SMW Subobject for In useOptions: Fill, Remove, ExamineExamine: Running water in your own home! Luxury!Object ID: 13564Is members only: trueIs variant of: SinkLocation restriction: surfaceRelease date: 31 May 2006Version anchor: In useScenery location: Player-owned houseObject name: Sink SMW Subobject for Not in useOptions: Fill, Remove, ExamineExamine: Running water in your own home! Luxury!Object ID: 13563Is members only: trueIs variant of: SinkLocation restriction: surfaceRelease date: 31 May 2006Version anchor: Not in useScenery location: Player-owned houseObject name: Sink
The sink is a piece of furniture that can be built in the kitchen of a player-owned house with level 47 in the Construction skill. When made, it grants 300 experience. Players can use an empty bucket or other such item to receive water from the sink. Building a sink requires at least 47 Construction. The difference between this and a pump and drain is purely cosmetic.
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