#122 Mr. Mime

General Location Attacks Stats Egg Moves
Gen VIII Dex Gen VII Dex Gen VI Dex Gen V Dex
Gen IV Dex Gen III Dex Gen II Dex Gen I Dex

Normal Sprite
Regular Form Galarian Form
Name Other Names No. Gender Ratio Type
Mr. Mime
Japan: Barrierd
French: M. Mime
German: Pantimos
Korean: 마임맨
National: #122
Galar: #365
Isle of Armor: #---
Crown Tundra: #011
Sinnoh: #095
Hisui: #077
Male :50.2%
Female :49.8%
Normal Psychic-type Fairy-type
Galarian Ice-type Psychic-type
Classification Height Weight Capture Rate Base Egg Steps
Barrier Pokémon (Kantonian)
Dancing Pokémon (Galarian)
3,200 (SWSH)
6,400 (BDSP)
Abilities: Soundproof - Filter - Technician (Hidden) (Normal Forme) - Vital Spirit- Screen Cleaner - Ice Body (Hidden) (Galarian Form)
Soundproof: Unaffected by sound moves. If this Pokémon switches out with Baton Pass, Perish Song against the switched out will not be nullified.
Filter: Damage by super-effective moves is reduced by 25%.
Hidden Ability:
Technician: Moves with a base power of 60 or less are boosted in power by 50%
Galarian Form Abilities:
Vital Spirit: The Pokémon cannot be Asleep while having this ability.
Screen Cleaner: When the Pokémon enters a battle, the effects of Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil are nullified for both opposing and ally Pokémon.
Hidden Ability:
Ice Body: HP is restored by 1/16th of maximum HP when its hailing.
Experience Growth Base Happiness Effort Values Earned Dynamax Capable?
1,000,000 Points
Medium Fast
50 2 Sp. Defense Point(s)
Galarian Form
2 Speed Point(s)
Mr. Mime can Dynamax


Attacking Move Type: Normal-type Attacking Move Type: Fire-type Attacking Move Type: Water-type Attacking Move Type: Electric-type Attacking Move Type: Grass-type Attacking Move Type: Ice-type Attacking Move Type: Fighting-type Attacking Move Type: Poison-type Attacking Move Type: Ground-type Attacking Move Type: Flying-type Attacking Move Type: Psychic-type Attacking Move Type: Bug-type Attacking Move Type: Rock-type Attacking Move Type: Ghost-type Attacking Move Type: Dragon-type Attacking Move Type: Dark-type Attacking Move Type: Steel-type Attacking Move Type: Fairy-type
*1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *0.25 *2 *1 *1 *0.5 *1 *1 *2 *0 *1 *2 *1
Damage Taken Galarian Form
*1 *2 *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *1 *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *2 *2 *2 *1 *2 *2 *1
Wild Hold Item Egg Groups
 Regular Form

Legends: Arceus
Chesto Berry
Chesto Berry
- 35%
Spoiled Apricorn
Spoiled Apricorn
- 15%

Exp. Candy M
Exp. Candy M
- 100%
Seed of Mastery
Seed of Mastery
- 20%
Evolutionary Chain
Level up while knowing  Mimic
Odd IncenseTo get Mime Jr., you will need to breed while holding the Odd Incense
Alternate Forms
Kantonian FormGalarian Form
Kantonian FormGalarian Form
Mr. Mime is one of several Pok�mon that have Region Forms. If caught or bred from a parent that originates in Galar, it will have its Galarian Form


