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Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

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Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Also known as: Pocket Monsters Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (JP/KR)
Developer: Game Freak
Publishers: The Pokémon Company (JP), Nintendo (INT)
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released internationally: November 17, 2017

Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of April 8, 2024) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.
So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
Unseen encounter data for pre-Akala wild Pokémon visitors in Poké Pelago.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are revised versions of Pokémon Sun and Moon, adding new Z-moves, a wider variety of Pokémon to catch, a new storyline featuring the notorious Team (Rainbow) Rocket, an expanded Ultra Space, the secrets of Necrozma, and more. It's also notably the last game to include every Pokémon, where future titles would use a more limited selection due to balancing issues.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unobtainable Shiny Pokémon

For the sake of consistency, every Pokémon in every Pokémon game is given a Shiny variant. Most Shiny Pokémon have been obtainable through random chance encounters or event distributions, including most Legendary Pokémon. However, a few Pokémon cannot be obtained in this form without hacking, and as a consequence, normal players would never be able to see their Shiny coloration. Note that some Shiny Legendary Pokémon, despite the species being Shiny locked in their normal in-game encounters, were still accessible via distribution-based events or via importing them through Poké Transporter.

PKMN-SM-ShinyCosmog.png PKMN-SM-ShinyCosmoem.png

  • Cosmog and Cosmoem - Cosmog can be obtained as a gift after the game's completion, but it's locked to never be Shiny. Being that the only way to obtain Cosmoem is to evolve Cosmog, the player can't obtain a Shiny variant of that Pokémon either.

PKMN-SM-Magearna.gif PKMN-SM-Magearna-pokeball.gif

  • Magearna (both Formes): The event distributions of this Pokémon are Shiny-locked, so the player can not obtain a Shiny Magearna by any means.
    • Normal Form Magearna’s Shiny palette is likely unoptimized or a placeholder. Renders from Pokémon HOME would give this still-unobtainable Shiny a proper altered-color palette.
To do:
Get an attack animation showing the Shiny coloration.
  • Marshadow - As with Magearna, Marshadow is an Event Pokemon and cannot be obtained as Shiny. Note that the Shiny coloration isn't a visible change until it attacks, with its body flashing purple as opposed to green.


  • Zeraora - As with Magearna, Zeraora is an Event Pokémon, and a Shiny Zeraora is therefore unobtainable. Shiny Zeraora would later be distributed to players in Sword and Shield as part of an event.

Eternal Flower Floette

To do:
Post the actual QR code that unlocks its entry. It exists out there and works fully.

Eternal Flower Floette still remains in the data and received entries for the Pokédex with the addition of the Flabébé line to the Alola Pokédex. Interestingly, the Pokédex entry for Eternal Flower Floette has a working Pokédex QR code which, when scanned with the QR scanner, unlocks said entry. However, the QR code that unlocks it is different to the one that it displays (shown in the image), which appears to be Red Flower Floette's QR code, for whatever reason.


Ultra Sun:

English Japanese (Kana) Japanese (Kanji)
The flower it's holding can no longer be found
blooming anywhere. It's also thought to contain
terrifying power.
もっている はなは いまは どこにも
さいていない。 そして おそろしい
ちからを ひめていると おもわれる。
持っている 花は 今は どこにも
咲いていない。 そして 恐ろしい
力を 秘めていると 思われる。

Ultra Moon:

English Japanese (Kana) Japanese (Kanji)
Terrifying energy is concealed within its
ominous flower, but Floette still swings it
about innocently.
まがまがしい はなには おそろしい
エネルギーが ひめられているが
それを むじゃきに ふりまわしている。
禍々しい 花には 恐ろしい
エネルギーが 秘められているが
それを 無邪気に 振りまわしている。
(Source: Bulbapedia)

Unreleased Hidden Abilities

In the Generation VII games, it is possible to find Pokémon with special "hidden Abilities". However, some Pokémon can not be obtained with their hidden Abilities through any legitimate means, rendering the hidden Abilities unused in normal gameplay.

Pokémon Regular Ability Hidden Ability
Heatran Flash Fire Flame Body
Tapu Koko Electric Surge Telepathy
Tapu Lele Psychic Surge Telepathy
Tapu Bulu Grassy Surge Telepathy
Tapu Fini Misty Surge Telepathy

Unused Static Encounters

Data for the Necrozma & Ultra Beast encounters from Pokémon Sun & Moon's postgame are still present in the game's static encounter table, despite Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon relocating the Ultra Beasts to their own unique locations within Ultra Space, and Necrozma to Mt. Lanakila.

Unobtainable Moves

Fire/Water Pledge Silvally

The move tutor in Hau'oli City, who normally teaches the moves Grass Pledge, Fire Pledge or Water Pledge to a type-matching starter Pokémon or the Pansage/Pansear/Panpour trio, was intended to teach Silvally all three moves at the same time. However, there is no programming that would make this work and as a result, Silvally can only be taught Grass Pledge and misses out on the other two moves.

Punishment Murkrow

Murkrow gained the ability to learn Punishment as an egg move in these games. Normally, that wouldn't be notable, as you can just breed with the appropriate parents to pass down the respective move to the offspring.

However, no male Pokémon in Murkrow's egg group can learn the move to pass it down. Vullaby and Mandibuzz can learn the move, but as a female-only species, they cannot pass down the move.

Light of Ruin

To do:
Upload screenshot/video.

Due to the fact that Eternal Flower Floette remains unavailable, its signature move (which it learns at level 50) is also unobtainable. It is a Special move with 140 base power, 90% accuracy, 5 PP, and the user takes half the damage the opponents take in recoil. It is the only Special move to deal recoil damage to the user. Notably, a Twinkle Tackle based on Light of Ruin has a base power of 200, making it the strongest of all Fairy-type moves. Its animation was also updated from earlier generations.

Drawing power from the Eternal Flower, the user fires a powerful beam of light. This also damages the user quite a lot. 
(Source: Bulbapedia)

Version Differences

To do:
Add reliable sources.

Each update is required to go online and Battle Videos recorded prior to their release can no longer be played.

Version 1.1

This patch was released on December 13, 2017.

  • Wide Guard now only lowers damage for Clangorous Soulblaze, the only multi-target Z-Move, instead of lowering for all Z-Moves.
  • Ion Deluge does not always fail anymore.
  • The Move Tutors no longer overwrite the first move of Pokémon with less than four moves.
  • Choosing Litten as the starter Pokémon does not crash the game anymore.

Version 1.2

This patch was released on February 7, 2018.

  • Online battles no longer crash when using Curse, String Shot, Forest's Curse, and Power Trick, thus lifting the temporary ban of these moves from tournaments.