Papers by Waldomiro Silva Filho
Neste ensaio apresento minha compreensão da especificidade do relato de Jean Améry no movimento d... more Neste ensaio apresento minha compreensão da especificidade do relato de Jean Améry no movimento de testemunhos de vítimas dos campos de concentração (os testemunhos do inferno). A obra de Jean Améry é ainda mais perturbadora do que os mais perturbadores testemunhos do inferno: seus textos não visam a cura, não querem salvar, não reivindicam a reparação e a reconciliação, nem mesmo pregam a superação ou o olhar para o futuro. Ele quer apenas uma coisa, algo radicalmente terrível: a palavra de Améry faz com que o horror, o horror como real, tenha um nome.
Human Arenas, Dec 3, 2018
In this essay, I address the notion of "talking about oneself" as a linguistic performance of an ... more In this essay, I address the notion of "talking about oneself" as a linguistic performance of an individual whose object is their beliefs, thoughts, and desires. From here, I consider that our understanding of our own psychological states (such as believing or desiring) is fallible, incomplete, and not illuminating and, strictly speaking, does not constitute a form of knowledge. This, however, does not curtail our legitimate right to produce first-person statements about our own states, in relation to which we have the authority and responsibility that others do not.
O Que nos faz pensar, Dec 1, 2011
Philósophos : Revista de Filosofia, Feb 17, 2014
Review about the article, people virtuous epistemicamente: about epistemology of virtue of e. Sos... more Review about the article, people virtuous epistemicamente: about epistemology of virtue of e. Sosa Sosa, ernest. Virtue epistemology: belief apta and reflective knowledge, vol i. Trad. Luiz paulo rouanet. Sao paulo: edicoes loyola, 2013. Sosa, ernest. Reflective knowledge: belief apta and reflective knowledge, vol ii. Trad. Cecilia c. Bartalotti. Sao paulo: edicoes loyola, 2013.
Analytica (Rio de Janeiro), Jun 16, 2016
The works of Ernest Sosa claims to provide original and thought-provoking contributions to contem... more The works of Ernest Sosa claims to provide original and thought-provoking contributions to contemporary epistemology in setting a new direction for old dilemmas about the nature and value of knowledge. Judgment and Agency (2015) presents some new developments in his ideas. This book, described by Ram Neta (2015) as "both monumentally important and largely successful", brings together eleven essays, mostly based on articles previously published in journals and collected works. These texts address the principal themes of Sosa's philosophy, such as the nature and value of epistemic achievements, the different degrees of belief, the interaction between animal justification and reflective justification, the point of ancient and modern skepticism, and the moral, social and pragmatic aspects of knowledge.
Cognitio, Feb 3, 2018
Resumo: O texto compõe-se de duas partes em confronto. Na primeira, mais breve, Waldomiro, partin... more Resumo: O texto compõe-se de duas partes em confronto. Na primeira, mais breve, Waldomiro, partindo de uma posição cético-analítica, levanta um conjunto de críticas e indagações à posição prático-poiética, de Crisóstomo, que, na segunda parte procura responder a cada uma delas. A primeira posição, internalista, toma como central a noção de reflexão; a segunda, externalista, tem como central a noção de prática (sensível). Para a primeira, a filosofia deve lidar apenas com problemas isolados, que atrapalhem o fluxo da vida prática. Para a segunda, também do ponto de vista da vida prática, a filosofia pode legitimamente ocupar-se da compreensão geral das coisas, orientadora, sem ser com isso dogmática nem transcendental. Na construção de seu ponto de vista, Crisóstomo parte de sua noção de intencionalidade sensível e de nosso suposto emaranhamento práticosensível, criativo, com o mundo e as coisas. Um ponto de vista, então, que se pretende prático, não ascético, favorável à criação e à mudança, que se constrói e se afirma por confronto com o empirismo, enquanto passivo, abstrato, mentalista, dogmático, e também com o linguicentrismo, enquanto idealista, relativista, "agnóstico". Waldomiro vê com simpatia tal posição, mas questiona como possivelmente demasiado ambiciosas (logo, dogmáticas, transcendentais) sua abrangência, sua forma de justificação dialética (que envolveria circularidade), sua aparente redução de conhecimento humano a know-how, e mais eventuais inconsistências de um contraditório naturalismo criativo. Para Crisóstomo, por outro lado, é o ponto de vista de Waldomiro que arrisca envolver subjetivismo, artificialismo e inconsistência-na sustentação de nossas crenças. Palavras-chave: Materialismo prático-poiético. Ceticismo analíticoreflexivo. Conhecimento "humano" vs know-how "animal'. Dialética. Circularidade. Justificação.
