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Proving Grounds

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Beast Wars: Transformers ep 46
Super Lifeform Transformers: Beast Wars Metals ep 19
Proving Grounds title shot.JPG
Quick, before Silverbolt comes!
"Proving Grounds"
Season 3
No. in season 7
Production company Mainframe Entertainment
Airdate February 14, 1999
Written by Arthur Sellers
Directed by William Lau
Animation studio Mainframe Entertainment
Continuity Beast Wars continuity
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Blackarachnia leaves the Maximals, and is drawn into a dangerous hunt with Dinobot.



Nice curves.

The Maximals examine Blackarachnia, using a machine to display her insides. Rattrap is unimpressed with the Predacon, but Cheetor finds the lady's structure to be fascinating. Rhinox finds the location of the shell program that Tarantulas installed in Blackarachnia's protoform to make her into a Predacon. When the test is over, Blackarachnia responds aggressively to Rattrap's suspicion and Cheetor's infatuation, but Optimus Primal orders her to stand down. Frustrated with not yet being accepted, she leaves the Maximal base using a secret tunnel, but Dinobot, spying on the Maximals, watches her exit and follows.

In the outdoors, Blackarachnia reflects on her situation to a stray butterfly. Before she can execute the butterfly, she notices Dinobot hunting her. She leaps through trees and starts to hunt the predator. Soon, she ensnares and suspends Dinobot by her webbing. Dinobot cuts himself free and transforms to his robot mode. He accuses her of being a coward and walks away.

In the Maximal base, Rattrap enjoys a video game, but Silverbolt deactivates the game to use the computers to find Blackarachnia. Rattrap cries over his lost game, while the Fuzor determines Blackarachnia to be in Predacon territory. Silverbolt convinces Rattrap to not report Blackarachnia's irregular whereabouts to Optimus Primal by mentioning Dinobot.

What is it with Dinobot and logs?

In darker woods, Blackarachnia and Dinobot find each other again. But the spider realizes she has been fooled by a hologram, while the real Dinobot attacks her from behind using a strong tail swipe. The two fire at each other, and Dinobot dodges a falling tree. Blackarachnia runs, but Dinobot blasts down two trees, pinning the widow's legs under two massive pieces of lumber. Before he can carve into her, Blackarachnia is able to grab her gun and fire a shot into Dinobot at close range. With her enemy down, Blackarachnia tries to radio for help, but doesn't notice Dinobot being repaired by his Transmetal 2 energies. Luckily, Silverbolt is already searching for his lady friend, tracing her scent.

The other Maximals figure out that Blackarachnia and Silverbolt are in Megatron's jamming zone.

Silverbolt was strapped the wrong way around on Goldfinger's table.

Blackarachnia keeps her guard up, aware that Dinobot is still hunting her. Silverbolt arrives, and is promptly shot directly in the chest. The two males battle, with Dinobot getting an upper hand. As Dinobot uses his heat vision to slowly burn Silverbolt's face, Blackarachnia fires her machine guns at her lover, announcing the fight is between Predacons.

Blackarachnia tries to convince Dinobot to form a private alliance. Dinobot rejects the idea and stuns her with a beam from his eyes. But Blackarachnia's conversation gives Silverbolt the time to stand up again. Dinobot's attacks, but discovers too late that Silverbolt had created a hologram of himself using the holo-projector. He blasts the Transmetal 2 over the edge of one of those surprisingly common steep cliffs—but Dinobot climbs back up to level. However Blackarachnia fires a missile directly into his face, making sure he won't be able to climb up again.

Shoulder massages always help.

As the sun rises, Blackarachnia and Silverbolt discuss the conversation about her betrayal that he overheard. She explains it was an attempt to fool Dinobot—a stalling tactic. Blackarachnia decides to leaves the Maximals—no longer desiring to let them distrust her as they do. Blackarachnia tries to leave, but her headbutt harms both Silverbolt and herself. Primal lands and explains that it's up to Blackarachnia if she wants to have the shell program removed; she is surprised to have a leader who actually listens to her rather than dictating terms. Blackarachnia agrees to stay with the Maximals, but keeps herself the way she is.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"What's the matter? Don't you trust me?"
"Huh, about as far as an anvil can jump." [forcibly grabbed by the neck] "Of course, I mean that in the best possible way."

Blackarachnia and Rattrap

"Hands off the metal, Sir Drools-a-lot."

