SMW Subobject for V wispNPC ID: 21210Options: Harvest, ExamineExamine: Some of V's leaking energy.Release date: 29 June 2015NPC location: V's IslandIs members only: trueIs variant of: V wisp SMW Subobject for V springNPC ID: 21211Options: Channel, ExamineExamine: Some of V's leaking energy.Release date: 29 June 2015NPC location: V's IslandIs members only: trueIs variant of: V wisp
V wisps are wisps encountered during the Hero's Welcome quest. They are remnants of V's leaking energy, and must be siphoned back into him to restore it. There are 10 V wisps in total, with a pair of wisps being hidden in each set of duplicated scenery. V siphons one of the wisps in the pair, and you the other.
Unlike all other wisps, these wisps do not provide any experience or memories.
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