Spider's Game
From Transformers Wiki
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"Spider's Game" | |||||||||
Season | 1 | ||||||||
No. in season | 18 | ||||||||
Production company | Mainframe Entertainment | ||||||||
Airdate | January 6, 1997 | ||||||||
Written by | Larry DiTillio | ||||||||
Directed by | James Boshier | ||||||||
Animation studio | Mainframe Entertainment | ||||||||
Continuity | Beast Wars continuity | ||||||||
Packaged with | Predacon Tarantulus | ||||||||
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Tarantulas detects a new stasis pod and attempts to turn the protoform into a new Predacon.
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As another stasis pod leaves orbit and completes planetfall, Tarantulas sends out a magnetic pulse that disrupts the sensors at both the Predacon and Maximal bases. The pulse ensures that Tarantulas will be the first to arrive at the pod's landing site, within Grid Halex, and that he will be able to manipulate the protoform inside. Blackarachnia discovers what Tarantulas is up to and insists on accompanying him to the pod's landing site.
Tigatron also sees the pod arriving, but is unable to contact the Maximal base so he sets out to intercept the pod on his own. He is intercepted by Waspinator, who delays Tigatron until Airazor arrives and saves him. Tigatron tells Airazor to go to the pod and that he will join her there.
Arriving at the pod, Tarantulas and Blackarachnia are too late to hand pick an arachnid form for the protoform; however, Tarantulas is able to do some reprogramming and turn the protoform into a Predacon. The new Predacon, Inferno, emerges from the pod only to attack the other two Predacons, then begins marching about the stasis pod. Tarantulas deduces that Inferno's beast mode is dominating his logic circuits and that he thinks he really is a fire ant protecting his colony, which his mind concludes is the stasis pod. Blackarachnia tries to fire on Inferno, but Tarantulas stops her, saying he wants no damage to the pod.
Airazor arrives on the scene only to be attacked and disabled by Inferno and Blackarachnia. While Blackarachnia uses this opportunity to make nice with Inferno and start to win him over, Tarantulas uses it to accomplish his real goal—stealing the stasis pod. This act enrages Inferno who sets out in pursuit of Tarantulas, with Blackarachnia not far behind. Tigatron arrives and tells Airazor to find Optimus while he pursues the Predacons.
Nearing his lab, Tarantulas is caught by Inferno who demands the return of the "colony". Tarantulas ensnares Inferno in a web and is preparing to finish him off when Scorponok arrives and informs Tarantulas that Megatron wants the pod. Before that can happen however, Tigatron arrives and destroys the pod. His victory quickly turns sour as he is attacked by both Tarantulas and Blackarachnia, who inflict heavy damage on him. Megatron arrives on the scene shortly, and even though both of the spiders flee, Tigatron is still in trouble. Inferno breaks free of Tarantulas's web, enraged at the destruction of the colony. Impressed with new guy's violent attitude, Megatron directs Inferno's fury on Tigatron. The ant is prepares to destroy the tiger, but Optimus Primal and Airazor arrive and blow Inferno into scrap.
Megatron gathers up the parts of Inferno and has him restored, while Optimus and Airazor take Tigatron back to the Maximal base for repairs. Back at his lab, however, Tarantulas is lamenting the loss of the pod, revealing to Blackarachnia his beliefs that the planet they're on is doomed. From this, the black widow correctly surmises that Tarantulas was going to convert the pod into an escape shuttle, but is unable to wrench any more information about his motives for doing so out of him.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Maximals | Predacons |
"Besides, you're so cute."
- —Blackarachnia to Tarantulas. Erugh.
"Ew, another insect. How depressing."
- —Blackarachnia on Inferno's alt mode.
"Spiders! Dare invade the colony? Inferno, terrorize!"
- —Inferno's first words.
"As Cheetor would say, that flight mode is ultra-gear!"
- —Airazor should find better people to quote.
"You won't be getting any of our secrets from that pod, Predacons!"
"And you won't be getting any older, Stripes."
- —Tigatron and Blackarachnia.
"At least consider it; we could be a great team. ...Lunatic."
- —Blackarachnia and Tarantulas contemplate working together again.
Script timeline
- First draft: 19th June 1996
- Second draft: 16th July 1996
- Finalised: 14th August 1996
- As Air: 8th January 1997
Animation and technical errors
- As Blackarachnia talks while Tarantulas works away at the protoform, her claws at one point clip through her hip, and then through Tarantulas' arm kibble.
- When Waspinator flies after Tigatron, he clips through the screen.
- After smashing into the boulder, Tigatron's head briefly clips into it.
- Inferno's beast form seems to be way too large for the stasis pod he crawls out of...
- Inferno's legs are also colored quite randomly. This means that when he first transforms to robot mode, his right leg suddenly goes from being dark red to a bright hue.
- Just before Inferno transforms for the first time, one of his ant legs in the pod jerks back and forth.
- When Inferno salutes after firing at the spiders, his hand clips into his head and his "horns".
- When Blackarachnia hides behind a tree, her spider legs clip into its trunk.
- Then, as she transforms, Tarantulas' forearms are on backwards. And when he transforms, his robot mode legs miraculously disappear, only to flip down from his body and retract into it again.
- Right after this, as Inferno's walking up and down to guard his pod, his back kibble are doing their own independent movements.
- Blackarachnia's line "An opportunity has arrived" comes out of both her and Tarantulas' mandibles.
- As Blackarachnia throws Tarantulas off herself, he briefly passes into her back.
- The spinning blades on Inferno's abdomen have a tendency to clip through his legs as he flies or hovers.
- When Tarantulas snickers to himself after Blackarachnia goes to talk to Inferno, his spider "hands" clip into the ground.
- When Inferno introduces himself to Airazor, his hand passes into his chest.
- The sound effect for Inferno's spinning blades can still be heard when he lands in front of Blackarachnia, but they aren't moving.
- As Airazor struggles to get up, the fingers on her right hand twist outwards two times.
- As Airazor caresses her right arm when talking to Tigatron, her left hand keeps popping on and off its joint. Then, as Tigatron leaves, her right arm clips into her thigh.
- When Tarantulas transforms after Inferno finds him, the markings on his spider abdomen change as it becomes his back.
- Before Tarantulas shoots his web at Inferno, the latter is standing in front of an open plain, but when he's hit, the rock outcropping that was to his side appears behind him.
- Scorponok is standing on the ground when he finds Tarantulas, but when Tigatron's blasts knocks him back, he's suddenly on a boulder.
- When Inferno breaks out of the web Tarantulas traps him in and fires his jets, his spinning abdomen is seen slashing through the back of his legs. (for a brief second anyway)
- While he flies higher up, Inferno tilts his head back so much that the back of it clips completely into his torso.
- Both Megatron and Scorponok are missing from view when Primal's shot flies at and hits Inferno.
- As Primal's missile flies toward Megatron, a strange flickering line appears on the ground on the right side of the screen.
- After getting blasted by Primal, Megatron has odd "prongs" sticking out of the back of his head for a shot.
- The damage on Megatron's torso disappears as he fires at the retreating Maximals, only to reappear afterwards.
- Tarantulas' maniacal laughter at the end is accentuated by a rare dramatic shadow that sadly makes it look like he's hovering in the air.
Continuity errors
- While other stasis pods are shown with hatch windows in outer space, Inferno's stasis pod does not have a window when viewed from the inside.
- Despite what the stasis pod says during Tarantulas's reprogramming of it, it had already started and finished scanning for DNA before the spiders even arrived.
- While Airazor is standing up from her injury, the stasis pod can be seen in the background, even though Tarantulas has already taken it away.
- When Tigatron is injured near the end of the episode, his beast mode's face (which serves as his robot mode's chestplate) appears to be bleeding (and has a black eye). Unless mech fluid happens to be red, this either contradicts what Cheetor said to Tarantulas in an earlier episode when he said "I don't have real blood... only mech fluid.", or this lends credence to the theory that beast modes are wholly organic.
- It's snowing rather heavily near the end of the episode. Considering that the series most likely takes place in prehistoric Africa, this is... odd, to say the least. Perhaps it has something to do with the energon deposits?
Continuity notes
- Following on from the events of the previous episode, Tarantulas has correctly realized that the planet's strange geography is the result of alien manipulation, and is planning to flee the planet before they show up.
- Tarantulas hopes to make another of "our kind", referring to the role he played in Blackarachnia's own creation back in "Double Jeopardy".
