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Tumeken (pronounced TU-muh-ken), sometimes referred to in Menaphite texts as the Lord of Light and the God of the Sun,[1] is the god of light, the husband of Elidinis, the father of Icthlarin and Amascut, one of the four major gods of the Menaphite Pantheon, and co-founder of Kharidian. He is also responsible for using a piece of his essence to create the four minor gods of the pantheon, Het, Crondis, Apmeken, and Scabaras - collectively called the "bau of Tumeken".[2][3] Because of this, Tumeken is directly or indirectly responsible for creating a majority of the desert pantheon and can be seen as its leader, though he has not been active since the Second Age.

Deity info[edit | edit source]

AlignmentLight and Sun
Avatars and
Animal aspectFalcon
ColoursYellow, grey
Adjective? (edit)

Characterisation[edit | edit source]

Tumeken's worshippers characterise him as "the sun that gives life and punishes".[4] Similarly, the Sphinx claims he is exemplified by the saying "you have to be cruel to be kind". She compares him to the harshness of the desert, arguing that Tumeken protects Menaphos from outsiders through a similar harsh manner.[5]

Icthlarin, Tumeken's son, views his father as an exemplar of humility and selflessness. However, he also describes how his rage burned fiercely following an unknown incident, for which he and his sister were punished by being sent to the Underworld.[6] Tumeken never forgave his children for this incident; Icthlarin attempted to win his favour by allying with the mahjarrat, but Tumeken already suspected their betrayal.[7]

Amascut, Tumeken's daugther, in turn implied he was cold and unfeeling, unable to give her affection.[8]

History[edit | edit source]

As the creator of most of the desert gods, Tumeken has been heavily mythologised by the Menaphites, making finding accurate statements regarding his character or history difficult. A popular tale that is available about the god is Tumeken's dream, a Menaphite legend about the creation of the lesser gods, though the accuracy of the tale is dubious. Reldo, the scholar who translated the text, suggests the tale exists to pass on Menaphosian beliefs rather than being a historic document.

Second Age[edit | edit source]

Little is known about Tumeken's origins and arrival on Gielinor. He was present on Gielinor at least by the Second Age, as he came into conflict with Zaros in the Kharidian-Zarosian War. It is not known how long he had been on Gielinor by that point. Senliten, a Menaphite Pharaoh from this time period, considered the gods worshipped by most other peoples to be "newcomers" and implied her own gods were native.[9] If Tumeken predates either Zaros or Saradomin, he would necessarily date back to at least the late First Age.[Notes 1] However, Senliten may simply have been expressing a religious belief.

Tumeken would claim the area known as Kharidian for himself and the humans living there as his subjects. These humans were the ancestors of the modern Menaphites. The Kharidian Lands at the time were a vast area, stretching from Al Kharid in the north to what would later become Sophanem in the south, had lush areas of forest, and were rich in resources. Little is known from this time; however, according to legend, he would meet the goddess Elidinis along the River Elid and took her for his wife, and Icthlarin and Amascut were sired from their union. This was the creation of the four major gods of Kharidian, and they have shaped its destiny and the world beyond. Like many other gods at the time, the family established an empire, though its size and wealth was greater than most.

It is unknown why he created the minor gods of the desert. Tumeken's dream suggests they were created upon witnessing the failings of his children, suggesting that they were created after the war with Zaros, but other evidence implies that they were created before as they were well established by the time of Queen Senliten. Likewise, Tumeken's sacrifice would make it impossible to create any later deities. However, according to legends, Tumeken entered a deep sleep and dreamed. Every day for four days, he would visit a section of his lands, and at the end of each day, he would create one of four avatars of his essence: Het, Apmeken, Crondis, and Scabaras. These four were each given a duty by Tumeken to help Menaphite society.

'Solem in Umbra', a Zarosian artist's depiction of Tumeken as a green-headed falcon on the battlefield against Zaros

Tumeken's role in the Kharidian-Zarosian War is unknown, but he played a key role in its end. After the schism of the Mahjarrat, a majority sided with Zaros, and Zarosian reinforcements reversed the tide of the war and pushed the few loyalist Mahjarrat Menaphite forces south. Right when the Menaphite force were going to stage a last stand, Tumeken appeared and created a large magical blast of fire, killing hundreds of Mahjarrat and annihilating the forces on both sides, forcing the Zarosians to retreat.[12] His fate after this is unknown, and while Kharshai believes him to have perished in the blast, his son Icthlarin merely believes him to be sleeping.[13]

The mining site Tumeken's remnant is the location where Tumeken sacrificed himself. The lingering remnants of his energy eventually crystallised into the light animica rocks of the mine.[14]

Later Ages[edit | edit source]

The loss of Tumeken was a great blow to both the Menaphite civilisation and the desert Pantheon. With his absence, it seems that Icthlarin and Elidinis took on the position of leaders of the desert pantheon. Amascut's warping would cause great trouble for both. Thanks to the great desert now separating Kharidian and Zarosian's empires, there was never again an invasion of the same scale of the first war, though tension still existed between the two by the time of Queen Senliten. The Menaphites readily adapted to their new environment, and the cities of Uzer and Ullek became Kharidian's greatest cities.

