Kalphites (a.k.a. the Kalphiscarabeinae) are a species that resemble a mix of scarabs and cockroaches. The normal hive is located west of the Shantay Pass and north of the Bedabin Camp (a Fairy ring BIQ can be found near the entrance, and a rope is also required to access it the first time), and their nursery is north of the main hive. The Exiled Kalphite Hive is located south of the Jaldraocht Pyramid and north of Menaphos.
History[edit | edit source]

The origins of the kalphites are unknown, but many people say that they were created when the desert god Scabaras accidentally dropped some of his blood on some scarabs, turning them into kalphites. Some people, mostly scientists, don’t believe this theory and go for a more natural theory.
The kalphites are the largest known insects in all of Gielinor. They are related to beetles and scorpions, are green in colour, and have remarkable antennae which can detect the slightest movement. Their carapace consists of armoured plates called lamellae. The shell can be compressed into a ball. They also use it to sense odours by fanning the carapace out like leaves. They use their front legs to dig enormous tunnel networks which they use as their nests. Kalphites do not seem to follow any god, although Scabaras is capable of influencing their actions.
Kalphite society is caste-based and similar to bees, in which all do the role they are expected, treat each other equally and inefficient workers are "replaced".
All kalphites start off as larvae. The Kalphite larvae are newly hatched Kalphites, but will develop fairly quickly. Unlike the other kalphites, larvae are completely harmless to humans as their chitin is not developed enough. They are very hard to catch and are often chased with the help of a cat. For safety, some larvae may be placed in a nursery where they are taken care of until they mature.
Kalphite workers are kalphites who oversee the colony's necessities. A few workers are capable of turning a camel into nothing but bones into a matter of seconds. Workers care for the colony's eggs and larvae. While they are not as developed compared to the soldiers or guardians, they will defend their colony if necessary. For reasons unknown, exiled workers are far more timid and will retreat into safer parts of the hive if they are severely wounded.
Kalphite soldiers are kalphites who defend the colony from aggressors. Unlike the workers, they are much more aggressive, better developed and are capable of injecting poison into their enemies. The exiled colony possesses two types of soldiers; the soldiers who use their mandibles to bite their enemies, and paragons who hurl bolts of raw magical energy instead.
Kalphite guardians are kalphites who are essentially the colony's "supermajors", as they are larger and even more aggressive compared to the soldiers. They are often posted in important positions in the colony, such as their queen, and are capable of poisoning their enemies. Much like the soldiers, the exiled colony possesses two types of guardians; the melee guardians, and magic marauders.
The Kalphite Queen is one of the strongest kalphites, and is considered the leader of a colony. Unlike the soldiers and guardians, her exoskeleton is less developed, but it is still far stronger and capable of shrugging off attacks with ease. The Queen lays eggs on a daily basis, which are taken by the workers to be cared for. Kalphite Queens are capable of using all three forms of combat, and have two forms; an beetle-like form which fully protects her from ranged and magical attacks. If the invaders manage to severely damage this form, the Queen will shed her carapace to reveal a wasp-like creature which fully protects her from melee attacks. She may also call developed worker larvae to assist her should her life be in danger. A colony cannot survive without a queen - if no queens are found in a colony, a larvae will quickly develop into one to fill the gap. Thus, it is very hard if not impossible to exterminate a colony of kalphites.
The Kalphite King is an even stronger Kalphite, although they are extremely rare. They are extremely large and have a red exoskeleton unlike the typical green kalphites are known for. They help the Queen start a colony by undergoing a ritual dance and mating with them. Though Kalphite Kings also possess wings, they have atrophied and thus incapable of flight, instead being used to impress a Kalphite Queen. Kalphite Kings have a much stronger exoskeleton than any of the lesser kalphites, and are capable of using all three forms of combat like the Queen; though limited to one at a time, his attacks can cause various effects on his enemies. He can also generate extremely sticky juice that prevents a target from escaping as he prepares for a powerful lunge to instantly kill them. Outside of the ritual mating and dancing, it is unknown what role the King does once it has been accomplished. Like the Kalphite Queen, Kalphite Kings possess authority over lesser kalphites, being able to call guards to assist him against intruders.
Sometime in the year 169 of the Fifth Age, a second colony was established by a group of kalphites that had been "exiled" from the original colony. The kalphites here are far more organised and dangerous, having implemented the use of magic-using kalphites who use their magical energy to defend the colony, and these kalphites are capable of pursuing enemies at great speeds compared to the standard kalphites. It is assumed that these kalphites will soon go to war against their old colony, though they have not done such an action well into the start of the Sixth Age.
Amascut managed to bring some exiled guardians and marauders into her control. Unlike the other kalphites, these corrupted kalphites require a Feather of Ma'at to kill, and only the most experienced Slayers can harm them.
There are also other species of kalphite; clicker kalphites, who use their mandibles to communicate loudly. They are the desired prey by plover birds. Kalphite wanderers are kalphites outside of the hive colony, and have regressed to minute sizes. Amber-preserved kalphite wanderers are highly sought after by Menaphos' merchants, as they are seen as a symbol of luck.
Types[edit | edit source]
Normal[edit | edit source]
- Kalphite King (level 2500)
- Kalphite Queen (level 333)
- Kalphite Guardian (level 72)
- Kalphite Soldier (level 65)
- Kalphite Worker (level 58)
Exiled[edit | edit source]
- Exiled Kalphite Queen (level 356)
- Exiled kalphite marauder (level 98)
- Exiled kalphite guardian (level 98)
- Exiled kalphite paragon (level 84)
- Exiled kalphite soldier (level 84)
- Exiled kalphite worker (level 75)
Corrupted[edit | edit source]
- Corrupted kalphite guardian (level 110)
- Corrupted kalphite marauder (level 110)
Other[edit | edit source]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Rolls a ball of dung.
A newly hatched kalphite larva
One of the many kalphite workers
A dangerous kalphite soldier
A powerful Kalphite guardian
A powerful Exiled Kalphite paragon
A powerful Exiled Kalphite marauder
The first form of the dreadful Kalphite queen
The second and true form of the Kalphite queen
The mighty King.
A spirit kalphite from the spirit plane
A kalphite soldier in a player owned house dungeon.
Achievements[edit | edit source]
- Ludikeris (
15) – Kill a scarab mage, locust rider or kalphite with the Keris dagger.
Update history[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Despite being cited as insects many times in RuneScape, kalphites have bones, which can be seen strewn throughout their lair in the Kharidian desert identified by the examine text as "kalphite remains". One of the defining characteristics of all insects is that an exoskeleton is present as opposed to bones; arguably this means that the kalphites are not actual insects; unless this is meant to imply the remains that kalphites leave behind (only bones of their prey).
- Kalphites have a structural like rule, and may be inspired by ants as they both have many same qualities. Kalphites and ants are put into different roles for the hive, and if the queen of the hive dies, another queen will quickly take their place.
- Normal kalphites are incapable of running to pursue players, while exiled ones are capable of doing so.
- Given the Kharidian Desert's Arabic influence, "Kalphite" may have been derived from caliphate, a historical term for a government ruled by an Islamic leader.
Standard | |
Exiled |