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Trypticon (WFC)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Trypticon (disambiguation), Nemesis (disambiguation).
Trypticon is a Decepticon from the Aligned continuity family.
Yes, there was a grammatically incorrect caption regarding my discharge of energy weaponry. Why do you ask?

A titan of a Decepticon, Trypticon casts a vast shadow across the battlefield whenever he appears. Though he once turned into Trypticon Station, a neutral scientific outpost, Trypticon's intelligence is only just enough to make him an effective warrior, even if it hardly seems needed with his vast array of weapons. He is equally formidable in his alternate form of the Decepticons' fortress of a warship, the Nemesis, even after a space bridge accident sent his personality into stasis. Carrying Megatron and the remnants of his Decepticon uprising, the Nemesis is still a force to be reckoned with.

You cannot stop me, Autobots. I am... Trypticon. I am... your death.Trypticon, before he goes Godzilla on everyone, Transformers: War for Cybertron



Aligned novels

Prior to the war, Trypticon Station was used for research that could not be conducted planetside, including the first forays into sequestering the Dark Energon that had resulted from Unicron's attack on Cybertron. Its security was seen to by the Seeker caste. There were records that indicated that at the time Dark Energon was placed aboard by an ancient High Council, the station underwent a major overhaul: Alpha Trion confirmed that it was given a spark and made a living being at that point. Air Commander Starscream was one of the few with knowledge of its secrets. As a result, he ordered his forces to occupy it after the capture of Sentinel Prime, as a bargaining chip in negotiations with Megatron and his growing Decepticon army. Megatron decided he tired of negotiations and took Trypticon Station by force. Upon Starscream's return to the station, Megatron pressed the Seeker and ultimately gained access to the facility's research on Dark Energon. Megatron noted to Shockwave that there was potential for a spark within Trypticon, though Shockwave pointed out the Well no longer produced sparks. Megatron suggested he use the sparks of the scientists killed and maimed in the seize of Trypticon to give life to the station.

The supplies of Dark Energon from the initial harvest were slender, so Megatron required the means to transfer large quantities of energon to the station so that they could be converted into the rarer resource. As Trypticon Station was configured to receive fuel from the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge in Crystal City, the Decepticons were able to transfer an initial supply, but not nearly enough for the ravenous rate at which they were consuming Dark Energon. This was eventually remedied by Megatron's capture of the Plasma Energy Chamber, which provided a nearly unlimited source of fuel directly from Cybertron's core.

After a team led by Optimus Prime ventured into the planet's core to cut off the transfer, Megatron decided to switch tactics. He allowed Shockwave to apply the experimental knowledge he had gleaned over the course of the war, and Trypticon was granted true life, including the ability to shape its corridors into a dizzying array of defense drones and Minicons. Ultimately, a team of Autobots aboard the Eight Track found a gap in the station's external defenses and managed to venture within and knock the behemoth from orbit.

Victory was brief, however, as Trypticon revealed a robot form and crawled from the wreckage planetside. Though initially the Wreckers and Omega Supreme were tasked with keeping the gargantuan Decepticon away from the Ark launch, this proved to be in vain, as Megatron boarded Trypticon along with a hand-picked crew of the Decepticon elite. Transforming into a Nemesis-class battleship, Trypticon pursued the Ark to, and subsequently through, the last remaining functional space bridge in Cybertronian orbit. As the Ark emerged in unknown space, the Nemesis was nowhere within sensor range. Exodus

The Nemesis was heavily damaged due to its traveling through the last remaining, yet faulty, space bridge, and thus Trypticon's sentient functionality and transformation abilities were lost, perhaps forever. Megatron didn't care too much. The Nemesis was still a functioning, fearsome battleship, and that's all he required. Exiles

The Nemesis detected an Autobot distress call, which turned out to be a trick devised by the Star Seekers, who wanted to destroy the Decepticons. The Nemesis and the Star Seeker flagship, the Tidal Wave, engaged in dogfight with the Nemesis, on account of its greater mobility and the Requiem Blaster's poor heat dissipation, emerging victorious.