Perspectiva Filosófica, Aug 19, 2020
Análisis Filosófico, May 1, 2021
Este artículo discute críticamente la noción de racionalidad y agencia en Racionalidad, Acción y ... more Este artículo discute críticamente la noción de racionalidad y agencia en Racionalidad, Acción y Opacidad de Fernando Broncano (2017). En este libro, contradiciendo las tesis normativistas aprioristas o el simple descriptivismo naturalista, Broncano sostiene que la racionalidad es algo que está directamente asociado con nuestras prácticas ordinarias de evaluar los juicios, acciones y decisiones de los demás. "Racionalidad" debe ser considerado como un término que usamos como calificador intelectual o para aludir a una virtud que otorgamos a las personas que pueden tomar decisiones teóricas y prácticas de manera autónoma. Así pues, la racionalidad no sería una condición a priori para que alguien se convierta en persona o una capacidad para eliminar la turbulencia de la precariedad cognitiva y moral humana, sino una forma de implicación en el mundo que califica positivamente al organismo que relaciona el pensamiento y la acción, el juicio y la elección en la búsqueda de lucidez en un mundo incierto. Con esto, la racionalidad y la agencia serían productos de la interdependencia social que uno tiene en relación con el otro, ya que los aprendemos y nos los enseñamos en el contexto de la vida natural. Este artículo está organizado en tres secciones: en la primera sección hago una presentación muy breve de uno de los aspectos del problema que ha motivado la discusión filosófica sobre la racionalidad y la agencia; en la segunda sección, presento mi comprensión de los temas desarrollados en Racionalidad, Acción y Opacidad, su estructura interna y, por supuesto, su tesis central; en la tercera sección, discuto específicamente el tema de que la normatividad de la racionalidad surge de nuestro encuentro dialéctico con otras personas y hago consideraciones personales sobre el valor y el alcance de los argumentos construidos en esta obra.
Discurso, 2020
This article deals with two questions: why would the way in which the neopyrronicle conducts his ... more This article deals with two questions: why would the way in which the neopyrronicle conducts his philosophical activity be more virtuous than his dogmatic, non-pyrrhic colleague does? And why would the result he achieves be more valuable? That said, my answer to the first question is that the way the neo-Pyrrhonian investigates is more virtuous because it seeks to deliberately avoid the vices of precipitation, arrogance and mental closure. Regarding the second question, I suggest that the outcome of the neopyronic investigation, whatever it may be (even if it is not the truth) is more valuable because of the way he conducts his investigation
Perspectiva Filosófica, 2020
This essay is about the conception of second person in Donald Davidson. For Davidson, what charac... more This essay is about the conception of second person in Donald Davidson. For Davidson, what characterizes a significant act and the possibility of the content of an attitude is the interaction between two agents driven by a primary intention: the speaker has the intention that his utterances be understood by another person. The essay is organized in three sections: in the first section, I present the specific meaning of the second person as a creature with whom the speaker currently interacts, regardless of whether they share a rule or linguistic convention beforehand. In the second section I present Davidson’s thesis of triangulation, which is that the individualization of beliefs and thoughts is established from systematic causal connections in triangulation between the individual, another speaker with whom he interacts, and objects or events in the world. Finally, in the third section, I present the idea of the “norm of conversation” as a theoretical tool to address epistemological issues: in conversation, when interlocutors intend to understand each other, speakers engage in a kind of investigation about the meaning and content of the sentences, beliefs, and intentions in dispute
Discurso, Dec 9, 2020
Este artigo trata de duas questões: por que o modo como o neopirrônico conduz a sua atividade fil... more Este artigo trata de duas questões: por que o modo como o neopirrônico conduz a sua atividade filosófica seria mais virtuoso do que o faz o seu colega não-pirrônico, dogmático? E por que o resultado que ele alcança seria mais valioso? Posto isso, minha resposta à primeira pergunta é que o modo como o neopirrônico investiga é mais virtuoso porque procura evitar deliberadamente os vícios da precipitação, arrogância e fechamento mental. Em relação à segunda pergunta, sugiro que o resultado da investigação do neopirrônico, qualquer que seja (mesmo que não seja a verdade) é mais valioso por causa do modo como ele conduz sua investigação.