- In-Depth Details
Sword Route 10, Lake of Outrage
Max Raid Battles: Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Watchtower Ruins
Shield Route 10, Lake of Outrage
Max Raid Battles: Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap, Giant's Seat, Hammerlocke Hills, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness, Watchtower Ruins
Crown Tundra Sword Dynamax Adventures
Max Raid Battles: Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak, Ballimere Lake
Shield Dynamax Adventures
Max Raid Battles: Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak, Ballimere Lake
Brilliant Diamond Route 218, Route 222, Grand UndergroundDetails
Shining Pearl Grand UndergroundDetails
Legends: Arceus Obsidian Fieldlands: Sandgem Flats or nearby
Obsidian Fieldlands: Massive Mass Outbreak
Coronet Highlands: Massive Mass Outbreak
Trainer Locations  Details
Flavor Text
Mr. Mime SpriteSwordThe broadness of its hands may be no coincidence—many scientists believe its palms became enlarged specifically for pantomiming.
ShieldIt's known for its top-notch pantomime skills. It protects itself from all sorts of attacks by emitting auras from its fingers to create walls.
Mr. Mime SpriteSwordIts talent is tap-dancing. It can also manipulate temperatures to create a floor of ice, which this Pokémon can kick up to use as a barrier.
ShieldIt can radiate chilliness from the bottoms of its feet. It'll spend the whole day tap-dancing on a frozen floor.
Brilliant Diamond It is a pantomime expert that can create invisible but solid walls using miming gestures.
Shining Pearl Emanations from its fingertips solidify the air into invisible walls that repel even harsh attacks.
Legends: Arceus The behavior of this clown-like Pokémon reminds one of pantomime. It creates invisible walls using a force emitted from its fingertips.


Level UpTM & HMEgg Moves

Level Up AnchorsGalarian Standard

Galarian Form Level Up

LevelAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %
Copycat Copycat - Normal-type Copycat: Other Move -- 101 20 --
The user mimics the move used immediately before it. The move fails if no other move has been used yet.
Encore Encore - Normal-type Encore: Other Move -- 100 5 --
The user compels the target to keep using the move it encored for three turns.
Role Play Role Play - Psychic-type Role Play: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user mimics the target completely, copying the target's Ability.
Protect Protect - Normal-type Protect: Other Move -- 101 10 --
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Recycle Recycle - Normal-type Recycle: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user recycles a held item that has been used in battle so it can be used again.
Mimic Mimic - Normal-type Mimic: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user copies the target's last move. The move can be used during battle until the Pokémon is switched out.
Light Screen Light Screen - Psychic-type Light Screen: Other Move -- 101 30 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
Reflect Reflect - Psychic-type Reflect: Other Move -- 101 20 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.
Safeguard Safeguard - Normal-type Safeguard: Other Move -- 101 25 --
The user creates a protective field that prevents status conditions for five turns.
Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam - Fairy-type Dazzling Gleam: Special Move 80 100 10 --
The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.
Misty Terrain Misty Terrain - Fairy-type Misty Terrain: Other Move -- 101 10 --
This protects Pokémon on the ground from status conditions and halves damage from Dragon-type moves for five turns.
Pound Pound - Normal-type Pound: Physical Move 40 100 35 --
The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
Rapid Spin Rapid Spin - Normal-type Rapid Spin: Physical Move 50 100 40 100
A spin attack that can also eliminate such moves as Bind, Wrap, and Leech Seed. This also raises the user's Speed stat.
Baton Pass Baton Pass - Normal-type Baton Pass: Other Move -- 101 40 --
The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting and passes along any stat changes.
Ice Shard Ice Shard - Ice-type Ice Shard: Physical Move 40 100 30 --
The user flash-freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target. This move always goes first.
12 Confusion Confusion - Psychic-type Confusion: Special Move 50 100 25 10
The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. This may also confuse the target.
16 Ally Switch Ally Switch - Psychic-type Ally Switch: Other Move -- 101 15 --
The user teleports using a strange power and switches places with one of its allies.
20 Icy Wind Icy Wind - Ice-type Icy Wind: Special Move 55 95 15 100
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers opposing Pokémon's Speed stats.
24 Double Kick Double Kick - Fighting-type Double Kick: Physical Move 30 100 30 --
The target is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet.
28 Psybeam Psybeam - Psychic-type Psybeam: Special Move 65 100 20 10
The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may also leave the target confused.
32 Hypnosis Hypnosis - Psychic-type Hypnosis: Other Move -- 60 20 --
The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
36 Mirror Coat Mirror Coat - Psychic-type Mirror Coat: Special Move ?? 100 20 --
A retaliation move that counters any special attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
40 Sucker Punch Sucker Punch - Dark-type Sucker Punch: Physical Move 70 100 5 --
This move enables the user to attack first. This move fails if the target is not readying an attack.
44 Freeze-Dry Freeze-Dry - Ice-type Freeze-Dry: Special Move 70 100 20 10
The user rapidly cools the target. This may also leave the target frozen. This move is super effective on Water types.
48 Psychic Psychic - Psychic-type Psychic: Special Move 90 100 10 10
The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
52 Teeter Dance Teeter Dance - Normal-type Teeter Dance: Other Move -- 100 20 --
The user performs a wobbly dance that confuses the Pokémon around it.

