Ravage (G1)
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The name or term "Ravage" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ravage (disambiguation). |
- Ravage is a Decepticon Mini-Cassette and later Predacon from the Generation 1 continuity family.

No Decepticon has a stronger loyalty to Megatron than Ravage (aka Battle Ravage, Tripredacus Agent, Tri-Predacus Agent, Black Panther Man, Ravrav, Chief, Grandmaster Cattington, Dangerflouf, Hairless Meowgatron, Analogue Kitty, Nuggy McBubatron, and Meow-Meow McNiff[1]). One of Soundwave's most reliable spies, Ravage believes unwaveringly in the Decepticon cause, and Megatron embodies that cause. To better serve Megatron and the Decepticons, Ravage has become the most efficient and deadly war machine under his command. He hides himself in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike with grim accuracy. His name is synonymous with stealth. His survivors are few.
Ravage's only weakness is bright light, which can temporarily blind him. Perhaps his absolute loyalty to Megatron can blind him as well.
Sometimes he's a talker, other times he just growls or hisses at anything that isn't Megatron or Soundwave.
Marvel Comics continuity
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
A violent beast (potentially capable of speech but preferring to growl), Ravage acted as one of Soundwave's primary spies and enforcers. Ravage excelled at this during the 1980s, when the Autobot and Decepticon conflict was renewed on Earth. He continued terrorizing Autobots and humans alike, even surviving the Battle of Autobot City in 2005. Following that, Ravage was revealed to be a "primitive" and assisted in the battle against Tornedron.
In a splinter timeline, Ravage aided in the restoration of the fallen Soundwave in 2011. In 2021, Ravage travelled with his master to another dimension, only to be abandoned, whereupon the unemployed Ravage was left to seek his fortune as a police officer. Following the end of the Autobot-Decepticon conflict, Ravage was granted amnesty and rebuilt as a Predacon and proceeded to have numerous time-travelling adventures.
Deadly Paradise
Ravage was stationed on Carob Island, where the Decepticons had set up a mining an construction operation. Using a rare ore from the island, the Decepticons were building duplicate Autobots loyal only to Megatron. Ravage acted as a go-between the Decepticons and Madame Cee, a human who's expertise and tinkering in mechanics were crucial in building the clones. Upon one of his visits to Madame Cee's workshop, Ravage came upon Madame Cee talking to the Autobot Prowl. Ravage attempted to attack Prowl, but Prowl evaded him and locked Ravage in a room. Deadly Paradise
Sticker Adventures books
Under Megatron's orders, Ravage snuck into the Autobots’ headquarters and stole all of their fuel. It wasn't easy, but once the deed done, Ravage assured Megatron that the Autobots were as defenceless as Earth kittens. Revenge of the Decepticons
Marvel colouring books
Ravage is super-sneaky. He used the cover of an iceberg to board the Autobots' ship and tried to pounce on Hound and Spike Witwicky, only to discover he'd fallen foul of a hologram. Outnumbered by the alerted Autobots, he fled the ship. During a later battle, he and the other Decepticons became accidental victims of Rumble's earthquake. Search for Treasure Under the Sea Ravage was once successful in defeating Roller. Trailbreaker trapped him in a force field with Soundwave and Rumble. Bumblebee to the Rescue!
Searching for a factory suitable for manufacturing troops, Ravage looked in a jungle fruitlessly. When they eventually found a factory, Ravage realized it was an Autobot trick, and pounced on Mirage who was providing the hologram. Mirage retaliated by throwing electric balls at Ravage. Decepticon Patrol Ravage was among the Decepticons who attacked Hoover Dam, but were driven off by the Autobots. The Deadly Fuel Shortage
Ravage's spying alerted the Decepticons to a space communicator possessed by the Autobots, which allowed the Decepticons to send a fake message so they could take over the Ark. A Message From Outer Space Like Starscream, Ravage loved to follow Megatron's orders. When the Autobots interrupted the Decepticons in the process of tearing up a forest, Ravage leaped at Bumblebee only to completely miss and go plunging off a cliff. Forest Rescue Mission
When Thundercracker found a junk yard with a car compactor, Ravage came up with a cunning plan to lure the Autobots into it by disguising it as an Autobot Rest Stop. They compacted Gears, but then the rest of the Autobots turned up, and Sideswipe paralyzed Ravage with a cloud of dust. The Autobot Smasher!
Under Shockwave's orders, Ravage, Laserbeak, Kickback, and the Constructicons attacked a human village, planning to raze it and build a fuel plant in its place. Little did they know they were being spied upon from orbit by the Autobot Cosmos. When the Autobots attacked, Shockwave had Ravage and Kickback sneak up on them to hit them from behind. But Cosmos was still looking down upon the battlefield, and warned Grapple and Gears of the duo's approach. The Autobots then beat up the Decepticons, shoved them down a hole, and poured quick-drying cement atop of them to hold them in place. The Autobot Spy in the Sky
Ravage faced off against Blurr when the Autobots attacked the Decepticon base-camp. Ravage later tried to prevent the Autobots from abducting Bombshell, but failed. The Invasion of the Decepticon Camp
Transformers Pop-Up Book
Ravage was one of the Decepticons to participate in the battle at Castle Decepticon. He pounced out of Starscream's cockpit to attack Ultra Magnus. Transformers Pop-Up Book
Big Looker storybooks
Ravage was among the Decepticons who tried to steal an oil truck from near the Autobots' base. Decepticon Hijack
Dinobot War
Skulking around Disneyland, Ravage hid himself inside a Walkman so that you would carry him inside The Wizard's Cave attraction where workmen had uncovered a buried UFO. After you activated a time-sphere, Ravage and Laserbeak were transported four million years back in time, where they planned to locate the crashed Ark and destroy the Autobots within. After a few battles with the Dinobots, the two cassettes located the site of the flying saucer, intending to take the time-travelling aliens' advanced technology. Dinobot War
- One of the aliens transported him and Laserbeak to times and places unknown.
- You transported him and Laserbeak back to the present day and they slunk away, or were lost in the time-stream.
There are also several endings where Ravage kills you. Presumably he and Laserbeak then go on to carry out their plan and the Decepticons ultimately conquer the Earth.
