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Great War (Prime)

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The name or term "Great War" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Great War (disambiguation).
The Great War is a historical event from the Aligned continuity family. The exact order of events in the war varies between sources due to the Aligned continuity family's "squint test", but events are outlined in order as best as they can be.
The Great War: 50% war of survival, 50% war of dynamic posing.

Taking place directly after the Age of Rust, the Great War was a violent outburst of fighting on the planet Cybertron, between the newly christened Autobots and Decepticons. After cycles of social stratification caused by the caste system, the bloated bureaucracy established during the Age of Wrath, and the trauma of the Rust Plague, two prominent individuals emerged in Cybertronian politics: a gladiator named Megatron from Kaon and an archivist from the Iacon Hall of Records named Orion Pax. While initially working together, Orion's ascension as Optimus Prime led to the two forces fighting for several million stellar cycles. Although the two warring factions would temporarily come together to face a common threat, such as the Quintessons and Unicron, these truces were often short-lived.

The Great War can be divided into four distinct eras:

  • The War for Cybertron
  • The Great Exodus, or the Fall of Cybertron
  • The War Across the Stars (as depicted in Transformers: Exiles and Transformers: Retribution)
  • The War on Modern-Day Earth (as depicted in Transformers: Prime)



Before the War

Main article: Age of Rust

The Great War

The War for Cybertron

Early Decepticon Victories
"A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night."

The Great War truly began with the High Council's decision that Orion Pax should be the next Prime. Transformers: Exodus One Shall Rise, Part 3 Megatron, furious, kills Halogen in anger, causing the first casualty in the war. While the Autobots maintain control of Iacon and Kalis, the Decepticons operate from the Badlands region, where Kaon and Slaughter City reside.

The war immediately begins in the Decepticon's favor, with Megatron and his Seekers (excluding Starscream) attacking Fort Scyk in Stanix, defeating the unprepared bots there. The spaceport at the Hydrax Plateau becomes the Decepticons' next target due to its proximity to Fort Scyk, the Sea of Rust, and the Badlands. Ultra Magnus and the Council Guardians that would later be known as the Wreckers fought on the eastern front, while Optimus Prime held off the southern advance in his first battle. Decepticons would ultimately prevail, taking control of the majority of Cybertron's eastern hemisphere for much of the war.

Polyhex and Crystal City would be the sites of the next Decepticon victories, with Shockwave unleashing the Constructicon combiner Devastator on Crystal City. Devastator loomed over the Refracting Gardens and smashed open the wall, allowing the Decepticons to flood in, destroying every trace of the city's once dazzling beauty. While the city is lost, many of its' scientists' research and treasures escape or survive the city's fall. Shockwave would begin to operate in the city's ruins, reviving Bruticus, Transformers: Exodus as the Decepticon Biological Warfare Program begins developing biological weapons such as the Cybonic plague. Sick Mind The Autobots abandon Crystal City and fall back to Kalis, recognizing that if the Decepticons gain control of the Energon resources at Kalis, the war is over. Transformers: Exodus

The Decepticons march onto Praxus, which had initially sympathized with the Decepticon ideology before eventually turning against Megatron. Prowl and Ironhide, citizens of Praxus, join the Autobot resistance, with the Autobots having their first all-out stand against the 'Cons. The city-state is ultimately leveled by the fighting, with heavy losses on all sides. Megatron in particular found the Decepticons vulnerable to the same supply chain issues experienced by the Autobots in the Battle for Hydrax Plateau. Angered by the Praxians' support for the Autobots, he begins acting more as a conqueror than a revolutionary, unleashing Bruticus Maximus to massacre Nova Cronum. Exodus

Kalis and Tyger Pax

The war comes for Kalis, but surprisingly Autobots have their first major victory. This occurs for three reasons: First, the absence of Decepticon seekers; Second: the defeat of Bruticus by Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, and Jazz, and Third; Autobots manage to drive off land-based Decepticons using long-range combat techniques. Meanwhile, Megatron pulls Shockwave out of Crystal City to control Tarn and Vos. Shockwave, upset at being taken away from Crystal City, suppresses any dissenters remaining in the cities, before manipulating the two cities into destroying each other. Shockwave's focus on Tarn and Vos allows Minicon saboteurs to steal and reverse-engineer Shockwave's secrets, and before long the Autobots create their own combiners. Exodus Optimus Prime assigns Ultra Magnus to lead the unruly squadron known as the Wreckers in the hopes of instilling discipline into their ranks Project Predacon and with the aid of the newly created Defensor the team defends the Tagan Heights against the Constructicons, although the fighting between Defensor and Devastator demolishes the area. Exodus