Standard Level Up

LevelAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %
Quick Guard Quick Guard - Fighting-type Quick Guard: Other Move -- 101 15 --
The user protects itself and its allies from priority moves.
Wide Guard Wide Guard - Rock-type Wide Guard: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user and its allies are protected from wide-ranging attacks for one turn.
Power Swap Power Swap - Psychic-type Power Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with the target.
Guard Swap Guard Swap - Psychic-type Guard Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Defense and Sp. Def stats with the target.
Pound Pound - Normal-type Pound: Physical Move 40 100 35 --
The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
Copycat Copycat - Normal-type Copycat: Other Move -- 101 20 --
The user mimics the move used immediately before it. The move fails if no other move has been used yet.
Baton Pass Baton Pass - Normal-type Baton Pass: Other Move -- 101 40 --
The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting and passes along any stat changes.
Encore Encore - Normal-type Encore: Other Move -- 100 5 --
The user compels the target to keep using the move it encored for three turns.
12 Confusion Confusion - Psychic-type Confusion: Special Move 50 100 25 10
The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. This may also confuse the target.
16 Role Play Role Play - Psychic-type Role Play: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user mimics the target completely, copying the target's Ability.
20 Protect Protect - Normal-type Protect: Other Move -- 101 10 --
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
24 Recycle Recycle - Normal-type Recycle: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user recycles a held item that has been used in battle so it can be used again.
28 Psybeam Psybeam - Psychic-type Psybeam: Special Move 65 100 20 10
The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may also leave the target confused.
32 Mimic Mimic - Normal-type Mimic: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user copies the target's last move. The move can be used during battle until the Pokémon is switched out.
36 Light Screen Light Screen - Psychic-type Light Screen: Other Move -- 101 30 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
36 Reflect Reflect - Psychic-type Reflect: Other Move -- 101 20 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.
36 Safeguard Safeguard - Normal-type Safeguard: Other Move -- 101 25 --
The user creates a protective field that prevents status conditions for five turns.
40 Sucker Punch Sucker Punch - Dark-type Sucker Punch: Physical Move 70 100 5 --
This move enables the user to attack first. This move fails if the target is not readying an attack.
44 Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam - Fairy-type Dazzling Gleam: Special Move 80 100 10 --
The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.
48 Psychic Psychic - Psychic-type Psychic: Special Move 90 100 10 10
The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
52 Teeter Dance Teeter Dance - Normal-type Teeter Dance: Other Move -- 100 20 --
The user performs a wobbly dance that confuses the Pokémon around it.

