Seiryu shrine

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Seiryu shrine
Release25 July 2016 (Update)
OptionsVenerate, Examine
ExamineA statue of the creature worshipped by The Three Baskets.
Advanced data
Object ID103970

The Seiryu shrine is a scenery object added to the Jagex cache with the release of The Arc.

According to Mod Rowley, this was a placeholder asset that may have been replaced by the Well of Spirits.[1]

The Three Baskets mentioned in the examine text appear to be the slur by which the Acolytes of Seiryu are known in the region. During the Spiritual Enlightenment miniquest, Ling says that the acolytes are known by a slur. The player character responds that, to them, it sounds like "they're one basket short of a picnic", to which Ling replies that the player is two baskets short of the insult.[2] The examine text also says that The Three Baskets are worshippers of Seiryu the Azure Serpent.

Update history[edit | edit source]

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Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Jagex. Mod Rowley's Twitter account. 3 July 2021. (Archived from the original on !6 April 2022.) Mod Rowley: "I do not recall what my original intent was, but it is only using the Loarnab head as a placeholder asset. It would have been swapped out for Seiryu if used. I imagine this was used temporarily but later swapped out for the Well of Spirits asset."
  2. ^ Ling (contracts), "Spiritual Enlightenment (miniquest)", RuneScape.
    • Ling (contracts): They may call themselves the Temple of Seiryu, but most everyone else in the region calls them...something less flattering.
    • Player: To me they sound like they're one basket short of a picnic.
    • Ling (contracts): Close - you are two baskets short of the insult.