After centuries of stasis, the AllSpark creates a final generation of Transformers, most of whom side with the Autobots. Among them is the Autobot Bumblebee, who distinguishes himself on the battlefield and becomes one of Optimus Prime's closest compatriots. Exodus Another young Autobot named Smokescreen enters the boot camp of the Elite Guard with hopes of becoming a full-fledged soldier. New Recruit

As the war continues, the Autobots are gradually outnumbered and outgunned. Optimus Prime makes the painful decision to eject the AllSpark from Cybertron, so that Megatron cannot create more Transformers. The Battle of Tyger Pax occurs, with Bumblebee encountering Barricade and Megatron himself Bumblebee at Tyger Pax. The Allspark was fired into deep space Transformers: Exodus Bumblebee at Tyger Pax, and Megatron destroyed Bumblebee's voice box. A medic, Ratchet, would save Bumblebee's life, but his voice box was lost. Transformers: Exodus Bumblebee at Tyger Pax Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 A standstill ensues. Exodus Predacons Rising

Various events take place at unspecified times during the war: Optimus Prime survives an assassination attempt by Skyquake at the Battle of Technahar, Masters & Students while Arcee and her combat partner Tailgate serve in Delta Team for most of the war. After a raid on a Decepticon munitions depot, both of them are captured and interrogated by the Decepticon Airachnid. Although Arcee is rescued by Bumblebee and Cliffjumper, they are too late to save Tailgate. Predatory At least some battles take place off Cybertron with the Wreckers having an adventure on Sandokan. Loose Cannons Meanwhile, Autobots eject the data cylinders from Cybertron to prevent Decepticons from using the vital knowledge within, T.M.I. while Primus warns Windblade of a rising evil, and sent her to Earth after modifying her body and enhancing her sensors. The Buzz on Windblade

The Dark Energon Crisis
Allow me to introduce myself: I am the galactically feared and universally despised... they call me Ivan Ooze.
My shiny windows sparkle
Just like a Christmas tree!

Seeking a new edge in the war, Megatron storms Trypticon Station and wrests control of it from Starscream, empowering himself and other Decepticons with Dark Energon stored there. As part of their next strike, the Decepticon-allied Seekers travel deep underneath Cybertron in search of the long-abandoned Geosynchronous Energon Bridge beneath the ruins of Crystal City, which will allow the manufacture of new Dark Energon for the Decepticons' use.

Megatron leads a group of Decepticons into Iacon, to find a means of traveling to the very core of Cybertron to spread the Dark Energon. Though Sentinel Zeta Prime attempts to stand in his way, he is soon defeated by the vengeful Decepticon—but unbeknownst to Megatron, Omega Supreme is reactivated due to these events, and is intent on stopping the Decepticons. The Decepticon forces manage to cripple the Guardian's alternate mode, and Megatron and his troops soon defeat him on ground level. Because of this, the Decepticon leader manages to reach Cybertron's core and corrupt it with Dark Energon—a critical blow against the Autobots. Exodus War For Cybertron

The Autobots muster a counter-attack to rout the remaining Decepticons from Iacon. Sentinel, now imprisoned in Kaon, manages to send a transmission, and a small group of Autobots, lead by Optimus, soon launch an incursion into the prison to recover him. However, the former Prime perishes just as he has been rescued, and his body is returned to Iacon. Heading down through Cybertron's inner layers, Optimus finds much of the planet is thoroughly infected by Dark Energon. Exodus War For Cybertron

Primus, speaking to Optimus as the Core, tells Prime that Cybertron is so greatly corrupted that it will take millions of years of shutdown to undo the grievous damage done by Megatron's Dark Energon. Optimus is given the Matrix of Leadership by the Core, which contains a portion of Cybertron's spark. Exodus War For Cybertron One Shall Rise, Part 3 With the core's shutdown, Windblade is left in stasis on Earth. The Buzz on Windblade

The Fall of Cybertron

The Great Exodus Begins
Just a little while back[1]

As soon as Prime reaches the surface, he orders that an exodus from Cybertron will take place immediately. Preparations are made to flee the planet, but many of the escaping galactic transports are shot down by Trypticon Station before they can leave Cybertron's orbit. Trypticon itself comes to life, thanks to multiple sparks implanted by Shockwave, and Optimus Prime leads his forces in a battle to knock it out of orbit. The ensuing battle results in Trypticon hurtling towards Cybertron's surface. However, Trypticon is not killed, and it transforms into its robot form. After another battle with it, Optimus and his forces regroup at the site of the Ark, a deep-space interceptor and the flagship of the makeshift Autobot fleet. Exodus War For Cybertron

The Dark Spark
Does this mean Megatron finally has The Touch?