Ladybird Books continuity
When the Decepticons were hit by a surge of power from a lightning collector built by the Autobots, they all began malfunctioning. Ravage spontaneously ejected from Soundwave and attacked Megatron, who batted him aside. Soundwave picked up the stricken "mechanical hound" as the Decepticons retreated. Autobots' Lightning Strike
On another occasion, the Decepticons spotted Bumblebee spying on them and send Ravage after him. Ravage pursued the small Autobot, managing to fire off one of his missiles before Bumblebee used his sensitivity to bright light against him. After recovering from the eye-full of headlights, Ravage found Bumblebee had gone, but the cassette stumbled on a cave that would be perfect for testing the ion-drive for the space cruiser they were building. The news somewhat defused Megatron's temper at the escape of Bumblebee, and Ravage led the other Decepticons to his find. Ultimately, the Autobots got wind of the test and launched an attack, resulting in the ion-drive exploding and the tunnel collapsing on the Decepticons. Autobots Fight Back
Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity
- Voice actor: ? (English)
Ravage followed Cliffjumper, and when the Autobot tried to abduct Doctor Heath Blaisedale, Ravage decided to capture her for the Decepticons instead. After jumping onto Cliffjumper's hood in panther mode, he transformed to robot mode(?!) and tried to grab the doctor, only for Cliffjumper to glass gas his right arm. The Autobot made off with Blaisedale, leaving Ravage in the dust, but the Decepticon notified Megatron who made alternate arrangements. When later the Decepticons wanted to attack the solar plant, Ravage successfully kidnapped Blaisedale as a diversion. He and the other Decepticon guards later fled when the Autobots came to rescue her. Sun Raid (Listen 'n Fun)
The Battle for Planet Earth
Ravage spied on Hound and a bunch of Autobots in the Ark and reported to Megatron. He was on Megatron's team as they tracked Optimus Prime to South America and attempted to seize Mount Sheelah. Unfortunately the volcano blew up in their faces, trapping them with lava. Terror of Mount Sheelah Ravage was hanging out at the Decepticon fortress when Bumblebee stole the Decepticons' global crystal, but didn't detect the scout until it was too late. Bumblebee to the Rescue
When Starscream spotted a construction at Stanley Lake, Ravage was the only Decepticon who knew his history well enough to recognize what a hydro electric station was, a method of generating power used on Cybertron "way way back in the mists of time." He accompanied Megatron to Stanley Lake on a fact-finding mission, and when the other Decepticons were washed away by a torrent thanks to the Autobots, Ravage alone escaped. He confronted Jazz, only to be dazzled by the Autobot's sound and light show until the other Autobots arrived, and he had to retreat. Menace at the Dam Sore at all the defeats, the Decepticons discussed how to defeat the Autobots, and Ravage came up with the idea of infiltrating the Autobot ranks with a spy. This plan paid off when Starscream did so and reported on an Autobot super weapon being stored at Mount Levram. Of course, while the Decepticons were smashing Mount Levram, the Autobots demolished the Decepticon fortress, having gotten wise to Starscream and fooled him themselves. Espionage!!!!!
Battle Beneath the Ice
When human scientists discovered a mysterious city beneath the ice of the North Pole, they placed a call to Autobot City in order to get the Transformers' perspective on the discovery. The Decepticons also somehow learned of the city, and Ravage found a way to infiltrate it unnoticed. As he lurked, Ravage managed to record a conversation between one of the city-dwellers and the human Nyder, who were discussing stealing the warrior-factors from both the Autobots and Decepticons in order to encode it within themselves, thus turning their people into an army. He later came upon a group of humans as they were being given a tour of the city.
Making himself known, Ravage was threatened to leave at gunpoint by Hot Rod, who was accompanying the humans. Ravage assured him that if he had come as their enemy, he wouldn't have let them see him. Ravage went on to explain that the Decepticons hadn't shot down the humans’ plane, as the group had earlier been led to believe. One of the city-dwellers interrupted their conversation, and threatened to neutralize Ravage, pointing towards him a rod-like blaster. But Ravage was too quick for the city-dweller and pounced right for his throat. Before Ravage could reach him, Hot Rod discharged his photon lasers, and hit the city-dweller by accident. The city-dweller was revealed to be a robot, and Ravage played the conversation between Nyder and the Watcher, the leader of the city-dwellers, he had previously recorded. Ravage and Hot Rod then forged a temporary alliance. Their group stumbled upon the city-dwellers analyzing a fight between Skydive and Vortex, programming themselves with the Autobots and Decepticons’ battle tactics. One of the young humans in the group, Jeff, asked Ravage to record the footage of the Gus Gopher Cartoon Show he had captured on his chronovid wristwatch, and overwrite the city-dwellers’ computers with it. Ravage complied, noting that he liked this kind of sneaky plan.
Once the reprogramming was accomplished, and the city-dwellers began acting like cartoon characters, Ravage contacted the Combaticons above-ground and told them to cease fighting, and to follow the Aerialbots to the underground city. The city-dwellers defeated, the Decepticons honoured Ravage's truce and left in Blast Off's shuttle form peacefully. Battle Beneath the Ice
Find Your Fate Junior
Attack of the Insecticons
Ravage alternatively spied on Decepticons of doubtful loyalty towards Megatron or prowled about Decepticon headquarters, keeping a lookout for intruders. He accomplished the first task in one possible adventure, where Shrapnel planned to overthrow Megatron with the use of an energy device called the Sun-Pak, and the later in another possible adventure where the Autobots attempted to retrieve the same device after it had been stolen by the Decepticons. Attack of the Insecticons
Desert Flight
Ravage was part of a Decepticon deployment stationed in a desert base. The Decepticons plotted to lure the Autobots in a trap through the use of an anti-gravity beam. Using the beam on a nearby human settlement, the Autobots would be duped into coming to the fleshliness’ rescue, only to be themselves trapped by the effects of the beam.
In the event that the Autobots used a trojan ruse to infiltrate the Decepticon base, and the Decepticons’ forcefield was disabled, Frenzy and Ravage tackled Powerglide after the later had burst into the Decepticons’ base, guns ablaze, only for the two Decepticons to crash into one another when Powerglide ducked.Desert Flight
Decepticon Poison
Ravage possessed an fighter jet alternate mode. He was also armed with proton bombs. He was one of the many Decepticons who attempted to poison a water reservoir in order to turn the nearby human population into mindless slaves. Whether they succeeded or not depended on which choices the Autobots made. Decepticon Poison
Autobot Alert!
Ravage was stationed at the Decepticons’ command centre, working as a guard to make sure the Decepticons’ latest plan to conquer the Earth went smoothly. Autobot Alert!
The Invisibility Factor
In one possible scenario, Ravage accompanied Galvatron on a patrol in a desert at night. Upon spotting a spaceship that flickered in-and-out of sight, the patrol investigated. Finding the Autobots Kup and Hot Rod conversing with a woman at the ship's landing site, Ravage and the others fired upon them, causing them to scramble away. Galvatron then ordered his troops to stay and scrutinize the spaceship instead of pursuing the Autobots.
If Hot Rod and Kup decided to attack immediately, the Autobots were easily defeated and destroyed by the Ravage and the other Decepticons.
