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Powerlinx (alternatively spelled Powerlink or Power-link) is a group of technologies that allow Transformers of the same or different types to combine in order to become more powerful.
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Unicron Trilogy continuity family
Armada cartoon continuity
Armada cartoon
Mini-Cons were small Transformers that Powerlinxed with normal-sized Transformers which they called "Bulks". Once Powerlinxed, the Transformer would gain extra powers and weapons. This ability was caused by altering the larger bot's structure, literally reconstructing their matter to manifest this new weapon. Because of their utility, the Mini-Cons were highly sought after by both Autobots and Decepticons. Whichever side collected the most could potentially win the war.
Some Mini-Con Teams also had the ability to Powerlinx with each other to form super weapons, such as the Star Saber, larger robots, and even sometimes vehicles—capable of ultimate destruction if wielded by the wrong users.
While mostly associated with the Mini-Cons, normal-sized Transformers also had the ability to Powerlinx with parts of their vehicle forms or with each other to form "Super Modes". Optimus Prime was the first known member to have the ability to Powerlinx, originally combining with his container, while others could later combine with Optimus. Some also had the mysterious ability to Powerlinx through uncertain means. Desperate
Linkage comic
Mini-Cons were capable of using an Evolution Protocol to scan and reconfigure mundane machines like cars to be Powerlinx-capable, plugging into them and causing them to unleash powerful weapons just as if they were linked with a Bulk. Linkage Part 1 Unfortunately for the Mini-Cons, bonding with larger Transformers—especially Decepticons—would activate a restraining "Servility Program" which proved difficult, if not outright impossible to resist. Linkage Part 5
If misused, Powerlinxing with Mini-Cons could also become highly addictive to a Bulk; becoming detrimental to their health and could even cause their sparks to diminish. Linkage Part 10 Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/18
Ask Vector Prime
Jetfire had to be modified by Rhinox to powerlinx with Optimus Prime. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/18
Energon cartoon
Powerlinxing became a widespread ability among Autobots; given to Transformers by Primus through the gift of Sparks of Combination. This allowed them to combine with each other to become more powerful. Just receiving a Spark of Combination didn't automatically make someone an expert at it, however. It took practice and both partners had to learn to synchronize their breathing. Megatron's Sword
There were four common types of Powerlinxing:
- Similarly sized Autobots could Powerlinx together with one forming the top half and one forming the bottom. The combined form would result in the Autobot serving as the top half becoming the dominant consciousness, and would be named as such following the added "Powerlinx" title (e.g. "Powerlinx Ironhide").
- Optimus Prime was able to Powerlinx with his Prime Force drones, Wing Saber and Omega Supreme to form his Super Modes. While Optimus Prime would become the dominant consciousness in all of his Super Modes, Omega Supreme was the only one who could continue to communicate with him, presumably due to Omega—his head-unit—storing inside his right shoulder.
- Some Autobots could Powerlinx with parts of their alternate mode to form a "Brute Mode".
- The guardians of the Super Energon Temple were super robots formed by teams of five Transformers Powerlinxed together. However, the limb Transformers didn't appear to have individual personalities.
Cybertron cartoon
While most Transformers lost the ability to Powerlinx, Optimus Prime retained this feature; forming a Super Mode whenever he Powerlinxed with the rear-end of his vehicle mode. Other 'bots—such as Leobreaker—later gained this feature; being able to combine with Optimus Prime's Super Mode for extra power.
Powerlinxing with Mini-Cons hadn't entirely gone out of fashion, as 'bots like Vector Prime, Runamuck and Buzzsaw were known to still use this ability. Safeguard would mostly Powerlinx with Vector Prime as a place to rest, while Buzzsaw and Runamuck used Heavy Barrel and Skidmark as power-ups, respectively. Force of Habit
Dreamwave Armada continuity
Powerlinx was not a natural ability, the Decepticons captured and experimented on the Mini-Cons, rewiring them and allowing them to tap into the immense power held by the smaller machines. Here, Mini-Cons were more forcefully attached to their Bulks, who supercharged their existing weaponry and power. Armada #1
Panini Armada comic
Animated continuity family
Animated cartoon
The Autobot Elite Guard experimented on the duo Jetfire and Jetstorm to give them the ability to fly and to unite as Safeguard using data from the Decepticon Starscream. Where Is Thy Sting? Jetfire and Jetstorm first tried to "gestalt powerlink" while battling Starscream in a computer simulation, to the surprise of the other Autobots who watched. First (and Second) in Flight
Aligned continuity family
2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
The Weaponizer Mini-Cons were genetically engineered by the Decepticons to be able to Powerlinx with a Cybertronian and augment their power. For reasons unknown, the project was abandoned, being reactivated after the end of the Great War by Starscream who claimed it for himself. Before he could Powerlinx with the seven Mini-Cons, they managed to escape him. Mini-Con Madness

After tracking the seven down to Earth and recapturing them, Starscream Powerlinxed with them, augmenting himself to a level beyond a Prime. Optimus Prime engaged him long enough for the Bee Team to sabotage the Seeker's equipment and reverse the Powerlinx. Worthy
A group of Mini-Cons reprogrammed by the Autobot High Council, in reality Cyclonus' Decepticon cell, were sent to Earth to assist Soundwave in contacting Megatron. One of them, Hi-Test, managed to resist his programming and Powerlinxed with Optimus Prime, giving the Autobot leader the firepower he needed to thwart Soundwave's plan. Collateral Damage
Mini-Cons had Powerlinx ports—circular 5mm holes with single plastic pins at their centers—that could plug into appropriate Powerlinx hardpoints (hollow 5mm posts) on the larger Transformers figures. All of the Armada toys, Deluxe class and upwards, had at least one "active" hardpoint that, when a Mini-Con figure was attached, would activate some kind of gimmick. The majority of other Powerlinx ports on figures were "dead"—sculpted details not linked to any gimmick, simply there for attaching Mini-Cons. Some of the larger toys such as Super Base Optimus Prime, Gigacon Megatron/Galvatron and Unicron had several active Powerlinx ports linked to different gimmicks.
