SMW Subobject for KidnappedNPC ID: 13228Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: He hears no evil.Release date: 1 December 2010NPC location: Thammaron's Throne RoomIs members only: trueIs variant of: Kikazaru SMW Subobject for Monkey ColonyNPC ID: 13207Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: He hears no evil.Release date: 1 December 2010NPC location: Monkey ColonyIs members only: trueIs variant of: Kikazaru SMW Subobject for MarimNPC ID: 3482Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: He hears no evil.Release date: 15 March 2006NPC location: Temple of MarimboIs members only: trueIs variant of: Kikazaru
Kikazaru is one of the three wise monkeys who reside in the Temple of Marimbo. He interacts with the player as one entity with Mizaru and Iwazaru, and they help players during the Freeing King Awowogei subquest of Recipe for Disaster, where they guide the player in making a stuffed snake for Awowogei. In Do No Evil, the monkeys assist the player in establishing a monkey colony in the desert. During the quest it is revealed that he lost his hearing as a side effect when Amascut stole Apmeken's hearing.
Kikazaru is deaf but he overcomes his disabilities by co-operating with the other wise monkeys and communicating via sign language with them. This co-operation allowed them to escape the massacre of the desert monkeys carried out by Leeuni, Ayuni, and Eruni at Amascut's command.
He along with the other two wise monkeys are important figures in the quest Do No Evil where the player reminds them about their goddess Apmeken and they charge the player into bringing monkeys back the desert, which the player does, taking them as well. He is kidnapped by Eruni and held within Thammaron's Throne Room, but is rescued by the player.
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- Mizaru (見ざる), Kikazaru (聞かざる), Iwazaru (言わざる), can be translated from Japanese as "Don't see, Don't speak, Don't hear", where the word "-zaru" (猿) can also be translated to monkey (猿). The three can also be translated as "See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil." The maxim, Three wise monkeys (san'en, 三猿), is Japanese in origin.
| Part 8 of the Desert quest series |
NPCs | |
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| Cramulets |
Monkey, ghost
Monkey, ghost, camel
Monkey, ghost, cat
Monkey, ghost, cat, camel
Monkey, ghost, cat, enchanted
Monkey, ghost, cat, camel, enchanted
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