If Hot Rod and Kup silently followed the Decepticons back to their hide-out in a nearby canyon, they managed to tricked Ravage and the others into thinking that they were being ambushed by a whole squadron of Autobots. Panicking, the Decepticons attempted to retaliate by firing in all directions. Amidst the confusion, Ravage began arguing with Thrust, both of them insisting that the Autobots were attacking from a different direction.
If Hot Rod snuck down and successfully snatched the Invisibility Device from Shockwave, the Decepticons gave chase to the young Autobot. They were unable to catch him before Kup fired down onto the canyon's walls, causing it to collapse and burying the Decepticons under an avalanche of earth and rocks.
In an alternate scenario, Ravage and the other Decepticons decided to take off into space in Sarah Sanders's ship after acquiring the Invisibility Device. Whether the Decepticons succeeded in mastering the Invisibility Device and subsequently destroyed the Autobots, or were destroyed or defeated themselves depended on what choices the Autobots made from this point on.
In another possible scenario, Ravage and the other Decepticons happened upon Sarah Sanders's ship before any Autobots had come in contact with her. While Scavenger held the woman captive, Ravage and the other Decepticons dragged the ship itself to a hidden location. In whichever scenario that followed, the Autobots managed to steal the Invisibility Device from the Decepticons, either dazzling Ravage and the others with their headlights while Hot Rod took the device right out of their hands, or tricking him and most of the other Decepticons into leaving the spaceship behind while they pursued the young Autobot on a wild goose chase. The Decepticons did not succeed in catching Hot Rod no matter what scenario ensued. The Invisibility Factor
Frito-Lay posters
Ravage was amongst a squad of Decepticons who attempted to get to the power source within Boulder Dam. While Megatron dueled Optimus, Ravage joined Starscream, Buzzsaw and Soundwave in an attack formation. The Decepticons were ultimately unsuccessful in gathering the data they were after. Battle in the Desert Valley
Beast Wars cartoon continuity
Beast Wars cartoon
- Voice actor: Lee Tockar (English), Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese), Xue Weigang (Chinese), Daoiz Cabezudo (Portuguese), Federico Romano (Latin-American Spanish), Sergio Romanò (Italian)
Ravage was one of the few Decepticon warriors who was granted amnesty at the end of the Great War and reformatted into a Predacon, complete with classy Russian accent. He was sent by the Tripredacus Council to capture Megatron, clean up any messes he might have made, and deal with the rest of those on Earth. Ravage made the trip to prehistoric Earth in a specially modified stealth transwarp cruiser. He successfully contacted the Maximals and allied with them to capture Megatron. Due to the stealth capabilities of his ship, and the fact that Tarantulas was also an agent of the council, Ravage and the Maximals easily captured Megatron and imprisoned him. The Agenda (Part 1)
Megatron, however, had one more card to play. He knew that Ravage wasn't going to let any of the stranded Transformers live, and also knew he had the one thing that would turn Ravage to his side. Using a fragment from the Golden Disk, Megatron showed Ravage something which shocked him—a message from Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons. As a safeguard against potential defeat, Megatron had left instructions for the descendants of the Decepticons to use transwarp technology to return to prehistoric Earth. Although the message cut out before it was finished, Megatron's plan worked: Ravage, moved by the sight of his former master, released Megatron. After Megatron explained the rest of the message, Ravage joined the Predacons and turned on the Maximals. Megatron and Ravage attacked Cheetor and Optimus Primal, at which point he transformed into his old mini-cassette alternate mode, jumped into the tape player on his ship and took full control. The Agenda (Part 2)
His latest treachery was short-lived. During the assault on the Axalon, Rattrap infiltrated his ship and used fusion grenades to cause an explosion that destroyed the vessel and Ravage himself. As the inferno headed toward the bridge, Ravage raised a fist and shouted, "Decepticons forever!" as he was destroyed, along with his ship. The Agenda (Part III)
His head, seemingly all that remained of him, was knocked into the water below the Axalon by one of Tarantulas's Arachnoids. Optimal Situation
3H comics

Even though the Maximals had left Earth with Megatron, the Beast Wars were far from over! Tarantulas's "death" was actually a cover for his return in a more powerful form that had ingested the power of the Vok! He revived Ravage into a new Transmetal 2 body to help boost his forces, which also included Iguanus and Razorclaw, and prepared to begin the next stage of his evil plan. Meanwhile, the remnants of Ravage's previous body were recycled by the Vok to re-create Tigatron. Primeval Dawn Part 1 Primeval Dawn II
Soon, Ravage led an attack on Primal Prime, the Vok's new champion, and managed to separate Prime from Tigatron, Airazor, and Ramulus. Ravage boasted of his "dark cloak" which shrouded him from even Airazor's impressive sensor array, and unleashed a volley of missiles which knocked her out of the sky. Meanwhile, Tarantulas encountered Primal Prime far from the main battle, and after a heated battle, the Matrix itself was ripped from his chest by the undead spawn of Unicron. Primeval Dawn Part 2
Back at Tarantulas's lair, with the Matrix in their possession, Ravage oversaw the construction of a transwarp portal that would transport them deep within the maw of their new master, Unicron! Their newly born ally, Spittor, expressed frustration at their unwillingness to finish off the Maximals during the battle, and Ravage responded brutally. Ravage was immune to Spittor's deadly venom-covered surface, but Spittor was not likewise protected from Ravage's savage claws, so Spittor quickly quit complaining. Once the portal was completed, Tarantulas allowed them to attack the Maximals; Ravage and the others had served their purpose. Ravage led them to the Ark, but warned them to not disturb the Autobots or Decepticons on board. But little did they know that the Vok themselves had taken control of Primal Prime's body, and remade it in their powerful image... Primeval Dawn Part 3
2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity
While Ravage was considered by many to be loyal only to himself, his primary loyalty was actually to Megatron and the dream of Decepticon conquest. He viewed himself as carrying on where Megatron left off, scheming and operating constantly to end Cybertron's peace and bring back a conquering empire. He had psycho blasters, guns that gave you seizures. Beast Wars Sourcebook #3
Alternately, Ravage was encouraged to follow the will of the Tripredacus Council by Sea Clamp, and was rumored to have gained a newer, less limited body from them. Combiner Wars Ravage bio
By the tail-end of the Great War, Ravage could combine with the Tripredacus Council and Tarantulas to form Predacus. He did so when several soldiers, including Predaking, refused to follow their orders of standing down after the deaths of both Optimus Prime and Galvatron. In this form, he slayed Predaking, ensuring that the Council's far-reaching and sinister plans could continue unimpeded. He next sniped an upstart soldier going by the name "Megatron" with a stun-gun, and the Council surrendered to the Autobots on behalf of all Predacons. For this "great risk" he took to ensure the signing of the Pax Cybertronia, Ravage was granted amnesty by the Primal Council. He and Tarantulas had a good laugh the Autobots' expense afterwards, mocking their gullibility; all they had ensured was that the Tripredacus Council's machinations would continue during peacetime. Dawn of the Predacus
As Magmatron was surveying the timestream, he witnessed several key events of the Beast Wars. Among those was Ravage having a conversation with the captured Megatron. The Gathering #1

After Ravage's involvement in the Beast Wars, Magmatron recovered his heavily damaged torso, which still contained his spark. Magmatron then inserted the spark into a blank protoform, which had already been affected by the Transmetal 2 Driver, and Ravage was reborn. Beast Wars Sourcebook In his Transmetal 2 body, he and his fellow Predacons, under the command of Magmatron, sought out Razorbeast's band of Maximals. Viewing from a safe distance, Ravage ordered his soldiers to engage. Additional Maximal forces arrived, however, and Ravage's forces were defeated. Ravage retreated into the wilderness. The Gathering
Subsequently, Ravage would utilize all the Predacons under his command in a desperate attack as a diversion while he crept into the Maximal base to steal the chronal phase armbands left behind by Magmatron. He was confronted by Razorbeast, who guessed incorrectly that Ravage intended to use them to board the Autobot shuttle and return to Cybertron. Ravage corrected him by stating that he intended to free Megatron and eradicate the Maximal forces. His ambitions, however, were thwarted by Snarl who caught him off guard and gave Razorbeast the opportunity to knock Ravage offline. The Ascending #1
It is not certain if Ravage's intentions for Megatron were another ruse or if he was actually out of his kitty mind regarding the tactical feasibility of this endeavor.