Soon after, the Nemesis arrived in orbit around Aquatron, engaging the Ark orbital firefight visible to the Autobots on the planet's surface before it used a tractor beam to try and cripple the Autobot ship. In response, the Aerialbots launched and combined into Superion who cut a swath of destruction through the Nemesis as he made his way to the engine room. In such a confined space however, the combiner's bulk proved more of a detriment than an advantage and Megatron was able to expel him from the warship. Though Sideswipe attempted to then ram the Ark into the Nemesis, a much more powerful tractor beam, fired by the Curator immobilized both ships.

The senior staff was invited down to the surface where the Curator revealed himself to be a Quintesson and that the species was now peaceful, being eager to act as a neutral third party in resolving the Great War. The next morning however, it was revealed that that was not the case and the rogue creations of Quintus Prime made another attempt to conquer Cybertron. When Megatron was taken prisoner, Starscream fled back to the Nemesis and took over, continually delaying a rescue of Megatron, until Soundwave saw the Ark head towards the planet for a rescue mission, and followed suit. In his haste, Soundwave essentially crashed into the city of Hydratron, taking out most of the city's defenses with it, but immobilizing the Nemesis. When the Curator started to sink Hydratron, the Ark used its tow cables to lift the Nemesis upwards, bolstered by Superion, but once they'd cleared the planet's gravity well, the Autobots left the immobilized Decepticons to their repairs. Retribution

Prime cartoon

Voice actor: Kevin Michael Richardson (English), Engelbert von Nordhausen (German), Octavio Rojas (Latin American Spanish), Jaime Roca (Castilian Spanish), Tero Koponen (Finnish), Carlos Campanile (Brazilian Portuguese), Zbigniew Konopka (Polish)
This doesn't look like Nemesis Prime at all!

Long after Cybertron had been rendered uninhabitable, the Nemesis was in orbit of the planet when Starscream's Vehicons forces captured the Autobots Cliffjumper and Arcee, the latter of whom had received a coded Autobot transmission. Starscream attempted to gain this information by torturing and then imprisoning Cliffjumper alongside Arcee on board the Nemesis, but failed to get any satisfaction. Out of the Past

The Nemesis served as the Decepticons' primary base of operations during their time on Earth. Constantly moving through the skies of the planet and cloaked against detection by either Autobot or human systems, it provided the villains with a mobile headquarters that allowed them to often remain one step ahead of their adversaries.

Sometime after arriving on Earth, Cliffjumper got a taste of the power of the Nemesis first-hand when he found it hovering over an Energon-filled crater, and it opened fire on him. Captured by Vehicons and brought aboard, Cliffjumper was slain on the ship's bridge by his old adversary Starscream, his body unable to be reclaimed by his fellow Autobots due to the ship's perpetual cloaking field hiding its location. Darkness Rising, Part 1 Soon after, Starscream relinquished command of the Nemesis to Megatron when he returned from his three-year sojourn in deep space, Darkness Rising, Part 2 but when he left to explore the properties of Dark Energon, control of the craft returned to Starscream, who had the Autobots' human ally William Fowler captured and brought to the ship's brig for interrogation. The Autobots subsequently invaded the ship on a rescue mission, during which Bulkhead damaged the ship's interstellar navigation array, Darkness Rising, Part 3 leaving it unable to triangulate co-ordinates for the Decepticons' new orbital space bridge.
The Nemesis bridge must be great for watching the Super Bowl.
Using a human installation as a substitute, the Decepticons moved the Nemesis into space so Megatron could send Dark Energon through the bridge to Cybertron, but when the Autobots sabotaged the bridge and caused it to explode, Starscream betrayed Megatron, moving the Nemesis out of range and leaving the Decepticon leader to be consumed in the blast. Darkness Rising, Part 5

Although Starscream was re-instated as commander of the Nemesis with Megatron's seeming death, the crew responded unenthusiastically to his dramatic first address. Soon after, when it was discovered that Megatron had actually survived the explosion thanks to Dark Energon, his stasis-locked body became a fixture of the ship's medical bay. Masters & Students The ship later gained another new resident in the Autobot Wheeljack, who was captured and locked up in the brig while the evil Makeshift took his place among the Autobots before escaping. Con Job