During the God Wars, the desert held out relatively unaffected for three millennia as many battles to the north of the continent drove mass amounts of refugees south. There is evidence that during this period, Elidinis made an alliance with Saradomin, who created a massive front north of the desert that lasted for centuries. However, this front would eventually fall when Zamorak launched a massive invasion called the Kharidian Desert Campaign that would lead to the destruction of first Uzer and then Ullek. With the destruction of the continent Forinthry to the north by Zamorak, Guthix awoke and banished every god of sufficient power from Gielinor. Elidinis was affected by this and was forced to leave, though her children Icthlarin and Amascut could stay due to their lack of power. Het, Crondis, Apmeken, and Scabaras were also allowed to stay for the same reason.

After the God Wars, the surviving Menaphites built a number of settlements that had once been battlefields. Icthlarin had become more involved with the affairs of the Underworld, to the point that he no longer visited the surface. Amascut, taking advantage of her brother's absence, proceeded to undermine the lesser gods of the Pantheon, stealing Apmeken's sight, hearing, and voice, creating monsters from each. She is also suspected to have played a role in the banishment of Scabaras. The culmination of her plot was the theft of the Kharid-ib, a jewel suspected to have a connection with Tumeken himself.

Current state[edit | edit source]

Your essence was spent long ago. Your shadow is no longer cast. The people have forgotten your name. And once Scabaras finally debases himself, your bau shall be entirely corrupted. Then I shall devour your heart, and with it the last remnant of your existence!
— Amascut in 'Phite Club

In the Second Age, Tumeken appeared to detonate himself in a great explosion in order to stop the Zarosian conquest of his lands.[12] Many believed that Tumeken had perished.[15][16] However, some of his followers believed he would one day return to enact his vengeance.[17]

Tumeken is confirmed to have survived in some form in 'Phite Club. During the quest, Amascut reveals her intention to eradicate him for good, while Tumeken possesses Jabari and two Thralls in a failed attempt to persuade her to stop. Amascut refers to five discrete remnants of Tumeken's existence: his essence, his shadow, his name, his bau, and his heart. However, she believes that only the bau and the heart still remain.[3]

The bau refers to the four lesser gods of the Menaphite pantheon: Het, Scabaras, Apmeken, and Crondis.[2] According to Tumeken's Dream, they were created when Tumeken wandered the desert and placed portions of himself into beings which impressed him.[18] With the exception of Scabaras, they were all corrupted by Amascut, but the Player frees them in Do No Evil, Crocodile Tears, and Our Man in the North.

The heart is the Kharid-Ib, a diamond also known as The Heart of the Sun or The Heart of Tumeken.[19][20] It was recovered from the site where Tumeken exploded by the Zarosian Heriditas Expedition and was kept in Kharid-Et until the founders of Al-Kharid recovered it and kept it as an heirloom. In Diamond in the Rough, Amascut acquires it by holding Prince Ali for ransom.