However, what WAS a ruse was Ravage being offline — as soon as he had been tied up by Razorbeast, the Maximal commander had to leave to help on the battlefield—upon which Ravage stopped playing dead and broke loose rather easily, managing to obtain the chronal displacement bands that Razorbeast had put him right next to after pointing them out. (A tactical genius, that Razorbeast.) However, upon activating the bands, Ravage was pulled into Chronospace by the trapped Magmatron, who warned him of the apocalypse that was to come, and ordered him to form a truce with the Maximals to fight this menace. And after hearing the warning, Ravage heeded the sage advice, sneaking out of the base while chronically displaced and re-emerging to the sight of several gun barrels from Lio Convoy, Razorbeast, and the Pack. However, just as he explained the situation, Rartorata emerged from nowhere and turned Razorbeast into a frenzied monster. The Ascending #2
After introducing himself to Lio Convoy, Ravage agreed with him on a truce until they dealt with the menace of Shokaract. Commandeering his Predacons, Ravage's forces defeated Rartorata and Ravage extracted a sample of Angolmois Energy from the Blendtron. When he told Lio Convoy to abandon the Angolmois-infected Razorbeast, the Pack's leader warned him that if he made light of his friend's peril again, he'd personally de-spark him. Ravage boarded the Pack's ship and returned to Cybertron with them, on the way analyzing the Angolmois Capsule, to come up with a vaccine. However, as he explained, none of them were qualified scientists for the task. After arriving on Cybertron, Shokaract blasted the Maximal ship out of the sky. The Ascending #3
Ravage survived the crash, along with the Pack, and visited Magmatron again. Magmatron told Ravage to chronally-displace Shokaract so he could "enlighten him". He then showed unusual concern for Razorbeast's Maximals, asking how they were doing. Ravage then returned to the battle and hit Shokaract's Heralds with a grenade at an opportune moment. After Shokaract's suicide, Ravage found Magmatron returned and they all lived happily ever after.
Until Megatron returned. The Ascending #4
SD BotCon
Ravage was laughing maniacally over drinks with Tarantulas when the pair were approached by Beetle. Beetle told the pair they were being kicked out of the bar, since everyone else was tired of their cackling. Ravage turned to Tarantulas and asked where they could go to laugh to their hearts' content... and Tarantulas knew just the place: a children's ball pit! SD BotCon #1
Ravage was mentioned as being recruited along with fellow Mini-Cassettes Laserbeak and Buzzsaw by the Predacon Divebomb, but for some reason left them soon afterwards to become an operative for the Tripredacus Council. Dawn of Future's Past
Beast Wars Metals manga
Ravage was on board the Ark when it crashed onto Earth. Beast Wars Metals #5
Many millennia later, after his son, Jaguar, went crazy and began killing everyone, even Predacons, General Ravage disowned him. Ravage was later chosen by the Tripredacus Council to take an army to Energoa and defeat Megatron and end the Beast Wars. But before the general could leave Cybertron, he and his troops were attacked by Jaguar.
Ravage ordered his men to kill his son, but Jaguar easily slaughtered them all. Jaguar then told the corpse of his father that he would finish his mission and eliminate all the Transformers on Energoa. Beast Wars Metals #2
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Ravage, with a much more arboreal alt mode, was among the opponents that Optronix foresaw himself battling against in a prophetic visions bestowed upon him upon first receiving the Matrix of Leadership. The War Within #1 Ravage was part of the second assassination team Megatron sent after the now new Autobot leader Optimus Prime, alongside Soundwave, Kickback, Shrapnel, and Bombshell. The War Within #2 But Optimus proved to be more formidable than any of them anticipated. Optimus lost his pursuers in Cybertron's labyrinthine underground, forcing them to rely on Ravage's sense of smell to track him down. Optimus managed to use the environment to sneak up on the Decepticons, and savaged the lot of them. After taking care of Shrapnel and Bombshell, Prime blinded Ravage with an energy burst from his own partner Kickback, then he tossed Kickback into the feral Decepticon, squashing him against the wall. The War Within #3
Later, Ravage became an operative of Shockwave's faction during the Dark Ages. They made war against the Chaos Trinity to upset the plans of The Fallen. Conflagration Ravage was also present at Tyger Pax when the Decepticons and Ultracons reluctantly planned to sign a peace treaty with the Autobots. The ceremony was interrupted by a bombing engineered by Starscream, but this only served to further cement the alliance between the three factions. Ravage was among the 'bots who struck back against Starscream's troops, fighting alongside the likes of Prowl and Bluestreak. After the Starscream's Predacons were defeated, Cybertron's finally seemed to be drawing to a close... right until Megatron returned in all his glory, with the thousand-strong Aerospace Extermination Squadron at his back. The Age of Wrath
Millions of years later, Ravage and the crew of the Nemesis awoke on Earth in 1984, and did battle with the crew of the Ark for some time. He and the rest of Megatron's army were eventually defeated and captured by the Autobots, but their return vessel to Cybertron, the Ark II, was destroyed in mid-flight, leaving the Transformers apparently dead. Prime Directive #1 Ravage and many others were recovered and reprogrammed by the human mercenary known as Lazarus. As a test of his control and their power, Lazarus sent his robots to destroy the Smitco Oil Refinery, and Ravage was there to "pacify" any human resistance. Megatron soon broke free of Lazarus's control, however, and freed his fellow Decepticons in the process. Prime Directive #2
When Megatron vanished from the face of the Earth, Ravage reluctantly joined Soundwave and many other Decepticons in following Starscream as the new leader. Starscream made his first act to take over the human city of Las Vegas, turning it into a kingdom under his command. In order to ensure cooperation, he worked with the human population, promising them fame and protection in exchange for their obedience. Soundwave and his cassettes worked directly with the LVPD, supplementing their efforts with surveillance and Cybertronian based weaponry. Ravage personally intervened during a block war, dismembering a gang member before he could kill patrol officer Ryan O'Brien. The Decepticons weren't above silencing their detractors, though, and that same officer was beaten to death by some of his fellow cops later that evening, for conspiring against the Decepticons. Hardwired
Megatron returned from deep space sometime later, but the extent of his injuries at the hands of the Keepers left him unable to retake his command from Starscream. Instead, he voluntarily went into exile, but invited the other Decepticons to leave Starscream and join him. Ravage and Soundwave were among the Decepticons was eagerly accepted this invitation. Annihilation