Since the famous passage in which Socrates (Plato 1997) says that the unexamined, and therefore n... more Since the famous passage in which Socrates (Plato 1997) says that the unexamined, and therefore nonreflected, life is not worth living, "reflection" has been a diffuse and iterant term in ethics, moral philosophy, epistemology, political philosophy (Tiberius 2008; Skorupski 2010), but also in psychology (Marsico et al. 2015). This volume opens a new perspective on the topic of reflection, considering the most recent approaches in both philosophy (namely in epistemology) and cultural psychology.
Cultural psychology of education, 2015
On this essay I discuss the Bruner’s idea that intersubjectivity is related to an human condition... more On this essay I discuss the Bruner’s idea that intersubjectivity is related to an human condition, which constitutively enables us to access, interpret and know the minds of others while, at the same time, allowing us to create common signs and to transact through the use of language.
Analytica - Revista de Filosofia
In this paper, we discuss two recurring themes in Sosa's work, reexamined in Judgment and Age... more In this paper, we discuss two recurring themes in Sosa's work, reexamined in Judgment and Agency (Sosa, 2015) from a new angle, i.e. the place and importance of reflection in the cognitive economy of the epistemic agent, and epistemic value. Regarding the latter, Sosa suggests that knowing full well, which necessarily involves reflection, has value because it contributes to human flourishing. Although Sosa's “new virtue epistemology” appears very promising in explaining different intuitions regarding epistemology and demonstrating that it is possible to join reliabilist and responsibilist accounts of virtue epistemology, we believe that solving the value problem requires further clarification in order to truly explain the value of knowledge.
Review of General Psychology
This paper aims at establishing a dialogue between philosophy and psychology about the conditions... more This paper aims at establishing a dialogue between philosophy and psychology about the conditions and the process through which humans build epistemic relationships during ontogenetic development. By the latter term, we mean any form of interaction which is aimed at producing a belief about some relevant aspects of the world, present or absent, past or future and at assessing its degree of epistemic trustworthiness. The paper is built as a dialogue between a philosopher and a psychologist, who present different faces of the problem of epistemic legitimation respectively and discuss the possible ways in which the dialogue can lead to theoretical advancement in understanding the development of the human epistemic subject. The chapter is divided into four sections: in the first section, we outline how we develop ontogenetically as epistemic subjects, and the sense that our epistemic life depends on other people’s words or testimony; in the second section, we deal with the notion of epi...
Cognitio: Revista de Filosofia
Este artigo argumenta que uma Epistemologia da Conversação deve ser compreendida como um campo da... more Este artigo argumenta que uma Epistemologia da Conversação deve ser compreendida como um campo da Epistemologia Social que se dedica a investigar as normas estritamente epistêmicas que regem a interação entre duas ou mais pessoas acerca de suas crenças e outros estados epistêmicos. Uma definição elementar de conversação é: um ato comunicativo cooperativo nos quais os participantes assumem propósitos comuns e o compromisso de contribuir com declarações (asserções) relevantes. Partindo dessa definição elementar, o artigo apresenta quatro temas que deveriam ser considerados por uma Epistemologia da Conversação: a) que o desacordo é um motivo relevante para a conversação; b) que a conversação é um meio ou método de investigação em casos de desacordo entre pares; c) que as virtudes esperadas dos participantes são virtudes epistêmicas; e d) que qualquer resultado de uma conversação realizará um bem epistêmico.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
SpringerBriefs in Psychology, 2020
This chapter builds on the book topic using Peirce’s semiotic theory. It illustrates how percepti... more This chapter builds on the book topic using Peirce’s semiotic theory. It illustrates how perception integrates semiosis and, therefore, is abductive because it can be corrected and, consequently, criticized. For this reason, the path of investigation is not lived only by the science of the laboratory, but also by all those who experience the continuum of time, space, language, and limits of life extension.
Papers by Waldomiro Silva Filho
For this reason, our life at the university is marked by epistemic disagreements in practically all subjects. And the absence of such disagreements should cause us a certain amount of discomfort because it may mean that academic power is excessively concentrated in the hands of someone arrogant and oppressive.
