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Animaroo is a pet that can be bought from the Shattered Worlds Reward Shop for 11,000,000 shattered anima.

It is the tier 5 pet, and the player can have it as their follower by calling the Anima Creature pet through the Customisations interface with the Animaroo appearance active. More appearances can be unlocked through the reward shop. The appearance can be freely changed between the unlocked ones by interacting with the Animaroo.

Examining the pet shows its owner's highest world cleared in Shattered Worlds, even when overriding Summoning familiars.

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • ninja 17 January 2022 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue preventing the Anima Creature, Revenant Pet, and Bombi from transferring their current appearance to an already overriden Legendary pet or familiar.
  • patch 14 May 2018 (Update):
    • The Tiny Death, Twitching Orb, Anima Creature, and Abyssal Hound familiar overrides now all output their usual examine text when overriding familiars.