falcon 3d c182 skylane f06 3D Модель

falcon 3d c182 skylane f06 3D Модель
$ 95.00
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  • Доступні формати:
    3DS MAX all ver.: 3ds 476.80 kb
    Image Textures: jpg 2.57 MB
    AutoCAD (native): dwg 1.28 MB
    ArchiCAD (native): dxf 1.27 MB
    Lightwave ver. 7: lwo 895.23 kb
    3DS MAX ver.7: max7 507.22 kb
    Wavefront OBJ: obj 1.16 MB
    Stereolithography: stl 1.05 MB
    Shockwave3D: w3d 3.43 MB
    Rhinoceros: 3dm 1.30 MB
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the cessna c182 skylane is a four place single engine light aircraft built for the civilian market. it was built by cessna in witchita beginning in the mid 1950s until the 1980s. production was restarted in 1996 and continues today. it is the second most popular cessna model after the cessna skyhawk.

the skylane has more comfort, larger payload, longer range, bigger engine and higher speed than the skyhawk. a diesel powered jet fuel burning version will begin production in the near future and the avgas standard reciprocating version will be produced through 2014. the skylane is now built with a glass ****pit. the skyline uses the same wing planform, control surfaces and structure as the cessna 172. the cessna skylane has a cruise speed of 155 miles per hour.

variations on the design of the skylane include a redesigned tail and dorsal fin, redesigned fuselage, subtle differences with nose, wing tips and wheel pants, retractable landing gear and glass ****pit versions flaying today.

this model is built near to scale. it is fully textured and comes with all materials and textures as shown. this model has many animateable features such as landing gear, landing gear doors, ailerons, elevators, rudder, flaps, cowl flaps, and propeller. it also includes a lot of detail in the engine compartment, ****pit and instrument panel. the instrument panel, radios, gauges and controls have all been modeled. all materials and textures are included as shown here. the model also could be provided in autodesk ascii binary format and universal 3d .u#d format.

this model is available here in multiple formats for your immediate downloading. Готовність до друку: Ні
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Якщо вам потрібен інший формат, будь ласка, зробіть запит за допомогою тікета підтримки. Ми можемо конвертувати 3D-моделі: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Ми не конвертуємо 3d сцени і такі формати, як .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt тощо!

Завантажити falcon 3d c182 skylane f06 3D Модель 3ds jpg dwg dxf lwo max7 obj stl w3d 3dm від Falcon3D

airplane cessna skylane model aircraft civilian civil commuter trainer personal family professional training monoplane reciprocating propeller opposed inline four place
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falcon 3d c182 skylane f06 3D Модель