When the Nemesis's electromagnetic shielding broke while orbiting above China, the Autobots were able to locate the ship and infiltrate it in hopes of locating a cure for the Cybonic plague Optimus Prime had recently become infected with. Although successful, their actions set in motion the reawakening of Megatron, Sick Mind who returned to life and retook command in the middle of Starscream's newest plan, which involved equipping the Nemesis with a powerful heat ray. Out of His Head With Megatron back in charge, the Nemesis continued its stoic, continuous motion around the Earth, at one point moving out of Earth's atmosphere and into orbit. T.M.I.

As the Decepticons began looking for components for their new space bridge, the Nemesis returned to Earth's atmosphere and headed for a human military installation so Megatron could personally steal the new power source it contained. Optimus Prime and Bulkhead made it aboard the Nemesis and stole the power source back, but Optimus proceeded to go on a rampage through the ship's corridors until Megatron had him GroundBridged out. One Shall Fall Megatron subsequently left the Nemesis under Airachnid's command while he prostrated himself before Unicron, One Shall Rise, Part 1 who took the ship back to orbit. One Shall Rise, Part 2 When Airachnid attempted to incite rebellion among the crew, Soundwave smacked her down and took charge of the Nemesis until Megatron returned with an amnesiac Optimus Prime. One Shall Rise, Part 3

Though the Decepticons tried their best to keep "Orion Pax" in the dark, they had a security lapse when Arcee managed to get on board to hunt for the lost Autobot leader. Soundwave was able to get her back off the ship through deft use of the GroundBridge. It happened again sometime later when Starscream sneaked on board to steal energon cubes and stumbled on Orion. Orion Pax, Part 1 Starscream fled the ship, but his visit raised Orion's suspicions and he accessed the Decepticon database to find out the truth. Orion Pax, Part 2 The Decepticons had a full log of his activities and he was left under Vehicon guard to continue his work, but soon broke free and left the ship to help the Autobots. Orion Pax, Part 3

In control of a vast swarm of Insecticons, Airachnid launched an attack on the Nemesis in an attempt to kill Megatron. Meanwhile, Starscream was also gunning for Megatron after creating several clones of himself, which he dispatched to the Nemesis. In the middle of these attempted coups was a very confused Bulkhead who was inadvertently beamed up to the Nemesis whilst investigating an energon signal. Seeking an avenue of escape, he crippled the ship's power core, causing it to crash land and allowing Bulkhead to escape in vehicle mode. Armada

Megatron infused the ship's core with Dark Energon, bringing it back online, but also awakening the ship's mind. It immediately began its mission, decoding the Iacon database and heading towards the first of the coordinates in New York City. When the Decepticons resisted, the warship put them all into stasis. Fowler and the three kids GroundBridged aboard, and the ship at first failed to detect them as it wasn't scanning for organic life, which gave them the opportunity to try to reverse the ship's energon supply. Though the warship tried to stop them, they succeeded, and the warship returned to its mindless state. Flying Mind

During the hunt for the relics, Laserbeak was infected with a virus by Ratchet so when Soundwave returned to the ship, the Iacon database was transmitted to the Autobot mainframe. Triage

Tensions rose between Hardshell, Knock Out, the Insecticons and the rank and file Vehicons on the Nemesis, leading to an all-out brawl. Hurt

MECH leader Silas - integrated into the corpse of Breakdown - approached the Decepticons in an attempt to join their ranks, offering Project Damocles, a space-based particle cannon, as a token of friendship. The Decepticons launched an operation to retrieve the satellite weapon's interface codes from human military servers while the Nemesis deployed Damocles into space. Though the weapon worked as intended, the Autobots and their human allies ultimately destroyed Damocles, and for his failure Silas was dragged away to Knock Out's dissection table on the Nemesis. The Human Factor

