From Transformers Wiki
A soundbox is an electronic gadget containing a memory device that records one or more sound clips and plays them back on demand, allowing for audible explosions, beep-wheedles, and "I am Optimus Prime."
A soundbox is a self-contained unit containing batteries, electronics, and speaker, which makes it simple to install in a toy—all the designer needs is to allow space and a grille for the speaker, and make sure there's a way to get to the batteries in one of the toy's modes. On the other hand, a soundbox is relatively large as gimmicks go, and requires a fair amount of dedicated space.
As with all electronics, soundbox technology improved over the decades. Toys featuring soundboxes during the 1980s usually also had to make space for a relatively large nine-volt battery and the snap connectors that went with it. Modern soundboxes are now powered by button cell batteries, AAA batteries, or AA batteries. Soundboxes have also become somewhat cheaper to manufacture, given their very sparse use in lines previous to 2002. During Armada and after, the boxes became a common feature on larger figures.
Because of all these electronic whiz-bang doohickeys involved in their function, it is not uncommon to see one or more light-emitting diodes wired into the board.
Toys utilizing soundboxes
- 1985
- 1986
- 1993
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- Roleplay Dark Saber
- Jetfire
- Laserbeak
- Megatron
- Optimus Prime
- Red Alert
- Scavenger
- Roleplay Star Saber
- Starscream
- 2003
- K-Mart exclusive Battle for the Matrix Optimus Prime and Jetfire two-pack
- Sam's Club exclusive Optimus Prime
- Sam's Club exclusive Ultra Magnus
- Toys"R"Us exclusive Air Attack Optimus Primal
- Galvatron
- Overload
- Powerlinx Jetfire
- Powerlinx Optimus Prime
- Powerlinx Red Alert
- Skywarp
- Thundercracker
- 2004
- Sam's Club exclusive Starscream and Prowl two-pack (Starscream only)
- Toys"R"Us exclusive Powerlinx Megatron Vs Powerlinx Optimus Prime two-pack
- Bulkhead
- Cliffjumper
- Ironhide
- Jetfire
- Landmine
- Megatron
- Mirage
- Optimus Prime
- Scorponok
- Shockblast
- Treadbolt
- Ultra Magnus with Space Mini-Con Team
- 2005
- Beachcomber
- Dreadwing
- Galvatron
- Ironhide
- Landquake
- Omega Sentinel
- Omega Supreme
- Overcast
- Quickstrike
- Six Shot
- 2006
- BotCon 2006 Exclusive Timelines Optimus Primal
- Classics Optimus Prime 20th Anniversary DVD Edition
- Costco exclusive Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus two-pack
- Crumplezone
- Dark Scorponok
- Jetfire
- Leobreaker
- Megatron
- Optimus Prime
- Scourge
- Supreme Class Starscream
- Vector Prime
- Primus
- 2007
- Cryo Scourge
- Dark Crumplezone
- Galaxy Force Optimus Prime
- Galaxy Force Vector Prime
- Galvatron
- Menasor
- Metroplex
- Nemesis Breaker
- Sky Shadow
- Wing Saber
- Leader Class Brawl
- Desert Attack Brawl
- Leader Class Megatron
- Optimus Prime
- Nightwatch Optimus Prime
- 2008
- Premium Series Leader Class Megatron
- Premium Series Leader Class Optimus Prime
- Toys"R"Us exclusive Jetstorm
- Wingblade
- Inferno
- Universe (2008) Generation 1 Series Optimus Prime
- Ultra Class Onslaught
- Powerglide
- Ultra Class Silverbolt
- Storm Cloud
- Roll Out Command Optimus Prime
- Leader Class Bulkhead
- Leader Class Megatron
- Leader Class Ultra Magnus
- 2009
- Leader Class Optimus Prime
- Leader Class Megatron
- Power Bots Megatron
- 2010
- Transformers (2010) Leader Class Optimus Prime
- Leader Class Shadow Command Megatron
- Transformers (2010) Leader Class Starscream
- 2011
- 2012
- Generations Leader Class Starscream
- 2013
- Titan Class Metroplex
- Kenzan
- Gekisoumaru
- Energize Electronic Optimus Prime
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- Platinum Edition Year of the Monkey Optimus Primal
- Cerebros
- Power Surge Optimus Prime & Aerobolt
- Power Surge Starscream
- 2017
- Masterpiece 36 Megatron
- Movie The Best Leader Class Optimus Prime
- Allspark Tech
- 2018
- Masterpiece 36+ Megatron
- 2019
- Masterpiece 44 Optimus Prime
- 2023
- 2024
- Reissue Galvatron's soundbox was upgraded to use AA batteries instead of the original's nine volt PP3s.
- Tidal Wave's Armada box noted that he had electronic sounds. He did not - which was a good decision for a boat toy kids might take in the tub.
- Cybertron Voyager Starscream was designed with a soundbox in mind (even including the requisite speaker and battery brackets when you crack one open), but the final Hasbro and Takara versions have no electronics.