Ice ward

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Ice ward
Release21 June 2021 (Update)
Quest itemYes
DestroyIf you destroy this, you will have to reclaim it from where you first found it.
ExamineAn ice magic ward.
Options [?]
BackpackUse, Destroy, Examine
Value1 coin
AlchemyNot alchemisable
On deathAlways lost
Weight5 kg
Advanced data
Item ID51658
LinksMRID • recipe

The ice ward is one of the four wards players must collect during the City of Senntisten quest. Unlike the other wards, it does not have any puzzles or guardians protecting it. It can simply be found southwest from the western entrance.

Like the other wards, having it in the inventory disables the safety of the light globes, and players will take consistent damage from the darkness of Senntisten. Thus, players should return to Azzanadra as quickly as they can to reduce damage taken.

Location[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

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