The Nemesis was deployed to a set of coordinates from the Iacon database that indicated the resting place of an ancient relic. There, Megatron discovered that the relic was the legendary Star Saber, a weapon of immense power, and one that must not fall into the hands of Optimus Prime. After failing to retrieve the weapon or otherwise blast it out himself, he ordered the Decepticons to carve out the massive boulder in which the sword was embedded so the Nemesis could carry it away. As it was in the process of doing so, the Autobots suddenly attacked, with Optimus Prime charging in after the Star Saber. Despite Megatron's best efforts, Optimus managed to pull the sword from the boulder and then cleaved the rock in twain when Megatron had the Nemesis drop it on the Autobot leader out of spite. As Megatron watched on helplessly, Optimus followed this up by unleashing a wave of energy at the Nemesis which destroyed part of its engine array, causing it to narrowly miss crashing into a mountainside and forcing the ship to limp away. Legacy

The question of whether or not we are alone in the universe has been answered.

The Nemesis flew Megatron and Dreadwing to the Decepticons' space bridge orbiting the dark side of the Earth's Moon when they returned to Cybertron to find a way to counter the Star Saber's power. Alpha/Omega When Smokescreen was determined to be an Omega Key, he was captured and brought aboard the ship. Hard Knocks After being interrogated via cortical psychic patch, the Autobot stole the Keys stored aboard the Nemesis, and escaped by literally jumping ship. Starscream later returned to the ship with all four Keys in an effort to return to the Decepticons, Inside Job and is allowed to once he is deemed fit to return by Megatron after a cortical psychic patch. Patch An enraged and disillusioned Dreadwing steals the Forge of Solus Prime and gives it to the Autobots, and is killed in the ship's medical bay by Megatron when he tried to kill Starscream. The ship later flew Megatron and an army of flying Vehicons to the space bridge when the time came for a battle on Cybertron over the Omega Lock. Regeneration When Megatron created a new fortress on Earth with the Omega Lock's power, the Nemesis arrived in Jasper, and was the launch point for the assault on the newly discovered Autobot base. As the battle between the Autobots' other allies and the Decepticons' flyers raged, the Nemesis positioned itself over the base. When the battle had ended (with Wheeljack being shot down and Fowler forced to retreat), the Nemesis fired a colossal cannon on the base, destroying the mountain. Darkest Hour

The Nemesis was docked at Darkmount with the Decepticons now using the fortress as their main base of operations. However, the ship was still used for coordinating attacks Darkmount, NV as well as storage of the Forge, the stasis-locked Airachnid, the Apex Armor, and the Star Saber. Smokescreen retrieved the Forge from the ship when prompted to save a dying Optimus Prime. Prey The Nemesis was finally deployed once again when an Autobot assault destroyed Darkmount, the Decepticons regrouping on board the ship. Rebellion

The Nemesis had a kennel set up for the Predacon, where Starscream failed to train it. Chain of Command The ship's communication dish was damaged by the beast, blacking out Decepticon communications, and Starscream unsuccessfully tried to have it repaired before Megatron found out. Plus One Soon afterwards, Starscream and Knock Out's experiment to create an army of super-soldiers backfired spectacularly when Cylas was turned into a Terrorcon that drained Energon from a victim. The ensuing battle spread all over the warship, and resulted in Cylas's death, and Airachnid being freed from her stasis pod, though she and her Insecticon army were bridged to a moon of Cybertron by Soundwave. The Decepticons' numbers were severely depleted with the loss of the Insecticons and more than half of their remaining troops. Thirst

Megatron: "Shockwave, lock onto those coordinates and fire the Omega Lock!"
Shockwave: "Your redundancy is most illogical, my liege."