Mentioned[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Tumeken is partially inspired by the Egyptian god Ra, god of the sun. He is described by Senliten as "The sun that gives life and punishes". He is also occasionally depicted with a falcon's head, like Ra.
  • Tumeken's "death" and possible future reconstitution may be inspired by the Osiris myth.
  • The remnants of Tumeken all derive from the Ancient Egyptian conception of the soul. Bau is the anglicized plural form of ba, the shadow is known as shut, the name as ren, the essence is the ka, and the heart is the ib.
  • Mod Osborne intended to characterise Tumeken as a dreamer, an idealist who was quick to turn away from problems.[21]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ The Second Age began with Zaros' arrival and invasion of Senntisten,[10] and many gods preceded him. They had arrived in the second half of the First Age, after Guthix went to sleep. These gods, among them Saradomin, battled each other for followers and territory.[11]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Tumeken's Dream, RuneScape. "God of the Sun, Lord of Light, ruler of these lands: Tumeken arises this morn."
  2. ^ a b Het, "Our Man in the North", RuneScape. "Once our brother, Scabaras, reveals himself, the bau of Tumeken shall be whole again. However, when that happens, I fear Amascut's plan for us shall also be complete. When that time comes, I hope that you will stand with us against her. For now, I must take my leave."
  3. ^ a b Amascut, "'Phite Club", RuneScape. "You [Tumeken] should be afraid! Your essence was spent long ago. Your shadow is no longer cast. The people have forgotten your name. And once Scabaras finally debases himself, your bau shall be entirely corrupted. Then I shall devour your heart, and with it the last remnant of your existence!"
  4. ^ Senliten, "Missing My Mummy", RuneScape. "Tumeken, the sun that gives life and punishes"
  5. ^ Sphinx, RuneScape. "The desert is indeed harsh but it protects us from outsiders. Outsiders generally mean us no good, so he protects Menaphos through this harshness. You humans have a saying, 'you have to be cruel to be kind', it seems to fit Tumeken."
  6. ^ Icthlarin, "2015 Halloween event", RuneScape. "He taught me all I know of humility and selflessness. [...] Amascut and I, we had displeased our father. A memory that I do not wish to recount, though it is never far from my mind. Tumeken's rage burned fiercely. He scorned us for our failings and sent us to guard the Underworld so that we would learn the error of our ways."
  7. ^ Icthlarin, "2015 Halloween event", RuneScape. "Alas, I was only to be greeted by disappointment. I was filled with anger. Why would I still not afford me the respect I deserved? Why did he still withhold his forgiveness? But he simply saw what I did not. The Mahjarrat would soon betray us, the sweet victory would turn to bitter defeat in our mouths."
  8. ^ Lady Keli, "Diamond in the Rough", RuneScape. "In some ways, I've been after this heart since the day I was born. [...] And now that I hold it in my hands, it's so small...so hard...so cold... That explains so much."
  9. ^ Senliten, "Missing My Mummy", RuneScape. "Like many of the servants of the gods, and indeed like the newcomer gods worshiped by most of the North, the Stern Judges were not native to this world."
  10. ^ Reldo's ages seventeenth edition, written by Reldo, "Desperate Creatures", RuneScape. "During the second age, year zero changed several times as the church tried to better estimate the exact day on which Zaros originally invaded Senntisten"
  11. ^ Colossi & the time of colossi, written by Reldo, "Desperate Creatures", RuneScape. "The second half of the First Age, part two if you will, began when Guthix, satisfied with the civilisation he had created, passed into slumber. [...] Along with other gods who arrived on Gielinor at this time, some of the animal-colossi began to develop worshippers and followings. [...] The late First Age became a battleground, albeit a relatively tame one compared with the widespread carnage that would come later in history. Gods and colossi stole power from one another and gradually their territories expanded. It was during this time that Saradomin first came to prominence, and into this complex situation that Zaros arrived, ushering in the Second Age."
  12. ^ a b Kharshai, "Kharshai's memory", RuneScape. "[Tumeken] cursed our treachery, then sorrowfully told the Menaphites that he needed them to join him in making the ultimate sacrifice for their homes and families. Then he raised his arms to the sky, and the light from his body grew brighter until nothing could be seen, and then his body exploded into fire and I passed out. When I awakened, the battlefield was a smoking, smouldering mess. Heaps of ash lay all over the battlefield."
  13. ^ Jagex. Mod Jack's Twitter account. 17 March 2014. (Archived from the original on 19 March 2014.) Mod Jack: "That's what Kharshai believes he saw, but Icthlarin claims he is only sleeping. Who do you believe?"
  14. ^ Jagex. Mod Stu's Twitter account. 13.06.2018. (Archived from the original on 23 February 2022.) Mod Stu: "I had a lengthy chat with @JagexRowley and Tumeken's explosion site (most likely ground zero centre of desert) actually looks to be ideal (intends for pantheon to have been created prior to Tumeken's death as a failsafe, so plenty of energy to crystallise into light animica)." Out of game information is subject to change as in-game information takes precedence.
  15. ^ Kharshai's memory, written by Kharshai, "Mahjarrat memories", RuneScape. "Tumeken had sacrificed himself and half his lands to save the remainder."
  16. ^ Faiza, "The History of Slayer", RuneScape. "After the death of Tumeken, the Kharidian region entered a period of instability and it became a daily struggle for some of us to survive."
  17. ^ Temekel, "Letter signed 'Pontifex Bilrach'", RuneScape. "'Tumeken will return, brother, and when he does, your empire of traitors will burn.'"
  18. ^ Jagex. "Tumeken's Dream." "Tumeken's Dream." (Archived from the original on 30 September 2018.) RuneScape Lores and Histories.
  19. ^ Ozan, "Stolen Hearts", RuneScape. "The Kharid-ib – it loosely translates to 'The Heart of the Sun'"
  20. ^ Praetor's log page 3, written by Trindine, "The Vault of Shadows", RuneScape. "We took the idea from the Heart of Tumeken."
  21. ^ Mod Osborne. Lore Q&A at 6:00pm UTC Today!. RuneScape Forums. 15 February 2015. (Archived from the original on 3 August 2015.)