Item JSON: {"edible":"no","release_date":"30 April 2018","examine":"To hold an intrepid thief's loot.","tradeable":"no","lowalch":false,"weight":0.453,"value":100,"release_update_post":"Safecracking - Patch Notes","destroy":"You can get a new one from the safe cracking tutor in the Lumbridge Thieves' Guild.","lendable":"no","disassembly":"no","gemw":false,"id":"42613","highalch":false,"members":"yes","equipable":"no","bankable":"yes","name":"Large loot bag","death":"always","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no"}Is members only: true
A full large loot bag gives approximately 95,350–112,350 Thieving experience, 157,500–225,250 coins, and 350–405 pilfer points when fenced.
Each safe fills between 1–2% of the large loot bag. It usually takes around 52–98 safes to fill a large loot bag. This equates to approximately 973–2,161 Thieving experience, 1,607–4,332 coins, and 3.6–7.8 pilfer points per safe.
A large loot bag can be upgraded into a huge loot bag at Dodgy Derek's shop for 5,000 pilfer points. If this item is not kept on death, the same tier of loot bag can be reclaimed for free by talking to the safe-cracking trainer in the Thieves' Guild. Reclaiming it will reset its contents to 0%.