Evil root

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Evil root
Release25 February 2009 (Update)
LocationNear any evil tree
OptionsChop, Examine
ExamineAn angry-looking tree root.
Advanced data
Object ID11426, 11427, 11428, 11429, 11430, 11431, 11432, 11433

Evil roots are roots that appear during the Evil Tree D&D and the 2011 Easter Event. They grow around the tree with a maximum of four roots and knock off adjacent players trying to light or chop the tree. They can be cut down for an Evil tree kindling which is used to light the tree on fire, up to 8 of them, which remain and constantly damage the tree until it dies. Evil roots take 2 minutes to regrow after being cut down (if no other roots have been cut) and 1 minute otherwise.

They can still be chopped when there is no inventory space for the kindling, which does not appear on the ground when the evil root is chopped down. The rate at which the root is severed depends on the amount of people cutting it. Upon being chopped down, 1 kindling is given to every player cutting it. The requirement for cutting the root down is the same as for the tree, e.g. a Magic evil tree roots require level 75 Woodcutting to be chopped.

Chopping evil root does not increase your reward, although burning the tree with kindling does.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 9 April 2013 (Update):
    • The explosive woodcutting, lumberjack and roundhouse kick cosmetic overrides have been added for cutting Evil tree and Evil roots.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • If a root sprouts over a lit fire, the fire will disappear. The fire or ashes will not show up (even when right-click options are shown) until the roots are gone. This is later "fixed" by removing the fire from the right click menu. If the evil root is chopped down before the fire goes out, the fire remains invisible and impossible to click on, but ashes would spawn as normal when the fire's time is up.
  • If you have a steel hatchet or lower, chopping evil roots will cause you to automatically use the machete on the tool belt instead, even for free players. For members with a red topaz machete on their tool belt, it would be still prioritised over any hatchet on an f2p world (which caps superior members-only hatchets, like the dragon hatchet, to the effectiveness of a rune hatchet).