
Details Pok�mon

Name Jp. Name
Guts Guts
Game's Text:
It's so gutsy that having a status condition boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat.
In-Depth Effect:
Attack is increased by 50% when induced with a status (BURN, PARALYZE, SLEEP, POISON, FREEZE). Burn’s effect of lowering Attack is not applied.
Blocks Role Play & Doodle Blocks Receive & Power of Alchemy Blocks Entrainment Blocks Trace
No No No No
Blocks Skill Swap & Wandering Spirit Blocks Gastro Acid & Neutralizing Gas Removed by Mold Breaker / Turboblaze / Teravolt Not used if user is Transformed
No No No No

Pokémon that can have the Guts ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Rattata Run Away
30 56 35 25 35 72
Raticate Run Away
55 81 60 50 70 97
Machop Guts
No Guard
70 80 50 35 35 35
Machoke Guts
No Guard
80 100 70 50 60 45
Machamp Guts
No Guard
90 130 80 65 85 55
Heracross Swarm
80 125 75 40 95 85
Ursaring Guts
Quick Feet
90 130 75 75 75 55
Tyrogue Guts
35 35 35 35 35 35
Larvitar Guts 50 64 50 45 50 41
Taillow Guts 40 55 30 30 30 85
Swellow Guts 60 85 60 75 50 125
Makuhita Thick Fat
72 60 30 20 30 25
Hariyama Thick Fat
144 120 60 40 60 50
Timburr Guts
Sheer Force
75 80 55 25 35 35
Gurdurr Guts
Sheer Force
85 105 85 40 50 40
Conkeldurr Guts
Sheer Force
105 140 95 55 65 45
Throh Guts
Inner Focus
120 100 85 30 85 45
Obstagoon Reckless
93 90 101 60 81 95
Ursaluna Guts
130 140 105 45 80 50

Pokémon that can have the Guts ability as their Hidden Ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Flareon Guts 65 130 60 95 110 65
Shinx Guts 45 65 34 40 34 45
Luxio Guts 60 85 49 60 49 60
Luxray Guts 80 120 79 95 79 70
Squawkabilly Guts 82 96 51 45 51 92
Squawkabilly Intimidate
82 96 51 45 51 92