2 Trabalho de Ingles

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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Instituto de Educação à Distância

Centro de Recursos de Cuamba

Develop a Bibliography English Research Project with past simple, Past continuous,
Modal verbs (advice and obligation), The future, the first conditional, Present perfect,
that follow, knowing that these grammatical patterns are the most important in English

Nome da Estudante: Dilenia Alfredo

Código: 708215678

Curso: Português
Disciplina: Inglês
Ano de Frequência: 1º

Cuamba, Maio, 2022

Folha de Feedback

Categorias Indicadores Padrões
do Subtotal
 Capa 0.5
 Índice 0.5
Aspectos  Introdução 0.5
 Discussão 0.5
 Conclusão 0.5
 Bibliografia 0.5
 Contextualização
(Indicação clara do 1.0

Introdução  Descrição dos


 Metodologia adequada
ao objecto do trabalho
 Articulação e domínio
do discurso académico
Conteúdo (expressão escrita 2.0
cuidada, coerência /
coesão textual)
Análise e
 Revisão bibliográfica
nacional e
internacionais 2.0
relevantes na área de
 Exploração dos dados 2.0
 Contributos teóricos
Conclusão 2.0
 Paginação, tipo e
tamanho de letra,
Aspectos gerais Formatação 1.0
paragrafo, espaçamento
entre linhas
Normas APA 6ª
 Rigor e coerência das
Referências edição em
citações/referências 4.0
Bibliográficas citações e

Folha para recomendações de melhoria: A ser preenchida pelo tutor

Section I......................................................................................................................................2

Section II.....................................................................................................................................2

Past continuous...........................................................................................................................2

Model auxiliary verbs advice and obligation..............................................................................3

Section II.....................................................................................................................................3

The future....................................................................................................................................4

Section I......................................................................................................................................4

First conditional..........................................................................................................................5



This English research aims to show how words tend to change according to the tense and

manner in which they are being used. This research helps simplify the grammatic patterns we

find in the English language. It helps master the art of being able to change the grammar of

words as this the most important part of the English language. in this research you will find a

series of different examples which will help clarify this for you.

Section I

1. Pedro wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

2. How did you learn to drive? My father teaches me.

3. We wouldn’t afford to keep our car, so we sold it.

4. Julio fell down the stairs this morning and hurt his leg.

5. Jim threw the ball o Joana, who caught it.

6. Ana spent a lot of money yesterday. She bought a dress which costed USD 100.

Section II

1. It was warm, so I took of my coot.

2. The film wasn’t very good, I didn’t enjoy it very much.

3. It knew Sarah was very good, I didn’t disturb her.

4. It was very tired, so I left the part early.

5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I didn’t sleep very well.

6. The window was open and a bird flew into the room.

7. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. I didn’t cost very much.

8. I was very in harry, so I didn’t have time to phone you.

9. It was hard carrying the bags. They were very heavy.

Past continuous

1. Paul waited for me when I arrived.

2. What did you do at this time yesterday? I was asleep.

3. Did you go out last night? Not I was too tired.

4. How fast were you driving when the accident happened?

5. Paul took a photograph of me while I wasn’t looking.

6. We were in a very difficult position. We didn’t know what to do.

7. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last saw him, he was trying to find a job.

8. I walked a bang the street when student, I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody

followed me I was a cared and I started to run.

9. When I was young, I wanted to be a pilot.

10. Lest night I dropped a plate when I was doing the washing up fortunately it didn’t


Model auxiliary verbs advice and obligation

1 Bernardo Starts work at 5 a.m., he has to get up a four.

2 I broke my arm last week do I have to go to hospital?

3 Thera was a lot of noise from that street, we have to close the window.

4 Carla can’t stay for that whole meeting, she has to leave early.

5 How old do you have to be a drive in your country?

6 I don’t have much time, I have to hurry.

7 How is John enjoying his new job? He has to travel a lot.

8 I am afraid I can’t stay long. What time do you have to go?

9 The bus was lot again. How long did you have to wait?

10 Thera was nobody to help me. I had to do everything by myself.

Section II

1 I am not working tomorrow so I, so I don’t have to get up early.

2 Estevao didn’t know how to use a computer so I have to show him.

3 Excuse me a moment I have to make a phone call, I won’t be long.

4 I not so busy. I have a few things to do, but I

5 I couldn’t find the street I wanted. I have to ask somebody for directions.

6 The car park is free, you don’t have to pay to pork your car is there.

7 A man was injured in the accident, but he didn’t have to go to hospital because it

wasn’t serious.

8 Susana has a senior position in the company, she has to make important decisions.

9 When Patrick starts his new job next month, he will have to drive so miles to work

every day.

The future

1 At 5 o clock tomorrow morning I will be at home.

2 At 10: 30 tomorrow morning I will be probably at school.

3 Next Saturday afternoon I will probably be at home.

5 This time next year I don’t know where I will be.

Section I

1 Don’t worry about the exam. I am sure you will pass.

2 Why don’t you try on this jacket? It will look nice on you.

3 You must meet George sometime. I think you will like him.

4 It is raining. Don’t go out you will get wet.

5 Do you think people will live longer in the future.

6 Goodbye. I expect we will meet again before long.

7 I have invited Isabel to the party, but I don’t think she will come.

8 When is the new rood finished my journey to work will be much shorter.

Section II

Present perfect

1 I saw Tomas yesterday, but I didn’t see him today.

2 I read a newspaper yesterday, but I want read it today.

3 Last year the company made a profit but this year it didn’t.

4 Tracy worked hard at school last tern, but this tern she is playing.

5 It showed a lot last winter, but this year it wants show much.

6 Our football team won a lot of games last season, but we want play this year.

First conditional

1 If I see him, I will give him a lift.

2 That table will break if you will sit on it.

3 If he will eat all that, he will be ill.

4 If I find your passport, I shall telephone you.

5 The police will arrest him, it they catch him.

6 If he will read in bad light, he will ruin his eyes.

7 Someone will steal your car if you leave it unlocked.


Throughout the research it has come to light hoe words tend to change from past to present

and future tense. Word which obligate you have also been simplified. Therefore, in

conclusion I say that some wards in the English language change according to the manner in

which they are being used.


Modulo (s.d) English. University Catholic of Mozambique. Beira, Mozambique

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