Gen VII Dex Gen VI Dex Gen V Dex Gen IV Dex Gen III Dex Gen II Dex Gen I Dex

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass
Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water

The Pok�mon below are the Pok�mon of the Water-type.

No. Pic Name Type Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Atk S.Def Spd
Squirtle 44 48 65 50 64 43
Wartortle 59 63 80 65 80 58
Blastoise 79 83 100 85 105 78
Psyduck 50 52 48 65 50 55
Golduck 80 82 78 95 80 85
Poliwag 40 50 40 40 40 90
Poliwhirl 65 65 65 50 50 90
Poliwrath 90 85 95 70 90 70
Tentacool 40 40 35 50 100 70
Tentacruel 80 70 65 80 120 100
Slowpoke 90 65 65 40 40 15
Slowbro 95 75 110 100 80 30
Seel 65 45 55 45 70 45
Dewgong 90 70 80 70 95 70
Shellder 30 65 100 45 25 40
Cloyster 50 95 180 85 45 70
Krabby 30 105 90 25 25 50
Kingler 55 130 115 50 50 75
Horsea 30 40 70 70 25 60
Seadra 55 65 95 95 45 85
Goldeen 45 67 60 35 50 63
Seaking 80 92 65 65 80 68
Staryu 30 45 55 70 55 85
Starmie 60 75 85 100 85 115
Magikarp 20 10 55 15 20 80
Gyarados 95 125 79 60 100 81
Lapras 130 85 80 85 95 60
Vaporeon 130 65 60 110 95 65
Omanyte 35 40 100 90 55 35
Omastar 70 60 125 115 70 55
Kabuto 30 80 90 55 45 55
Kabutops 60 115 105 65 70 80
Totodile 50 65 64 44 48 43
Croconaw 65 80 80 59 63 58
Feraligatr 85 105 100 79 83 78
Chinchou 75 38 38 56 56 67
Lanturn 125 58 58 76 76 67
Marill 70 20 50 20 50 40
Azumarill 100 50 80 50 80 50
Politoed 90 75 75 90 100 70
Wooper 55 45 45 25 25 15
Quagsire 95 85 85 65 65 35
Slowking 95 75 80 100 110 30
Qwilfish 65 95 75 55 55 85
Corsola 55 55 85 65 85 35
Remoraid 35 65 35 65 35 65
Octillery 75 105 75 105 75 45
Mantine 65 40 70 80 140 70
Kingdra 75 95 95 95 95 85
Suicune 100 75 115 90 115 85