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Predaking (Prime)

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The name or term "Predaking" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Predaking (disambiguation).
Predaking is the Predacon leader from the Aligned continuity family.
My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail is a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!

Predaking is a Decepticon-created beast, created from the CNA of his predecessor and brought to life by Shockwave's science. Originally, Megatron had expected this supposedly simple-minded dragon to follow his orders without question, but Predaking has shown that he is far more than meets the optic sensor. Since revealing his possession of a robot mode, Predaking has made it plain that he is as intelligent as any of Megatron's forces, with a sense of warrior's pride and no shortage of ambition. While he has repeatedly professed his loyalty to his lord and master, Megatron has taken note of his ambition to lead a resurrected Predacon race, not to mention his lofty self-imbued title. While the Decepticon ranks have held many an ambitious up-and-comer with an eye for mastery, Predaking may be the first one Megatron has legitimately feared. The last surviving member of his kind may be the most powerful being on planet Earth.

I am not your boss. I am your KING!

—Predaking asserts his dominance over the Predacons, Predacons Rising



Cartoon continuity

Prime cartoon

Voice actor: Peter Mensah (English), Alexander Kovrizhnykh (Russian), Vladimir Antonik (Russian, "Predacons Rising"), Enrique Cervantes (Latin American Spanish), Jaime Roca (Castilian Spanish), Marco Kröger (German), Jukka Pihlajaniemi (Finnish, season 3), Tero Koponen (Finnish, "Predacons Rising"), Jean-Marc Delhausse (French), Luiz Laffey (Brazilian Portuguese), Silvio Pandolfi (Italian), Hyeon Lee (Korean, season 3), Choi Han (Korean, "Predacons Rising")
Truly songs and tales fall utterly short of the reality, Oh Predaking, the Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities.

Having recovered Predacon CNA, Shockwave successfully cloned one of the great beasts, storing it in his lab. He brought the creature online and took it to Earth to hunt Autobots. Scattered After Shockwave gave it a whiff of Wheeljack's energon, it was dispatched and soon found its quarry near an energon mine. Wheeljack and Bulkhead fought the creature, first trying to blow it up with a grenade, then luring it into an explosive-laden mine in an attempt to destroy it. The beast emerged triumphant, only for Ultra Magnus to arrive in his ship and fire at it. It continued to dog the starship, clinging to the top of it until Magnus managed to knock it off by flying through a canyon. The Predacon returned to Megatron's citadel, where Starscream reflected it was a pity it couldn't tell them why it failed. The Predacon responded by growling, rather quietly and angrily. Prey When Darkmount came under attack, the Predacon was unleashed to attack the Autobots. It began chasing Ultra Magnus's ship, but was tricked into flying through a GroundBridge to the Arctic, where it swiftly froze. Rebellion

I laid low the warriors of old, and their like is not seen in the world today. Then, I was young and tender. Now I am old and strong, strong, strong!

Some time later, the temperature in the Arctic rose to a sufficient level to allow the Predacon to free itself. It swiftly tracked down the Nemesis, and Megatron decided to assign it to Starscream while Shockwave continued work on cloning more Predacons. After several hilarious attempts to make the beast compliant, Starscream was ordered to deploy it against the Autobots currently attacking one of the dig sites. The Predacon attacked Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack, eventually causing a cave-in after swatting away Wheeljack's grenade. The cave-in unearthed a Predacon optic, the sight of which awakened a vague memory in the beast. It brought the eye to Starscream, then engaged Miko Nakadai, who had acquired the Apex Armor. Overhearing Megatron's demand that the bone fragment be brought to him, the Predacon complied and left the rest to Starscream. Chain of Command

Back at the Nemesis, the Predacon responded to Starscream's continued orders with a swipe of his tail that missed the Decepticon but demolished the ship's communications array. Starscream frantically tried to fix it, eventually attempting to reboot the network by entering an override access code into a computer console. The Predacon watched him and later, when alone, it entered Starscream's access code into the computer and began to call up information on the origins and existence of Predacons. Plus One

Evolution Predaking Anger.jpg

During a tour of Shockwave's off-site laboratory, the Predacon revealed his intelligence and ability to transform to his fellow Cybertronians. He offered to lead the Predacons on Megatron's behalf as "Predaking", but Megatron was wary of giving control of an army more powerful than his own to someone else. On Starscream's advice, he arranged for the termination of the clones using the Autobots discovering the lab as a pretense. Predaking fell for the ruse, engaging Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack after they destroyed the clones. He disabled both and destroyed the Forge of Solus Prime, but was stopped from delivering the final blow by Optimus Prime. Evolution