The public intellectual shaped by a university is somebody prepared to converse, to dialogue. They are trained to recognize that there are disagreements, and that this recognition is not trivial. Recognizing that the person we disagree with is an epistemic peer (is, at least ideally, as able and competent as we are in producing good epistemic achievements) is the central pillar of epistemic cooperation and one of the principles of democracy. In daily life, this type of recognition is rarer: in day-to-day situations when we enter into a disagreement, we almost always assume that our divergence is only a matter of viewpoint and taste; at other times we assume that our interlocutor is an opponent and must be less capable and rational than we are. In these cases, we doubt the competence, taste, honesty, and reasonableness of our opponent. But in epistemic disagreements between virtuous epistemic agents, our challenger must be someone who has good reason to believe things that are different from the things we believe.
Escrito na forma ensaística, este livro cruza a própria experiência pessoal do autor com referências filosóficas e literárias. Em vez de avançar, como normalmente acontece com livros de filosofia, para uma conclusão ou na defesa de uma teoria, o texto mostra como uma interrogação inicial sobre qual o bem que podemos conquistar com a reflexão foi se transformando numa dúvida sobre por que algumas vezes a reflexão é importante e porque razões importam.
Nesse movimento, o autor se dá conta de um episódio da vida comum, a conversa, é a chave para entender como a própria vida humana frequentemente espera de nós racionalidade, justificativa e reflexão. “Este livro não informa – escreve o autor –, não argumenta, não apresenta teorias novas, ele somente testemunha esse movimento”.
Eles foram os vencedores da primeira edição do Prêmio da Sociedade Brasileira de Filoso fia Analítica (SBFA), anunciado durante a V Conferência da SBFA, realizada em Salvador, Bahi a, entre 10 e 14 de setembro de 2018.
Concorreram ao prêmio doutorandos e jovens filósofos em início de
carreira que submeteram artigos e ensaios inéditos que poderiam compreender qualquer uma das áreas da Filosofia Analítica Epistemologia, Lógica, Filosofia da Linguagem, Ética etc. Para compor a comissão julgadora, a direção da SBFA convidou filósofos reconhecidos pela comunidade filosófica brasileira: Adriano Naves de Brito (UNISINOS), André Leclerc (UnB), Eleonora Orlando (Universidad de Buenos Aires, SADAF), Guido Imaguire (UFRJ), Luiz Carlos Pereira (PUC Rio, UERJ), Marco Ruffino (UNICAMP), Oswaldo Chateaubriand (PUC Rio) e Sofia Stein (UNISINOS)
This volume is meant to be a starting point, an invitation to reflection, rather than a dogmatic statement about a closed theory. We think that the first step towards reflection is the open-minded and critical attitude. As the exchange between philosophy, epistemology, and cultural psychology has shown, thinking about reasons, generating knowledge, giving reasons, thinking about oneself and acting are not independent activities. They are rather sub-parts of an open system, dynamically interacting and feeding one into the other. The work of the philosophers and psychologists in this book aims to show that even though these activities can be studied individually by each specialization field, an interdisciplinary work is essential to focus on what connects each other, in this case, on reflection.
Yet, it is not possible in only one volume try to answer all the questions about reflection and explains its complete role in our lives. But we hope that, after reaching the end of this volume, we have triggered some intellectual curiosity and some positive thought about the need for cultivating dialogue beyond boundaries.
The chapter is divided into four sections. In the first, entitled “Epistemic Quagmire”, we will present what, in our opinion, describes the erosion of the public epistemic arena in current societies. In the second and more extensive section, “The Art of Conversation”, we present a theoretical formulation about conversation as a public arena of dispute from epistemic disagreements; here we propose that the conversation is an epistemically regulated practice of vital importance for the life of democratic societies. In the third, “Conversation and Polarization”, we discuss one of the consequences of the erosion of the public epistemic arena. In the last section, “The University and the Public Intellectual,” we outline how the university can contribute to understanding and confronting the cultural movement eroding the public epistemic arena.
The chapter is divided into four sections. In the first, entitled “Epistemic Quagmire”, we will present what, in our opinion, describes the erosion of the public epistemic arena in current societies. In the second and more extensive section, “The Art of Conversation”, we present a theoretical formulation about conversation as a public arena of dispute from epistemic disagreements; here we propose that the conversation is an epistemically regulated practice of vital importance for the life of democratic societies. In the third, “Conversation and Polarization”, we discuss one of the consequences of the erosion of the public epistemic arena. In the last section, “The University and the Public Intellectual,” we outline how the university can contribute to understanding and confronting the cultural movement eroding the public epistemic arena.