With the Decepticons in control of most of Cybertron, the remaining Autobots begin fuelling the ship with scavenged Energon. Both factions develop an interest in the ancient, powerful artifact known as the Dark Spark, and the Decepticons manage to locate and open the vault below Crystal City that contains it. Shockwave makes contact with the Insecticons, subterranean creatures that have been driven to the surface after Cybertron's core shut down. The Decepticon scientist manages to form an alliance with these creatures, and their sentient representatives- Kickback, Hardshell, and Sharpshot- join the Decepticons, pledging the support of their numerous feral brethren.

However, the Decepticons and Insecticons are tailed by the Autobots, and a running battle ensues, with both groups trying to return the artifact to their respective strongholds. Eventually, the Decepticons succeed in bringing the Dark Spark to Megatron at Kolkular, where he places the artifact in his chest in imitation of the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus Prime arrives to confront the Decepticon leader, but is set upon by a horde of undead Autobots reanimated by the Dark Spark's power. The Autobot leader overcomes these corrupted foes and engages Megatron, and the two combatants unleash the powers of the artifacts in their chests. The power of the Matrix of Leadership wins out, violently ejecting the Dark Spark from the Decepticon leader and into space. With the artifact no longer a threat, Optimus orders the Autobots to fall back to Iacon and the Ark. Rise of the Dark Spark

Origin of the Dinobots and the Ark's Departure

While most of the Autobots ready the Ark for liftoff, the Lightning Strike Coalition warrior Swoop discovers a massive reserve of untainted Energon in the Sea of Rust. He tries to contact Grimlock and the other Autobots, but is captured by Shockwave before he can reveal the nature of his discovery. Grimlock and the rest of his squadron disobey Prime's orders and hijack an Autobot dropship to rescue him. Grimlock, Snarl, Slug, and Sludge reach the outskirts of Shockwave's tower, but are overwhelmed by Shockwave's Insecticons and taken captive by Shockwave, who has plans for the quintet of warriors. Inspired by alien lifeforms he has viewed with ancient Space Bridge technology, he begins experimenting on them. Transformers Hall of Fame Fall of Cybertron (game) Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (comic)

Shockwave uses the critically injured Sludge as a test run, successfully rebuilding his alternate mode into a sauropod dinosaur, before ordering Kickback to dump his body in the tunnels underneath the Rust Sea. Beast Hunters #2 Shockwave rebuilds the rest into powerful berserkers with saurian alternate modes and imprisons them in his tower, intending to use them as his own personal warriors. Transformers Hall of Fame Fall of Cybertron (game) Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (comic)

I'm sure we will see the Ark again in future media... [2]

With Grimlock missing in action, Optimus leads his warriors to buy time for the Autobots to shut down Iacon and launch the Ark. Optimus discovers the existence of Metroplex, an enormous Autobot incorporated into Iacon's structure who has lain dormant for millions of years. Optimus and Metroplex team up to help fight the Decepticons, and despite suffering numerous injuries Metroplex manages to deal a lethal blow to Megatron, grievously injuring him. However, the attack depletes all of the Autobot's remaining supplies of energon. With Megatron out of commission, Starscream takes advantage of the situation and declares himself the new leader of the Decepticons.

Jazz and Cliffjumper go searching for Grimlock and his forces in the Sea of Rust, where they find Shockwave's tower, Sludge's body in stasis lock and the uncorrupted Energon Swoop had discovered earlier. However, on Starscream's orders, the Combaticons attack the Autobot convoy, then combine into Bruticus and crash the transport, recovering half of the Energon. Starscream is unimpressed with their performance and orders their imprisonment. Meanwhile, Soundwave has recovered Megatron's remains and rebuilds his body, using an infusion of Dark Energon to revive him. Megatron confronts Starscream and resumes control of the Decepticons. Seeking use of Trypticon, Megatron heads for his location in Iacon and successfully scavenges many of his components.

In Shockwave's lab, a disgraced Starscream discovers Grimlock, who he attempts to recruit to his cause. Grimlock throws Starscream into the wall and escapes. As he fights his way through Shockwave's cadre of Decepticons and Insecticons, Grimlock reunites with the surviving members of the Lightning Strike Coalition, although he believes Sludge is dead. Now operating as the "Dinobots", Grimlock confronts Shockwave and destroys his space bridge. Both are caught in the ensuing explosion.