Predaking continued to believe that once Cybertron was restored, Megatron would resurrect the rest of the Predacon race. As the Decepticons worked to repair the Omega Lock, Predaking was dispatched to Antarctica to battle the Autobots. He battled with Optimus Prime at length, and though he was almost buried under a glacier at one point, he eventually got the better of the Autobot leader and sent Prime crashing into the ground. Minus One He was prevented from finishing Optimus off when Megatron instructed him to make sure the target of the Decepticon mission was kept safe, and he had to retrieve Shockwave and a generator from the Solaris particle collider building. Back on the Nemesis, he found that the Decepticons had captured Ratchet, whom Megatron promised would be his to terminate once the Autobot's usefulness had ended. Persuasion

I am king under the mountain!

True to Megatron's word, Predaking was presented with Ratchet as a plaything; however, once the Autobot revealed that Megatron had arranged for the Autobots to find Shockwave's lab, Predaking went on a rampage through the ship. After demolishing every Vehicon in his path, the Predacon attacked Megatron and almost got the better of his former leader. A missile to the back from Starscream rattled him enough that Megatron was able to blast him out of an airlock. Synthesis Predaking somehow clung to the hull and went unnoticed by anyone, until the warship returned to Cybertron and restored the planet. Witnessing the world's resurrection, Predaking transformed and flew off. Deadlock

I think our little game ends here. So tell me, Starscream, how do you choose to die?

He found a Predacon burial ground, uncovered by the movement during the planet's rebirth. It was there that the Autobots found him, and attempted to persuade him to help them find two new Predacons they'd encountered. Though Predaking refused as he couldn't forgive them for their role in the destruction of his kind, he went searching himself and soon found evidence that the Autobots had been telling the truth. His signal intended to attract the two Predacons instead brought Unicron, now in possession of Megatron's form, to his position. Unicron attempted to gain Predaking's allegiance, unaware of Predaking's betrayal, but the Predacon instead attacked the chaos bringer. Unicron defeated him, taking the location of the burial ground from his mind, and by the time Predaking returned, he found to his horror that Unicron had desecrated the site. It was there that he encountered two other Predacons, Darksteel and Skylynx. Though these two Predacons were not willing to obey, Predaking quickly asserted his dominance over the two. After a suggestion from Shockwave, Predaking led them in an attempt to assist the Autobots in fighting Unicron's horde of Terrorcon Predacons. Although Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel were pushed into the Well, they were successful in slowing the horde down long enough for Optimus Prime to defeat Unicron, causing the Terrorcons to disintegrate. The trio later tracked Starscream down to Darkmount, intending to exact some revenge. Predacons Rising

Titan Prime comic

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Collider Scope Power Outage Starscream's Beast

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

When Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel confronted Starscream in Darkmount, the treacherous Decepticon fled into the depths of the fortress. Darksteel and Skylynx pursued, but were seemingly destroyed by an armed security system that Starscream accidentally tripped.

When Starscream boasted of his victory to Bumblebee, he spoke as if all the Predacons had been exterminated, but Predaking was not seen during these events, and what became of him was not explicitly stated. Mini-Con Madness

IDW Robots in Disguise comic

At some point Predaking traveled to Earth, bringing Starscream's severed arm with him. Optimus Prime and Windblade found him hanging out in a cave in the Sierra Vistas and after a brief fight, the Predacon fled, leaving Starscream's arm behind. Robots in Disguise #6

Tales of the Beast Hunters

Predaking's presence was so frightening that the Autobots began hunting for ways to combat him. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 1 With the news that a couple of Autobots were heading for a derelict starship in the asteroid belt, Megatron and Predaking set out to intercept them. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 2 They successfully found the derelict and interrupted Bumblebee and Wheeljack looting it for gear. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 4 Though the two villains initially had the upper hand, Optimus Prime arrived Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 5 and managed to hold off Predaking long enough for the other two Autobots to escape. As the ship exploded, Predaking saw Megatron plunge through the floor. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 6 He returned to the Nemesis and reported their leader's apparent demise to the other Decepticons, who immediately blamed Starscream. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 7

Predaking went out hunting for Optimus Prime, and soon found his prey searching for him in the desert. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 17 Though Predaking was confident he would have an easy victory, Optimus powered up one of the weapons taken from the derelict and warned his opponent that their battle was far from over. Predaking's confidence faded, and he felt fear for the first time in millions of years. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 18 The battle ended in Predaking's defeat. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 23

Full of Fire!

