clinical exam. Both cases were treated with PDTs, according to the Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation concepts, a procedure that proved to be very effective in the treatment of both patients. 3.1 Clinical case #1 J.M.C.: five-years-and five-months old, female Left FPUXC
Na fotografia frontal (Figura 6), nota-se o grande desvio mandibular para a esquerda. Nas fotografias laterais (Figuras 5 e 7), observa-se relao canina Classe I do lado direito e Classe II do lado esquerdo.
In the frontal photo (Figure 6) we can see the great deviation of the mandible to the left. In the side photos (Figures 5 and 7) we can see the Class I canine relationship of the right side, and Class II of the left side.
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
Na manipulao em RC, observa-se as interferncias nos caninos decduos do lado direito (Figura 8) e lado esquerdo (Figura 10), onde os desgastes devem ser feitos prioritariamente.
During CR manipulation, the interferences on the deciduous canines on the right side (Figure 8) and left side (Figure 10), where grinding should be done first, can be noticed.
Aps os desgastes, os espaos que ainda existiam entre as arcadas, foram reabilitados com as PDP (Figuras 11, 12 e 13). O incremento em resina foi feito em caninos e molares decduos do lado esquerdo. Nota-se a relao canina esquerda de 1/2 Classe II, devido ao desvio mandibular.
After selective grinding, the spaces that still existed between arcades were rehabilitated with PDTs (Figures 11, 12 e 13). The increment with resin was done on the deciduous canines and molars on the left side. A Class II canine relationship can be noted, due to mandibular deviation.
Aps trs meses (Figuras 14, 15 e 16), observa-se coincidncia de linha mdia e melhor relacionamento entre os maxilares.
After three months (Figures 14, 15 e 16), the coincidence of the midline and better relationship between maxillae can be noted.
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
Aps seis meses (Figuras 17, 18 e 19), mostra uma relao maxilar normal.
A distncia intermolar medida no modelo inicial (Figura 20) e final (Figura 21) foi de 28,55mm e 29,94mm respectivamente. Caso clnico 2 N. V. S.: 5 anos e 10 meses, sexo feminino. MCPUF Direita.
The intermolar distances measured on the initial (figure 20) and final casts (figure 21) were 28.55mm and 29.94mm respectively. 3.2 Clinical case #2 N.V.S.: 5-years-and-ten-months old, female. FPUXB right side.
Na fotografia frontal (Figura 23), no se observa desvio de linha mdia, devido migrao mesial do 41, porm o desvio funcional notado durante movimento de abertura e fechamento. No lado no cruzado (Figura 24), uma relao canina de Classe III; no lado cruzado (Figura 22), uma relao canina de Classe I.
On the frontal photograph (figure 23) we cannot observe a deviation of the midline, due to the mesial migration of 41, although the functional deviation can be noted during opening and closing movements. On the noncrossbite side (Figure 24) there is a Class III canine relationship; on the crossbite side (Figure 22) a Class I canine relationship.
Na manipulao em RC, observam-se as interferncias em laterais e caninos decduos do lado direito (Figuras 25, 26, 27).
During CR manipulation, the interferences on lateral and right deciduous canines (Figures 25, 26, 27).
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
Aps os desgastes, os espaos entre as arcadas foram reabilitados com as PDP . O incremento em resina foi feito nos molares decduos superiores do lado direito. Com a centralizao da mandbula, passou-se a ter relao canina de Classe I dos dois lados. (Figuras 28, 29, 30).
After the selective grinding, the spaces between the arcades were rehabilitated with PDT. The increment with resin was done on the upper right deciduous molars. The centering of the mandible resulted in Class I canine relationship on both sides. (Figures 28, 29, 30).
Aps trs meses (Figuras 31 33), paciente com postura mandibular adequada.
After three months (Figures 31 to 33), patient with adequate mandibular posture.
A distncia intermolar medida no modelo inicial (Figura 34) e final (Figura 35) foi de 31,15mm e 33,75mm respectivamente.
The intermolar distances measured on the initial (figure 34) and final casts (figure 35) were 31.15mm and 33.75mm respectively.