Powerlinx was no longer associated with Mini-Cons and larger robots linking together, but with the Autobots (Combat/Deluxe class and upwards) combining with one another (figures would have Powerlinx ports, essentially a set of interlocking tabs, somewhere on them; they would often be hidden away somehow by panels or the transformation) or with some auxiliary drones that were packaged with them (for these ones, normal tabs and pegs would be the way to combine) to create larger robot toys. Combat/Deluxe and Mega Combat/Voyager class Autobot toys could combine with one another, Commanders/Ultra class Autobots could only combine with whatever auxiliary unit was included in their package while Leader class Optimus Prime could combine with his included Prime Force drones, the Mega Combat class Wing Saber and the Supreme class Omega Supreme.
Toys came with different color Powerlinx symbols to indicate how they combine:
Used by Optimus Prime and his partners.
Used by Mega-sized Transformers who can combine with fellow Mega- and Deluxe-sized Transformers.
Used by Deluxe-sized Transformers who can combine with fellow Deluxe- and Mega-sized Transformers.
Used by Ultra-sized Transformers, who can combine with additional vehicle mode parts to form a brute mode.
Used by the Air Team, the Construction Team, and the Destruction Team.
In the Cybertron toyline, "dead" Powerlinx hardpoints could still be found on most of the figures. Some of the figures in the line also came packaged with Mini-Cons, such as; Vector Prime and the Giant Planet natives. While Cybertron's main focus had shifted to the use of the Cyber Planet Key gimmick, which was mostly reliant on inserting a key into a designated port, two of the toys sold in the Cybertron toyline had keys that featured Powerlinx ports, due to being redecos of Armada toys that featured gimmicks that couldn't be reworked for the keys to be used in.
Power Core Combiners
- Preliminary plans for Bluebolt were that it would "power-link" (パワーリンク) to God Magnus, using his spark to power the weapon.[1] However, this appears to be coincidental to the later Hasbro use of the term, and is not used in any finalized Japanese material.
- The Energon Autobots' Powerlinx feature recycles a gimmick originally used by the Multiforce.
- In Japanese, the effect of Mini-Cons connecting to Bulks is called "Evolution" and the process of Autobots combining is known as "Super Link"; the two are not conceptually related.
- A lot of the combined Powerlinx forms in the Energon cartoon would often not match up with what was happening during the transformation stock footage sequence. Several instances of kibble placement in the combined forms (left over individual robot limbs) would often be different to what the stock footage would show in the final configuration just before and right after both parties have connected. Often times, these transformation configurations can be replicated with the toys, while the final configurations usually end up being a physical impossiblity due to the kibble parts between both figures colliding and some of the hinges or joints not being able to articulate in that way.
- As an example, when Jetfire forms the lower half of a Powerlinx form, his shoulders are shown being positioned at either side of the cockpit, with the shoulder pads' wings folding down and his arms becoming jetpack thrusters (similar to the configuration used in the toy's instructions), yet the final combined form would show his arms folded up under the shoulder pads, with the wings left folded out and the shoulder assemblies positioned 180° from the position displayed in the transformation sequence, and the shoulder pads themselves rotated back 180° in the other direction, to have them sitting the same way they were in the last configuration. The problem here is that—using the toy as reference—the shoulders are now too high and would interfere with Ironhide's kibble, making the combination physically impossible. To counteract this, however, the animators then have the entire shoulder pads angled down, a feature which cannot be replicated with the toy in this configuration, unless forcing the hinges the wrong way, running the risk of breaking it.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Evolution (エボリューション Eboryūshon), Super Link (Super Link, スーパーリンク Sūpā Rinku), Powerlinx (パワーリンクス Pawārinkusu)
- ↑ "万能火器ブルーボルト
ブルーボルトは、それを操るマスター(主人)と直接パワーリンクして威力を発 揮する特殊武器で、ゴッドマグナスのコンディションによりその威力が左右 される。必要に応じて変形する。"—Car Robots documentation, "c-023 機動隊長 ゴッドマグナス"