TM Anchors Sword/Shield Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl

Sword & Shield Technical Machine Attacks

TM #Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Form
TM00 Mega Punch Mega Punch - Normal-type Mega Punch: Physical Move 80 85 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
TM01 Mega Kick Mega Kick - Normal-type Mega Kick: Physical Move 120 75 5 --
NormalGalarian Form
The target is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.
TM03 Fire Punch Fire Punch - Fire-type Fire Punch: Physical Move 75 100 15 10
The target is punched with a fiery fist. This may also leave the target with a burn.
TM04 Ice Punch Ice Punch - Ice-type Ice Punch: Physical Move 75 100 15 10
NormalGalarian Form
The target is punched with an icy fist. This may also leave the target frozen.
TM05 Thunder Punch Thunder Punch - Electric-type Thunder Punch: Physical Move 75 100 15 10
The target is punched with an electrified fist. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
TM08 Hyper Beam Hyper Beam - Normal-type Hyper Beam: Special Move 150 90 5 --
NormalGalarian Form
The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can't move on the next turn.
TM09 Giga Impact Giga Impact - Normal-type Giga Impact: Physical Move 150 90 5 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user charges at the target using every bit of its power. The user can't move on the next turn.
TM10 Magical Leaf Magical Leaf - Grass-type Magical Leaf: Special Move 60 101 20 --
The user scatters curious leaves that chase the target. This attack never misses.
TM11 Solar Beam Solar Beam - Grass-type Solar Beam: Special Move 120 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
In this two-turn attack, the user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the next turn.
TM14 Thunder Wave Thunder Wave - Electric-type Thunder Wave: Other Move -- 90 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
TM16 Screech Screech - Normal-type Screech: Other Move -- 85 40 --
Galarian Form
An earsplitting screech harshly lowers the target's Defense stat.
TM17 Light Screen Light Screen - Psychic-type Light Screen: Other Move -- 101 30 --
NormalGalarian Form
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
TM18 Reflect Reflect - Psychic-type Reflect: Other Move -- 101 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.
TM19 Safeguard Safeguard - Normal-type Safeguard: Other Move -- 101 25 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user creates a protective field that prevents status conditions for five turns.
TM21 Rest Rest - Psychic-type Rest: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
TM23 Thief Thief - Dark-type Thief: Physical Move 60 100 25 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user attacks and steals the target's held item simultaneously. The user can't steal anything if it already holds an item.
TM24 Snore Snore - Normal-type Snore: Special Move 50 100 15 30
NormalGalarian Form
This attack can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.
TM25 Protect Protect - Normal-type Protect: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
TM27 Icy Wind Icy Wind - Ice-type Icy Wind: Special Move 55 95 15 100
NormalGalarian Form
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers opposing Pokémon's Speed stats.
TM29 Charm Charm - Fairy-type Charm: Other Move -- 100 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers the target's Attack stat.
TM31 Attract Attract - Normal-type Attract: Other Move -- 100 15 --
NormalGalarian Form
If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
TM33 Rain Dance Rain Dance - Water-type Rain Dance: Other Move -- 101 5 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves. It lowers the power of Fire-type moves.
TM34 Sunny Day Sunny Day - Fire-type Sunny Day: Other Move -- 101 5 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.
TM35 Hail Hail - Ice-type Hail: Other Move -- 101 10 --
Galarian Form
The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except Ice types.
TM39 Facade Facade - Normal-type Facade: Physical Move 70 100 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
This attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.
TM41 Helping Hand Helping Hand - Normal-type Helping Hand: Other Move -- 101 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user assists an ally by boosting the power of that ally's attack.
TM43 Brick Break Brick Break - Fighting-type Brick Break: Physical Move 75 100 15 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break barriers, such as Light Screen and Reflect.
TM51 Icicle Spear Icicle Spear - Ice-type Icicle Spear: Physical Move 25 100 30 --
Galarian Form
The user launches sharp icicles at the target two to five times in a row.
TM57 Payback Payback - Dark-type Payback: Physical Move 50 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack's power will be doubled.
TM59 Fling Fling - Dark-type Fling: Physical Move ?? 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move's power and effects depend on the item.
TM60 Power Swap Power Swap - Psychic-type Power Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with the target.
TM61 Guard Swap Guard Swap - Psychic-type Guard Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Defense and Sp. Def stats with the target.
TM63 Drain Punch Drain Punch - Fighting-type Drain Punch: Physical Move 75 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
An energy-draining punch. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
TM64 Avalanche Avalanche - Ice-type Avalanche: Physical Move 60 100 10 --
Galarian Form
The power of this attack move is doubled if the user has been hurt by the target in the same turn.
TM70 Trick Room Trick Room - Psychic-type Trick Room: Other Move -- 101 5 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.
TM71 Wonder Room Wonder Room - Psychic-type Wonder Room: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped for five turns.
TM72 Magic Room Magic Room - Psychic-type Magic Room: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects for five turns.
TM76 Round Round - Normal-type Round: Special Move 60 100 15 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Round to increase the power of the attack.
TM89 Misty Terrain Misty Terrain - Fairy-type Misty Terrain: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This protects Pokémon on the ground from status conditions and halves damage from Dragon-type moves for five turns.
TM91 Psychic Terrain Psychic Terrain - Psychic-type Psychic Terrain: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This protects Pokémon on the ground from priority moves and powers up Psychic-type moves for five turns.
TM92 Mystical Fire Mystical Fire - Fire-type Mystical Fire: Special Move 75 100 10 100
The user attacks by breathing a special, hot fire. This also lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
TM98 Stomping Tantrum Stomping Tantrum - Ground-type Stomping Tantrum: Physical Move 75 100 10 --
Galarian Form
Driven by frustration, the user attacks the target. If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles.

