
Details Pok�mon

Name Jp. Name
Forewarn Forewarn
Game's Text:
When it enters a battle, the Pokémon can tell one of the moves an opposing Pokémon has.
In-Depth Effect:
Reveals the foe’s strongest move.
Blocks Role Play & Doodle Blocks Receive & Power of Alchemy Blocks Entrainment Blocks Trace
No No No No
Blocks Skill Swap & Wandering Spirit Blocks Gastro Acid & Neutralizing Gas Removed by Mold Breaker / Turboblaze / Teravolt Not used if user is Transformed
No No No No

Pokémon that can have the Forewarn ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Drowzee Insomnia
60 48 45 43 90 42
Hypno Insomnia
85 73 70 73 115 67
Jynx Oblivious
65 50 35 115 95 95
Smoochum Oblivious
45 30 15 85 65 65
Munna Forewarn
76 25 45 67 55 24
Musharna Forewarn
116 55 85 107 95 29

Pokémon that can have the Forewarn ability as their Hidden Ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd