Countries - Europe

  • Albania

    Hunting and fishing Albania has many national parks where tourists can hunt and fish. Victims of this cruel activity include owls, partridges, quails, wild ducks, and mammals such as bears,…
  • Germany

    National Parks German National Parks attract tourists from all over the world. Some of the benefits generated by the entrance to the parks are destined to the protection of rare…
  • Andorra

    Natural protected areas Tourism is one of Andorra’s main sources of revenue and its beautiful landscapes are one of the country’s main attractions. It is also a popular destination for…
  • Austria

    Birdwatching Austria is home to a wide and diverse variety of animals and plants. This is due to the country’s geography, with birdwatching being one of its most important tourist…
  • Belgium

    Birdwatching Belgium is considered a small paradise for bird watching. We advise tourists to hire the services of a professional guide and take a look at our bird watching tips…
  • Belarus

    Hunting Belarus is home to a growing population of around 2,000 wolves, but apart from those living in nature reserves, the majority are largely unprotected. Hunting is a serious problem,…
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Ecotourism Bosnia and Herzegovina’s national parks and nature reserves have a wide variety of flora and fauna, and its mountain areas are home to wild bears and lynx. The Serbian…
  • Bulgaria

    Zoos Bulgaria has a series of zoos aimed at tourists, but in recent years, a review of the standards of these facilities has raised concerns regarding animal living conditions and…
  • Cyprus

    Birdwatching Cyprus is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna and is the crossing point between Europe and Africa for millions of migratory birds every year. It has…
  • Croatia

    Sanctuaries Croatia has a wide variety of wildlife, and it seems that the concern for the welfare and conservation of wildlife is growing throughout the country. However, the number of…
  • Denmark

    Birdwatching Birdwatching is a popular tourist activity in Denmark and yet, because of the increase in agriculture and the exploitation of grasslands, since 1970 some bird populations have been reduced…
  • Eslovaquia

    Avistamientos Eslovaquia tiene un paisaje espectacular, que es también el hogar del oso pardo salvaje. Estos increíbles animales atraen a muchos visitantes cada año: de hecho en algunas zonas hay…
  • Eslovenia

    Zoos Sólo hay seis parques zoológicos registrados en Eslovenia, de los cuales tres fueron investigados en el marco de la investigación de Born Free Foundation de 2011. Dos de estas…
  • Spain

    Bullfighting and other festivities The San Fermin Festival is held every July since 1911 and is a popular tourist event despite the cruelty it implies for bulls. These animals have…
  • Estonia

    Circos Estonia se ha unido a muchos otros países que han adoptado medidas para prohibir o limitar el uso de animales en los circos. Esta es sin duda una gran…
  • Finland

    Exotic dishes Finnish cuisine is well known for using reindeer meat, most of all in Lapland. However, most Finns consider this meat exotic food and it is mostly found in…
  • France

    Foie Gras France is famous for its production of foie gras, a controversial product obtained through forced feeding birds with boiled corn and fat. Although most EU countries have already banned…
  • Greece

    Protected areas Loggerhead sea turtles are the most common turtles in the Mediterranean, and they nest on the beaches of Greece, Turkey, Israel and Libya. Unfortunately, many of these beaches…
  • Hungria

    Caza Año tras año, muchos cazadores viajan a Hungría para disparar a jabalís, ciervos rojos, gamos, muflones, así como faisanes y patos. La caza se “vende” como un deporte típico…
  • Ireland

    Whale watching The watching of whales and other marine mammals represents a growing industry in Ireland, and their income has the potential to attract the interest of a number of…
  • Iceland

    Whale watching Eco-tourism and whale watching industries are growing rapidly in Iceland. In 2002, more than 62,000 people traveled to Iceland for this reason. However, the hunting of some species…
  • Italy

    Illegal animal trafficking – birds It is quite common to see caged birds in restaurants and hotels in Italy. Many of these animals were captured from the wild and many…
  • Letonia

    Parques Nacionales y Áreas Protegidas Letonia es un destino popular para los amantes de la naturaleza y entre los aficionados de la observación de aves y del trekking. En el…
  • Liechtenstein

    Liechtenstein, oficialmente Principado de Liechtenstein es un país de Europa Central y el único país que se encuentra en su totalidad en los Alpes. Tanto el país como su población…
  • Lithuania

    Kaunas Zoo Kaunas Zoo is the only official zoo in Lithuania and it does not fulfill neither the minimal requirements of the EU, neither national wildlife protection laws. The main…

About this section

In this section of our webpage we analyze the main problems related to tourism and animal welfare in different countries of Europe, also indicating recommended rescue centers, volunteer projects and main organizations working with animal protection in each country.


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