Technical Record Attacks

TR #Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Form
TR01 Body Slam Body Slam - Normal-type Body Slam: Physical Move 85 100 15 30
NormalGalarian Form
The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
TR05 Ice Beam Ice Beam - Ice-type Ice Beam: Special Move 90 100 10 10
Galarian Form
The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. This may also leave the target frozen.
TR06 Blizzard Blizzard - Ice-type Blizzard: Special Move 110 70 5 10
Galarian Form
A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon. This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen.
TR08 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt - Electric-type Thunderbolt: Special Move 90 100 15 10
NormalGalarian Form
A strong electric blast crashes down on the target. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
TR09 Thunder Thunder - Electric-type Thunder: Special Move 110 70 10 30
NormalGalarian Form
A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
TR11 Psychic Psychic - Psychic-type Psychic: Special Move 90 100 10 10
NormalGalarian Form
The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TR14 Metronome Metronome - Normal-type Metronome: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move.
TR20 Substitute Substitute - Normal-type Substitute: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user creates a substitute for itself using some of its HP. The substitute serves as the user's decoy.
TR25 Psyshock Psyshock - Psychic-type Psyshock: Special Move 80 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target. This attack does physical damage.
TR26 Endure Endure - Normal-type Endure: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
TR27 Sleep Talk Sleep Talk - Normal-type Sleep Talk: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
TR29 Baton Pass Baton Pass - Normal-type Baton Pass: Other Move -- 101 40 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting and passes along any stat changes.
TR30 Encore Encore - Normal-type Encore: Other Move -- 100 5 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user compels the target to keep using the move it encored for three turns.
TR33 Shadow Ball Shadow Ball - Ghost-type Shadow Ball: Special Move 80 100 15 20
NormalGalarian Form
The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TR34 Future Sight Future Sight - Psychic-type Future Sight: Special Move 120 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
Two turns after this move is used, a hunk of psychic energy attacks the target.
TR35 Uproar Uproar - Normal-type Uproar: Special Move 90 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. During that time, no Pokémon can fall asleep.
TR37 Taunt Taunt - Dark-type Taunt: Other Move -- 100 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
TR38 Trick Trick - Psychic-type Trick: Other Move -- 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user catches the target off guard and swaps its held item with its own.
TR40 Skill Swap Skill Swap - Psychic-type Skill Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target.
TR46 Iron Defense Iron Defense - Steel-type Iron Defense: Other Move -- 101 15 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user hardens its body's surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat.
TR49 Calm Mind Calm Mind - Psychic-type Calm Mind: Other Move -- 101 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.
TR64 Focus Blast Focus Blast - Fighting-type Focus Blast: Special Move 120 70 5 10
NormalGalarian Form
The user heightens its mental focus and unleashes its power. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TR65 Energy Ball Energy Ball - Grass-type Energy Ball: Special Move 90 100 10 10
NormalGalarian Form
The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TR68 Nasty Plot Nasty Plot - Dark-type Nasty Plot: Other Move -- 101 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk stat.
TR69 Zen Headbutt Zen Headbutt - Psychic-type Zen Headbutt: Physical Move 80 90 15 20
NormalGalarian Form
The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. This may also make the target flinch.
TR77 Grass Knot Grass Knot - Grass-type Grass Knot: Special Move ?? 100 20 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user snares the target with grass and trips it. The heavier the target, the greater the move's power.
TR81 Foul Play Foul Play - Dark-type Foul Play: Physical Move 95 100 15 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user turns the target's power against it. The higher the target's Attack stat, the greater the damage it deals.
TR82 Stored Power Stored Power - Psychic-type Stored Power: Special Move 20 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user attacks the target with stored power. The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the move's power.
TR83 Ally Switch Ally Switch - Psychic-type Ally Switch: Other Move -- 101 15 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user teleports using a strange power and switches places with one of its allies.
TR92 Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam - Fairy-type Dazzling Gleam: Special Move 80 100 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.