Rattrap to Silverbolt

"Mood, setting... all I need now is my dance partner."

Blackarachnia on her "hunt"

Silverbolt: You're going to hear the truth if it...
[Blackarachnia turns around and headbutts Silverbolt, knocking him down.]
Blackarachnia: Warned ya... ohh, not such a great idea.
[Blackarachnia falls to the ground; she and Silverbolt groan.]

Blackarachnia learns not to do something stupid the hard way.


Script timeline

  • First script: 6th April 1998
  • Second draft: 6th May 1998
  • Finalised: 20th May 1998
  • As Air: 9th December 1998

Animation and technical errors

  • When Blackarachnia jumps out of the X-ray machine, she's missing her beast mode legs.
  • The way the trees fall on Blackarachnia, her head and torso would have been trapped, with her legs sticking out.
  • During the scene where the Maximals work out where Silverbolt and Blackarachnia have gone, a piece of green metal clips through Rhinox's chest.
  • Blackarachnia's cyber-venom is blue, as opposed to its usual dark purple.

Continuity errors

  • Previous episodes established that the Predacon shell program was something installed onto a stasis pod, activated through the DNA scanner. This episode depicts the shell program as a physical object implanted within Blackarachnia.
  • Dinobot displays enhanced healing in this episode, allowing him to shrug off incapacitating damage in a matter of seconds. You'd think that this ability would come in handy in the previous two-parter, after he was repeatedly defeated by Cheetor.

Continuity notes

  • As established in "Double Jeopardy", Blackarachnia was originally a Maximal protoform, but had her allegiance and perhaps personality altered by Tarantulas's shell program. She is the only case of such a comprehensive reprogramming of a Maximal protoform into a Predacon in the cartoon.
  • Cheetor's coming-of-age infatuation with Blackarachnia ends.
  • Silverbolt brings up Rattrap's rivalry/friendship with the original Dinobot.
  • Blackarachnia downloaded the codes to the Ark off of the Golden Disk in "Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)".
  • Blackarachnia proposes an alliance with Dinobot. It's not explicitly stated, but her comments about him being "state-of-the-art" suggests that she hopes to use him to gain some Transmetal powers of her own, a long-term goal first alluded to in "Cutting Edge".
  • Gadgets and powers:
    • Dinobot's left eye has a telescopic function.
    • He also carries around an illusion-generating machine.
    • After getting blasted by Blackarachnia, Dinobot heals off the damage. This is accompanied by a purple glow emanating from his spark, much like Cheetor's own supernatural abilities back in Feral Scream Part 2.
    • In addition to all the other things he can do with his left eye, Dinobot can fire a paralyzing beam.

Transformers references

Real-world references

  • The video game Rattrap plays has some aspects modelled after Street Fighter. Optimus Primal tosses a projectile similar to Ryu's "Hadoken" and performs a spinning kick similar to Ryu's "Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku". The two characters in the game are a miscolored Megatron (Transmetal body) and Optimus Primal (using the body of pre-beast mode Megatron from "Beast Wars" (Part 1)).
  • The next game Rattrap plays is a first person shooter, a la Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. It consists of blasting many Waspinators.


  • Blackarachnia's scan highlights various skeletal-like structures in her body, including hips and a rib cage. It also highlights some sort of tube structure smack-dab in the middle of her pelvis. Really, Mainframe Entertainment?

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Sauvetage" (Canada, "Rescue")


  • Title: In fuga ("On the Run")


  • Title: "Love Typhoon" (ラブタイフーン)
  • Original airdate: February 9 2000


  • Title: "Fazendo Escolhas" ("Making Choices")


  • Title: "La Prueba" ("The Test")

  • Title: "La Prueba" (America, "The Test")


  • Title: "Zhēnjiǎ Lìchǎng" (真假立场, "Stand between Truth and Fault")

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 2000 — Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers: Metals — Love Typhoon (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only.
United Kingdom 2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Volume 2 (Universal)


Japan 2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers: Metals — DVD Box 2 (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio.
United States of America 2004 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Third Season (Rhinomation)
United States of America 2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Seasons 2 & 3 (Shout! Factory)
United States of America 2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)
United Kingdom 2005 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Vol. 2 (Universal)
Australia 2006 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Season 3 (Madman Entertainment)
Australia 2009 — The Transformers: Beast Wars — Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment)

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