Clue scroll

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Clue scrolls are items that contain a step of Treasure Trails, a series of clues leading towards a reward casket.

There are different levels of clue scrolls, including easy, medium, hard, elite, and master, each with progressively harder clues and better rewards. The rewards can include valuable items, equipment, and cosmetic items.

They are received as sealed clue scrolls initially, that are drops from various monsters, skilling, or as rewards from completing quests.

When the players receive sealed clue scrolls, they can open one of them to convert to a clue scroll, read the clue scroll, and solve the clue on it in order to find a hidden treasure. These clues may involve various activities such as combat and puzzle solving, and may lead the player to various places.

After completing Desperate Times, a player will receive Charos' clue carrier, making it easier to store and transport sealed clue scrolls; saving bank space.

Sealed clue scrolls have a soft cap of 25 per tier (excluding master), which can be uncapped by purchasing the "Clue capacity removal" reward in the Treasure Trails Reward Shop. The soft cap means that players can obtain up to 25 of each tier, after which players will not receive any more unless it is from a guaranteed source (for example, skeletal horror). This cap includes both sealed clue scrolls as well as opened clue scrolls. If a player reaches this cap, and has a luck effect when rolling for (and missing out on) a clue scroll drop, the associated luck message will still be displayed.

Difficulty[edit | edit source]

There are five levels of clue scroll difficulties, with better rewards available as the difficulty increases. After the players complete the last clue of the set, they will receive a reward casket of corresponding difficulty.

Difficulty Sealed Clue scroll Reward casket
Easy Sealed clue scroll (easy).png: RS3 Inventory image of Sealed clue scroll (easy)Sealed clue scroll (easy) Clue scroll (easy).png: RS3 Inventory image of Clue scroll (easy)Clue scroll (easy) Reward casket (easy).png: RS3 Inventory image of Reward casket (easy)Reward casket (easy)
Medium Sealed clue scroll (medium).png: RS3 Inventory image of Sealed clue scroll (medium)Sealed clue scroll (medium) Clue scroll (medium).png: RS3 Inventory image of Clue scroll (medium)Clue scroll (medium) Reward casket (medium).png: RS3 Inventory image of Reward casket (medium)Reward casket (medium)
Hard Sealed clue scroll (hard).png: RS3 Inventory image of Sealed clue scroll (hard)Sealed clue scroll (hard) Clue scroll (hard).png: RS3 Inventory image of Clue scroll (hard)Clue scroll (hard) Reward casket (hard).png: RS3 Inventory image of Reward casket (hard)Reward casket (hard)
Elite Sealed clue scroll (elite).png: RS3 Inventory image of Sealed clue scroll (elite)Sealed clue scroll (elite) Clue scroll (elite).png: RS3 Inventory image of Clue scroll (elite)Clue scroll (elite) Reward casket (elite).png: RS3 Inventory image of Reward casket (elite)Reward casket (elite)
Master Sealed clue scroll (master).png: RS3 Inventory image of Sealed clue scroll (master)Sealed clue scroll (master) Clue scroll (master).png: RS3 Inventory image of Clue scroll (master)Clue scroll (master) Reward casket (master).png: RS3 Inventory image of Reward casket (master)Reward casket (master)

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 10 February 2025 (Update):
    • Players should no longer receive a message stating that they've skipped a clue step when they're about to receive their casket.
  • patch 20 March 2023 (Update):
    • Players can now downgrade more than 4,348 clues in one go.
  • patch 17 January 2022 (Update):
    • A number of Clue Scroll steps were taking the player to incorrect or broken locations when using the globetrotter jacket teleport. These have now been fixed.
    • A Clue Scroll near Het's Oasis was in a blocked location. This has now been moved.
  • patch 20 January 2020 (Update):
    • Clues will now automatically go into the Charos' clue carrier if the players inventory is full.
    • Clue Scroll NPC's will now remind you that you also need the original clue when handing in a puzzle.
  • patch 14 October 2019 (Update):
    • Corrected the master clue scroll anagram solution for Brother Tranquillity to QUIT THY BRINE RAT ROLL.
  • patch 13 January 2020 (Update):
    • Track colours and intersection graphics were updated on Celtic knots to improve colourblind accessibility.
  • patch 5 August 2019 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue where players were unable to complete clue scroll if another player was already fighting wizard NPC triggered by the clue scroll.
  • patch 28 May 2019 (Update):
    • Players that have chosen to disable receiving certain clue scrolls will no longer be spammed with a message saying their clue scroll has been dissolved.
  • patch 26 February 2018 (Update):
    • Clue scrolls are now completed when the casket is obtained, not when the casket is opened. This allows players to begin new clue scrolls before opening the caskets, and to save them up if desired.
    • All existing clue scrolls that historically took players to the bandit camp in the Wilderness have been updated to point to nearby areas.
    • Minor grammatical fixes have been made to the text on several emote clues.
    • Some old clue scroll hints have been updated or replaced to be consistent with the current game and environment changes.
  • ninja 10 July 2017 (Update):
    • Clue scrolls will no longer be given for the Chaos Tunnels.
  • ninja 26 June 2017 (Update):
    • The clue scroll interface now displays "Scanning..." when scanning.
  • patch 12 June 2017 (Update):
    • Several boxes needed for 'Sophind yourself some treasure by searching these boxes' clue scroll have been returned to Sophanem.
  • hotfix 12 June 2017 (Update):
    • Scan clue coordinates have been moved out of the water in the desert.
  • ninja 23 January 2017 (Update):
    • A Duel Arena clue scroll has been re-positioned to no longer require entering the arena.
  • patch 8 February 2016 (Update):
    • Updated text on a clue scroll to account for Wilderness level changes when combat level calculations were reassessed.
  • patch 25 January 2016 (Update):
    • The following items can no longer have alchemy cast on them: Clue scrolls
  • patch 18 May 2015 (Update):
    • Players can now hold one of each tier of clue scroll.
  • ninja 15 September 2014 (Update):
    • Players no longer need to have the sextant in their inventory when digging up clue scrolls that require it.
  • patch 11 August 2014 (Update):
    • The 'Twirl at the crossroads north of Rimmington.' clue scroll has been fixed.
  • patch 3 March 2014 (Update):
    • Players can no longer drop clue scrolls on free worlds to prevent players from picking up duplicates.
  • ninja 4 February 2014 (Update):
    • A 'dig' option has been added to all relevant clue scrolls, allowing use of the spade from the tool belt.
  • ninja 7 January 2014 (Update):
    • Clue scrolls now display a loot beam when dropped.
  • patch 28 January 2013 (Update):
    • We've adjusted some text in clue scrolls from "longbows" to "shieldbows".
  • patch 20 November 2012 (Update):
    • A clue scroll no longer references crates upstairs in the Al Kharid palace, as the crate in question is now downstairs.
  • patch 14 December 2010 (Update):
    • Clue scrolls now refer to adamant armour instead of adamantite.
  • patch 9 November 2009 (Update):
    • Clue scrolls have been updated to reflect the recent name change of the Spin emote to Twirl.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Previously, if a player had more than one reward casket in their backpack and opened both in quick succession, the first casket would place its rewards in the players backpack, while the other gave a new clue scroll. This has since been corrected.