BDSP Technical Machine Attacks

TM #Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %
TM01 Focus Punch Focus Punch - Fighting-type Focus Punch: Physical Move 150 100 20 --
The user focuses its mind before launching a punch. This move fails if the user is hit before it is used.
TM04 Calm Mind Calm Mind - Psychic-type Calm Mind: Other Move -- 101 20 --
The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.
TM11 Sunny Day Sunny Day - Fire-type Sunny Day: Other Move -- 101 5 --
The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.
TM12 Taunt Taunt - Dark-type Taunt: Other Move -- 100 20 --
The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
TM15 Hyper Beam Hyper Beam - Normal-type Hyper Beam: Special Move 150 90 5 --
The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can't move on the next turn.
TM16 Light Screen Light Screen - Psychic-type Light Screen: Other Move -- 101 30 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
TM17 Protect Protect - Normal-type Protect: Other Move -- 101 10 --
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
TM18 Rain Dance Rain Dance - Water-type Rain Dance: Other Move -- 101 5 --
The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves. It lowers the power of Fire-type moves.
TM20 Safeguard Safeguard - Normal-type Safeguard: Other Move -- 101 25 --
The user creates a protective field that prevents status conditions for five turns.
TM21 Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam - Fairy-type Dazzling Gleam: Special Move 80 100 10 --
The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.
TM22 Solar Beam Solar Beam - Grass-type Solar Beam: Special Move 120 100 10 --
In this two-turn attack, the user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the next turn.
TM24 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt - Electric-type Thunderbolt: Special Move 90 100 15 10
A strong electric blast crashes down on the target. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
TM25 Thunder Thunder - Electric-type Thunder: Special Move 110 70 10 30
A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
TM29 Psychic Psychic - Psychic-type Psychic: Special Move 90 100 10 10
The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM30 Shadow Ball Shadow Ball - Ghost-type Shadow Ball: Special Move 80 100 15 20
The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM31 Brick Break Brick Break - Fighting-type Brick Break: Physical Move 75 100 15 --
The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break barriers, such as Light Screen and Reflect.
TM32 Double Team Double Team - Normal-type Double Team: Other Move -- 101 15 --
By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
TM33 Reflect Reflect - Psychic-type Reflect: Other Move -- 101 20 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.
TM34 Shock Wave Shock Wave - Electric-type Shock Wave: Special Move 60 101 20 --
The user strikes the target with a quick jolt of electricity. This attack never misses.
TM40 Aerial Ace Aerial Ace - Flying-type Aerial Ace: Physical Move 60 101 20 --
The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. This attack never misses.
TM41 Torment Torment - Dark-type Torment: Other Move -- 100 15 --
The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.
TM42 Facade Facade - Normal-type Facade: Physical Move 70 100 20 --
This attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.
TM44 Rest Rest - Psychic-type Rest: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
TM45 Attract Attract - Normal-type Attract: Other Move -- 100 15 --
If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
TM46 Thief Thief - Dark-type Thief: Physical Move 60 100 25 --
The user attacks and steals the target's held item simultaneously. The user can't steal anything if it already holds an item.
TM48 Skill Swap Skill Swap - Psychic-type Skill Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target.
TM52 Focus Blast Focus Blast - Fighting-type Focus Blast: Special Move 120 70 5 10
The user heightens its mental focus and unleashes its power. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM53 Energy Ball Energy Ball - Grass-type Energy Ball: Special Move 90 100 10 10
The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM56 Fling Fling - Dark-type Fling: Physical Move ?? 100 10 --
The user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move's power and effects depend on the item.
TM57 Charge Beam Charge Beam - Electric-type Charge Beam: Special Move 50 90 10 70
The user attacks the target with an electric charge. The user may use any remaining electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat.
TM58 Endure Endure - Normal-type Endure: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
TM60 Drain Punch Drain Punch - Fighting-type Drain Punch: Physical Move 75 100 10 --
An energy-draining punch. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
TM63 Nasty Plot Nasty Plot - Dark-type Nasty Plot: Other Move -- 101 20 --
The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk stat.
TM66 Payback Payback - Dark-type Payback: Physical Move 50 100 10 --
The user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack's power will be doubled.
TM67 Recycle Recycle - Normal-type Recycle: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user recycles a held item that has been used in battle so it can be used again.
TM68 Giga Impact Giga Impact - Normal-type Giga Impact: Physical Move 150 90 5 --
The user charges at the target using every bit of its power. The user can't move on the next turn.
TM70 Flash Flash - Normal-type Flash: Other Move -- 100 20 --
The user flashes a light that lowers the target's accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
TM73 Thunder Wave Thunder Wave - Electric-type Thunder Wave: Other Move -- 90 20 --
The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
TM77 Psych Up Psych Up - Normal-type Psych Up: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by the target.
TM82 Sleep Talk Sleep Talk - Normal-type Sleep Talk: Other Move -- 101 10 --
While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
TM85 Dream Eater Dream Eater - Psychic-type Dream Eater: Special Move 100 100 15 --
The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Knot - Grass-type Grass Knot: Special Move ?? 100 20 --
The user snares the target with grass and trips it. The heavier the target, the greater the move's power.
TM87 Swagger Swagger - Normal-type Swagger: Other Move -- 85 15 --
The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
TM90 Substitute Substitute - Normal-type Substitute: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user creates a substitute for itself using some of its HP. The substitute serves as the user's decoy.
TM92 Trick Room Trick Room - Psychic-type Trick Room: Other Move -- 101 5 --
The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.