After an enormous battle with the Keepers in Las Vegas, Megatron reclaimed leadership of the Decepticons from Starscream. To properly declare his return to power to the world, Megatron made a brazen assault directly on the White House in Washington, D.C. He had Ravage patrolling the alleyways, terrorizing civilians and running interference—the cat's efforts kept a large portion of the DCPD and National Guard occupied while Megatron had his "conference" with the President. Later, the President sought revenge on the Transformers during an ambush in the Nevada desert. He had American troops employ deconstructionites, tiny microchip-sized projectiles reverse engineered from Cybertronian technology, with the power to drain energy away from Transformer systems. Ravage was caught in the initial barrage, and either his small size or limited processing power made him fall victim faster than others. Megatron had to carry Ravage to safety as the Decepticons retreated. Fusion
Sometime thereafter, Shockwave arrived on Earth with a detachment of Unified Cybertronian soldiers, equipped to take both Autobots and Decepticons into custody as enemies of the peace. Shockwave quickly granted clemency to Soundwave, Ravage, and the other Decepticons willing to swear fealty to him, after he disposed of Megatron. New World Order After returning to Cybertron, Soundwave was considering his options when a small sound caught his attention. He dispatched Ravage to investigate, but the poor kitty tried to tackle Starscream and got a mouthful of null-ray. Brothers' Burden Starscream had plans of his own, and managed to convince Soundwave and his cassettes that following him would be more profitable than throwing in with Shockwave. During the chaos of the Autobot insurrection that soon followed, they arranged transport and fled back to Earth to loot its energy resources. Revelation
After having sent Ravage out on his errand on prehistoric Earth, the Tripredacus Council tasked Magmatron with keeping a watch on all Maximal Channels, should their agent in the field fail in his mission. But Magmatron and Ravage were working together behind the Council's back, and the former-Decepticon sent planetary scans to Magmatron so he could implement his own plans for the stasis pods on prehistoric Earth. Shell Game #1
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
Ravage was among the Transformers laying dormant aboard the Ark when it was discovered by Cobra, who took the alien robots and reprogrammed them to serve in Cobra Commander's plot to conquer the world. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2 Along with Soundwave and the other cassettes, Ravage was sent to attack the SPS Research Facility, where he protected Zartan as the ninja stole a necessary module from the facility. He fought against Quick Kick and Mutt, and would've killed them if he hadn't been recalled to Cobra Island when Zartan got out and deemed the mission a success. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 Shortly after the Decepticons returned, however, Cobra's control of them was broken by Wheeljack's tampering, and Soundwave sent out Ravage to punish his former captors. The jaguar knocked out Firefly and dragged him back to Soundwave to be used as a slave. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4 Ravage later attacked Optimus Prime only to be grabbed and crushed in the Autobot's fist. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5
Two years later when Teletran 3 had gone berserk, sending scores of Transformers and humans both forwards and backwards in time, Ravage was among the Decepticons who surrounded the tower where the disturbance had originated. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2
In an alternate future in which the Decepticons had conquered Earth, packs of Ravages prowled the woods that a team of G.I. Joes and Cobra members were traveling through. A few of them were destroyed by Ratchet, causing the remaining ones to flee. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3
Transformers/G.I. Joe
Ravage was one of the Decepticons under Cobra's command in 1939. Stormshadow pitted him against Snake-Eyes during the two ninjas' duel among the Fera Islands. Transformed After a short but fierce battle, Snake-Eyes incapacitated Ravage with a hand grenade. Trial by Fire The injured jaguar re-emerged soon after Snake-Eyes had killed Stormshadow, but quickly lost his life to the ninja's katana. Trenches
The Beast Within
Ravage participated in an all-out Decepticon offensive, squaring off against Steeljaw as the carnage raged around them. The Beast Within
2005 IDW continuity
Hearts of Steel
Starscream sent Ravage to kill Tobias Muldoon, who had deserted the Decepticons when he learned they were evil. Ravage tracked him to Stanford Merriweather's house in San Francisco and crashed into the household, startling Muldoon, Merriweather, Merriweather's daughter Kitty, and Mark Twain. The humans fled the house as Ravage broke through the wall.
He then pretty much got his ass kicked by Mark Twain, who took advantage of Ravage being momentarily trapped in rubble to flick a cigar at him, thus igniting a gas leak. The explosion flung Ravage into the bay, never to be seen again. Hearts of Steel #3
Q-Robo Transformer
Lil Formers
Ravage was one of the absurd amount of minion Soundwave ejected out of his chest, all in a row, in preparation for a fight. Lil Formers
Mini Mayhem!
Ravage participated in an infiltration of BotCon to track down next year's toy designs, and use them to conquer the Autobots once and for all! While scouting out the area, he was captured by the humans organizing the convention, and put on display as a sale item. Mini Mayhem!
Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga
Ravage stole a sack of energon cubes for Starscream, deftly avoiding the pursuing Hound and delivering the booty to his waiting master. Just before Starscream could put the energon to use, however, the pair were attacked by Cheetor, who stabbed Ravage in the side with one of his throwing stars and pinned both Decepticons beneath his feet. Henkei! Henkei! volume 8
Henkei! Henkei! BunBun manga
When Starscream attacked a power plant with the help of the brainwashed Skyfire, Ravage stealthily observed and recorded the battle with the Autobots that followed. Ravage took his recording back to Megatron, and then curled up in his leader's lap as he reviewed the footage. Wataru's Power
Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-
Device Label
Ravage had been given the mission to root out and interfere with the Autobot activity taking place within the computer under Megatron and Soundwave's command. Ravage's Device Label Bio
Ravage was at a bar that Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Lazorbeak were at. Recordicons #16
Robot Heroes
Soundwave hid in his harmless-looking alternate mode... until it was time to strike! He then loosed Laserbeak and Ravage from his chest compartment. I Am Optimus Prime
Kre-O online manga
Ravage was standing upright among the Decepticon forces when they introduced the Predacons. Behemoth Combination! But They're Cute? The Predacon Unit
While Soundwave's plan to brainwash humanity unfolded, the Decepticon patted Ravage's head. Soundwave's Trap? Stop Operation Brainwash Humanity!