When Megatron resolved to rebuild the Omega Lock, Minus One it was constructed on the underbelly of the Nemesis by the time Ratchet had been brought aboard to finish his work on synthetic Energon. Persuasion When the formula was completed, Ratchet made a run for it and tried to sabotage his work, but was caught in a hallway of the ship. He was given to Predaking for execution, but he turned the juggernaut on the Decepticons, triggering a rampage in which many Vehicons were slaughtered. Megatron was able to defeat Predaking and ejected him from the ship, Synthesis but he still clung onto the ship while Ratchet brought the Autobots on board to take the warship. As Optimus and Megatron dueled, and the latter's lieutenants fought Arcee, Ratchet and Smokescreen, Jack and the Apex Armor-clad Miko took the bridge, banishing Soundwave to the shadowzone, while the Wreckers took on the rest of the Vehicons aboard the ship. When Megatron was killed by Bumblebee, Starscream and Shockwave fled along with what remained of the Vehicons, leaving the ship in Autobot control. The team took the ship to Cybertron, using the Omega Lock to revive the planet through the Well of All Sparks, and parking the Nemesis on the surface of the restored Cybertron, while Predaking flew off for parts unknown. Deadlock

The Autobots used the ship as a base during their work, keeping the remaining Decepticons in a cell. It was taken into battle for the last time when Unicron returned to the planet, raising an army of Terrorcons with which to destroy Primus. The warship didn't last long before it was shot down and crashed near the Well of All Sparks. Predacons Rising

Titan Prime comic

While navigating a storm, the Vehicons had a particularly hard time piloting the Nemesis. All the President's 'Bots!

Megatron later brought the Nemesis to the Erta Ale volcano so he could force Starscream to partake in gladiatorial combat there. Megatron's Law

Some time later, Bulkhead was taken prisoner aboard the Nemesis and put in confinement within an Ultra Prison. When the Autobots turned up to rescue their comrades, they blew a massive hole in the hull on their way out of the warship. The Battle for Bulkhead

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Trypticon acted as Megatron's personal weapon of mass destruction. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Nightra claimed that bounty hunter Blastwave was actually an escapee from "Trypticon Prison", implying that the Nemesis was converted for penitentiary duties following the rebirth of Cybertron. Guilty As Charged

Commercial appearances

Be very glad Trypticon isn't active to see this.

Two Vehicons, caught up in the holiday spirit of Christmastime, extensively decorated the Nemesis with lights, trees, and a moving reindeer that flatly droned "HO HO HO". Megatron, infuriated by the spectacle, demanded the capture of whoever was responsible so they could face punishment. The guilty Vehicons meekly kept their mouths shut. 30-Second Holiday Special: "Decepticon Holidays: Holiday Schmoliday"


War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

Voice actor: Fred Tatasciore (English), Sylvain Lemarié (French), Javier Gámir (Spain-Spanish)
Ha! Ha! Ha! You haven't defeated me, Autobots. You have only untethered your own destroyer!Trypticon decides to freak out the Aerialbots, Transformers: War for Cybertron

Before war broke out, Trypticon Station was connected to the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge so the scientists aboard could fulfill their many experiments. The crew experimented with Dark Energon, its effects ravaging a portion of the outer hull, the section being eventually sealed off. High in orbit, the station missed out on most of Cybertron's technological leaps, its technology being considered "ancient" by the time of the Great War.

When war broke out, the station was assaulted by Megatron for the Dark Energon, the Decepticon leader proving able to tame its awesome power. Erroneously believing he could use Dark Energon to bring all of Cybertron under his command, Megatron had Starscream restart the Energon Bridge, bringing the station back to full operational capacity.

After Optimus Prime learnt how badly the Core had been corrupted, he ordered the Autobot fleet to abandon the planet only for Megatron to have the station target the evacuation ships. Optimus scrambled the Aerialbots into action, but only Jetfire, Air Raid, and Silverbolt managed to breach the station's defences. The three fliers aimed to sabotage the station's coolant but failed to account for back-up systems allowing the bombing to continue. As the trio ventured further into the station, the station revealed itself to be a monstrous Titan known as Trypticon who turned his weapon first on various Cybertronian landmarks, such as Zeta Prime's Vaults, the Hall of Ancients, the Stellar Galleries and the Code Archives, before finally acquiring the coordinates for Optimus Prime. As the Titan charged his weapon, the fliers destroyed his conversion cog, reverting him to his robot mode.

Well hello it's me, the giant.