Egg Moves

Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %  
Hypnosis Hypnosis - Psychic-type Hypnosis: Other Move -- 60 20 -- Normal
The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
Fake Out Fake Out - Normal-type Fake Out: Physical Move 40 100 10 100 NormalGalarian Form
This attack hits first and makes the target flinch. It only works the first turn each time the user enters battle.
Confuse Ray Confuse Ray - Ghost-type Confuse Ray: Other Move -- 100 10 -- NormalGalarian Form
The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
Power Split Power Split - Psychic-type Power Split: Other Move -- 101 10 -- NormalGalarian Form
The user employs its psychic power to average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with those of the target.
Tickle Tickle - Normal-type Tickle: Other Move -- 100 20 -- NormalGalarian Form
The user tickles the target into laughing, reducing its Attack and Defense stats.
Hypnosis Hypnosis - Psychic-type Hypnosis: Other Move -- 60 20 -- Details
The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
Fake Out Fake Out - Normal-type Fake Out: Physical Move 40 100 10 100 Details
This attack hits first and makes the target flinch. It only works the first turn each time the user enters battle.
Confuse Ray Confuse Ray - Ghost-type Confuse Ray: Other Move -- 100 10 -- Details
The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
Power Split Power Split - Psychic-type Power Split: Other Move -- 101 10 -- Details
The user employs its psychic power to average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with those of the target.
Tickle Tickle - Normal-type Tickle: Other Move -- 100 20 -- Details
The user tickles the target into laughing, reducing its Attack and Defense stats.
Future Sight
Future Sight - Psychic-type Future Sight: Special Move 120 100 10 -- Details
Two turns after this move is used, a hunk of psychic energy attacks the target.
Mimic - Normal-type Mimic: Other Move -- 101 10 -- Details
The user copies the target's last move. The move can be used during battle until the Pokémon is switched out.
Trick - Psychic-type Trick: Other Move -- 100 10 -- Details
The user catches the target off guard and swaps its held item with its own.
Teeter Dance
Teeter Dance - Normal-type Teeter Dance: Other Move -- 100 20 -- Details
The user performs a wobbly dance that confuses the Pokémon around it.
Magic Room
Magic Room - Psychic-type Magic Room: Other Move -- 101 10 -- Details
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects for five turns.
Icy Wind
Icy Wind - Ice-type Icy Wind: Special Move 55 95 15 100 Details
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers opposing Pokémon's Speed stats.