Predaking was unleashed with five other Predacons on the Autobots, who proved more formidable after having built themselves new weapons. Predaking's fire was stopped short by Optimus Prime's Dragon Cannons, and the other Predacons had a similar lack of fortune, so they withdrew back to the Nemesis. Full of Fire!

Construct-Bots cartoon

Construct-Bots short Predaking.jpg

Predaking came upon Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave playing cards within the Decepticons' volcano base. For his own amusement, he breathed fire on the gang, sending them scrambling in all directions. He continued to peer through the volcano's crater as the Decepticons attempted to upgrade themselves with some new parts, only for the Autobots to sabotage the process. He chuckled merrily at the Decepticons' misfortune. Intro!

Predaking harassed Starscream once again when he found him preening in front of a full-length mirror. He swooped down, breaking Starscream's mirror to bits and scattering the Decepticon's pieces about, before continuing on his way. Take Flight!

Commercial appearances

  • Toy versions of Optimus and Bumblebee came to life to duke it out against toy versions of Predaking and Lazerback in a child's room. Bumblebee and Optimus came out victorious, and bumped fists while their restrained opponents dangled beneath them. Beast Hunters toys commercial


Hunt the Beasts online game

As Shockwave attempted to reach Megatron to warn him that his Predacon experiments had broken free and were heading for Earth, Predaking overpowered him, ending the transmission. Hunt the Beasts

Transformers Prime: Portal of Destruction

Through a series of simulations, Predaking's destructive prowess was tested out. In said simulations, Predaking would wreak havoc upon a human city, destroying both the skyscrapers and the military vehicles that attempted to put a stop to his rampage. Portal of Destruction

Transformers Prime: Beast Creator

When Shockwave left his technology unattended, you could use it to custom-create your own monstrous Predacon! Predaking's CNA was accessible through the cloning machine, resulting in Predacons that shared component parts with him. Beast Creator

Transformers: Construct-Bots

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Parts of Predaking were available for you to use in constructing your very own bots.




Surely you realize that your success has made you some bitter enemies?
  • Predaking (Cyberverse Commander, 2013)
    • Series/Number: 3 / 002
    • Accessories: Cybervenom rocket, launcher/tail
Part of the first wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Predaking transforms from a dragon into a robot and back! His tail detaches to become a "Cybervenom Rocket Launcher" that fires a missile via pressure-launch, and can be wielded via 3mm post. Care should be taken when attaching this to the dragon mode, as the rectangular bracket it slots into easily snaps.
Although the instructions tell you to flip down the halves of the head below to serve as the robot's "pair of tails", you can also actually flip them up to the robot mode's back as seen in the initial stock photos.

The darkness is coming!
  • Optimus Prime vs Predaking (Cyberverse Commander 2-pack, 2013)
    • Accessories: Cybervenom rocket, launcher/tail
Part of the "Predacons Rising" subline imprint, Predaking is a redeco of his Cyberverse Commander Class toy in purple, black, and red, intended to homage the 2001 Robots in Disguise Megatron. How successful this was is up to you. He comes in a two-pack with a very clearly Thunder Clash-inspired redeco of Commander Class Optimus Prime.
Like all Predacons Rising releases, the Optimus Prime/Predaking two-pack was exclusive to Target stores in the United States and Canada and to Tesco stores in the UK, and is also supposed to be exclusive to Carrefour elsewhere in Europe (presumably in France and/or Spain, though there have been no sightings as of yet). It has also been found at Rossmann drug stores in Germany and Ripley stores in Chile and popped up at BigW stores in Australia much later, in mid-2014. Also, like all Predacons Rising multi-pack redecos of Beast Hunters Cyberverse figures, the Cyberverse logo is nowhere to be found on the packaging.

Is that your child? You cannot save him from the fire. He will BURN!!
  • Shockwave's Lab (SDCC 2013 exclusive)
    • Accessories: Lab Playset
A redeco of the Commander Class Predaking, this set depicts Shockwave's creation of Predaking, complete with a lab playset and a Beast Hunters Voyager Shockwave in bright purple and black. Despite what the stock pictures suggest, the actual figure was released in a mixture of translucent and opaque blue plastics.
This set was exclusively available at the Hasbro Toy Shop booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2013 and later at the Hasbro Toy Shop website, and is labeled as "02 of 30" of the Thrilling 30 exclusive toys.

