The Musketeer's top is part of the musketeer outfit item set that may be reclaimed from the Loyalty Programme Shop after purchasing the cosmetic override from Solomon’s General Store. It gives no bonuses and is a cosmetic item. The full outfit can be stored in the costume box of a costume room, but it will be reverted back to its original colours. If it is lost, it can be reclaimed from the Loyalty Programme Shop. When a player has their gender changed by the Makeover Mage while possessing the top, a message will appear in the chatbox that says The piece of clothing magically changes, and its gender and appearance will change.
It can be recoloured by reclaiming it the Loyalty Programme Shop. The available colours for this outfit are:
This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
- patch 5 October 2015 (Update):
- A graphical issue with the musketeer's top has been resolved.
Outfits | |
Emotes |
Male hairstyles |
Female hairstyles |
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