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Proton missile

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Ravage skids proton missile command performances.jpg

Proton missiles are powerful weapons that come in a range of sizes; some are small enough to be carried by individual Transformers—most notably the Decepticon Ravage—while others are large enough to be fitted to vehicles and even starships.



Marvel The Transformers comics

In the early days of the war, Ruckus was blown to pieces by a proton missile at the battle of Valvolux. Ruckus's Universe profile In jet mode, Needlenose was equipped with air-to-air proton missiles. Needlenose's Universe profile

During a confrontation with the treacherous Starscream, Ravage attempted to ambush the airborne Decepticon with his proton missiles, but to no avail. The Enemy Within!

When Skids was distracted by Jake Dalrymple as the Autobots retreated from the Decepticons' Wyoming base, Ravage took him out of action with a proton missile. Command Performances!

Dinobot War

In an excursion to Earth's past, Ravage was armed with proton missiles. If you made the wrong decision, he killed you and Sludge with them. Dinobot War

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Backstreet was armed with two launchers that he could use to fire independently targeted laser-guided proton missiles and also use to boost his speed in vehicle mode. Backstreet's More than Meets the Eye profile Iron Works's base was equipped with a surface-to-air proton missile launcher. Iron Works's More than Meets the Eye profile in jet mode, Jetfire could deploy heat-seeking proton missiles. Jetfire's More than Meets the Eye profile Roughstuff's trailer carried with two proton missiles that it could also deploy in jet mode. Roughstuff's More than Meets the Eye profile Raindance was armed with two air-to-air proton missiles, ostensibly only for self-defense. Raindance's More than Meets the Eye profile Slamdance could also use Raindance's proton missile launchers. Slamdance's More than Meets the Eye profile

2005 IDW continuity

Rodimus acquired a number of proton missiles from the Hedonians and armed the Lost Light with them. Signal to Noise After returning to the Lost Light and discovering Getaway's treachery, Mirage and the Protectobots attempted to flee in the O Fortuna but Getaway took out the shuttle's engines with a proton missile and brought them back to the ship with a tractor beam. Full Circle

Once the Lost Light arrived at Mederi, they came under attack from the Phantom Fleet using all but one of their proton missiles in defence before Getaway managed to bargain with the Grand Architect. The last was later used to harass Team Rodimus. A Dance Before Dying

Wings Universe

The Tidal Wave was armed with proton missiles. During the skirmish with the monster of the Demon's Maw, the ship's gunner Brimstone fired them deep down the beast's gullet on Captain Cannonball's command. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

The Surface-to-Air Proton Missile Launcher was Ironworks' primary weapon. Earthrise webpage[1]


The Transformers

  • Raindance and Grand Slam (Cassette 2-pack, 1988)
    • Accessories: 2 proton missiles
Raindance came with two proton missiles that arm his Cybertronian hover plane mode.

G1-Zone-toy Roughstuff-MissileBull.jpg
Roughstuff's military transport trailer transforms into an open-topped fighter jet and came with two proton missiles that it could deploy in either mode.

G1Axer toy.jpg
  • Turbo Cycle with Axer (Action Master Vehicle, 1990)
    • Accessories: 2 missiles, side-car, cannon, seat rest
Axer's Turbo Cycle is armed with heat-seeking proton missile batteries.

  • Turbo Racer (Action Master Vehicle, 1990)
    • Accessories: 2 missiles
Wheeljack's Turbo Racer packs a nose mounted proton missile launcher.


  • Ravage's Marvel Universe profile states that he carries "two low-radiation 1 megaton proton bombs, which he can fire over three miles distant, or set in place with a timer", which raises the question of when a bomb that can be fired becomes a "missile". For reference, his original on-package bio calls his weapons "powerful, heat-seeking missiles".
  • Backstreet's on-package bio says he is armed with "two independent, targetable, laser-guided proton missile cannons". Whether these are simply launchers for proton missiles, or more akin to proton cannons, or something else entirely, remains unclear. While his Universe profile states that they fire shells rather than missiles and subsequent material in that continuity remained vague on the details, his Dreamwave More than Meets the Eye profile unambiguously described them as merely launchers for independently targeted laser-guided proton missiles.


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