  • Shockwave's Lab (Cybertron Con 2013)
    • Accessories: Lab Playset
Exclusive to Cybertron Con, this Shockwave's Lab set is essentially unchanged from the San Diego Comic Con version, the only difference being that the Predaking figure is now in translucent and opaque orange. This set is labeled as "06 of 30" of the Thrilling 30 exclusive toys.

Beast Hunters

Well, thief? I smell you, I feel your air—and I hear your breath. Come along. Help yourself; there's plenty, and to spare.
  • Predaking (Voyager Class, 2013)
    • Series/Number: 2 / 002
    • Accessories: Two Hydrafire Blasters, two missiles, sword/tail
Part of the first wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Voyager Class toys, this Predaking transforms into a three-headed dragon, and comes with a tail that detaches to become a sword that can be (loosely) held by his hands. His extra dragon heads/"Hydrafire Blasters" are spring-loaded missile launchers that are geared to straighten their necks and launch their missiles when the levers behind them are pulled. This configuration for his beast mode, coupled with his colors do a lot to make him resemble Cybertron Scourge. They can also combine into a larger weapon, with their gears being connected so that they move and fire in unison. The heads/blasters mount via 5mm post onto his back and forearms.
Cybertronix symbols are detailed into various parts of his body, including the Hydrafire Blaster heads and robot mode legs. Soft plastic is used on various parts of Predaking, including his beast mode head and feet/hands. Due to the soft plastic, quality control is a bit random; some batches of figures may have deformations in-package, or may have difficulty gripping the sword since the slot is only on one half of the hand.
While he is usually shown with his wings spread in robot mode, something not shown, even in his instructions, is that his wings can be folded down against themselves to resemble their appearance in the show.
His packaging stock photography depicts several deco differences from the final product, such as black-painted wing membranes and yellow missiles. His instructions include the sixth chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series. Predaking was slightly redecoed into Dragotron.

I am fire. I am... ice?
  • Cryofire Predaking (Voyager Class, 2013)
    • Accessories: Two Hydrafire Blasters, two missiles, sword/tail
Released in Wave 2 of the "Predacons Rising" subline imprint, Predaking is a redeco of his first Voyager Class toy in mostly blue shades, seemingly inspired by Cryo Scourge who was in turn inspired by Cryotek.
As a second wave Predacons Rising release, Cryofire Predaking was only available as a Target exclusive in the United States (and not in Canada, Australia or Europe).

That's better! But don't let your imagination run away with you.
  • Beast Fire Predaking (Ultimate Class, 2013)
    • Accessories: Two launchers, two missiles, tail/Infernum Blade
Beast Fire Predaking is the largest representation of Predaking and features a 21-inch wingspan, although the wings easily detach from their bases for safety reasons, and to allow easier access to the battery compartment on his back. He comes with two spring-loaded missile launchers, and his tail detaches to become the Infernum Blade, all of which can peg onto his hands, wrists, and wings via 5mm post.
Packaging variants rising.
He also has light-up features in his dragon head, as well as his robot head and torso. The dragon head is lit by pulling on a lever on his neck, swinging the head down and opening his mouth in the process. The robot head and torso are lit by pressing the translucent-yellow button on his right shoulder. Batteries are not included.
His rear legs are mis-transformed in package, not having been angled and tabbed into his thighs. His packaging stock photography depicts his sword with orange paint details that were replaced with silver in the final product. His instructions include the eighteenth chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series.
While the toy is classified as an Ultimate Class figure, It is dwarfed by the Ultimate Class Beast Hunters Optimus Prime figure; Optimus is nigh Supreme sized whereas Predaking is roughly the size of a Prime Weaponizer and the like. Clearly the designers chose wingspan over mass.
In international markets, such as Canada, Singapore, the Philippines, Europe and Australia, Beast Fire Predaking was released as part of the first wave of mainline Prime: Beast Hunters Ultimate Class toys. In the United States, he was rebranded and repackaged in the Target-exclusive "Predacons Rising" subline, with new instructions lacking the Tales chapter.
This mold was repurposed as Dragotron, and was redecoed as Guren Dragotron.

