Dialogue for Kenti

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This transcript involves dialogue with Kenti and the player.
This transcript or section is incomplete and could do with improvement.
Reason: Which of these can occur before The Chosen Commander?
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  • (A random dialogue is selected from the following:)
    • Conversation 1:
      • Kenti: Are you a surface-dweller?
      • Player: Yes...
      • Kenti: Haha! You look funny! All tall and skinny with tiny eyes!
    • Conversation 2:
      • Kenti: Are you Player? Did you help Zanik save the city?
      • Player: Yes, that was me!
      • Kenti: When I'm older I'm going to be an adventurer, just like Zanik!
    • Conversation 3:
      • Kenti: Sorry, I'm not meant to talk to strangers.
    • Conversation 4:
      • Kenti: Shh! Don't tell anyone!
      • Player: Don't tell anyone what?
      • Kenti: SHHH!
    • Conversation 5:
      • Kenti: Help! Help! The surface people are attacking!
      • Player: It's alright, I'm friendly!