Ravage was seen flying into battle with Soundwave in some kid's living room. Robots in Disguise! The Transformers Are by Your Side!?
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
Part of a troupe of Decepticons sent to Earth to demand the humans surrender to Megatron, Ravage met with the human representative, Hawk, and quickly learned that G.I. Joe wasn't so keen on the idea of surrendering. The Decepticons seemed to have the upper hand in the ensuing battle and Ravage again invited Hawk to surrender, but the human only responded by cleaving the cat's head with his mysterious tomahawk. I Saw Three Ships Ravage was then captured by G.I. Joe and fell under the control of Doctor Venom when he turned Soundwave's body into a human-controlled mech suit. During a battle with Optimus Prime, Venom unleashed Ravage from Soundwave's chest compartment to attack the Autobot. Expelled from the Garden
Transformers: All Spark
Legends World
Ravage was the manager of a toy store, where he was puzzled by customer Rattrap's attempts at using telepathy at him. Legends Vol. 1 He was later shocked when Rattrap showed up to buy toys in the form of a real Transformer. Bonus Edition Vol. 1 During Christmas, Ravage was standing outside his store, wielding guns and advertising the newest Transformers series. Merry X'mas!!
Titans Return marketing material
Bolstered by the Titan Masters, Ravage accompanied Soundwave as the Decepticons orchestrated an all-out Decepticon attack on Cybertron, which was soon routed by Fortress Maximus. Titans Return: The Power of the Titan Masters
Star Trek vs. Transformers
Ravage was one of the many Decepticons who invaded the Klingon homeworld of Kronos during Megatron's attempt to claim the planet as the seat of a new Decepticon Empire, and tangled with M'Ress before he was incapacitated by the Klingon armada. Prime's Directive, Part Five
Mazinger Z versus Transformers
Transported to the Japan of an alternate universe, Ravage joined Soundwave and the other Decepticons as they scoped out the Photon Power Laboratory. Mazinger Z versus Transformers
War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
During the war for Cybertron, Ravage was a Ground Force Espionage Raider. Siege toy packaging
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
- Voice actor: Frank Todaro
Ravage was one of several Decepticons who searched for the missing Impactor after a failed ambush against the Autobots, but proved unable to find his comrade. Siege episode 2
Soundwave brought Ravage with him when he and Megatron's inner cadre left Cybertron aboard the Nemesis. Soundwave was picked up by Scorponok on the Nebulon Station and ejected Ravage. Ravage leaped onto the Titan's face and started raking his eyes, making him lose his grip on Soundwave and dropping him. Later in the battle, Ravage was picked up and thrown across the room by Scorponok. After an explosion, Ravage woke up Starscream. He is part of the Decepticons that broke into the area where the Autobots were and began to attack. They were ordered to cease fire when a wounded Megatron arrived, being supported by Optimus Prime. Ravage was again licking the face of an unconscious Starscream. Earthrise episode 4
After the Decepticons crash-landed on prehistoric Earth, Soundwave deployed Ravage and Laserbeak to take on a treacherous Dinobot, but the pair were quickly defeated and thrown aside by the Predacon warrior. Kingdom episode 3
Ravage was one of the few Decepticons who escaped Gozer's destruction of Cybertron after Kremzeek transformed them into ghosts. A thousand years later, following the Ghostbusters' defeat of Kremzeek, Ravage was ejected from Soundwave alongside Laserbeak and Buzzsaw to deal with the humans. Reincarnated as grotesque, ectoplasm-spewing ghosts, the three Decepticons attacked Ray Stantz before being promptly dissipated when Soundwave was captured within a ghost trap. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 5
Transformers vs. the Terminator
Shortly after Soundwave awoke in 1984 aboard the Ark, he dispatched Ravage to take care of Sarah Connor while he fought the the Terminator unit sent back in time to kill the Decepticons. Ravage chased her around the flight deck and eventually pursued her up onto Teletraan I and caused her to accidentally reactivate Optimus Prime. Though Ravage pounced on the Autobot leader, Optimus simply grabbed the Decepticon by the tail and used him as an improvised weapon against Soundwave. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two
When the Autobots and Decepticons next clashed in the middle of the Cyberdyne Systems factory, Ravage trailed Sarah as she tried to raise Wheeljack and the other Autobots aboard the Ark from a nearby security booth. This time, however, the human girl grabbed a pistol, wrestled the Decepticon to the ground, and killed him by jamming the gun into his mouth and shooting him through the head. Enemy of My Enemy Part Four
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Transformers #23
Ravage was one of the many infiltration troopers Clench deployed during the Decepticon attack on the Senate. They rushed Grotusque and Roulette and easily defeated them. We Have Deceived You Megatron posted Ravage and Laserbeak to guard a number of high-profile prisoners that included Sentinel Prime and Orion Pax, which they did up until Chainclaw burst through the floor and sent the pair running. War World: Prime He later watched a drone Termagax constructed berate the Decepticons (Megatron in particular) for twisting her ideals. War World: Awakenings As the Decepticons strengthened their hold over Iacon, Ravage joined in with his fellow Decepticons as they quashed a burgeoning rebellion in the city's energon storage fields. Hunt
Later, Ravage, Barricade, and Jolt were assigned to move Elita-1 to the Senate prison facility. They were interrupted mid-transfer by Bumblebee, Charger, and Fire Beast; amidst the chaos, Elita was able to escape her captors and retaliated by kicking Ravage into the wall so that Bumblebee could shoot him. Swindle's II
Ravage was among the Decepticons assembled by Sixshot to attack Swindle's and recover the escaping Ultra Magnus. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two They fought with the Autobots, but ultimately failed to prevent the escape. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Three
Ravage gathered with the Decepticon army outside Crystal City as Strika ordered the attack. A Dust of Crystals
My Little Pony/Transformers
Soundwave ejected Ravage and several other cassettes to investigate Ponyville after arriving in Equestria. Their presence drew the attention of Fluttershy; impressed by Soundwave's "pets", she soon won the affection of Ravage, Laserbeak, and Ratbat. When the pony tried to treat a "boo-boo" on Ravage's nose, however, Frenzy decided that she'd gone too far and swatted her away, an act that only drew the ire of Fluttershy's animal friends, Discord, and even Frenzy's fellow cassettes. However, Soundwave—keen on not losing the friendship of his faithful cassettes—agreed to a truce, and when both sides decided to become friends Ravage happily played with some of Fluttershy's animal companions. Pet Sounds
After accidentally trapping himself and some Equestrians underneath a pile of girders, Soundwave unleashed both Ravage and Laserbeak to try and blast their way free. However, the group only escaped after combining their musical talents to unleash a powerful sonic blast. Sick Beats In the final battle against King Sombra, Ravage and Applejack worked together to trip up a mind-controlled Clampdown. Finale
Transformers/Back to the Future
In the year 1985, Megatron sent Ravage and Rumble to the sleepy town of Hill Valley to find an edge in their war against the Autobots. Their mission initially turned up nothing, but while staking out the Twin Pines Mall the two watched Marty McFly use a DeLorean to escape some Libyan terrorists, then disappear. Ravage's detection of trans-temporal particles led Soundwave to suggest that the humans had invented time travel, and Megatron ordered the pair to steal the DeLorean time machine. The pair tailed Doc Brown and Marty to Lyon Estates, where they prepared to seize the device through force... only for Bumblebee to intervene. The two humans overheard the scuffle and investigated, so both sides transformed to evade detection; when Marty picked up Ravage, however, Bumblebee took the opportunity to reverse, scare the teenager into dropping the cassette, and destroy the Decepticon by running him over. Transformers/Back to the Future #1
Transformers Go! Go!