Despite the cog's destruction, Trypticon continued unabated, using his jet pack and mouth laser to continue his attack before the pack was destroyed and the Titan fell outside Iacon. Optimus, Ironhide, and Bumblebee went to investigate the crash and battled the Titan, first overloading his shoulder-mounted weapons systems, then attacking his heat vents, before destroying Trypticon's auxiliary power cores. Defeated, Trypticon made a last-ditch effort to attack, but lost his balance and fell into an energon lake below when Optimus Prime unleashed an energy wave with his energon-axe. War for Cybertron

Cybertron Adventures

After his weapons were restored, Trypticon made a stand for the Decepticons and started destroying Autobots. Optimus, convincing the Autobots to keep the fight going, made a stand with Bumblebee and Ironhide. The bad news was that Trypticon's only weak spot was in his mouth, but the good news was the Autobots didn't give up.

After half of his health depleted, Trypticon made one more stand, and used his true power. Even though the blasts were powerful, Optimus and the Autobots fired one huge blast, making the monster fall to his demise. Cybertron Adventures

War for Cybertron (DS)


Megatron conquered Trypticon Space Station to manufacture Dark Energon to aid in his planet-wide conquest. However, Megatron found he needed to access the Core of Cybertron to continue to power their Dark Energon supply. Upon defeating Autobot leader Zeta Prime, and later Omega Supreme, Megatron succeeded in his quest.

However, not too long afterwards, newly ascended Autobot leader Optimus Prime freed the Core from the Dark Energon, and ordered a planet-wide evacuation of the population from Cybertron. Megatron began using Trypticon Space Station to fire upon the evacuating Autobot masses, prompting a strike from Optimus' team. The Autobots were able to make Trypticon Space Station crash to Cybertron... only for it to transform into a city-sized Decepticon dinosaur. Luckily, Optimus and his 'bots finally defeated the titan, and ended the threat of Dark Energon for good. War for Cybertron

Fall of Cybertron

Trypticon. If you can hear me, understand that this is not a rescue mission. Despite your immense power, you failed to destroy the Autobots. You failed me. Henceforth, your chassis will be altered and redesigned to my specifications.

—Megatron, upset that he didn't get to be the final boss of the first game

Nemesis FOC.jpg

After his defeat at the hands of Optimus Prime, Trypticon's body was salvaged from the Energon pool and dismantled, kept in (still very large) pieces. With the planet's Energon reserves dwindling or mostly hogged by the Decepticons, the Autobots were forced to start draining Trypticon's inert, but still living form for Energon. Though Optimus and Ratchet had severe reservations about this, the former justified it based on the many Autobot lives Trypticon had taken.

Sometime later, Shockwave informed Megatron of a planet rich with resources that they could reach by space bridge, and all they needed was a vessel to take them there. While the scientist worked on the space bridge, the leader led an assault on the labs where Trypticon's body parts were being held. Though having only come to scavenge pieces of the Titan to build a new space cruiser, the Decepticons soon found that Trypticon was still alive and thus, his own starship mode could be utilized for their purposes. Soundwave was able to reassemble Trypticon, though the Titan remained in deep stasis, but before he could commence repairs Megatron overruled him, stating that, since he'd failed in his task of destroying the Autobots, he would be transformed into warship form, even as Soundwave warned that the damage meant Trypticon would be trapped in alternate mode, the Titan giving only a growl as the procedure commenced. Once Soundwave's work was complete, the Nemesis, as it was now referred to, pursued the Ark as it departed Cybertron, and engaged it in a fierce ship-to-ship battle in front of the wormhole of a space bridge. As Optimus and Megatron duelled, the space bridge began tearing both ships apart, and ultimately sucked both ships through to parts unknown. Fall of Cybertron

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

Rotds Trypticon.jpg

During the war, Starscream led a small group of Decepticons on a secret mission to Trypticon's wreckage to siphon energon from his remains for their own purposes. However, at the same time, the Autobot Jetfire arrived at Trypticon's remains on a mission of his own. Jetfire redirected Starscream's stolen energon to Trypticon's weapons systems, firing upon the Decepticon base Kolkular. Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

Transformers Prime: Battle For Energon

Bulkhead infiltrate the Nemesis to snatch away the Decepticons' Energon stores. Transformers Prime: Battle For Energon

Transformers: Prime - The Game

Looks like Tom Sawyer whitewashed the Nemesis.