Metroplex sacrifices his life to ensure that the Ark can launch. Optimus and many of the Autobots escape aboard the Ark. They are pursued, however, by Megatron aboard Trypticon, now a spacecraft dubbed the Nemesis. The two vehicles and their respective crews battle as they race for the space bridge above the planet, which explodes, scattering the two vessels across the galaxy. Exodus Fall of Cybertron Some stay behind on Cybertron, including Shockwave, the Dinobots, and Ultra Magnus and his Wreckers. Rage of the Dinobots

The War Across the Stars

A Tale of Two Autobot Groups

The Space Bridge detonation takes the Ark and Nemesis to the outskirts of the Milky Way galaxy, where Optimus detects a faint signal left behind by the Allspark's passage. Prime and his crew are guided by the Matrix to nearby Velocitron, teetering on the brink of civil war. However, Makeshift, having infiltrated the crew, manages to provoke enough civil unrest among the Velocitronians that Ransack and his group of political malcontents attack Override, sparking a civil war. The Autobots manage to escape through a space bridge, Optimus having recovered two pieces of the Blades of Time on Velocitron's surface, though he mistakenly believes they are pieces of the Star Saber. The Autobots next travel to Junkion, where they befriend the native Junkions and begin repairs on the Ark. Makeshift once again sabotages the repair effort, but is caught. Exiles

Meanwhile, on Cybertron, Alpha Trion is put under house arrest by Shockwave, but manages to send the Autobot Chaindrive to Optimus with another piece of the Blades of Time. Exiles Armed with a hazy knowledge of the future from the Covenant of Primus that Optimus Prime would eventually end up on Earth, Alpha Trion launches the Star Saber, the Apex Armor, the Omega Keys, and other artifacts, relics, and weapons off Cybertron to ensure that Optimus would eventually find them. Alpha/Omega Smokescreen, having ended up on security detail for Alpha Trion, is taken by Decepticon forces during their attacking the Hall of Records, New Recruit but not before Alpha Trion secretly manages to hide one of the relics within the young Autobot. Hard Knocks

The Nemesis, following the trail of the Ark, lands on Velocitron and later Junkion. Axer, an ex-Decepticon, recovers the Requiem Blaster from the core of Junkion, causing the demi-planet to tear apart. Prime, meanwhile, manages to contact Vector Prime in his pocket dimension, who also helps to reunite five bots the Autobots have met (Chaindrive among them) into Nexus Prime. A climactic battle takes place on Junkion, with the Autobots triumphant and the Blaster destroyed. However, the Junkions themselves are enslaved by space-pirate expatriate Transformers called the Star Seekers and taken to places unknown. Exiles

Return of the Quintessons

With Autobot control over the planet steadily weakening, Shockwave and the remaining Decepticons take control of Iacon, forcing the Wreckers to retreat to Cybertron's comparatively barren polar regions to launch hit-and-run attacks on Decepticon convoys. Shockwave builds his newest tower in the center of Iacon and continues his experiments, studying the effects of Dark Energon on the city's beleaguered inhabitants. He eventually kidnaps Alpha Trion and tries to use him to access Vector Sigma to forge a Decepticon Matrix that will further enhance his control over Cybertron. The Wreckers team up with Omega Supreme to launch a rescue mission. Retribution

Simultaneously, out in space, Optimus Prime and company discover the seemingly utopic world of Aquatron, inhabited by friendly amphibious robots. In reality, the Aquatronians are subjugated servants of the Quintessons, and their leader Inquirata manipulates both Optimus Prime and Shockwave to further his own goals. The Nemesis arrives not long afterward, following a skirmish with Thundertron, but the two sides are forced into a temporary truce by the Quintessons. When the Quintessons reveal their true colours, Optimus Prime and Megatron are forced to work together to escape from the Quintesson's twisted courtrooms Thanks to Shockwave's experiments with Dark Energon on Vector Sigma, the Quintessons are able to launch a second invasion of Cybertron using their Sharkticon shock troops. Although the Wreckers manage to save Alpha Trion, they are too late to stop the invasion. General Tyrannicon storms Iacon, takes down both Omega Supreme and Devastator and allies with Senator Ratbat to gain access to the Hall of Records. The invasion is only stopped when Megatron, still on Aquatron, discovers the Sharkticon Matrix of Leadership and uses it to override Tyrannicon's command over his troops. The Wreckers manage to keep the Hall of Records in Cybertronian hands while Rack n' Ruin splits off from the group and rigs Shockwave's tower to explode. In the ensuing fight underneath Aquatron, Tyrannicon and Inquirata are killed, while Optimus and Megatron barely manage to escape the detonation of the Space Bridge. The two factions depart the now-freed Aquatron while Optimus continues his search for the Allspark. Retribution