In the heat of battle, Soundwave unleashed Ravage and Laserbeak against Optimus and Bumblebee, but his reinforcements failed to have the desired effect, as the two Autobots found his minions adorable. Unpredictable Ravage and Laserbeak battled Blaster, and later cheered Soundwave on as he and Blaster took part in a rap battle against each other. However, this truce was short lived, and the Autobots and Decepticons were soon battling each other once more. Go! Go! issue 13
Ravage was one of several Decepticons who fought the Autobots for control of the perfect barbecue spot, but ultimately lost. I Want to Protect This Place
Energon Universe
One of the Decepticons that came to Earth aboard the Ark, Soundwave sent out Ravage to assist Starscream in holding down Optimus Prime. Ravage proceeded to bite Prime's arm until the Autobot shot him off at point blank range. Transformers #1 Soundwave was later seen cradling his body. Transformers #3
Later, Starscream and Soundwave were able to get Teletraan One back up and running. Soundwave was about to suggest using it to repair Ravage, but Starscream, contemptuous of starting with the smallest of their number, punted the cassette aside, instead opting to revive Thundercracker. Transformers #5
When the Autobots recaptured the Ark, Soundwave was carrying Ravage out when Optimus attempted to reason with Soundwave to stop the war. Soundwave looked to Ravage before throwing a punch at Optimus. Soundwave, with Ravage, then retreated with Thundercracker. Transformers #6 When Soundwave challenged Starscream to a duel over the Decepticon leadership and gained the upper hand, Starscream pathetically tried to bargain with Soundwave, only for Soundwave to note that he hadn't forgiven Starscream for kicking Ravage, and disembowelled him. Now having claimed leadership of the Decepticons, Soundwave pledged to use the parts he'd ripped from Starscream to repair Ravage. Transformers #7
Later, Soundwave was looking for the parts to conduct these repairs at the Decepticons' new headquarters in the sunken Nemesis when he was interrupted by Shockwave. Shockwave admonished Soundwave for bothering with the damaged Recordicon, and prepared to recycle Ravage, arguing that Soundwave could have newer, stronger pets once they retook Cybertron. Before Shockwave could do so though, he was distracted by the appearance of a whale outside, and dropped Ravage to rush and see it. Transformers #10
After the reenernization of Cybertron had failed and left Shockwave's status unknown, Transformers #12 the Decepticons were scattered and lost the Nemesis. Once they had regrouped, Soundwave led numerous raids on cities in hopes of luring the crippled Autobots out of hiding and and obtaining a stockpile of energy. After one of these raids, Soundwave lamented that Ravage's repairs would once again have to be put on hold and promised Laserbeak that their family would be whole again soon before sending him on a mission Transformers #15 to retrieve Megatron.
When Starscream was eventually revealed to still be alive and with the Combaticons and Astrotrain on his side, Transformers #16 he eventually clashed with Soundwave again in Seattle. When the Seeker tore open Soundwave's chest compartment and extracted Ravage's comatose body, he berated Soundwave for how much he cared out his tapes before preparing to finish Ravage permanently. It was then that Laserbeak returned with Megatron, who put a stop to the squabble at once. As a reward for his loyalty, Megatron used his spark to revive Ravage, much to the delight of Soundwave and Laserbeak. Transformers #18.
Commercial appearances
Commercials that featured original footage of Ravage include:
- A battle he took part in a battle against the Dinobots alongside Soundwave and Laserbeak. Ravage blasted Slag, only to find himself face-to-face with a robotic Triceratops when his opponent assumed his beast mode. Dinobots commercial
- When Rumble was duped into bringing Blaster into the Decepticons' headquarters, thinking the Autobot was just a normal radio, Soundwave dispatched Laserbeak and Ravage to deal with the intruder. Blaster commercial
Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons
When Optimus embarked on his mission to rescue the Autobots' Minicar troops from the Decepticons, Ravage could interfere with Optimus Prime's progress. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game
The Transformers (Commodore 64)
The Transformers (Commodore 64)
Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
Ravage was among the Decepticon troops who sought to destroy Ultra Magnus on his journey, confronting him in the Temple Ruins... in theory. Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)
- Voice actor: Martin Roach
In an alternate timeline created when the Predacon Megatron sent a message through Transwarp back to his past self, Ravage betrayed him, then entered the ancient Autobot battle cruiser, the Ark. Using its tech, he developed a prototype cloning device based on transreplication technology, through which he could produce clones of the ancient Decepticons, with memories and personalities intact. One by one, he downloaded protoform cloning data of the legendary warriors: (Decepticon) Megatron, Skywarp, Starscream, Thundercracker, Reflector, Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Soundwave. Ravage returned to Predacon space, ready to produce his clone army and already making plans of conquest. Beast Wars Transmetals
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (PS)
- Voice actor: Martin Roach
Ravage battled the Maximals in pitched combat. Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (PS)
3D Battle Card Game
Ravage fights under the command of Megatron once more, this time with several allies from (potentially) different universes and/or timelines. Energon Wars Expansion Set
Transformers Legends
Ravage took part in a covert infiltration of the Autobot base led by Soundwave, allowing them to pass information back to the Decepticons and ensure a string of Decepticon victories. They were eventually uncovered by Blaster, Prowl, and Nightbeat, and sent packing. Covert Operations
Ravage aided the Decepticon Powermasters in a battle against their hated rivals, the Autobot Powermasters. End of the Road
Ravage was part of a group of Decepticons who teamed up with the Autobots Wingblade and Nightbeat to battle the Ammonites on a distant planet. Together, they were able to drive off several Ammonite attacks, but the two factions soon started fighting one another over differing opinions. Eventually, the Autobots defeated the Ammonites and sent the Decepticons packing. Though angered by this turn of events, Ravage and the other Decepticons found consolation that the Ammonites also tasted defeat at the Autobots' hands, and returned to their starship. Into the Abyss
Ravage was among a group of Decepticons who accidentally time traveled back to the sixth century and ended up having to battle some similarly displaced Autobots using medieval technology. They lost, and returned to the present as prisoners of the Autobots. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court
Transformers: Devastation
Ravage aided Soundwave in his battles with the Autobots. Transformers: Devastation
Angry Birds Transformers
Ravage is an "Accessory" character, giving Deceptihogs he's attached to "acid rounds": anything their weapon hits but does not immediately destroy has its HP quickly sapped by burning acid. This bonus can be increased with upgrades won from random-prize Crates or in the "Shockwave's Tower" mini-game.