When a meteor of pure Dark Energon hurtled towards Earth, Megatron had the Nemesis intercept and tow it from an anchor point on the flight deck. When the Autobots boarded the warship, they severed the anchor, the Decepticons instantly switching to a backup towing system on the underbelly. When this too was destroyed, the meteor broke apart, Megatron ordering the Nemesis to where the largest chunk had landed while his forces hunted down the separated Autobots. When the Nemesis arrived, the immobilized Thunderwing was duelling Optimus Prime, Megatron using the warship's artillery to quickly down the Herald of Unicron. When Thunderwing was brought aboard, and restrained in one of the ship's laboratories, he and Megatron reached an agreement that the Decepticons would repair the giant. The repairs were overseen by the captive Ratchet, himself coerced into cooperating by the captured Miko and Raf.

When Starscream was defeated by Bulkhead, the Wrecker forced him to let him onto the Nemesis, Ratchet using this distraction to escape from Megatron and free Miko and Raf. When the trio chased Soundwave out of the ship's communication suite, they called in Arcee and Bumblebee who managed to defeat their Decepticon counterparts. Starscream meanwhile had lured Bulkhead into a trap, leaving him to the Vehicons, only to be defeated. Limping, Starscream made his way to Thunderwing, trying to steal away the monster's power core, only to be caught in the act by Megatron. At this moment, Thunderwing reactivated and installed the power core himself, breaking free of his restraints, and blasting through the upper hull to freedom. Though the Nemesis was left listing, the Autobots using the chaos to escape, it remained airborne. Transformers: Prime - The Game


  • Trypticon's head is available as a Fire Breather-type component for Infiltrator-class characters in Fall of Cybertron multiplayer.
  • Trypticon has two seemingly conflicting origins in Exodus. Orion Pax researches the station and discovers that in "ancient times" it was secretly "recreated" from a simple space station and was raised to sentience, given a living spark (pg. 82) when Dark Energon was hidden aboard by an "ancient" iteration of the High Council headed by Sentinel Prime. Alpha Trion confirms this to be true. Beforehand, however Megatron refers to the station as being "semi-sentient" and afterwards as a sparkless drone before Shockwave makes it into a Transformer with many sparks.
  • When asked whether Trypticon was alive after that first sparking or not until Shockwave, Alex Irvine passed on commenting on the grounds that to do so would give something important away...
  • In the end credits for War for Cybertron, Trypticon is briefly seen grappling with Omega Supreme. Now if we had only seen that in gameplay.
Trypticon Station.jpg
Megatron terrorize Trypticon? Trypticon... terrorize!
  • Trypticon seems to suffer from mass-displacement. Considering the scale of his space station mode, he should be much bigger in robot form. In fact in Fall of Cybertron, he appears to be smaller (likely half the size he was in the last game). In Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark despite being transformed he's still large enough to house an entire level for Jetfire.
  • In "Flying Mind", neither Megatron nor the other Decepticons directly confirm that the Dark Energon is affecting Trypticon himself, despite every other piece of Aligned fiction identifying the Nemesis as Trypticon's reformatted body. A wire-frame of his robot mode can even be seen briefly during the episode, although no attention is called to it. The Art of Prime would later confirm it, along with a better look at the concept art of his robot mode; however for some reason, during the series the ship was always addressed as "the Decepticon warship", and only once as "the Nemesis" (by the Autobots, no less). According to episode writer Bob Skir, the awakening Nemesis wasn't meant to be Trypticon.[1] Sources have discussed that the Prime writers disagreed on how (or even if) to use backstory from other Aligned properties, making the uncertain case of the Nemesis' identity a possible result of this conflict.

Foreign names


  • Japanese: Nemesis (ネメシス Nemeshisu)
  • Mandarin: Bàoyìng Hào (China, 报应号, "Retribution")
  • Russian: Nemezida (Немезида, "Nemesis")


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