Isle of Armor Move Tutor Attacks

Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Form
Expanding ForceExpanding Force - Psychic-typeExpanding Force: Special Move8010010--
Mr. MimeGalarian Form
The user attacks the target with its psychic power. This move's power goes up and damages all opposing Pokémon on Psychic Terrain.
Triple AxelTriple Axel - Ice-typeTriple Axel: Physical Move209010--
Galarian Form
A consecutive three-kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successful hit.

Usable Max Moves

Attack NameTypeCat.Max Att.Acc.PPEffect %Form
Max Flare Max Flare - Fire-type Physical MoveSpecial Move 130(Phy)/130(Spe) 101 10 --
This is a Fire-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user intensifies the sun for five turns.
Max Lightning Max Lightning - Electric-type Physical MoveSpecial Move
Special Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is an Electric-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user turns the ground into Electric Terrain for five turns.
Max Strike Max Strike - Normal-type Physical MoveSpecial Move
Physical MoveSpecial Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is a Normal-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. This lowers the target's Speed stat.
Max Knuckle Max Knuckle - Fighting-type Physical MoveSpecial Move
Physical MoveSpecial Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is a Fighting-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. This raises ally Pokémon's Attack stats.
Max Phantasm Max Phantasm - Ghost-type Special Move
Special Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is a Ghost-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. This lowers the target's Defense stat.
Max Hailstorm Max Hailstorm - Ice-type Physical MoveSpecial Move
Physical MoveSpecial Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is an Ice-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns.
Max Starfall Max Starfall - Fairy-type Special Move
Special Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is a Fairy-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user turns the ground into Misty Terrain for five turns.
Max Mindstorm Max Mindstorm - Psychic-type Physical MoveSpecial Move
Physical MoveSpecial Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is a Psychic-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user turns the ground into Psychic Terrain for five turns.
Max Quake Max Quake - Ground-type Physical Move 130 101 10 --
Galarian Form
This is a Ground-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. This raises ally Pokémon's Sp. Def stats.
Max Darkness Max Darkness - Dark-type Physical Move
Physical Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is a Dark-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. This lowers the target's Sp. Def stat.
Max Overgrowth Max Overgrowth - Grass-type Special Move
Special Move
101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This is a Grass-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user turns the ground into Grassy Terrain for five turns.
Max Guard Max Guard - Normal-type

101 10 --
NormalGalarian Form
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Transfer Only Moves
Click here to see all transfer exclusive moves


  HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed
Base Stats - Total: 460 40 45 65 100 120 90
Max Stats
Hindering Nature
Lv. 50 100 - 147 45 - 87 63 - 105 94 - 136 112 - 154 85 - 127
Lv. 100 190 - 284 85 - 170 121 - 206 184 - 269 220 - 305 166 - 251
Max Stats
Neutral Nature
Lv. 50 100 - 147 50 - 97 70 - 117 105 - 152 125 - 172 95 - 142
Lv. 100 190 - 284 95 - 189 135 - 229 205 - 299 245 - 339 185 - 279
Max Stats
Beneficial Nature
Lv. 50 100 - 147 55 - 106 77 - 128 115 - 167 137 - 189 104 - 156
Lv. 100 190 - 284 104 - 207 148 - 251 225 - 328 269 - 372 203 - 306

Stats - Galarian Mr. Mime

  HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed
Base Stats - Total: 460 50 65 65 90 90 100
Max Stats
Hindering Nature
Lv. 50 110 - 157 63 - 105 63 - 105 85 - 127 85 - 127 94 - 136
Lv. 100 210 - 304 121 - 206 121 - 206 166 - 251 166 - 251 184 - 269
Max Stats
Neutral Nature
Lv. 50 110 - 157 70 - 117 70 - 117 95 - 142 95 - 142 105 - 152
Lv. 100 210 - 304 135 - 229 135 - 229 185 - 279 185 - 279 205 - 299
Max Stats
Beneficial Nature
Lv. 50 110 - 157 77 - 128 77 - 128 104 - 156 104 - 156 115 - 167
Lv. 100 210 - 304 148 - 251 148 - 251 203 - 306 203 - 306 225 - 328

<--- Starmie #121
Scyther --->