You have nice manners for a thief... And a LIAR!
  • Optimus Prime vs. Predaking (multi-pack, 2013)
    • Accessories: Two Hydrafire Blasters, two missiles, sword/tail
A minor redeco of Beast Hunters Voyager Class Predaking that adds black paint operations to the dragon wings, has the robot head and primary dragon head, as well as the soft parts on the secondary dragon heads/missile launchers, cast in gray instead of black plastic, and omits most silver paint operations on them, changes the paint operation on the tip of the sword/tail from gold to orange, and reverses the silver and gray plastic colors for the hard plastic parts on the secondary dragon heads/missile launchers and the missiles. Even weirder, this Predaking is tampographed with the "prototype" Predacon insignia instead of the single release's regular one.
This version was only available in a two-pack with an ever-so-slightly less redecoed Voyager Class Optimus Prime, which has thus far only been released at Toys"R"Us stores in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Germany. In Germany, it was explicitly advertised as a Toys"R"Us exclusive. This box was available at regular retail in Brazil.

Revenge! Revenge! The King under the Mountain is dead and where are his kin that dare seek revenge?
  • Predaking (Voyager Class, 2014)
    • Series/Number: 3 / 002
    • Accessories: Blaster, missile, tail/Infernum Sword
Part of the first wave of Beast Hunters Series 3 Voyager Class toys, Predaking is functionally an upsized copy of his Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse Commander Class toy, though with the articulation and sculpted details based on his larger toys, and the replacement of his ball joints with more robust ratchet joints. As a result, his complexity is lower than in his previous Voyager Class toys, but he ends up being much, much more massive, even giving Ultimate Beast Fire Predaking a run for his money! In terms of deco, he is made primarily of smokey-black translucent plastic, with fiery orange paint applications. Unfortunately, the transparent plastic used is prone to stress marks.
For accessories, the tail detaches to become a huge Infernum Sword, and he also comes with a show-accurate blaster with a pressure-fired missile. All of his accessories peg via 5mm post into his hands, and the blaster can also store on a peg-hole located on the sword's "spine". The missile uses the same mold as the one included with the Cyberverse version.


Old fool, there's a patch in the hollow of your left breast as bare as a snail out of its shell.
  • Predaking (Beast Hunters, 2013)
    • 11 OF 30
Part of the store exclusive Predacons Rising subline imprint, Construct-Bots Predaking was sold at the price-point of a triple-changer.
His tremendous wings, while being pretty awesome looking, are very restricted in their movement and make Predaking extremely back heavy. He uses primarily unique parts save for his torso and feet which are from Starscream, his forearm armor from Megatron and his blasters from Blitzwing.


I will not part with a single coin! Not one piece of it!
  • Predaking (Custom Kreon, 2014)
    • Set number: A7319
    • Pieces: 43
    • Accessories: Rack, bladed staff, pistol, 2 claws, spare hand
Part of the second wave of Custom Kreons, Kre-O Predaking comes with a buildable rack to store his customizable parts. His torso, arms, waist, and legs have a metal-flake sheen. His "normal" helmet and wings are chromed, plus he comes with an extra transparent torso and helmet, as well as a pair of large Kreon-compatible beast-legs (originally from the Kre-O Star Trek Gorn). He also has a pair of extra arms (originally from the Kre-O Battleship aliens), a buildable bladed staff, a small pistol, and a pair of twin-claws.
Though widely solicited, this wave of Custom Kreons ultimately never saw release outside of the Hasbro Toy Shop online store and Chinese-market distribution circles.

Dinobot Adventures

Thief! Fire! Murder!
  • Predaking / Grimlock / Dinobot Snarl (Dinobot Squad 3-pack, 2021)
Dinobot Adventures Predaking is a redeco of the Rescue Bots Rescan Series Heatwave the Fire-Bot dragon-mode figure and features a single-step autotransformation from two-headed dragon to robot mode.
Although no mention is made of Predaking's faction in the packaging, the toy retains its Rescue Bots-style Autobot insignia left over from Heatwave. Whether it was an intentional decision to keep it or if they just didn't want to retool the mold to remove it is unclear.
Predaking is only available in a 3-pack alongside Grimlock and Dinobot Snarl.


Never laugh at live dragons.
  • According to former Hasbro creative manager Rik Alvarez, Predaking's early inability to transform in the Prime cartoon was a result of the showrunners initially not having the money to finish his other models, as the relatively last-minute decision to include him in the show threw off their budget.[2]
  • Predaking seems to employ mass displacement. It's been shown multiple times that his beast mode's big enough to toss around Cybertronians like chew-toys, while his robot mode stands only head and shoulders over Megatron. This is likely so he can have scenes in robot mode while inside the Nemesis.

Foreign Names

  • Mandarin: Chōng Yúnxiāo (China, 冲云霄, "Rush to the sky")


  1. "I have worked on all those packages ;)."—Marcelo Matere, Twitter, 2023/06/22
  2. Toy Hype USA Interview with Alvarez
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