Other Adventures

Cybertron's conditions continue to deteriorate, and eventually, Ultra Magnus puts out the call for the final Autobot evacuation of the planet. A convoy of ships escapes, but Magnus's personal craft is shot down, and the Wrecker leader is captured by the Forged, a faction of ex-Decepticons serving under Shockwave. Rage of the Dinobots #1 The Dinobots mount a rescue mission to a Forged prison in the Sea of Rust, where they find not only Magnus, but scores of other Autobot prisoners. They stage a prison break, but are confronted by the leader of the group, Ser-Ket, who has been altered with Predacon CNA in much the same way that they were altered with dinosaur DNA. Rage of the Dinobots #2 Grimlock is able to defeat her in battle, but Shockwave arrives soon afterward, Rage of the Dinobots #3 and Magnus and the Dinobots are recaptured.

The Decepticon scientist attempts to complete his work on Grimlock and erase the Dinobot's free will, but his teammates and Ultra Magnus are able to escape their cell in time to intervene, violently decapitating Shockwave. However, a hologram message reveals that Shockwave is in fact alive and well, and what the Dinobots just killed was merely a remote avatar. With the immediate threat passed, Magnus sets off to join the leaving fleet, whilst the Dinobots resolve to remain on Cybertron, seeking to hunt down their nemesis Shockwave and help the few Autobots that remain. Rage of the Dinobots #4

Eventually, energon shortages force Cybertron's remaining population into the tunnels under the surface, where they scavenge fuel from underground deposits and by hunting the planet's subterranean fauna. Survivors group together to establish underground cities, one of which is led by "king" Grimlock, and the surface is left desolate and ruined. Beast Hunters #1

Across the galaxy, the Great War continues on other planets. A battle sees the Decepticon Deadlock nearly destroyed before he is taken in by the Circle of Light and taught the ways of the warrior and blade. Retaking his original name, Drift abandons the Decepticon cause and defects. Drift's Samurai Showdown

At one time, the Ark encounters the Mutacons, communicating with their leader Mercury. Optimus shared with her the history of Cybertron since the Rust Plague, causing her to laugh at how dumb the Decepticons were. Prime promised to help the Mutacons locate Amalgamous Prime and solve their shape-changing problem caused by the Transformation Cog after the Decepticons were defeated. That was good enough for Mercury, and she happily returned to the others. Their combined ship form laughed in space and mischievously set about delaying the Autobots' pursuers so that the Ark could escape on their way. The Covenant of Primus

During Earth's Stone Age, a group of Autobots rescued a tribe of primitive humans from a meteor shower. Did You See What I Thaw?. A group of genetically engineered Predacons created by Shockwave appear on Earth, inspiring the human legends of dragons, although they eventually die, leaving behind remains. Project Predacon Other Transformers who end up on Earth include Skyquake, dispatched to Earth to guard its energon resources. Masters & Students and a group of Autobots who visit ancient Greece and leave behind an Energon Harvester. Deus ex Machina The Cybertronians on Earth eventually leave, die, or enter stasis lock, leaving Earth abandoned... for the time being.

The War on Earth

A World Forged From Chaos

The Decepticons began mining the Energon deposits left on Earth, planning to use it to restore Cybertron. Starscream is tasked by Megatron with recreating space bridge technology, so that the Energon can be quickly transferred between planets. After scouring the galaxy on this mission, the Air Commander returns to their home planet with several troops to construct a space bridge. Prime comic

Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Ratchet traveled to the planet Earth. They obtain terrestrial alternate modes and secretly ally themselves with the United States government. They are assigned William Fowler as a government liaison, and provided with an abandoned missile silo to use as a base in exchange for keeping the Decepticon threat contained. A great deal of Cybertronian technology is installed there, including a GroundBridge of Ratchet's design. Darkness Rising, Part 1 Some time afterward, Team Prime received reinforcements in the shape of Arcee and Cliffjumper, who had commandeered a Decepticon space bridge to reach Optimus Prime's current location. After landing on Earth, they obtained Earth vehicle forms and joined the team. Out of the Past

At some point, Optimus clashes with Megatron on Earth, following which, the Decepticon leader departs into space to search for an army. While the Autobots ally themselves with the United States of America, Starscream is left in command and lays low, leaving the smaller conflict stagnant until he kills Cliffjumper three years into their stay on Earth. Three human children, Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, and Raf Esquivel are caught up in the conflict and become members of Optimus' unit. Megatron soon returns and brings Dark Energon to Earth, officially renewing the war. Darkness Rising