He can be unlocked by purchasing him with Gems in the Barracks, with Tokens during specific Challenge Events, or won from Crates and Shockwave's Tower. Angry Birds Transformers
Deceptihog | Body Part | Rarity | Gem Cost | Base Effect | Notes |
Soundblaster | Arms | Legendary | 900 | Acid Rounds |
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Ravage (TM) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character first available as a reward to 60 players in the "Beast Wars: Episode 4" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Frontiers
Transformers: Earth Wars
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Ravage was a cruel and sadistic spy who specialized in stealth operations, but was vulnerable to bright lights. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Soundwave considered him to be one of his most reliable saboteurs. Decepticon Directive
By the time of the Maximals and Predacons, "Tripredacus Agent" had become a Predacon operative with a feline alternate mode. Technorganic Secrets
- A working name for Ravage was Stalker.[3] Meanwhile, a partially-erased barely-legible piece of Bob Budiansky's handwritten notes suggests "Tapecat" was at one point considered for Ravage.
- Alternate names, narration, and in-universe descriptions by other characters over the years have inconsistently described the specific sub-genus of feline which Ravage represents as a jaguar, a panther, a puma, and sometimes even as a canine.
- Ravage's original package art is by far the most-copied depiction of any Transformer. It was, of course, adapted for his cartoon character model, which was utilized in his Transformers Universe profile, but was also used (twice) in 1984's "back-of-the-box" battle scene,[4] and was copied in licensed coloring books and storybooks; the pose also showed up repeatedly in the Marvel Comics. In "Time Wars Part 2" (Marvel UK #200), artist Robin Smith copied the art multiple times across several subsequent panels. And it was, of course, recolored for Howlback's card-art.
- According to the Transformers Adventure Game Book, "Dinobot War", Ravage's cassette mode is labelled as the soundtrack to the musical Cats.
- At JoeCon 2011, Rik Alvarez and John Warden participated in a "Treasures from the Hasbro Archives" panel, which revealed that an unproduced Rise of Cobra "Arctic Baroness" figure would have come with a robot panther modeled on Ravage. While Alvarez was ambiguous about the figure's identity, Warden consistently denied that it was actually going to be Ravage, though admitted the use of Ravage design cues was intentional. Neither the Baroness or the robot panther were tooled, with the panther in the photo being the only one in existence.
- In his first appearance, Kre-O Ravage is based on his bipedal Beast Wars appearance, and in the third one he is based on his quadruped 1984 appearance. While only his head is seen in his second appearance, he's likely to be in quadruped form as his role there is more pet-like.
- In his third appearance, he's shown in the pose depicted on his classic G1 package art. And everywhere else.
Beast Wars
- Ravage's Beast Wars robot mode character model is a modified Transmetal Cheetor model with Tigatron's beast head. "Metals Jaguar", the Beast Wars toy for Ravage released solely in Japan, is also a modified Transmetal Cheetor.
- Ravage's transformation to cassette mode in "The Agenda (Part 2)" was accompanied by the Generation 1 transformation sound effect.
- Ravage's profile in the IDW Beast Wars Sourcebook seems to suggest that, in the body he is first seen in the Beast Wars, he possess three separate modes; robot, beast, and cassette.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Jaguar (ジャガー Jagā), Ravage (ラヴィッジ Ravijji, ラベッジ Rabejji)
- Czech: Trhač
- French: Saboteur (Canada)
- Hungarian: Romboló ("Ravager")
- Italian: Iena ("Hyena"), Ursus (Beast Wars)
- Mandarin: Pòhùai (Taiwan, 破壞, "Ravage"), Robin (Taiwan Beast Wars, 羅賓 Lúobīn), Jīqì Gǒu (China, 机器狗, "Mechanical Dog"), Lüèduóshòu (China Beast Wars, 掠夺兽, "Ravening Beast")
- Polish: Dewastator (Beast Wars, "Devastator")
- Portuguese: Raiva (Portugal comics, "Rage"), Selvagem (Brazil comics, "Wild"), Destruição (Brazil Beast Wars, "Destruction")
- Russian: Grabitel' (Грабитель, "Robber")
- Spanish: Destructor (Spain, "Destroyer"), Devastador (Beast Wars Latin American dub, "Devastator")
- Swedish: Utplånaren (Generation 2, "Obliterator")
- Ukrainian: Spustoshuvach (ICTV, Спустошувач, "Devastator")
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/transformers/photos/a.153259298077606/2454681957935317/?type=3&theater
- ↑ http://groups.google.com/group/alt.toys.transformers.fanfic/msg/a5cd7fda89f12c7c?dmode=source&hl=en&pli=1
- ↑ Bob Budiansky Botcon Panel Coverage
- ↑ http://www.botchthecrab.com/galleryImage.asp?gallery=7&image=33
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Character stubs missing video games
- Beast Wars combiners
- Beast Wars Predacons
- Cats
- Deceptihogs
- Dreamwave Generation 1 Decepticons
- Energon Universe Decepticons
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Ghosts
- Go! Go! Decepticons
- Henkei! Henkei! Decepticons
- IDW (2019) Decepticons
- Kre-O Decepticons
- Kreons
- Legends World natives
- Mini-Cassettes
- Mystery of Convoy Decepticons
- Saboteurs
- Spies
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Decepticons
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Predacons
- Transformers with three modes
- Transmetals 2
- War for Cybertron: Earthrise Decepticons
- War for Cybertron: Siege Decepticons
- Security officers