
Details Pok�mon

Name Jp. Name
Limber Limber
Game's Text:
Its limber body protects the Pokémon from paralysis.
In-Depth Effect:
The Pokémon cannot be Paralysed while having this ability.
Blocks Role Play & Doodle Blocks Receive & Power of Alchemy Blocks Entrainment Blocks Trace
No No No No
Blocks Skill Swap & Wandering Spirit Blocks Gastro Acid & Neutralizing Gas Removed by Mold Breaker / Turboblaze / Teravolt Not used if user is Transformed
No No Yes No

Pokémon that can have the Limber ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Persian Limber
65 70 60 65 65 115
Hitmonlee Limber
50 120 53 35 110 87
Ditto Limber 48 48 48 48 48 48
Glameow Limber
Own Tempo
49 55 42 42 37 85
Purrloin Limber
41 50 37 50 37 66
Liepard Limber
64 88 50 88 50 106
Stunfisk Static
109 66 84 81 99 32
Hawlucha Limber
78 92 75 74 63 118
Mareanie Merciless
50 53 62 43 52 45
Toxapex Merciless
50 63 152 53 142 35
Clobbopus Limber 50 68 60 50 50 32
Grapploct Limber 80 118 90 70 80 42

Pokémon that can have the Limber ability as their Hidden Ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Buneary Limber 55 66 44 44 56 85
Lopunny Limber 65 76 84 54 96 105