- Prior to this point, Predacons had been known to exclaim "By the Inferno". With the introduction of a character using that name, the phrase is quietly dropped to avoid confusion and will be replaced in a couple of episodes with "By the Pit".
- Gadgets and powers:
- Airazor can perform a "sonar scan" while in beast mode to detect faraway targets.
- We get to see the installation of a Predacon shell program onto a Maximal protoform, which involves physically replacing a chip within the pod's machinery.
- We also get to see Tarantulas pooping out some webbing, which he uses to pull the Stasis Pod along. It... doesn't sound pleasant.
- Remarkably, this is the first episode where Tarantulas and Blackarachnia interact since her debut.
- While Megatron is complaining that repairing the computer is Tarantulas's job, you can see the words "eat me" on the screen in the Predacon variant of Cybertronix.
- This is the only episode of the series in which Scott McNeil voices just one character (specifically, Waspinator). The other fifty-one episodes saw him voicing two to four characters.
- Inferno's stasis pod is the only pod in the entire series to make a controlled descent and scan a beast mode without incident. Of course, it doesn't stop him from being bonkers, but hey.
- It can be speculated that Inferno's faulty programming can be attributed to his pod already selecting his beast mode before Tarantulas began the reprogramming sequence. It is possible that without the Maximal or Predacon programming chips in place, the pod began to program him with the basic instincts of an ant.
- This is the first episode of the series to not feature Rattrap, Cheetor, or Terrorsaur.
- After Tigatron hits his head, there's a cartoony, tweeting-bird sound.
- Just before Inferno's pod lands, one ant in the screen's lower left corner is doing rather questionable things to its partner. Hopefully that particular behavior wasn't picked up by Inferno's programming.
- A toilet flushing can be heard right before Optimus Primal asks Rhinox why the power is out. Optimus states that he was running a "strategic simulation."
Foreign localization
- Title: "Inferno"
- Title: "Inferno" (Canada)
- Title: "Intrighi" ("Intrigue")
- In previous episodes, Megatron's "Yessss!" was generally translated as Sicuro! ("Sure!", although the very first episodes had some exceptions) but, starting from here, it's instead literally translated as Sìììì for some episodes (the old translation will return in Before the Storm).
- Title: "Jigoku no Ari Senshi Inferno" (地獄のアリ戦士インフェルノ, "The Hellish Ant Warrior, Inferno")
- Original airdate: 28 January 1998
- Inferno is dubbed fairly faithfully to his English language version, with the addition of incessantly repeating words and phrases to express his mania. Like all other characters, Inferno was given a unique verbal tic. In his case, he ends sentences with the phrase de arimasu, an outdated predecessor to the more modern desu used only in highly formal situations (for Inferno, it illustrates his reverence for "the colony"). "Ari" also happens to be Japanese for "ant", making it a pun. Like all characters, he shouts a phrase whenever he fires his weapon. In his case, it's shageki (射撃, "Fire!").
- Title: "O Jogo das Aranhas" ("The Game of Spiders")
- Title: "Juego de Arácnidos" ("Spiders' Game")
- Title: "Zhīzhū de Yóuxì " (蜘蛛的游戏, "Spiders' Game")
Home video releases
1998 — Beast Wars — Warning from Space (Alliance Video)
1998 — Robots-Bêtes — Alert Dans L'Espace (Alliance Video) — French audio only.
1998 — Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers — There are 2 Dinobots? (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only.
1998 — Beast Wars / Robots-Bêtes Three pack (Alliance Video) — Available in English or French audio.
2001 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Beginning: Vol. 3 (Universal)
1998 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Predacon Edition (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio.
2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers — DVD Box (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio.
2003 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete First Season (Rhinomation)
2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Season 1 (Shout! Factory)
2011 — Beast Wars: Transformers — The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)
2005 — Beast Wars — Classic Episodes: Volume 3 — The Battle Rages On! (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio.
2005 — Beast Wars — The Complete First Season (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio.
2006 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Season 1 (Madman Entertainment)
2009 — The Transformers: Beast Wars — Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment)
External links
Official uploads (Japanese)
- Beast Wars Again re-airings:
- "The Hellish Ant Warrior, Inferno" on YouTube
- "The Hellish Ant Warrior, Inferno (Part 2)" on YouTube