A MCPUF caracteriza-se por apresentar desvio de posio da mandbula para fugir de uma intercuspidao oclusal instvel, acompanhada de descentralizao da linha mdia. Freqentemente ocorre deslocamento
FPUXB is characterized by a deviation of the position of the mandible to avoid an unstable occlusal intercuspidation, together with the offset of the midline. Frequently there is a posterior dis9
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
posterior da cabea da mandbula do lado da mordida cruzada e deslocamento anterior do cndilo do lado oposto ao da mordida cruzada35. Estabelece-se uma patologia oclusal, que se caracteriza pela no coincidncia entre as posies de mxima intercuspidao habitual (MIH) e relao cntrica (RC). Em geral, h um estreitamento bilateral da arcada maxilar que provoca um deslocamento lateral da mandbula, a fim de ocluir estavelmente os dentes. Em RC, observa-se uma mordida de topo bilateral, geralmente com contato prematuro nos caninos decduos. Planas4 (1994), ao formular as leis do desenvolvimento do sistema estomatogntico, facilitou o relacionamento e aplicao clnica entre a Teoria da Matriz Funcional de Moss com suas aes musculares e as trajetrias funcionais do sistema estomatogntico37. Na Lei do Desenvolvimento Sagital e Transversal4 O movimento condilar do lado de balanceio produz excitao neural que promove o crescimento da hemimandbula do mesmo lado. No lado de trabalho, a excitao neural provocada pelo contato das faces oclusais estimula o desenvolvimento da hemiarcada superior deste lado4. Isto explica os achados de Santos-Pinto e Monnerat25 que revelou uma posio condilar centrada na cavidade articular. De acordo com a Lei Planas, a hemimandbula se desenvolveu inadequadamente. Em uma ocluso normal, os contatos dentrios da mandbula com a maxila servem ao mesmo tempo para induzir o crescimento maxilar e conter o crescimento mandibular, uma vez que a mandbula tem predominncia da ao muscular. Nas regies de mordida cruzada, o estmulo fica invertido e a maxila recebe o impacto de fora para dentro, atresiando-se. Como a mandbula continua seu desenvolvimento do lado de balanceio, pode ocorrer assimetria dos arcos e da face4. As PDP devem ter uma inclinao tal que a maxila absorva totalmente o estmulo e que o crescimento seja efetivo. Segundo a Lei da Mnima Dimenso Vertical quando a mandbula se movimenta para atingir a mxima intercuspidao dentria, ser sempre s custas da maior aproximao entre os maxilares. Quando o paciente tenta fechar a boca e existe alguma interferncia, a mandbula se deslocar para atingir a mxima intercuspidao e isto se dar na mnima dimenso vertical4. Depois dos primeiros contatos, o mximo de intercuspidao far-se- por reduo na dimenso vertical4. O lado de trabalho, numa mastigao viciosa sempre aquele com dimenso vertical mais baixa4. Na teraputica com as PDP , depois de removidas as interferncias por meio de desgaste seletivo, as pistas em resina devem restabelecer a dimenso vertical natural,
placement of the head of the mandible on the side of the crossbite, and anterior displacement of the condyle on the side opposite to the crossbite side34. An occlusal pathology is established, characterized by the non-coincidence between the positions of maximum habitual intercuspidation (MHI) and centric relationship (CR). Usually, there is a bilateral straightening of the maxillary arcade, which causes a lateral displacement of the mandible to obtain a stable occlusion of the teeth. In CR, we can see a bilateral overbite, usually with premature contact on the deciduous canines. Planas 4 (1994), when formulating the laws of development of the stomatognathic systems, facilitated the relationship and clinical application between Moss Functional Matrix Theory, with its muscular actions, and the functional trajectories of the stomatognathic system36. According to the Transversal and Sagittal Development Law4, the condylar movement on the balancing side produces neural excitations that promote the growth of the hemimandible on the same side. On the working side, the neural excitation provoked by the contact of occlusal faces stimulates the development of the upper hemiarcade on this side4. This explains the findings of Santos-Pinto e Monnerat24, who revealed a condylar position centered on the articular cavity. According to Planas Law, the development of the hemimandible was inadequate. During normal occlusion, the dental contacts between the mandible and maxilla act simultaneously, inducing growth of the maxilla and reducing mandibular growth, as the mandible has prevalence of the muscular action. In the crossbite regions, the stimulus is inverted and the maxilla receives an outside-in impact, becoming atresic. As the mandible continues to grow on the balancing side, the result can be asymmetry of arches and face4. The PDT must have inclinations in a way that allow the maxilla to totally absorb the stimulus and to grow effectively. According to the Law of Minimum Vertical Dimension, when the mandible moves to reach the maximum dental intercuspation, this will always happen at the expense of a greater approximation between the maxillae. When the patient tries to close his mouth and there is any interference, the mandible will dislocate itself to reach maximum intercuspation, and this will always happen at the minimum vertical dimension4. After the first con-
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
