Summoning focus

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Summoning focus
Release13 November 2014 (Update)
Quest itemNo
DestroyAre you sure you want to destroy this item? You cannot reclaim it.
ExamineUsed to focus your summoning energy, boosting your Summoning XP gains.
Options [?]
BackpackInfo, Destroy
Value40 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
On deathAlways kept outside dangerous area
Weight0 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange4,234 coins (info)
Buy limit10,000
Advanced data
Item ID32821
LinksMRID • recipe

A summoning focus gives an extra 20% Summoning experience when making pouches at an obelisk. This increase affects the base experience, and so combines multiplicatively with other experience buffs. One focus is needed for each pouch made. Originally a Treasure Hunter item, they became obtainable as a drop on 6 June 2017 with the release of Menaphos, being found uncommonly from some of the monsters in the Sophanem Slayer Dungeon.

As a Treasure Hunter item, it could be made by combining one of each type of item produced by a crafting catalyst, namely a leather case, gem focus, and a metal setting. Making 1 focus gives the player 10 bonus experience in Crafting (this is unaffected by bonus experience already available or double XP weekends). A whole stack can be made at once.

Creation[edit | edit source]

Ticks? (edit)
Leather case11,235
Gem focus12,142
Metal setting12,799
Total cost6,176
Summoning focus14,234

Drop sources[edit | edit source]

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Crafting catalysts were removed from Treasure Hunter on 24 November 2014. They were added to Treasure Hunter chests on an unknown date in 2019.
  • On 26 November 2014, Mod Obeith stated in a reply to the questioning of the removal of Crafting Catalyst, leather case, gem focus and metal setting from RuneScape completely "Crafting Catalysts have been taken off of TH but the items won from there will not be removed. Therefore unused catalysts, uncombined focuses parts and the completed focuses will not be removed so you are free to keep them and use them when you want."[source needed]