Megatron's plan is to reanimate the thousands of dead Transformers on Cybertron and transport them to Earth via the orbital space bridge, but this is ultimately foiled by the Autobots. Darkness Rising, Part 5 Megatron himself is caught in the explosion of the bridge as it is destroyed, but survives thanks to the Dark Energon in his body. Masters & Students Megatron's wounded form is discovered by Starscream after a failed attempt to bring Skyquake under his control. Starscream attempts to kill him, but Soundwave's presence compels him to put the Decepticon leader in stasis in the Nemesis's sick bay instead. Masters & Students Wheeljack, now an interstellar nomad, briefly arrives on Earth, but after a run-in with Makeshift, he leaves. Con Job


Team Prime would have several encounters with the 'Cons, including Knock Out, Breakdown, and Airachnid. Eventually, Megatron escapes his coma by briefly possessing Bumblebee's mind Out of His Head. After Megatron and Starscream are trapped in the energon mine due to the actions of the Autobots Rock Bottom, Starscream renounces Megatron's command and tries to join the Autobots, but this fails when Starscream lets slip that he killed Cliffjumper. Partners.

While the Autobots struggled to stop the Decepticons from getting components to build a new space bridge, One Shall Fall it became clear that there was a larger menace in play—Unicron. One Shall Rise, Part 1 Such was this threat that it required Team Prime to join with Megatron and venture into Earth's core One Shall Rise, Part 2 where they vanquished Unicron, albeit at the cost of Optimus Prime's memories. Believing himself to be simple Orion Pax, he left with Megatron, leaving Team Prime with Ratchet as acting leader. One Shall Rise, Part 3

Search for the Iacon Relics
The Sword in the Stone... not to be confused with this sword.

Megatron uses the amnesic Orion Pax to begin Project Iacon, hoping the former Prime will decode encrypted Autobot archives for locations of relevant technology. Orion Pax, Part 1 Orion begins to see through Megatron's lies and eventually rebels against Megatron. Using Vector Sigma and the key provided to him by Optimus, Jack restored Prime's memory. Orion Pax, Part 3

A lengthy arms race begins, seeing the re-discovery of various relics and war-time weapons. The Autobots would claim the Spark extractor, Operation Bumblebee, Part 1, the Phase shifter Tunnel Vision, and the Apex Armor Triangulation. The Decepticons obtained the Forge of Solus Prime Operation Bumblebee, Part 2 and the Resonance Blaster Triage. Bulkhead and the Insecticon Hardshell would fight over a batch of Tox-En, but the dangerous Energon would be destroyed. Toxicity

During the search for the Iacon Relics, the Autobots and Decepticons would see further changes to their core crews. Skyquake's twin, Dreadwing, would come to Earth and pledge his allegiance to Megatron Loose Cannons, taking Airachnid's place as second-in-command when Megatron moves to eliminate her. Crossfire. Meanwhile, Smokescreen would join the ranks of Team Prime. New Recruit

The Star Saber is the next relic to be discovered by Megatron, who attempts to free it from the rock that encases it with an army of workers. However, only the power of a Prime can free it. Unlocking its' incredible strength, Optimus nearly crashes the Nemesis with a powerful energy blast from the sword, marking what Megatron calls the Decepticons' "darkest hour". Legacy. Desperate for a new advantage, Megatron and Dreadwing travel to Cybertron to retrieve the arm of a Prime[3]. He attaches it to his body and uses his new limb to craft the Dark Star Saber with the Forge of Solus Prime. The Star Saber and Dark Star Saber are wielded by Optimus and Megatron while battling in Egypt, but the Star Saber is destroyed.

TFP Inside Job Starscream fistful of keys.jpg

Before the Star Saber's destruction, Optimus receives a prerecorded message from Alpha Trion, informing him of the last four relics: The Omega Keys. The Autobots claim the first key, Alpha/Omega Knock Out claims the second, Starscream claims the third, and the Decepticons discover that a captive Smokescreen holds the fourth and final key. Hard Knocks

Knock Out uses Smokescreen's phase shifter to remove the final Omega Key from within his body. However, Smokescreen manages to escape with the two Omega Keys that were in Megatron's possession, leaving the fourth one with Starscream. Starscream manages to invade the Autobot base and steal all three of theirs, acquiring all four. He then goes to Megatron on the Nemesis with the Omega Keys as bargaining chips. Inside Job