para determinar um equilbrio no ciclo de funo do sistema estomatogntico4. Os casos clnicos selecionados mostraram duas MCPUF com indicao para tratamento com PDP e com caractersticas diferentes que podem levar a situaes de extrema diferena entre o diagnstico e o plano de tratamento se no forem tratadas em poca adequada. No Caso Clnico 1, o desvio mandibular determinava uma situao de relao Classe II do lado cruzado e Classe I do lado no cruzado e o Caso Clnico 2 uma relao de Classe I do lado cruzado e Classe III no lado no cruzado. Se o tratamento no fosse feito precocemente, ter-se-ia muita dificuldade em realiz-lo posteriormente. Ambos os pacientes apresentaram aumento na dimenso transversal. Os casos clnicos 1 e 2 tiveram um aumento da distncia intermolar de 1,39mm e 2,26mm respectivamente. A medida foi tomada tendo como referncia o sulco palatino, pois as faces oclusais no servem j que foram reabilitadas em resina. Para facilitar o uso do paqumetro digital, o ponto usado localizava-se 1,8mm atrs do sulco palatino. Este aumento na distncia intermolar pode representar um crescimento sseo efetivo, uma vez que, ao exame clnico, no observamos inclinaes dentrias. Alm das inclinaes vestbulo-lingual, pode-se usar inclinaes mesiodistal para resolver problemas ntero-posteriores ao mesmo tempo em que tratamos MCPUF4. O reposicionamento mandibular prioridade no tratamento de desvios funcionais. Em nossa experincia clnica, primeiro resolve-se a MCPUF e posteriormente se, ainda houver uma situao de msiocluso ou distocluso, readaptar-se- as PDP para o tratamento em questo. Os casos clnicos apresentados reforam esta recomendao pois, aps reposicionamento mandibular, a relao dos maxilares normalizou-se. Se a mandbula apresenta-se desviada para o lado cruzado, h necessidade de corrigir sua posio, executando-se a mudana de postura. A grande vantagem do uso das PDP de estarem presentes especialmente durante a mastigao, em uma etapa de desenvolvimento onde grande parte do crescimento facial se estabelece. A erupo dentria tem papel relevante pois, graas a ela que se perpetuam as alteraes na dimenso vertical provocadas pela PDP , quando da erupo dos primeiros molares permanentes38. O uso de PDP difere dos outros tratamentos porque o estmulo de crescimento dado apenas pela funo, sem riscos de sobrecorrees. Devido ao baixo custo operacional dos procedimentos apresentados para confeco das PDP , sua facilidade de emprego e a pre-
tacts, the maximum intercuspation will be achieved through the reduction of the vertical dimension4. The work side in a vicious mastication is always the one with a shorter vertical dimension4. In a treatment using PDT, after the removal of the interferences through selective grinding, the resin tracks must reestablish the natural vertical dimension to determine a balance on the function cycle of the stomatognathic system4. The clinical cases selected showed two FPUXB with indication for treatment with PDT, and with different characteristics that could lead to situations of extreme difference between the diagnostic and the treatment plan, if not treated at the right time. In Clinical Case #1, the mandibular deviation determined a situation of Class II relationship on the crossbite side and Class I on the non-cross-bite side, and in Clinical Case #2, a Class I relationship on the crossbite side and Class III on the non-crossbite side. If the treatment had not been done at an early stage, it would have been very difficult to carry it out later. Both patients showed increased transversal dimension. Clinical cases #1 and #2 presented increases of intermolar distances of 1.39mm e 2.26mm respectively. The measurement used the palatal groove as reference, as the occlusal faces could not be used due to the fact that they had been rehabilitated with resin. For easier use of the digital vernier caliper, the point used was 1.8mm behind the palatal groove. This increase in intermolar distance may represent effective bone growth, since during the clinical exam no dental inclinations were observed. In addition to vestibulo-lingual inclinations, mesio-distal inclinations can be used to solve anteroposterior problems at the same time FPUXB is treated4. Mandibular repositioning is the priority during treatment of functional deviations. Our clinical experience shows that, first of all, FPUPX is solved, and afterwards, if there is still a situation of mesioclusion or distoclusion, the PDT are readapted for the treatment needed. The clinical cases presented reinforce this recommendation as the maxillary relationship became normal after mandibular repositioning. If the mandible deviates toward the crossbite side, there is a need to correct its position by conducting a posture change. The great advantage of PDT is the fact that they are present especially during mastication, during a developmental phase in which the greater part of
Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
valncia de mordidas cruzadas posteriores encontrada, a terapia com PDP poderia ser melhor aproveitada pelas entidades responsveis pela promoo de sade da populao.
facial development is established. Dental eruption has a relevant role, for it is because of it that the changes in vertical dimension provoked by PDT are perpetuated during the eruption of the first permanent molars.37. The use of PDT differs from other treatments because the growth stimulus is given only by function, without the risk of overcorrection. Due to the low operational cost of the procedures to prepare PDT, ease of use and the prevalence of posterior crossbites, the therapy with PDT could be better used by public health officials.
1 O desvio mandibular deve ter prioridade no tratamento das MCPUF. 2 A correta inclinao das PDP determina o sucesso do tratamento. 3 As PDP so eficazes no tratamento da MCPUF em idades precoces. 4 Houve aumento da distncia intermolar dos casos apresentados.
1 Priority should be given to mandibular deviation during treatment of FPUXB. 2 The correct inclination of the PDTs determines the success of treatment. 3 PDTs are effective to treat FPUXC at an early age. 4 There was an increase of intermolar distance in the cases presented.
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Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):
Mordida Cruzada Posterior Unilateral Funcional: Terapia com Pista Direta Planas Functional Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Therapy With Planas Direct Tracks
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Revista Internacional de Ortopedia Funcional / International Journal of Jaw Functional Orthopedics 2005; 1(4):