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Release27 August 2002 (Update)
QuestPlague City
LocationEast Ardougne
OptionsTalk-to, Examine
ExamineShe looks concerned.
Advanced data
NPC ID710, 3210, 3211

Alrena is a citizen of East Ardougne, the wife of Edmond and the mother of Elena. She lives north of the Flying Horse Inn.

When West Ardougne was quarantined, Elena snuck into the city to help, intending to only be gone a few days.[1] Alrena provided her with a gas mask prepared using dwellberries, intended to help repel the virus.[2] However, three weeks passed with no word from Elena,[1] and Edmond planned to sneak into the city himself to find her.[3] A passing adventurer offered to go in his place, and Alrena prepared some spare gas masks for them, hiding them in case the mourners came by.[4] She later got word to the adventurer that the mourners were becoming suspicious[5] and helped them with locating ingredients for a hangover cure.

She seems to have some skill with medicine, being knowledgeable of the medical benefits of dwellberries and keeping a pestle and mortar nearby.

Products[edit | edit source]

Family[edit | edit source]


Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Alrena speaks in:

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 6 May 2009 (Update):
    • Alrena should definitely be in her house, rather than occasionally outside.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • When making the gas mask, she uses the old version of the mask during the animation.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ a b Edmond, "Plague City", RuneScape. "Elena's a missionary and a healer. Three weeks ago she managed to cross the Ardougne wall...[...]She said she'd be gone for a few days but we've heard nothing since."
  2. ^ Edmond, "Plague City", RuneScape. "My wife made a special gas mask for Elena with dwellberries rubbed into it. Dwellberries help repel the virus! We need some more though..."
  3. ^ Edmond, "Plague City", RuneScape. "I've been working on a plan to get into West Ardougne, but I'm too old and tired to carry it through."
  4. ^ Alrena, "Plague City", RuneScape. "I'll make a spare mask. I'll hide it in the wardrobe in case the mourners come in."
  5. ^ Alrena, "Plague City", RuneScape. "One of the mourners has been sniffing around asking questions about you are Edmond, you should keep an eye out for him."