Megatron uses a cortical psychic patch on Starscream in order to find out his true motives for coming back to Megatron. However, he decides that Starscream is of more value fighting with Megatron, not against him, and welcomes him back to the Decepticons. While viewing the results of the patch, Dreadwing learns of his twin's fate in the Shadowzone. Patch Infuriated by Starscream's treatment of Skyquake and Megatron's nonchalance, Dreadwing presents the Forge of Solus Prime to the Autobots so that they can avenge his twin's death. After traveling back to the Nemesis, he attempts to kill Starscream, but Megatron strikes him down before he gets the chance. Megatron and Starscream travel to Cybertron with a detachment of Vehicons to reactivate the planet. Using the Forge, Optimus modifies the Ground Bridge into a Space Bridge, and the Autobots launch an attack on the Vehicons using the gathered Iacon relics. They retrieve the Omega Keys and reach the Omega Lock. However, Megatron reveals that the Decepticons have captured the three kids. Regeneration

We didn't even pay off the rent for this place!

The Autobots are forced to turn over the Omega Keys in exchange for the kids, and Megatron reveals his master plan includes cyberforming Earth as well. Optimus uses the Star Saber to destroy the Omega Lock, and the Autobots return to Earth, only for the Decepticons to attack their base. The Autobots abandon the base, scattering across the country, except for Optimus who is still in the base when the Decepticons destroy it. Darkest Hour

Predacons Rising

Smokescreen rescues the damaged Optimus from the wreckage of the Autobot base using the phase shifter. Knock Out recovers the Apex Armor from Cybertron, but returns with Shockwave, and a Predacon cloned from recovered CNA. Darkmount, NV Scattered Concurrently, Ultra Magnus lands on Earth and begins to reunite the disparate Autobot forces, who have gone into hiding. Scattered Smokescreen, still in hiding, breaks into the Nemesis and recovers the Forge of Solus Prime. Prey The Autobots launch a final assault on the Decepticon fortress Darkmount. With the help of a renewed Optimus Prime, their combined efforts bring down Darkmount for good, forcing the Decepticons into a retreat. Rebellion

The Autobots discover that the Decepticons are transporting ancient Predacon fossils, which they fail to obtain. Project Predacon Chain of Command Meanwhile, the Decepticons suffer further losses from an army of vampiric Terrorcons, as well as Airachnid and her Insecticons. The Terrorcons are destroyed, while Airachnaid and the Insections are bridged to a desolate moon of Cybertron. Starscream ends up facing Megatron's wrath for losing them the Insecticons and more than half of the Vehicons while Shockwave speeds up progress on Project Predacon to make up for the extensive loss of manpower. Thirst

Predacons... Terrorize?

On the verge of the project's completion, the Predacon, known as Predaking, reveals his newfound ability to transform as well as his sentience, and though he pledges loyalty to Megatron, his ambition does not go unnoticed, and the Decepticons decide to let the Autobots wipe out the Predacons for them. Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack end up facing off against Predaking, putting aside their past grievances with each other and forging mutual respect, but are ultimately bested by the Predacon, who also destroys the Forge of Solus Prime and Magnus's hand. Optimus is able to save his men in the nick of time, while Shockwave finds the destruction of his lab and the presence of Synthetic Energon has produced cyber-matter. Evolution Megatron decides to use this newfound discovery to rebuild the Omega Lock to cyberform Earth and restore Cybertron, believing the two planets to be two halves of one. While Starscream procures Earth technology for the project, the recently captured Soundwave brings Ratchet to Megatron to perfect the synthetic Energon formula. Minus One Raf and Wheeljack build a probe using Laserbeak's transponder that was broken off while capturing Ratchet, which will lead them to the Nemesis. Megatron is able to persuade Ratchet to help produce the formula, having played to Ratchet's love for his home planet to override his justified reservations. Persuasion While the probe is destroyed by Starscream, it does not take long for Ratchet, Knock Out, and Shockwave to produce the formula, but Ratchet tries to make a run for it, only to be stopped by Megatron and tossed to Predaking for execution. Having caught Knock Out's slip of the tongue, Ratchet reveals Megatron's plot to exterminate the Predacons to Predaking, who goes on a rampage. Ratchet disables the Nemesis' cloaking field, allowing the Autobots to storm the ship, just as Megatron is able to scrape a victory against Predaking by knocking him out of an airlock. Synthesis

Well, at least I don't have to pay the power bill for this stupid insignia anymore!

The Autobots wage their final battle to defeat the forces of the Decepticons, with Megatron facing Optimus with his Dark Star Saber, Ratchet fighting Shockwave, the Wreckers aiming to secure the bridge, and Arcee's Stealth Team bringing the Star Saber to Optimus. When the Wreckers are bridged away by Soundwave, Jack and an Apex Armor-clad Miko banish him to the Shadowzone. As the Omega Lock is activated, Bumblebee tries to get the Saber to Optimus, but is blasted to death by Megatron and falls into the pool of Cybermatter created by the Omega Lock. Though enraged by his scout's death, Optimus is beaten and is soon hanging off the edge of the Lock by Megatron... who is then run through with the Star Saber by the revived Bumblebee, whose voice has been restored as well. Megatron dies and his corpse falls to Earth, while Starscream, Shockwave, and the surviving Vehicons abandon ship. After a failed attempt at abandoning the ship as well, Knock Out receives little welcome from the Autobots when he tries to switch sides as well. Now in command of the Nemesis, Optimus has its journey to Cybertron, where the Omega Lock is fired into the core, reviving the planet at last. The Autobots bid farewell to their human family, with Ratchet staying on Earth to support Unit:E, and departing to rebuild their home. Meanwhile, Predaking, having clung to the warship's hull, flies off into the distance of this new world with intentions unknown... Deadlock

With Megatron's death and a revived Cybertron, the war is effectively ended with an Autobot victory. Deadlock



Optimus and Wheeljack travel into space to find the AllSpark, while Starscream and Shockwave bring to life two new Predacons, Darksteel and Skylynx. The two Predacons heavily damage Ultra Magnus, so Ratchet returns to Cybertron to treat him. Predaking takes command over Darksteel and Skylynx, and Bumblebee becomes a leader.

The anti-spark of Unicron reawakens on Earth after sensing the restoration of Cybertron. Possessing Megatron's corpse, he travels to Cybertron, where he battles Predaking and discovers a burial ground of Predacons. The Chaos Bringer raises an army of Predacon Terrorcons to destroy Primus, prompting a desperate last stand from the Autobots, Decepticons, and Predacons. Optimus returns just in time to defeat Unicron once more by trapping Unicron's anti-spark in the vessel that once contained the AllSpark. With the AllSpark now in the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus announces that he must sacrifice his life to restore the Well of All Sparks to its life-giving potential. As he descends towards the Core, he assures his fellow Autobots that while the Age of Primes has passed, his passing is not an end, but a new beginning... simply, another transformation. Predacons Rising.

Til' All Are One.

Before Optimus can properly pass into the afterlife, his Spark is separated from the AllSpark by the Thirteen and brought to the Realm of the Primes. Decepticon Island (Part 1)

Post-Great War Cybertron would see the return of many Cybertronians, who would be ruled by a new High Council. Unfortunately, a group of Decepticons led by Cyclonus would take over the Council and use Light Benders to conceal their true identities as Decepticons. Freedom Fighters This new council begins publically blaming Optimus and Autobots for causing the Great War, which leads to several Autobots being blacklisted and/or left with low-level positions. Enemy of My Enemy

One such Autobot, Lieutenant Bumblebee, abandons street patrol when he receives a vision from Optimus that he is needed on Earth. Pilot (Part 1) Bumblebee returns to Earth, forming the Bee Team, a group of Autobots including Strongarm, Sideswipe, Grimlock, and Fixit. They would face off against the escaped prisoners of the ship Alchemor, Steeljaw's pack, a vengeful Megatronus (aided by a resurrected Optimus), and the Decepticon-controlled High Council. Transformers: Robots in Disguise


  1. Assorted promotional material for the Fall of Cybertron video game dates this period to 70 million years ago. This seems particularly excessive, even for a race that normally measures its history in millions of years, and is clearly only employed to justify the presence of dinosaurs on Earth, so Shockwave can create the Dinobots by studying them. IDW's Fall of Cybertron comic addressed this by making it clear that Shockwave was looking through time as well as space, as he makes mention of the dinosaurs' extinction by meteorite, establishing that this era is after the dinosaurs died out. This is also reinforced (perhaps unintentionally) by the fact that Snarl and Sludge transform into a Stegosaurus and an Apatosaurus- dinosaur species that lived almost a hundred million years before T. rex, Pteranodon, and Triceratops. Later, solicitations for IDW's first Beast Hunters comic issue would establish that series's setting as "a few thousand years" after this era, and that comic's exact point in time would be spelled out in the final two Beast Hunters issues, placing it towards the end of the Prime cartoon in the present day era.
  2. Rik Alvarez panel, slide show - See fan photos
  3. The Art of Prime artbook would later identify the dead Prime as Sentinel Prime, while Transformers: The Covenant of Primus would later retcon the body as being that of Liege Maximo—though it is implausible that anyone would know the location of his tomb, and further, the arm's red coloration doesn't jibe with Maximo's green-armoured appearance in the stories.
Timeline of the Aligned continuity family
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